• Slaan met Stokken (Pitch en Putt + BBQ)

    Dinsdag 21 jun. 2022 15:00 - 21:00

    Hebben sommigen de tijd om dit snel door te lezen? Dan kan ik dit zo vertalen en op de GEWIS pagina plaatsen De zon komt steeds frequenter terug in deze tijd. De zomer gaat bijna van start en menig persoon kan met enthousiasme wederom genieten van een puik glas wijn en verrukkelijke garnituur.

    Wij van het Dispuut "In Vino Veritas" hebben in ieder geval alvast genoten van deze versnaperingen. Vooral bij de Maand'lijkse borrels hebben wij hier veel nadruk op gelegd. Toch is het ook tijd om 'nieuwe' evenementen te organiseren!

    Eventueel, heeft u al volop kunnen genieten van het Decadent weekend dat wij jaarlijks organiseren. Afgelopen jaar hebben wij hier onder andere staan 'Pitch en Putten'. Menig aanwezige had veel waardering voor deze activiteit en vandaar dat wij hebben besloten om deze activiteit in warmer klimaat te laten plaatsvinden!

    Gedurende "Slaan met stokken" zullen wij 9 holes benaderen en triomferen. Echter, zullen wij het hier uiteraard niet bij laten. Zo zal er ook gebarbecued worden onder het genot van gratis drankjes die tijdens de barbecue verkrijgbaar zijn. Het 'Pitch en Putten' zal u €5,- kosten, mits u een eerstejaars bent. Anders hoeft u maar €10,- te betalen voor dit gedeelte van de activiteit. Als u zin heeft in een heerlijke barbecue met onbeperkte drank, zal dit u een extra €7,50 kosten.

    Deze activiteit is zeker voordelig geprijsd voor menig student en daarom ook een echte aanrader om te beleven. Wij van "In Vino Veritas" hebben in ieder geval al extreem veel zin om met u een paar ballen te slaan!

    €5, - (Pitch en Putt, eerstejaars)/€10,- (Pitch en Putt, oudere jaars) + €7,50 BBQ - De Club (Onze Lieve Vrouwestraat 1)
  • Introparent Bonding Activity

    Maandag 20 jun. 2022 14:00 - 18:00

    Dear member,

    Are you becoming an introparent, or do you want to sign up for it? Then this activity is for you! We will organize an afternoon in the sun with some free drinks and ice creams. We have some fun games to play against other parents too. This is the ultimate way to get to know fellow introparents who might have some useful experience!

    I case you still want to subscribe to become an introparent with your buddy, feel free to fill in this form. You have until the end of the IBA to subscribe, so you can come to the activity if you are still not sure if being an introparent is for you.

    We hope to see you there! Hugs, Intro22

    Free - Flux field
  • Lustrum GALAxy

    Za. 18 jun. 2022 (16:00) - zo. 19 jun. 2022 (11:00)

    Geachte GEWIS-leden, Graag nodigt de lustrumcommissie GR8-TIMES jullie op 18 juni 2022 uit voor het lustrumgala. Dit prachtige evenement zal plaatsvinden in de beboste heuvels van Berg en Dal met als thema GALAxy. Deze activiteit wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door onze sponsoren Wolfpack en DSW. Tickets zullen €100,- kosten voor studerende GEWIS-leden. Voor externen en niet-studerende GEWIS-leden zullen de kosten €147,50 bedragen. Let op dat als je een extra ticket koopt, we ervan uitgaan dat dit een ticket voor een extern iemand is óf een niet studerend lid. Als dit niet zo is, stuur dan alsjeblieft een email naar lustrum@gewis.nl. Voor deze prijs bieden wij het volgende aan: - een luxe driegangendiner, - onbeperkt bier, wijn, jägermeister, jenever, apfelkorn en fris, - een feest tot in de late uurtjes met meerdere spectaculaire artiesten, - borrelhapjes en een midnightsnack, - een overnachting in een vier sterren hotel met ligbad, - ontbijt, - voor een meerprijs van ~€10,- zal er ook vervoer geregeld worden vanuit Eindhoven en terug. Het programma begint om 18.00 uur en er kan vanaf 16.00 uur ingecheckt worden in het hotel (bij veel inschrijvingen zullen we gebruik maken van dit tweede hotel, er zullen dan de hele avond pendelbussen rijden). De dresscode is black tie om het voor iedereen toegankelijk te houden maar een lange galajurk en rokkostuum worden aangemoedigd! In aanloop naar de activiteit zullen er pasmomenten komen waar de heren een rokkostuum kunnen aanmeten en kopen. Ook komen er dans en etiquette workshops om iedereen volledig klaar te stomen voor het weekend, hierover komt later meer informatie. Natuurlijk hoort er bij een gala ook een date. In de GEWIS ruimte zullen roze en blauwe brieven gelegd worden zodat men iemand via officiële etiquette uit kan nodigen voor het gala. Uitleg hierover zal bij de brieven te vinden zijn maar mocht je nu al nieuwsgierig zijn dan is er ook veel op Google te vinden. Hopelijk zien we jullie allen in maart om er een onvergetelijke, prACHTtige avond van te maken! Gesponsord door Wolfpack en DSW

    €100 - €147,50 - Berg en Dal
  • GEBALLMERPIEK Beer Pong Tournament Q3 & 4

    Vrijdag 17 jun. 2022 16:30 - 21:00

    Who will be this year’s Beer Pong Champion? That is something we will figure out in Q3 and Q4 of this year. Over one year ago GEBALLMERPIEK hosted a beer games tournament, in which two of GEBALLMERPIEKs own members were crowned victorious. The time has come to attempt to dethrone the kings, as finally there is going to be a new beer pong tournament! Gather your ultimate beer pong buddy and get ready to completely 10-0 your opponents!

    After the sign-up deadline all teams will be divided into groups in which you play against every other team once. After all of the pre-games there will be a knock-out finale on the 17th of June, where the best teams in each of the groups will battle against each other for the ultimate prize and of course the title!

    The pre-games within your group are your own responsibility. You have to plan and play them before the 5th of June, and you pay for your own beers. After a match, the scores need to be communicated to GEBALLMERPIEK@gewis.nl .

    The pre-games can be played anywhere from the moment the group phase is announced up until the 5th of June. More info about the finale will be given later. A paper with the official GEBALLMERPIEK beer pong rules can be found in the GEBALLMERPIEK drawer in the boardroom. For beer pong cups, balls and the rules ask the board or a GEBALLMERPIEK member.

    3 euro (for finalists only) - GEWIS-room
  • Discussion hour: Learn to say "No"

    Vrijdag 17 jun. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    Persoonlijke ontwikkeling

    Do you know that feeling? When you said yes to someone and now you have to help them even though you do not want to? Or did you agree to take over a certain task since the other person is busy even though you are busy yourself as well? Or you said you could join for a certain acitivity, however you don't really feel like it?Then join this activity in which we will talk about how to say ”No”. With the help of a professional we will share experiences, tips and tricks regarding this topic. We will discuss how to set your boundaries respectfully and also touch the topic of FOMO (fear of missing out).

    Any questions or specific things you would like to discuss? Don't hestitate and send an mail to co@gewis.nl or go to Anne in the board room.

    Free! - MF 6.132
  • Khaos Caraoke

    Donderdag 16 jun. 2022 20:00 - 23:00

    Karaoke Night!

    Do you wanna sing along to all the classic hits in a very out-of-tune manner? Or you wanna laugh at fellow GEWIS'ers who can't sing? Then join 16th of June, after the borrel, we can all go to Ameezing. The first 30 GEWIS'ers who show up get a free shot :) We hope to see you all then, for a very chaotic evening.Love,4 Chaos 💜

    free - Ameezing
  • GELIMBO pubquiz

    Woensdag 15 jun. 2022 19:11 - 23:11

    Beste quizzers,

    Het is weer zover. De GELIMBO pubquiz is weer terug van weggeweest! Denk jij alles te weten, of support je graag je teamgenoten van wie jij denkt dat ze alles weten? Het kan allemaal bij de GELIMBO pubquiz! En ja, dit jaar is het weer terecht een PUBquiz. Het vindt plaats op woensdag 15 juni vanaf 19.11 uur in het Hubble Community Café. Schrijf je in met een team van 4 tot 6 personen en win de beste prijzen!

    Voorafgaand aan de pubquiz is het mogelijk bij Hubble een hapje te eten. Je kan kiezen tussen de Daily Dinner Dish Meat of Vega. Dit is op eigen kosten, maar Hubble vindt het fijn een inschatting te hebben van hoeveel mensen komen eten. Schrijf je dus hier in en geef je teamnaam en voorkeur voor eten aan in de twee inschrijflijsten!

    Let op: Er zijn maximaal 100 plaatsen te vergeven én de inschrijflijst voor het eten bij Hubble gaat een week eerder dicht, dus schrijf je op tijd in!

    Hope to see you there!

    Met intelligente zuidelijke groet,Dispuut GELIMBO

    1 euro per persoon - Hubble Community Café
  • GMM189

    Dinsdag 14 jun. 2022 18:00 - 23:00


    This GMM is known as the 'budget GMM' during which next year's budget will be discussed and voted upon. We will also discuss the evaluation of the Multi Annual Strategic Vision that was made by AVW187. Furthermore, a new financial audit committee will be chosen and voted upon. If you are interested in becoming a member, please send an email to <a mailto="pm@gewis.nl">pm@gewis.nl</a>. We will also discuss a change to the HR, but we will not vote upon this. Furthermore, there will be a vote upon an addition to the Eternal Memorandum. There will be an update about SudoSOS, an update from our Information Officer and an update about AVW185.

    Relevant documents can be found online, or will become available online as soon as possible on this page. Agenda points can be send to the board in a digital fashion via <a mailto="board@gewis.nl">board@gewis.nl</a>. The GMM will take place in English. Authorizations can be done online here.

    One week before the GMM is held you can indicate whether you want to receive printed documents at this meeting. To indicate which documents you would like to receive, please use the first subscription list, titled 'Printing documents'. The deadline for this is the 13th of June at 23:59.

    It is also possible to join us for dinner at 17.15h in the GEWIS room. We will order Fuso Wok. You can register using the list "Soho Wok" on this activity before 14.00h on the 14th of June. You can pay using debit/credit card.

    - - MF11/12
  • Lunch Lecture Deltares

    Dinsdag 14 jun. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    Deltares is an independent institute for applied research in the field of water and subsurface. Throughout the world, they work on smart solutions, innovations and applications for people, environment and society. Managing densely populated and vulnerable areas is complex, which is why they work closely with governments, businesses, other research institutes, universities and NGO’s at home and abroad.

    How to minimize or solve societal issues such as the consequences of flooding, sea level rise and coastal development? But also design land reclamation, circular use of natural resources, water distribution and energy transition?

    Deltares delivers knowledge that makes a difference through high-quality software that is continuously being developed. Our software is leading on a global scale and is applied by engineering firms, governments and knowledge institutes both in The Netherlands and in many other countries all over the world. David Rodríguez Aguilera ( Ph. D. Hydrology and Applied Mathematics) will show you in an interactive session how it is to work on these kinds of projects using Mathematics and Informatics. He will show examples of Deltares software applications and brainstorm with you about more daily issues.

    Free lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • Fold & Fly: A GEWIS Competition

    Maandag 13 jun. 2022 16:00 - 18:00

    Dear GEWIS'ers,

    We, a group of friends called Zebra, would like to show you that creativity is much more than coloring, knitting, or painting mugs. For our first activity as Zebra, we would like to invite you to participate in a paper plane championship: Fold & Fly. Your afternoon will be filled with loads of great mini-games unlike any you have ever experienced. Not even Mario Party can compete with this! The rumor even goes that our finale will be hosted by one of Safaripark Beekse Bergen’s inhabitants.

    In this competition, your inner engineer will be put to the test by folding and pimping out paper planes of several gigantanormous sizes. For every format, there are several minigames in which you can earn points. After this, it’s time for the big finale! Your starting position in this finale will depend on how many points you received during the minigames. As a bonus, your team can score extra points for the most beautiful and pimped out airplane!

    So, do you want to become the first ever GEWIS paper plane champion? Yes! Gather your friends and subscribe in groups of 3 or 4 people, if you want us to match you up with other people that is fine too!

    Flying hugs,


    Anne, Niels, Randy, Eline, Arnoud, Finn & Jesse

    Free! - Flux Field (MetaForum side)
  • B.O.O.M. Active Weekend

    Vr. 10 jun. 2022 (14:00) - zo. 12 jun. 2022 (18:00)

    Are you are an adventurous student who likes the spirit of nature and is not afraid to be active for some part of the weekend, or a student who loves to drink beer while sitting at a campfire all night? If you can answer this question with "yes", don't hesitate and join us this year! Every one of you needs a break outside after countless hours of being locked inside, right?

    Before the bad corona monster came around, we used to spend a weekend on a campsite each year. We are not planning on letting this tradition go to waste, so here’s the plan: we organise some great activities for you, we make sure there is a river to "stream" in (ask B.O.O.M. members for details) and a campfire to sit at when it's dark and cold. Examples of activities of previous years are mountain biking, traversing a trail between treetops and canoeing. Since we are on a campsite, we will sleep in cozy tents.

    You do not have to be hungry or thirsty. We arrange a sufficient supply of beers and soda (and coffee for the tough mornings, don’t worry). You can have a taste of Sako’s famous pasta salad on Friday, and enjoy a BBQ on Saturday. It’s all inclusive, so don’t miss out!

    This year, we will visit the Eifel in Germany. The weekend will take place from 10th till 12th of June 2022. If you want to join please subscribe below. If you have a car that can take people to Germany please let us know in the form as well. We would also like to know if you have a tent and how many people could fit in it. We will not make tent groups but this might give other people some help in asking around to find a place to sleep :)

    We are planning on taking 50 persons to our awesome weekend, so subscribe as soon as possible! When there is a lot of interest, we may be able to scale up, but we cannot promise anything yet!

    Met takken!

    €60 - Eifel, Germany
  • Intro Parent Subscription

    Vr. 10 jun. 2022 (00:00) - ma. 20 jun. 2022 (12:00)

    Every year, the introduction committee needs intro parents to house all new students. In this form, you will be able to subscribe to the introduction week as a introduction parent with one of your friends! The introduction week is from 22/08/2022 until 26/08/2022. This means that you HAVE to be available during those times. Next to that, there will also be a training day during the holidays where you need to be present. This day is on the Saturday before the intro week, so 20/08/2022. All bachelor/master students computer science and mathematics can sign up. You don't need to be a GEWIS member. Sign up here (external form)

    Free - TU/e Campus
  • Lunch Lecture DSW

    Donderdag 9 jun. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    Learning from machines: customer satisfaction at DSWA succesful IT organisation encompasses more than just coding. In 2022, we're talking about a mix of designers, (data) analists, testers, progammers and many more. At DSW Zorgverzekeraar we're not striving to be the biggest, but the best insurance company, in both IT and healthcare. We'd like to show you how we'll accomplish this with a few practical examples! Note: after subscribing, showing up is mandatory!

    Information about DSW (Premium Lustrum Sponsor!)

    At DSW we prefer to create our own software applications. We hardly ever use ready-made programs. Our systems for processing healthcare expenses claims, for the registration of new clients or for robotics: our own people designed, developed and tested each and everyone of these. Are you interested in development, but still lacking the skills? No problem! We have our own training programs for C# and SQL to make sure you can quickly become a full-fledged member of our teams for developing applications. Building our own chatbot Nikkie or integrating IDEAL in our app, to make it easier for the insured to pay their bills? Our developers consider it a piece of cake! Want to know more? Come visit us at ictbijdsw.nl.

    Free lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • Défi Anything But Clothes Party

    Wo. 8 jun. 2022 (20:00) - do. 9 jun. 2022 (02:00)

    Hey everyone!

    Feeling tired of studying? Or just thirsty (for beer)? Join us Wednesday the 8th of June at the Millertime for the first ever Défi party!

    The theme will be anything but clothes, meaning you can dress up in a box, or a garbage bag, or anything else (.. but clothes)! We dare you to be as creative as possible, the most creative outfit will receive a price. If you need inspiration, check out the Défi Instagram (@dispuutdefi) during this week for examples of outfits!

    The party will take place after the active members day, but you will have enough time to get dressed in between! (Of course you do not have to be an active member to join the party)

    Furthermore, there will of course be free beer, so even more reason to join!

    Tickets will be sold by Défi members during lunch breaks or during the borrel for 1eu (no cash). If you spontaneously decide to come, or drag a friend along, tickets will be sold at the door for 2eu.

    See you all there!


    Dispuut Défi

    1eu pre-sale, 2eu door - Millertime
  • Gala preparation Dance Workshop 2

    Dinsdag 7 jun. 2022 18:00 - 19:30

    Dear member,

    As you might be aware of, the Lustrum GALAxy is approaching rapidly. This means that currently the stressful period of arranging a fitting costume and a lovely date is in full swing. However, you also need to have stunning dance moves for the GALAxy! This might be needed to persuade someone to go with you and you also do not want to trip over your own feet during the gala, as this would be a great embarrassment.Luckily, the Lustrum Committee can help you with this as well! We will organize two dance workshops prior to the gala, such that you are able to impress everybody with the dance skills you and your date have! These will be on the 31st of May and the 7th of June, so save the dates!Subscribing can be done at the GEWIS website.More information about the dancing style and the location will follow shortly.

    Kind regards,the Lustrum Committee

    Free - MetaForum 11/12
  • AC Bubblesoccer feat. TOPdesk

    Dinsdag 7 jun. 2022 13:00 - 17:30

    Dear GEWIS'ers,

    Have you ever gotten tired of your arms flailing around during a soccer match? Or that it's way too easy to balance yourself while going for the ball?

    Oh, do we have the solution for you! Presenting: AC Bubblesoccer feat. TOPdesk, where you can take part in challenging, but mostly hilarous soccer matches in giant plastic bubbles. Don't worry about bumping into people (some might argue that's the whole point), as you will safely bounce on the floor in a spectACular manner.

    Hopefully we'll have nice weather, but don't worry about getting too warm in the bubbles as we'll play short ACtion-packed matches. We will also order some pizza's after an afternoon of bouncing around. They are ordered on an own-cost basis. If you'd like one as well I kindly refer to the attAChed eating sign-up list.

    The ACtivity will take place from 13:00 until 17:30 on the Flux Field (MetaForum side). The maximum number of participants is 30. So sign up now and partake in soccer like you never have before!

    Free! - Flux Field (MetaForum side)
  • Lunch Lezing ASML

    Dinsdag 7 jun. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    We challenge all the modern high tech gadgets we have to do what we want. This challenges the chip-manufactures worldwide to keep up with our demands. ASML is challenged by these companies to provide them with “state of the art” semi-conductor lithography systems.

    There are many opportunities within ASML to improve our products. To develop these improvement solutions we need to run simulations on mechanics, optics and water, air or temperature flows.

    To be sure we have an improvement we need statistics to proof the new design is better than the old one.

    Unfortunately machine parts break down or fail at customer sites, then it is important to have some logic reasoning in order to solve this issue fast in a good way.

    John van Dijk is an experienced Design Engineer at ASML image sensors, who will explain where within ASML how and which branches of mathematics are applied.

    LinkedIn: John Van Dijk | LinkedIn Note: After subscribing, showing up is mandatory!

    Gratis lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • [CANCELLED] Travel to Antwerp with GeLOBAL

    Maandag 6 jun. 2022 09:30 - 23:00

    Hello everyone,

    Now that the weather is getting warmer and everything’s opening up after a long time of restrictions and quarantine, it is time for a day trip! GeLOBAL is taking you to Antwerp to discover the city and make new friends.

    We’ll get to Antwerp in a big bus from Eindhoven and start with a few quick and fun opening activities when we’re there. It will be followed by a short tour taking you through the landmarks of the city. Afterwards, you’ll split into small groups and complete challenges all while discovering the city. And in the evening, we’ll finish by having some drinks and pizzas or pasta, all of which like the transport are included in the price.

    Below you can subscribe and give your dinner preference. Note that there is a maximum capacity of 40 people and if there are more subscriptions before the signup deadline, there will be a draw.

    30 euro - Antwerp
  • FYC Cantus

    Vrijdag 3 jun. 2022 19:45 - 23:59

    It's getting warmer outside, so what better way to celebrate summer other than wear red hoods and black boots and sing a Christmas carol? It is time to celebrate our favourite holiday of the year: Christmas! ... Who said it only has to be done once a year?

    Under the shining sun, we welcome all first years (and more) to a night full of singing, chanting and drinking, with a goal to call to the Christmas spirits to look upon us and be confused.

    Subscriptions open NOW!

    €11 for alcohol ticket,€5 for first-year alcohol ticket,€5 for water ticket, or€2.50 for first-year water ticket.

    Doors open at 19:45! We hope to see you at in FAB28 for an experience like never before.

    €11 alcohol ticket, €5 first-year alcohol ticket, €5 water ticket, or €2.5 first-year water ticket - Fabritiuslaan 28, 5645ES, Eindhoven
  • Hi everyone! Besides organizing activities to better represent internationals, GeLOBAL wants to make sure internationals are heard at GEWIS. This is why we would like to gather some feedback from you guys. During this discussion hour, together with academic advisor Aïssa Huysmans, we would like to hear how you feel about university life, associations and GEWIS in general. During the discussion hour you will be given free lunch to thank you for sharing your thoughts and opinions!

    If you have any questions or have a specific thing you would like to discuss during this hour, don’t hesitate to send an e-mail to gelobal@gewis.nl

    Free Lunch! - Luna 1.056
  • BAC x B.O.O.M. B^x borrel Summer edition

    Donderdag 2 jun. 2022 16:30 - 19:00


    B.O.O.M. brings to you in collaboration with the BAC, The summer edition of our famous B^x Borrel. Beer, BBQ, Bad (swimming pool), Boswandeling, (B)cocktails, and a lot more! Join us outdoors, and don't forget your swimwear. Thursday 2nd of June 16:30 at the Simon Stevin Field

    BAC coins - Simon Stevin field (next to Markthal)
  • B.O.O.M. WaterVolleybal

    Donderdag 2 jun. 2022 14:00 - 16:00

    Do you like to play some volleyball outside?Have you ever wondered how this would be inside of a pool?Then join us for some amazing games of WaterVolleyball in our large pool outside for some sportive enjoyment.So bring your swimming trunks and find yourself some teammates to join or just walk by and jump in when you are ready.Thursday 2nd of June, at 14:00 - 16:00 on the Simon Stevin Field between the Markthal and the pond. Afterwards you can still enjoy the pool during our amazing B^x borrel.Met takken,Your favorite B.O.O.M. aspies

    Free - Simon Stevin field (next to markthal)
  • Lunch Lecture Shell

    Donderdag 2 jun. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    Shell is an international energy company with expertise in the exploration, production, refining and marketing of oil and natural gas, and the manufacturing and marketing of chemicals. We use advanced technologies and take an innovative approach to help build a sustainable energy future. We also invest in power, including from low-carbon sources such as wind and solar; and new fuels for transport, such as advanced biofuels and hydrogen.

    The content of this lecture will be updated soon!

    Free lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • [AFGELAST] GALAxy Speeddaten

    Woensdag 1 jun. 2022 19:00 - 22:00

    Het is al bijna tijd voor het geweldige lustrumgala! Je hebt je helemaal voorbereid; kappertje gepakt, je beste kleren uit de kast gehaald, dit gaat een topavond worden. Maar vergeet je niet iets?Ohja! Je galadate! Maar hoe kan je zo kort dag nog een date regelen?

    Niet getreurd, GR8-TIMES heeft speciaal voor jullie een speeddate-avond in het Dakterras georganiseerd. Kom woensdagavond 1 juni naar GEWIS en maak kennis met alle hartveroverende charmeurs die GEWIS rijk is. Wij zullen leuke gespreksonderwerpen regelen, zodat je nooit met een mond vol tanden aan tafel zit, of niets meer wist te zeggen omdat je verdwaalde in de ogen van de schoonheid tegenover je.

    Gratis - GEWIS
  • I.V.V Etiquette Workshop

    Woensdag 1 jun. 2022 18:00 - 19:00

    Dear GEWIS members,

    In the past, etiquettes were passed on from generation to generation by default. This automatic process was guided by natural hierarchy of older members feeling the obligation to share their knowledge to the younger generations. However, the last few years there was little to celebrate, thus these etiquettes have vanished a bit. This is a great shame; imagine you embarrass yourself on such a prestigious occasion like a Lustrum Gala. Ouch!

    Luckily, I.V.V is there to offer you a solution! Lo and behold, the I.V.V Etiquette Workshop. Wednesday the first of June "Hèt Dispuut" will bring you a crash course in manners and unwritten rules such that you can experience the gala night to the fullest. In this crash course you will be fully prepared to act adequately in every situation that might present itself. Registration is completely free, and the workshop will take an hour, so do not hesitate to come by!

    0 - GEWIS
  • Build your own ice cream sandwich

    Woensdag 1 jun. 2022 12:30 - 13:30

    Do you like ice cream? Yes of course you do! What better than enjoying an ice cream sandwich in the break? We from GETAART will be handing them out on the first of June. So just swing by and we will see you then! Make sure to be on time tho, because they might go quickly!

    Free - Underneath the Markthal
  • Gala preparation Dance Workshop 1

    Dinsdag 31 mei. 2022 18:00 - 19:30

    Dear member,

    As you might be aware of, the Lustrum GALAxy is approaching rapidly. This means that currently the stressful period of arranging a fitting costume and a lovely date is in full swing. However, you also need to have stunning dance moves for the GALAxy! This might be needed to persuade someone to go with you and you also do not want to trip over your own feet during the gala, as this would be a great embarrassment.Luckily, the Lustrum Committee can help you with this as well! We will organize two dance workshops prior to the gala, such that you are able to impress everybody with the dance skills you and your date have! These will be on the 31st of May and the 7th of June, so save the dates!Subscribing can be done at the GEWIS website.More information about the dancing style and the location will follow shortly.

    Kind regards,the Lustrum Committee

    Free - MetaForum 11/12
  • COSMOS + GEWIS BBQ Evening

    Dinsdag 31 mei. 2022 17:30 - 23:00

    Are you looking forward to enjoying the sun, good weather and great company? Well then you're just in time!

    Cosmos & GEWIS are partnering up to give you the BBQ of the year! Ever wanted to get to know your fellow international and Dutch classmates? Well what better opportunity than a relaxed BBQ and games!

    There will be good food, good games, and even greater company! For only €5,50.

    €5,50 - Field 4 on Campus
  • Lunch Lecture Oracle Labs

    Dinsdag 31 mei. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    Oracle Labs is a research and development organization within Oracle. Their research is focused on real-world outcomes: their researchers aim to develop technologies that will play a significant role in the evolution of technology and society. Today, Oracle Labs researchers look for novel approaches and methodologies, often taking on projects with high risk or uncertainty, or that are difficult to tackle within a product-development organization. Its main directions of work include research, consulting, and product incubation.

    In this lunch lecture Martijn Dwars will introduce Oracle and its research division Oracle Labs. He will give a brief introduction to three projects that the Zürich office is involved in: the parallel graph analytics engine PGX and its domain specific languages PGQL & PGX Algorithm, the universal virtual machine GraalVM, and the multilingual engine MLE. After this lecture, you will know how to analyze graphs with billions of vertices/edges, how to remove the barriers between programming languages, and how to reduce the startup time of your Java applications by 10x.

    Free lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • GEWIS Partylights sale

    Dinsdag 31 mei. 2022 09:00 - 12:30

    On GMM 187, it was decided that the party lights in the GEWIS room would be replaced. The new lights will be installed on the 31st of May, meaning that we have the old lights left over. As promised during that GMM, these lights will be sold to GEWIS members for a friendly price, namely 30 euros per light. Note that this is 5 euros more than originally budgetted, but this is because of increased installation costs for the new lights. The lights we are selling are Showtec LED PAR 56 Short Pro RGB's. They include a power cord, but to chain them toghether, you will need to buy your own DMX cabling. You can find the specifications in the manual of the Showtec LED PAR 56 Short Pro RGB.

    The lights will be sold in pairs. To become eligible to buy a pair, you can subscribe to this activity below. There are 19 lights in total, meaning that one person will get only one light. If there are more than 10 people subscribed, there will be a draw. The draw also determines the 10th person who can buy the single light. If there are less than 10 people subscribed, There will be a draw to determine the order of who can buy a second pair as well (if you want to). The draw will take place on the 30th of May.

    The lights have to be picked up on Tuesday the 31st of May, because there is no space to store them after they have been removed from the ceiling. If due to circumstances the new party lights cannot be hung on the 31st, the pickup moment will also be moved.

    30 euros per light - 't Dakterras
  • Education Debate

    Maandag 30 mei. 2022 17:45 - 20:45

    Persoonlijke ontwikkeling

    The Education Debate, organized by GEWIS, is finally making a return! On May 30th, students and teachers will go head to head to discuss some of the toughest dilemmas in education. With staff from our department and university invited to watch the debate unfold, this is the chance to show what’s important for students.Is online education the future of our university? Should the mandatory attendance of exams be discontinued? And would teaching sustainability to all students be beneficial? Multiple statements will be discussed in an interactive manner. Of course, the actual statements will be kept secret until close to the debate, but we guarantee a wide variety of topics!Don’t feel like debating, but you are interested in listening? Then you’re also welcome. We ensure it will be interesting and interactive for all who wish to attend.

    A debate training will be held prior to the actual debate. This training will be on the 18th of May in the evening. During this training you will learn how to properly formalize and structure your arguments. This will help you to make your arguments better to follow for the audience, but also for the jury. Who will judge you on your ability of debating and announce the best debater at the end. The best debater will be awarded with a lovely price.Subscribe here for the training.

    To make the evening complete you can enjoy some lovely dinner during the break. If you have any allergies please send an e-mail to co@gewis.nl.

    If you have any questions or remarks do not hesitate to send an e-mail to co@gewis.nl.

    Free dinner! - Auditorium 11

    Woensdag 25 mei. 2022 16:30 - 21:00


    Zoals we allemaal weten, zijn de GEWIS borrels een van de leukste activiteiten van de week. Maar hoe leg je dat goed uit aan je familieleden? Gelukkig komt er binnenkort een mogelijkheid om dit probleem op te lossen, want de BAC organiseert weer een GESCHWISTER borrrrel op woensdag 25 mei! Tijdens deze (verlengde) borrel kun je je broertjes, zusjes en alles wat ertussenin zit, meenemen naar de GEWIS borrel om ze te laten zien hoe mooi koud bier, broodjes knak en schreeuwen voor een shotje (en terug schreeuwen) is!

    Je kunt natuurlijk aan je familieleden vragen om te komen, maar dat is niets aan... Daarom kun je, vanaf dinsdag 3 mei tot en met donderdag 19 mei, een gratis papieren uitnodiging in de vorm van een ansichtkaartje naar ze sturen! Je kunt ze schrijven en versturen in de GEWIS ruimte.

    Tot op de 25e!

    Knuffels,De BAC

    - - Het Dakterras
  • BorrelXL

    Dinsdag 24 mei. 2022 18:00 - 23:00


    On Tuesday the 24th of May, the BorrelXL will take place. It is the biggest (outside) drink of the year, organized by all study associations of the TU/e! Line up During the evening, you can expect to see some amazing artist. A full list of them can be found below, and more information can also be found on the Instagram page. 18:00 - 18:30 Maiko18:30 - 19:00 Lefgozers19:00 - 20:00 DJ Rozo20:00 - 21:00 Dave Roelvink21:00 - 22:00 DJ Madstew22:00 - 23:00 Stohrzender with Luuc Evers Ticket sale is open now, so make sure you get one and enjoy this great party with all your fellow students. Buy your ticket here!

    €5 ticket, drinks for €1 - Markthal Metaforum
  • Lunch Lecture Sioux Technologies

    Dinsdag 24 mei. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    Sioux Technologies is a global technology partner that supports or acts as the R&D department for high-tech companies. Working at Sioux, means working together with a team of driven, smart and fun colleagues on high-tech solutions that make a difference. As a talent in software, mechatronics, mathematics, automotive or electronics, you will contribute to the development and construction of complex products, often on the verge of what is technologically possible. At Sioux, you will work on a project for a big multinational in the region or for a promising start-up tackling the next breakthrough technology.

    Agile has become the most popular project management framework in the world. With more than 70% of all software development companies declaring themselves agile and a myriad of promises for project woes, it has become expected for both employers and (would-be) employees to know it. And yet despite the widespread adoption; Agile for a developer can sometimes feel like just micromanagement with extra steps or even just plain old confusing! In this lunch time talk we'll try and demystify some of the aspects of, and the benefits of Agile.

    Linniel is a senior software engineer for Sioux currently on assignment with ASML. Graduating in 2017 in the UK he moved to the Netherlands and now has 5 years of industry experience with various companies. Wielding the Agile Manifesto in hand, he was recently certified as an Agile Scrum Master. In his free time, he likes videogames, reading and only half finishing his personal software projects.

    Free lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • GEPWNAGE Dungeon World

    Maandag 23 mei. 2022 19:13 - 23:00

    Do you love fantasy? Did you enjoy playing pretend as a kid? Do you like dungeons and dragons or would you like it if it was a bit more simple? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then GEPWNAGE has a great event for you, presenting: The GEPWNAGE Dungeon World night!

    Monday May 23rd, GEPWNAGE is organizing an RPG night accessible to veterans and new players alike. For this activity we'll have a hoard of Game Masters ready to run an adventure playable in one night.

    FAQ: Q: Where will we play? A: At GEWIS ❤️

    Q: Can I sign up with friends? A: You can make a party with up to 4 players, each player has to sign up individually.

    Q: Do I need to have played before? A: No, of course not!

    Q: What is the attendee limit? A: Up to 32 people can attend.

    Q: How long does the activity last? A: This is flexible, and up to your team and game master.

    Q: Should I bring anything? A: Just your good mood!

    Ready to fight monsters and slay queens? Register now!

    - - GEWIS
  • [CANCELLED] Business Case Anago

    Maandag 23 mei. 2022 14:00 - 17:00

    In this case we will give you an insight in a realistic planning problem that our consultants dive into. We help organizations with planning problems by providing them a custom software solution. This happens on our low-code platform (Anago Assemble) by modelling various buildings blocks.

    Organizations come to us with all sorts of problems. You will help us with a case from the Dutch Immigration Service (IND). The IND assesses all applications from foreign nationals who want to live in the Netherlands or want to become Dutch citizens. You can imagine this is a very hot topic in times of war (Ukraine) and flow of specific refugees (Syrians).

    In recent years, the large number of applications has resulted in a backlog of thousands of asylum applications. . This is troublesome for both; the asylum seekers who are waiting for their application review, as well as for the Dutch Immigration Service, that have to pay penalties for long asylum processes.

    With your team you will help the IND by efficiently reducing the backlog of thousands of asylum applications. For the best solutions you have to take different dependencies into account such as availability of employees, competence (languages) of employees, nationality of refugees, penalties of refugees and of course ethical decisions.

    Which group will manage to get to the lowest penalty fee, while taking ethics into account?

    Please bring your own laptop for this case. This case will be most interesting for mathematics students

    Free! - t.b.d.
  • ATHENA weekend Leeuwarden

    Vr. 20 mei. 2022 (14:00) - zo. 22 mei. 2022 (18:00)

    Dear GEWIS'ers,

    It is finally time for another ATHENA weekend! ATHENA is organizing a city trip to Leeuwarden from Friday the 20th to Sunday the 22th of May! We have arranged a very nice place to sleep for two nights, and two secret activities. The rest of the weekend you are free to do whatever you like: eat some Frisian sugarbread, climb the Oldehove (the Pisa tower of the North), shop in the historic city center, picnic in the park at the water canals, etc. The costs will be 40 euros for GEWIS members (including a place to sleep for two nights and the two activities, excluding everything else). The subscription list will open Friday the 8th of April at 12:30h. There are only 34 spots available, so be sure to subscribe on time! If there are more than 34 subscriptions in the first one and a half hour, there will be a draw. If there are less than 34 subscriptions at 14:00h on the 8th of April, it will be first come first served!

    If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us in person or via mail.

    Love, ATHENA

    40 euros for students, 77 euros for others - Leeuwarden, Friesland
  • Bright Cape Social Drink

    Donderdag 19 mei. 2022 16:30 - 19:00


    At Bright Cape, we breathe data. We have a talented and knowledgeable pool of colleagues with expertise in analytics & applied data science, data-driven experience design, process mining, and innovative products. We that take our clients on a journey of discovery through their data and guide them in their digitization journey by building and implementing scalable, sustainable data science solutions. Our solutions have proven successful in the Operations, Finance, Supply Chain, and IT business functions. We know exactly what to do to help organizations increase revenues, reduce costs and streamline their processes.

    If you want to meet Bright Cape in an informal setting, be sure to join the social drink! During the social drink they will give a short speech, and they will be walking around to answer any question you have. They will also hand out a keg of beer, so be there or be square!

    Free keg! - 't Dakterras
  • Education Debate: Prior Training

    Woensdag 18 mei. 2022 19:00 - 20:30

    Persoonlijke ontwikkeling

    DISCLAIMER: This training is meant for the people who go to the education debate.

    It speaks for itself that during a debate participants discuss a subject from two opposing sides. Each topic has two sides, those who agree on the ”Pro” side and those who disagree on the “Con” side. Each side will engage the audience and will try to persuade the audience to their side.As this may sound easy, there is more to it then just telling your opinion. The art of structuring your arguments isn’t that easy. In order to perform your best and make sure the jury can most optimally judge all participants it is highly recommended to join this training if you go to the education debate on 30th of May.

    Prior to the training there is the possibility to eat pizza together.We will order at Domino's.If you have any questions or remarks you can send an e-mail to co@gewis.nl

    Free! - To be determined
  • Défi x Studium Generale USE Lecture: Happy Sex

    Woensdag 18 mei. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    Persoonlijke ontwikkeling

    Défi is organizing a lecture together with Studium Generale during the lunch break of May 18! You get a USE point for attending! You can subsribe here

    *Do you feel comfortable sexually? Do you struggle to find what works for you? What are your boundaries and how do you communicate consent? If you need time to think about these questions, you are not alone! Lisette Mepschen (Lieve Lisette) helps you discover what could make sex into happy(er) sex.

    Lisette started as an escort at the age of 20, and soon after founded her own escort agency. These days, she mainly focuses on connecting with her clients. Lisette has a lot of experience with clients that have impairments or other conditions that can introduce a variety of challenges for their sex lives.

    Lisette is also a public speaker and podcast maker on a mission to break down common prejudices about sex work and to help people achieve a satisfying sex life. Drawing upon her years of experience in the field of sex work and sexuality, in this lecture, Lisette will share insights about consent, being comfortable with your body, and simply feeling good about sex.

    There will be an opportunity to submit questions during the lecture anonymously.*

    Free! - Blauwe Zaal, Auditorium
  • Lunch Lecture Deloitte

    Dinsdag 17 mei. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    The emergence and exponential growth of new technologies is changing the world radically in the coming years. No company or organization can avoid the consequences of far-reaching digitization and computerization. Deloitte knows the challenges in your industry and translates market problems of the future into creative and innovative solutions. Deloitte is a professional services firm with 244,000 employees worldwide and offices in more than 150 countries. With over 5,500 employees and 14 offices throughout the Netherlands, Deloitte is one of the largest providers of professional services in the field of accountancy, tax advice, consultancy, risk advice and financial advice. The professionals work in multidisciplinary teams and therefore have a very broad vision of our clients' issues. Deloitte is the reliable and innovative partner that gives you insight into the opportunities of your future business now.

    More information about this lunch lecture will follow soon!

    Free lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • GMM188

    Ma. 16 mei. 2022 (19:00) - di. 17 mei. 2022 (02:00)


    During this general members meeting, the 40th board will present their quarterly financial report. Furthermore, we will vote on the continuation of the fraternities of GEWIS. The candidates of the 41st board will present their revised 7th function proposal and present their board policy and revised continuous board policy. After this we will elect the 41st board of GEWIS. There will be an update about SudoSOS, an update from our Information Officer, an update about AVW185 and an update about AVW187.

    Relevant documents can be found online, or will become available online as soon as possible on this page. Agenda points can be send to the board in a digital fashion via page. Agenda points can be send to the board in a digital fashion via board@gewis.nl. The GMM will take place in English. Authorizations can be done online here.

    One week before the GMM is held you can indicate whether you want to receive printed documents at this meeting. To indicate which documents you would like to receive, please use the first subscription list, titled 'Printing documents'. The deadline for this is the 15th of May at 23:59.

    For this GMM, you will not be able to order any food with us.

    - - FAB28 (Fabritiuslaan 28, 5645 ES Eindhoven)
  • GEZWEM zeildag

    Zondag 15 mei. 2022 09:00 - 16:00

    ARGHH! Na het Legendarische zeilweekend op de Vrijheid komt er nóg een schitterende GEZWEM activiteit aan!Ditmaal zal het plaatsvinden op de manier zoals u van ons gewend bent, maar dan gepropt in 1 dag.Wij zullen bij Sailcenter Limburg te water gaan in valk-boten, met 4-5 personen per boot, om vervolgens te genieten van een heerlijke dag zeilen. Zeilervaring is niet nodig!Wij zullen gezamenlijk vanuit Eindhoven met het OV naar de zeillocatie reizen.

    Eerstejaars: €7,50 Rest: €12,50 - Sailcenter Limburg
  • Lustrum Hackathon

    Zaterdag 14 mei. 2022 10:00 - 20:00

    Another super awesome lustrum activity is coming up: a hackathon! If you want to solve a problem while working with real-life data, this is the perfect activity for you. While doing this you get an idea of what you can be doing after you are finished with your study.The hackathon involves real data from a customer of Wolfpack. In teams of 2 to 6 people, you will work on a problem that is presented by Wolfpack and give a representation of the daily work at Wolfpack.During the day you will be provided with free lunch, dinner, snacks and after the hard work is finished a free borrel.

    The winning three groups will receive a small prize, and the best group also wins an even bigger prize ;). As icing on the cake, for first-year students, you can receive 1 MyFuture point by joining this activity!

    When subscribing please indicate whether you are subscribing with a team and if yes, please denote your team name. If you would like to participate in this activity but have not yet found a team, please leave the 'Team name' empty.

    Free - Metaforum
  • I.V.V Maand'lijksche Borrel "Gin & Tonics"

    Vrijdag 13 mei. 2022 18:00 - 21:30


    Het is alweer ruim een maand geleden, dus we mogen weer: de volgende Maand'lijksche Borrel staat op de planning! Het einde van het collegejaar komt in zicht, de Despo's worden tevoorschijn getoverd en de parken worden weer druk bezet; kortom, de zomer gaat beginnen! Terwijl de zon weer een bronze kleur op menig gezicht tovert, gaat men dagelijks op zoek naar de nodige verkoeling. Schaduw en airco zijn leuk, maar welke verkoeling is nou beter dan die te vinden is in het glas!

    Hoewel een witte wijn of een frisse bubbel al de nodige uitweg kunnen bieden op dit gebied, gaan de leeden der Dispuut "In Vino Veritas" graag een stap verder. Daarom zal er, naast een gebruikelijke selectie sloeberwijntjes, een tweede categorie op de denkbeeldige menukaart te vinden zijn: tintelende tonics in een bittere balans met geweldige gins. Een drietal combinaties is te koop voor een schamele 10 ekkenballen, een schijntje voor deze heerlijk gegarneerde glazen zoals u nog niet eerder geproefd heeft.

    Zoekt u dus verkoeling van het warme weer, heeft u zin in een paar heerlijke gin & tonics, of wilt u gewoon gezellig op de vrijdagmiddag een wijntje komen drinken? Begeeft u zich dan vooral op vrijdag 13 mei naar GEWIS-ruimte "Het Dakterras" en sluit vanaf klokslag 18 aan bij de leden van Hèt Dispuut!

    Afhankelijk van wat er in je glas zit - GEWIS-ruimte "Het Dakterras"
  • Vergadering

    During the last GMM AVW187 was founded to evaluate the progress of the goals set in the Strategic Vision of GEWIS. To continue the way of working of AVW160, AVW175 & AVW180-E we are organizing 2 brainstorm sessions to evaluate the progress of the goals.

    During this second session we will discuss the following subjects from the Strategic Vision of GEWIS: 3.9 - 3.17 (Career, Alumni, Education, Educational Officer, Position of GEWIS in co-determination, Position GEWIS within department, Fraternities, Arrangement GEWIS room, Policies)

    The second brainstorm will take on May 13nd from 12:30 till 13:30 in MF6.132.If it is not possible for you to attend, but you do have comments, you can send them, preferably before the meeting to avw187@gewis.nl

    - - MF6.132
  • Parent days for first year students

    Vrijdag 13 mei. 2022 09:00 - 18:00

    Are you a first year student? Do you want your parents to experience what it is like to be a student for a day? That is possible!

    The ODC (parent day committee) will be organizing two parent days for the parents of first year mathematics and/or computer science students! These parent days will take place on the Friday the 13th and 20th of May.

    More information can be found on our website, here you can also subscribe for the parent days. Click here! Subscribing is possible before May 5th.IMPORTANT NOTE: The parent days will be organised fully in Dutch!

    Free! - TU/e Campus
  • Intro Theme Announcement Borrel

    Donderdag 12 mei. 2022 16:30 - 19:00


    The long awaited intro theme announcement borrel is finally here!

    This year, we are finally able to stay true to the name again and organise a borrel together with the BAC to announce the Intro theme! Are you interested in finding out what the next Intro theme will be? Come to the borrel and find out with some free beer and a themed shotcard. Maybe the shotcard will give you some hints about the theme ;).

    With lots of love, Intro22

    The drinks you order - GEWIS room
  • Discussion hour: Everyday addictive behaviours

    Maandag 9 mei. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    Persoonlijke ontwikkeling

    One beer becomes two, two becomes three and before you know it you cannot keep track of it anymore. Or maybe you notice that you cannot live without coffee or gaming or something else. Not necessarily a problem, but if it becomes a big part of your life and hinders you in your everyday life then it does become a problem.During this discussion hour, together with a professional, we will dive into the topic addictive behaviors. Here we can share tips and tricks together.

    If you have any questions or remarks feel free to contact co@gewis.nl.

    Free! - MF 1.092 (Energy Forum)
  • GALAxy Rokkostuumpasmomentinteressepeiling

    Ma. 9 mei. 2022 (09:00) - wo. 11 mei. 2022 (17:00)

    Om er op z'n best uit te zien op het Lustrum GALAxy, heb je een goed passend rokkostuum nodig.Gelukkig hebben we ook dit keer een samenwerking met GENTS, waardoor men een prachtig op maat gemaakt rokkostuum kan bemachtigen voor een schappelijke studentenprijs van 135 euro. Ze bieden ook een mooi paar lakschoenen aan, die je er bij kan krijgen voor 40 euro.Om te weten hoeveel pasmomenten we moeten inplannen, vragen we je om je op deze lijst in te schrijven als je een rokkostuum van GENTS wilt. Inschrijven is niet bindend, maar helpt on en GENTS met het plannen. Dankjewel!

    €135,- excl. schoenen (€40,-) - Metaforum
  • Wervingsdagen: Interviewing Days

    Ma. 9 mei. 2022 (09:00) - do. 12 mei. 2022 (20:00)

    Persoonlijke ontwikkeling

    KING-SIZE YOUR NETWORK at the Interviewing Days! From the 9th until the 12th of May, you can join the Interviewing Days of Wervingsdagen. Here you can talk with companies in an interview setting, do interesting cases, have some lunch or dinner or even play a round of golf. So if you have talked to a company that you liked during the Career Expo, are looking for a place to do an internship, want to know more in-depth what a specific company does or are just looking to see what is possible to do later, make sure to subscribe. You can find all information via wervingsdagen.com. The subscriptions are open until the 27th of April.

    - - Van der Valk Hotel Eindhoven
  • Buggers' Dodgeball

    Zaterdag 7 mei. 2022 13:30 - 16:00

    Hello everyone!

    We are the Bug Splatter (FYC22-2), and we are kicking the fourth quartile off right by hosting a fun dodgeball event at the sports centrum! After the game, we will have a chill time at GEWIS. There are exciting prizes for the winners! 😉 So come and join us for a fun active day on Saturday, May 7th! Do make sure to bring your own water bottle and wear some sports clothing! Can’t wait to see you guys there!

    For any questions, you can send a message to @salibasri on Instagram.

    Free! - Student Sportscentrum (SSCE)
  • (Delft-)Eindhoven-Twente day

    Vr. 6 mei. 2022 (12:30) - za. 7 mei. 2022 (10:00)

    Though it was supposed to be a yearly-recurring activity, it has been a long time since the last Delft-Eindhoven-Twente day (DET-day) took place: a day for the integration of members of the study associations Abacus and Inter-Actief from Enschede, Christiaan Huygens from Delft and GEWIS from Eindhoven. Abacus is about to change that! This year, the DET-day will take place on the 6th of May in the form of an ET-day, as Delft unfortunately won't be joining. This wonderful day will be all about discovering the University of Twente campus, getting to know other amazing people with the same interests, and exploring the local paradise of drinks: the campus pub. The day includes a krokettenlunch, dinner and an overnight stay, such that it is not necessary to travel back late in the evening! Does this sound like music to your ears? Then subscribe now! If you have any questions, you can always send an email to detday@abacus.utwente.nl.


    On Friday morning, we will take the train from Eindhoven to get to Enschede. We will take the train back on Saturday. If you don't have free public transport during any of these moments and want to join with a group ticket (to get a discount), you can indicate so on the subscription list below. Note that there are only 40 spots available, so make sure to subscribe quickly if you want to join!

    ± €15 - University of Twente, Enschede
  • Anti slip cursus

    Woensdag 4 mei. 2022 13:00 - 17:00

    Persoonlijke ontwikkeling

    In movies cars are always drifting and shooting away dramatically, but in real life slipping in your car is one of the most dangerous things you can do. TRAIN organises an anti skid training especially for this eventuality! During the workshop we will learn about the correct driving position, braking, an emergency stop and of course slipping in a car!The location will provide the car, so you can use your bike to get there or go there by bus.There will be two groups of 20 people participating during the workshop. The first group will start at 13:00 and end at 15:00. The second group starts at 15:00 and will end at 17:00There are 40 places for this activity, so subscribe fast!

    30 - De Leeuw trainingscentrum(Boutenslaan 161)
  • ATHENA Color Crush Party

    Di. 3 mei. 2022 (20:00) - wo. 4 mei. 2022 (02:00)

    TL;DR: ATHENA color crush party on may 3rd 20:00 in Costa.

    Dear all,

    On the 3rd of May, ATHENA will organise a party and you are all invited! We are proud to announce our theme: 'Color Crush'. This means that your dresscode is determined by the color of your ticket. If you actually uphold to this dresscode, there might be a nice surprise available for you at the party ;)

    Make sure to be on time for the party since the first 100 beer before 21:00 are free and you can get a free welcome shot in the color of your ticket.

    You can buy tickets at the ATHENA members who will sell tickets during the upcoming drinks. Hope to see you there!


    1 euro (door: 2 euros) - Costa
  • Lunch lecture Prodrive

    Dinsdag 3 mei. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    Prodrive Technologies expertise ranges from embedded computing, motion & mechatronics, power conversion, automation control systems, vision & image processing systems and internet of things products, configurable to the customers needs.

    In industrial production environments only 53% of all AI/ML applications make it in the long run. Companies often struggle with setting up, integrating, and maintaining stable production environments for machine learning. Defining and implementing a robust MLOps process is key and should address the following elements:

    The standardization of data collection, including database structures, communication interfaces and GUIs, automating distributed model training including version control of data and models (Tensorflow/PyTorch models on Kubernetes clusters);deploying models-as-a-service (for instance with gRPC interfaces);constant monitoring of model inference performance with dashboards including alerts;adding model inference feedback with the human-in-the-loop;and supporting state-of-the-art model explainers to also give a reason why predictions are made.

    In this lunch lecture we show this process for the application of automatic visual inspection of electronics using deep learning models as used within Prodrive Technologies.

    Free Lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • C4 Company dinner 2021-2022

    Maandag 2 mei. 2022 17:30 - 21:00

    Persoonlijke ontwikkeling

    Dear students,

    On Monday the 2nd of May, C4 is organizing a great career event: The C4 Company Dinner! For only 15 euros you will get a full dinner in an actual restaurant and you will be able to talk to two companies about anything you want.

    At the dinner, four companies will attend, of which you can choose two to talk with. With both of them, you will enjoy four nice courses and some drinks to discover the career possibilities they have in an informal conversation. As usual in our career related activities, we will also provide you with enough food and drinks.

    Are you a Master student? Then you are lucky! If there are more than 36 people subscribed to this activity, we will put Master students first. Make sure you fill in what type of food you want (You can choose between meat and vegan), field of interest and which companies you would like to have dinner with.

    The companies that will attend are:


    Information about the companies:

    Capgemini:Capgemini is a consultancy company, with its field of activity in ICT and consultancy. In 2017, the multinational employed more than 195,000 people worldwide. Capgemini is a worldwide leader in consultancy, technological services and digital transformation.

    If you want to read more about Capgemini, you can already read more about Capgemini as an employer here.

    Ellips:Want to help us create a more sustainable future?In the fresh produce industry there is still a noticeable wastage of good products. At Ellips, we develop top quality optical sorting systems (software and hardware) for grading fruits and vegetables. Our mission is to create innovative solutions to select better quality products and reduce unnecessary food waste in our industry. Our technology ensures that each product ends up at its rightful destination.

    Our teamEllips headquarters is based in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Where we have a team of 50 people working on the development of our optical sorting systems. Machine manufacturing is done in Italy and Spain at our subsidiary companies Elisam and Elifab. In total, the Ellips Group employs around 150 people worldwide. Together with 18 different partners around the globe we make sure that the processing of food streams is effective and efficient.

    Wolfpack:Wolfpack is located at the beating heart of innovation: The Eindhoven University of Technology. Our employees have an academic education and see new techniques as the natural way to go.

    At Wolfpack we combine different talents in a team that fit the specific project best and make sure best practises are shared between projects. This way we are always developing and you get the best we have to offer.

    The diverse background of our software developers allow us to provide unique business insights on security, data engineering and UX design. We make sure your software will be future proof for your business.

    YER:Talented people hold the key to the future! We believe in forming a bridge between your studies and work so that you have all the necessary tools to find the perfect job. To help prepare you, we provide workshops, webinars, cv-checks and personal advice. We know the job market like our back pocket and offer you guidance in making the right decision.

    Do you want to continue learning after your studies? And do you want to further develop your interpersonal skills, yet simultaneously earn a nice salary? Then our YER Talent Development Programmes (TDP) may be for you! Do you want to learn more about this programme, personal development, what your job opportunities are in IT, Data Science or Analytics and so on, or do you just want to have a good chat, get in contact with us. We are here to help you!

    More info: www.yer.nl/talentdevelopment

    We hope to see you there!

    Kind regards,C4

    15,00 euro's - Stories | Torenallee 22-02, 5617 BD Eindhoven
  • Vergadering

    During the last GMM AVW187 was founded to evaluate the progress of the goals set in the Strategic Vision of GEWIS. To continue the way of working of AVW160, AVW175 & AVW180-E we are organizing 2 brainstorm sessions to evaluate the progress of the goals.

    During this first session we will discuss the following subjects from the Strategic Vision of GEWIS: 3.1 - 3.8 (Identity & Culture, Internationalization, Membership, Internal and external communication, Digital infrastructure, Activities, Board and an advisory council, Finances & Board compensation)

    The first brainstorm will take on May 2nd from 12:30 till 13:30 in Helix-west 0.52.If it is not possible for you to attend, but you do have comments, you can send them, preferably before the meeting to avw187@gewis.nl.

    - - Helix-west 0.52
  • Dow Batavierenrace 2022

    Vr. 29 apr. 2022 (18:00) - zo. 1 mei. 2022 (12:00)

    De Batavierenrace: hardlopen, kamperen en feest vieren! Dit jaar gaat GEWIS weer meedoen aan de hardloopestafette van Nijmegen naar Enschede. De Batavierenrace vindt plaats van 29 april tot en met 1 mei 2022. Als je dat weekend kan, en het lijkt je leuk mee te doen, schrijf je dan vooral in! We hebben maar 25 plekken!

    Wat houdt de Batavierenrace in? Op vrijdagavond ga je richting Enschede, waar je jouw tentje al op kan zetten. Alle deelnemers zullen naar eigen voorkeur worden ingedeeld in de nacht-, ochtend- of middagploeg. De eerste etappe (van de nachtploeg) begint vrijdagnacht in het centrum van Nijmegen en de estafette eindigt zaterdagmiddag op het Kennispark van Enschede, waar ook de camping is. Na de estafette zal er zaterdagavond een feest zijn, het grootste studentenfeest van Europa! Op zondag zullen we weer teruggaan richting Eindhoven. Verdere informatie over de Batavierenrace volgt na inschrijving of kijk op de website https://www.batavierenrace.nl.

    Op dit moment gaan wij uit van een volledig mogelijke organisatie, omdat de organisatiecommissie in Enschede dat ook doet. Mochten de omstandigheden roet in het eten gooien, zullen wij de mensen die zich hebben ingeschreven op de hoogte houden.

    De inschrijflijst zal open staan tot en met 17 februari 2022 23.59 uur. Mocht de inschrijflijst vol zitten, zullen wij uit alle ingeschrevenen loten. Mocht de inschrijflijst dan niet vol zitten, houden wij ons aan het principe first come first serve. Het kan altijd voorkomen dat er een deelnemer toch niet mee kan, dus schrijf je zeker in al is het voor de wachtlijst!

    Graag tot dan!Met sportieve groet,BATA

    25 + 10 borg - Nijmegen - Enschede
  • BAC x AC Koningsdagborrel

    Donderdag 28 apr. 2022 16:30 - 19:00


    Are you not done with celebrating Koningsdag on Wednesday? Then the BAC and the AC will help you out.

    Together with the AC, we will turn the GEWIS room orange. Next to this, the AC will provide you with typical Dutch games such as "sjoelen" and “ring werpen”. To quench your thirst, you can buy a borrelkaart which will have shots on it with a Dutch touch.

    So put on your best orange outfit that you have, and we hope to see you there!

    Depends on how much you drink ;) - GEWIS
  • GEPWNAGE Magic: the Gathering

    Dinsdag 26 apr. 2022 18:30 - 23:00

    FOR NEW PLAYERS:If you're reading this and wondering: "What even is MTG?", keep reading. On the 26th of April GEPWNAGE will try to answer this question for you by organizing an introductory event for the card game Magic: the Gathering. We have prepared an assortment of cool decks you can try out, and at the end of the day you will be able to take the cards you've used home! We will start the night with an instruction teaching you the game at around 18.30, and afterwards you will be able to play against other people that are also new to the game. If you want to see how deep this rabbit hole goes, be sure to spectate a couple of games played by the experienced players. Please indicate that you are a starting player when you sign up. That way, we'll know how many introductory decks to prepare.

    FOR EXPERIENCED PLAYERS:Many Magic: the Gathering players ask the question: "Are there any other MTG players at GEWIS?" Those who are knee-deep into this cardboard addiction are always searching for more games or competition! We hope you're not surprised to find that there's a ton of MTG aficionados hiding among the ranks of GEWIS, but on the 26th of April we intend to help you find each other. Be a pioneer in a modern standard format, where the legacy of your commander will go head to head with other players. GEPWNAGE will have pre-made decks for two formats, commander and standard, so even if you don't have a deck come by to play some Magic! We got some Promo packs to hand out from the GameForce. These also contain a code for MTG Arena for those who play that exclusively. When signing up, select your format of choice so that we know how to set up tables at the start of the evening. If there are enough interested players, we will even bring a cube to draft from. Draft will start at 19.00 and the rounds will be timed, since we unfortunately have to leave at 23.00.

    DINNER:Before the activity, you can have dinner with us. We will order at Soho wok. Place your order by subscribing to the 'Dinner' list.

    Note: only the decks provided to new players are part of the take-your-cards-home offer.Note note: We have set up a second subscription list for those who want to order take-out for dinner as this event is in the evening.

    Depends on dinner - GEWIS
  • Lunch Lecture Nederlandse Spoorwegen

    Dinsdag 26 apr. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    NS is active in the public transportation sector. We encourage the use of public transportation and keep the Netherlands moving. Our travellers are our 1st, 2nd and 3rd priority in all of our activities, and we do our utmost to make their trip as pleasant and sustainable as possible from door to door.

    Have you ever stranded on a train station for hours without a train? Did you think, how hard can it be? This is the moment to have an answer to your questions. Camiel Simons, simulation researcher at NS (Dutch Railways), will speak about simulation models for large disruptions on the railway network. He will tell how mathematics, computer science and gaming are used to improve train operations in case of a disruption.

    Note: this lecture will be on-campus, with a maximum capacity of 75 people. The draw will be on Friday the 25th of March. After subscribing, showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible until Monday 28th of March. If you wish to attend this lecture, but are unable to come to attend on-campus, send an email to ceb@gewis.nl to see what we can do. If you have any allergies, also send me an email, so we can take this into account for the lunch.

    Free lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • Insufferable drought has beset the realms of GEWIS: all the delicious Lustrum beer has run out! Fear be far, though, for crisis is ever home to heroes. Today, the times call on you.

    You are among the select invitees to join the crew of the Lustrum space ship `Lemnisc8' on an interstellar mission to resupply the Lustrum triples. On April 25th, at 20:00, the space ship shall take off from launch site Dynamo in the city centre of Eindhoven.

    By virtue of revolutionary technology, the space ship travels on 100% sustainable energy: the engines of the space ship are fueled by chanting. What better way, than to hold a cantus?

    Buy your tickets now for a unique immersive cantus experience that you have never seen before (trust me, it's gonna be different this time 😌).

    Ticket sales start on March 31st during the borrel. Go to GEWIS and talk to a member of the Lustrum Committee to acquire your ticket to the Lustrum Cantus. There are roughly 110 tickets available, so be quick!

    Beer card: €7,50 (2nd years or higher) or €5,00 (1st years)Water card: €3,00

    🗓️ April 25th, 20:00📍 Dynamo, Catharinaplein 21

    First years 5,- Normal 7,50 Water 3,- - Dynamo Eindhoven
  • GEDWAAL Walking Weekend

    Za. 23 apr. 2022 (09:00) - zo. 24 apr. 2022 (14:00)

    GEDWAAL is back with a new edition of their walking weekend! At the end of the exam week, we will make a beautiful walk in the area of Sint Anthonis, where we will be staying for the night in a shared accommodation. For only €15, you will get a full weekend of fun, which includes transport, food and drinks and a sleeping space. Saturday night, we will have a fun activity, but we will not yet spoil what it is to keep the surprise! Do make sure to wear some active clothing for it!

    €15 - Sint Anthonis
  • Discussion hour: Finding a Balance

    Donderdag 7 apr. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    Persoonlijke ontwikkeling

    This session will be all about nutrition. Living as a student, you might have noticed that you run out of money, or simply don't have enough time in a day to cook something healthy, which can often lead to an unbalanced diet. Which then results in feeling slopy unmotivated and tired. But do not worry, we are here to help. During this discussion hour,a professional will be present to whom you can ask all your question and to share tips and tricks regarding nutrition and living a balanced life. If you have any questions or remarks, feel free to send an e-mail to co@gewis.nl.

    Free! - MF 11
  • Borrel

    De tijden beginnen te veranderen. Waar wij ooit aan een tafel moesten zitten om te wachten op een heerlijk glas vino, zijn wij eindelijk weer in staat om te gaan en staan waar wij maar willen met een glas of fles wijn in de hand. Persoonlijk, heb ik aanzienlijk veel plezier van de borrels die door onze Bar commissie worden georganiseerd.

    Toch ontbreekt er nog een borrel die eertijds minimaal eens per kwartiel werd georganiseerd door een dispuut waarvan ik ieder lid als een kornuit van mij beschouw.

    Gelukkig mag ik u uitstekend nieuws geven! Wij zijn blijmoedig om te mogen mededelen dat Dispuut "In Vino Veritas" een nieuwe Maand'lijksche borrel zal organiseren op 5 april in de oud en vertrouwde GEWIS-ruimte van 17:00 tot en met 21:30. Gedurende deze borrel zal onze wijn vanuit de fles in uw glas geschonken worden, en zeker niet vanuit een kartonnen doos. Vandaar dat wij deze Maand’lijksche borrel hebben gedoopt tot ‘De Wijn uit Fles in Glas borrel’. Bij binnenkomst krijgt u van ons een welkomstdrankje om te vieren dat wij na 2 jaar weer normaal kunnen borrel. Hierna kunt u de rest van de avond genieten van één van de, door ons gekozen, wijnen. Ook zal er sprake zijn van een paar kleine versnaperingen zoals toast, kaas en druiven om van te genieten tijdens het drinken van uw wijn.

    Een I.V.V Maand’lijksche borrel, voor de men die niet meer weet wat een I.V.V Maand’lijksche borrel is of nooit de kans hebben gehad om er eentje mee maken, is een avond met goed gezelschap onder het genot van de beste wijn dat studentengeld kan kopen en hapje gemaakt door de leden van Het Dispuut zelf.

    In het geval dat u door dit bericht al enthousiast bent geworden om aanwezig te zijn bij één van de grootste evenementen van het jaar, stel ik voor om nu alvast een fles wijn open te trekken en rustig in uw wijnglas te schenken, want u hoef zich namelijk niet ergens in te schrijven. Verder kan ik u alleen maar het beste wensen en uiteraard zie ik u 5 april verschijnen op de borrel.

    Circa €5,- per fles - GEWIS
  • Lunch Lecture bol.com

    Dinsdag 5 apr. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    Bol.com is the largest online shopping platform in the Netherlands and Belgium. Together we change retail to make everyday life easier. The code of our 700+ software engineers offer our 12 million customers more than 34 million products and an inspiring and personal shopping experience. Technology and innovation are essential parts of the bol.com culture and tech run through the veins of all bol.commers. Because of our complex and fast-paced environment, we can’t work with one-size-fits-all solutions. Every piece of code has an impact on our customers and partners. At bol.com we want to create an autonomous environment, where you get the trust to pioneer. Together as a team, but also you as a person. We want to be better and stronger together. We believe that with being mindful to each other and create a place where everybody gets a seat at the table just as who they are, only then we enable us to live up to our promise of truly being "de winkel van ons allemaal". "ML stories: improving recommendation and image retrieval in bol.com"At bol.com we make use of products and users’ data to give a better user experience using machine learning and deep learning. Let’s dive into these two subjects about improving recommendation and image retrieval. What makes this data so interesting and challenging? How to combine computer science and machine learning? Join this talk to find out! Note: this lecture will be on-campus, with a maximum capacity of 75 people. The draw will be on Friday the 1st of April. After subscribing, showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible until Monday 4th of February. If you wish to attend this lecture, but are unable to come to attend on-campus, send an email to ceb@gewis.nl to see what we can do. If you have any allergies, also send me an email, so we can take this into account for the lunch.

    Free lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • Study Trip - registration

    Vr. 1 apr. 2022 (12:30) - za. 30 apr. 2022 (23:59)

    Hi everyone! After the Info Meeting, we are officially opening the registration for the Study trip in 2023! To summarize: to be able to join the Study Trip, all participants will work a case at a company for around 100 hours. The case will start in the first few months of the academic year 2022/2023. At the time of registration, you need 60 ECTS and be a member of GEWIS as well a registered student at TU/e until the end of the trip! Please make sure to read the section for requirements and registration document carefully before submitting the registration form, upload your CV and pay the registration cost. For more information, please rewatch the Info Meeting recording, read the slides and the registration document. You can always contact us by sending an e-mail to gesodjoe@gewis.nl or sending a message to +316 16154339. Looking forward to seeing your applications! Kind regards, Gesodjoe 2023

    50 - Google Forms
  • BAC Spring borrel

    Donderdag 31 mrt. 2022 16:30 - 19:00


    As spring has finally arrived last week it is time to celebrate the sun, the blooming flowers and the warmth that spring brings. But how do we celebrate this beautiful event? With an even more beautiful BAC Spring borrel, of course! To embrace spring we will also have Texels Springtij on draft next Thursday. As usual the borrel will start at 16:30, so make sure that you have set your clocks 1 hour forward such that you don’t miss the first hour. 😉

    Hugs, the BAC

    Depends on how much you drink ;) - GEWIS
  • Lunch Lecture Belastingdienst

    Donderdag 31 mrt. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    Every Dutch person is a customer of the Belastingdienst, which means that we have access to countless data from various sources. At the Belastingdienst, we work on risk models (such as fraud models), process optimisations, internal information dashboards, customized analyzes (for policymakers, for example) and dynamic monitoring, using machine learning techniques. Artificial Intelligence is State-of-the-Art within the software industry. Have you ever wondered how it might be used within De Belastingdienst (Dutch Tax Office)? We, at the Center of Excellence Cognitive Solutions of the Belastingdienst, want to improve the internal processes through cognitive AI solutions. We specialize in enriching unstructured data, text mining, natural language processing and machine learning. In this talk we'd like to give you some insights into how we do this and talk you through a couple of examples of how we apply the technology to real-life questions. Note: this lecture will take place on campus, with a maximum capacity of 75 people. The draw will be on Monday 28th of March. It is mandatory to show up after registration. You can unsubscribe until Wednesday 30th of March. If you would like to attend this lecture, but are unable to come to campus, please send an email to ceb@gewis.nl to see what we can do. If you have allergies, please send an email to ceb@gewis.nl so that we can take this into account for lunch.

    Free lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • B.O.O.M. presents: NS hike

    Donderdag 31 mrt. 2022 10:00 - 18:00

    Tired of sitting in your room and staring at your screen. Done with the quarantine and want to get back out there? Forgot what B.O.O.M.en look and smell like? Therefore, B.O.O.M. presents to you: NS hike! Put on your walking shoes and discover together with B.O.O.M. new pieces of nature where we all have not been yet. To get to the location we take public transport (max 1 hour, probably less) and walk towards an end point where we can take public transport back to Eindhoven. All of this while enjoying the nature, some drinks and snacks! We are looking for interested people to do a winter walk with us. The activity will take place on a Saturday or Sunday, but it will be determined later such that as many people as possible can join us! If you are interested please join the group via this link boom.gewis.nl/ns/group.

    None (except for public transport) - Outside
  • GELIMBO Pyjama Party

    Woensdag 30 mrt. 2022 20:11 - 23:59

    Op woensdag 30 maart zal bij Café Sgt. Peppers de GELIMBO Pyjama Party plaatsvinden! We weten tenslotte allemaal dat de nachtrust alleen maar verbetert wanneer men een slaapmutsje nuttigt voor bedtijd! Nou dat kan, in overvloed, met uiteraard een hele hoop gratis drankjes! Kaartjes kunnen online worden aangeschaft via onze website maar ook bij een GELIMBO-lid bij GEWIS. Kaartjes zijn slechts €1 in de voorverkoop! Kom verkleed in jouw mooiste pyjama als groep of individu, en win prachtige prijzen! Met Zuiderlijke feestelijke groet, Dispuut GELIMBO

    €1 at pre-sale - Café Sgt. Peppers
  • Study Trip Info Meeting - South Korea

    Woensdag 30 mrt. 2022 12:30 - 13:30

    After a long time of not being able to travel with GEWIS, Gesodjoe is organizing the study trip, this time to South Korea. In the summer of 2023, we will visit universities and companies relevant to the study programs of our department. But that is not all! We are planning to visit some famous places and cities to visit. Do you want to know more? Keep reading 😉 To answer doubts on corona situation, trip planning, costs, how you can participate and much more, we are organizing an information meeting. So if you want to meet us and the trip, prepare your question and enthusiasm, and join us for the meeting. Hope to see you all there!!! If you are not able to attend the info meeting, the recording of the meeting and the slides will be shared with everyone subscribed! For any other questions, you can send a mail to gesodjoe@gewis.nl. Note: To participate in the study trip you need to be a student at the Mathematics & Computer Science department of the TU/e in the academic year 2022/2023 and you need to have obtained at least 60 ECTS in any program at the TU/e or any other university at the moment of enrollment for this study tour (which is in April).

    - - MF 14
  • Solving a mystery with GeLOBAL

    Dinsdag 29 mrt. 2022 18:00 - 22:30

    Oh no! Have you already heard the news? A few hours ago a special chip has been stolen from a partner company. What it's even worse, the thief has already left the Netherlands! Now, the university is asking the help of highly intelligent teams nowhere other than from GEWIS to solve the mystery behind this terrible act.

    Do you think you have the skills and knowledge to follow the thief through different countries and catch him/her? Be careful with the answer, because other agencies are competing to find the same chip! Join us with your agency consisting of up to 5 agents to challenge other agencies and prove that you are faster at solving a series of globe scaling challenges! Weapons and health-boosting drinks and snacks are included in the price. Hope to see you all on the 29th and may the best agency win!

    €1,- for first years, €2,- for others - GEWIS
  • Lunch Lecture Rabobank

    Dinsdag 29 mrt. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    Rabobank is a bank that works for its customers and members. We are one of the largest financial institutions in the world, but we're still very involved at the local level. Our goal is to help customers achieve their goals. In addition, we aim to make a substantial contribution to the well-being and prosperity of people in the Netherlands and to a sustainable global food supply.The content of this lecture will be updated soon!Note: this lecture will be on-campus, with a maximum capacity of 75 people. The draw will be on Friday the 25th of March. After subscribing, showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible until Monday 28th of March. If you wish to attend this lecture, but are unable to come to attend on-campus, send an email to ceb@gewis.nl to see what we can do. If you have any allergies, also send me an email, so we can take this into account for the lunch.

    Free lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • GMM187

    Maandag 28 mrt. 2022 18:00 - 23:00


    During this general members meeting, we will vote about member changes of the Advisory Board and about establishing a task force to evaluate the progress on the Multi Annual Strategic Vision. The candidates for the 41st board will present a document on the seventh function. We will discuss the best way to deal with the money that was intended for the ski trip of GR8-TIMES. We will vote upon approving more money for a ziplining activity of Défi. Budgets will be presented and voted on for painting GEWIS, new curtains, party lights and maintenance for the bar. There will also be a rebudget by the board which will be voted upon. There will be an update about SudoSOS, an update from our Information Officer and an update about AVW185.

    Relevant documents can be found online, or will become available online as soon as possible on this page. Agenda points can be send to the board in a digital fashion via board@gewis.nl. The GMM will take place in English. Authorizations can be done online here.

    One week before the GMM is held you can indicate whether you want to receive printed documents at this meeting. To indicate which documents you would like to receive, please use the first subscription list, titled 'Printing documents'. The deadline for this is the 27th of March at 23:59.

    It is also possible to join us for dinner at 17.15h in the GEWIS room. We will order Soho Wok. You can register using the list "Soho Wok" on this activity before 14.00h on the 28th of March. You can pay using debit/credit card.

    Free - MF 11/12
  • Discussion hour: Mindfulness

    Maandag 28 mrt. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    Persoonlijke ontwikkeling

    Always wanted to know how to practice mindfulness? Then this is the opportunity for you! During this discussion hour, together with a professional, we will dive into the topic mindfulness. Where there will be a theoretical side as well as a practical side.

    If you have any questions feel free to send an email to co@gewis.nl

    Free! - MF 4
  • Mathematics Competition ft. Da Vinci Derivatives

    Zaterdag 26 mrt. 2022 12:00 - 18:00

    Do you feel like you can handle everyone at GEWIS when it comes to mathematics? Or do you just feel like solving some hard Math exercises?Then you should come to the mathematics competition on Saturday 26th of March. Together with Da Vinci Derivatives, we have established a set of challenging mathematical questions which you can tackle in groups of three.To assure you will not feel hungry during the competition, we will start with lunch. This means you and your teammates will be able to focus on the exercises that will follow afterwards. To round off, there will be a social drink. Here, the winner of the competition will be announced. Of course, we have arranged some prices!

    Program:12.00-13.00 Lunch13.00-16.00 Competition16.00-18.00 Borrel + award ceremony

    Free! - GEWIS
  • Parent days for 2nd and 3rd year students

    Vrijdag 25 mrt. 2022 09:00 - 18:00

    Are you a 2nd or 3rd year student? Do you want your parents to experience what it is like to be a student for a day? That is possible!

    The ODC (parent day committee) will be organizing 2 parent days for the parents of 2nd and 3rd year students! These parent days will take place on the Friday the 25th of March and Friday the 1st of April.

    You can subscribe for the parent days through our website. Click here! Subscribing is possible before March 14th.IMPORTANT NOTE: The parent days will be organised fully in Dutch!

    Free! - TU/e Campus
  • Yearbook Reveal Borrel

    Donderdag 24 mrt. 2022 16:30 - 19:00


    There’s cause to celebrate! The yearbooks of the academic year 2020-2021 are all tidied up, which means it’s time for another Yearbook Reveal Borrel. Come join us on the 24th of March in some adequate attire for a marvelous late afternoon / evening. Without revealing too much just yet, think of masquerade parties, The Great Gatsby and all that jazz!

    There will be a photobooth, some nicely fitting drinks for all of you, and not to forget – a free keg! All active members from the academic year 2020-2021 can come pick up their yearbook during the borrel. If you don’t fit into that category, but would still like to have one, come by GEWIS the next day.

    See you soon, cheers!

    On behalf of YBC21,Wouter van der Heijden

    Free - GEWIS
  • Formorrow training: Werkplek Oriëntatie

    Woensdag 23 mrt. 2022 19:00 - 20:30

    Persoonlijke ontwikkeling

    Na je studie ligt de banenmarkt voor je open. Veel bedrijven staan te popelen om net-afgestudeerden met een technische achtergrond aan te nemen, maar hoe ga je ooit een besluit nemen over wat je later gaat doen als je niet weet waar je uit kunt kiezen? In deze training leggen professionele recruiters van het bedrijf Formorrow (voorheen Procam) je alles uit over werkplek oriëntatie en de banenmarkt. Klassikaal en in kleine groepjes ga je op ontdekkingstocht naar je sterke kanten en interesses, zodat jij een weloverwogen keuze kan maken. Deze onderwerpen komen tijdens de workshop aan bod: - Wat zijn de ontwikkelingen op de IT arbeidsmarkt? - Welke richtingen en functies zijn er binnen de IT? - Hoe kan je je oriënteren op de IT arbeidsmarkt? Deze training zal worden gehouden in het Engels en er zijn maar 20 plaatsen beschikbaar dus schrijf je snel in! Choo choo!TRAIN

    Gratis! - MF11/12
  • Social game night

    Dinsdag 22 mrt. 2022 18:00 - 22:00

    Hi everyone! We are the Master Committee, a new committee inside GEWIS and we want to invite master students to our first event: 'Social Games Night'.

    We want to get more master students involved in the life of the association. The first step for this is organizing social events like these. The plan of the night is to play some games like beerpong and card games, but there is plenty to do at the GEWIS room. Furthermore, everyone that joins gets free beer to play a game of beer pong!

    If you are not yet a member of GEWIS, do not worry, you will be able to sign up at the event. Hope to see you all there!

    Free! - GEWIS room

    Maandag 21 mrt. 2022 19:00 - 22:22

    ATHENA X GeËuclïd collab!

    If you want to relax with some signature cocktails and snacks, and have some excitement with nail art, then you definitely don't want to miss this great evening. There are even prices to win!! So bring your friends and don't miss this amazing collab :))

    We can't wait to see you guys.

    Greetings,ATHENA and GeËuclïd!

    First years €2 , others €4 - GEWIS room
  • Dieszitting

    Vrijdag 18 mrt. 2022 19:11 - 23:59

    GELIMBO viert haar 15de verjaardag, welkom bij ons lustrum! Dit jaar vindt de traditionele Dieszitting plaats op vrijdag 18 maart 2022. Het wordt een geweldige avond vol muziek, dans, theater, drankjes en nog veel meer genieten! Speciaal voor jullie wordt na het geweldige carnavalsseizoen nog eens onze geweldige Prins bekend gemaakt! Het vindt plaats bij FAB28 op de Fabritiuslaan 28 in Eindhoven. Wij verwelkomen jullie graag vanaf 19.11 uur.

    Schrijf je in voor deze activiteit en reserveer daarmee je ticket voor deze avond. De tickets zijn 3 euro per stuk. Als de inschrijflijst op maandag 7 maart om 16.00 uur vol zit, zal er een loting plaatsvinden tussen de ingeschrevenen. Er zijn slechts 90 tickets beschikbaar, dus wees er snel bij! Als de inschrijflijst dan nog niet vol zit zullen wij het 'first come first serve' principe hanteren. Als dan jouw inschrijfnummer hoger is dan 90, sta je op de reservelijst. Wanneer er een ticket vrij komt, wordt de eerstvolgende gecontacteerd. Dat betekent dat inschrijven altijd zin heeft!


    Graag tot de 18de (of eerder natuurlijk)!

    Met zuidelijke groet,GELIMBO

    3 euro - FAB28
  • Study Trip 23 - Destination Reveal

    Vrijdag 18 mrt. 2022 12:30 - 13:30

    After a long time without any traveling opportunities, we are very excited to announce that the Study Trip is being organized again!! The Study Trip 2023 is an educational holiday you get to spend in another country for 3 weeks having equal parts of free time, cultural and educational activities. But that's not all! Pre-program includes you working a case at one of the companies boosting your CV and sub-financing your trip expenses! However, the more important question is what is the destination country on our flight tickets? Well, join us during the lunch break on Friday, the 18th, and find out! We will provide you with some hints and a challenge, and if you are fast on thinking (and eating) you can even win a prize! Be quick because we only have prizes for the first few that take up the challenge. Hope to see you all at GEWIS :)

    Free - GEWIS
  • Lunch Lecture iO (formerly known as ISAAC)

    Donderdag 17 mrt. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    At ISAAC, we help companies to recognise challenges and turn them into interesting opportunities, and to transform digital channels successfully. In addition to our excellent and extensive technical knowledge, we have specific domain knowledge of Commerce, Financial Services and transactional systems. In short, we have all the tools available to successfully carry out digital challenges. Work; everything they didn't teach you at school. Bavo Janss will take you on a journey of all things he wish he would have known before he started his professional career. About how to make your study more valuable and your future work more fun. Note: this lecture will be on-campus, with a maximum capacity of 75 people. The draw will be on Monday the 14th of March. After subscribing, showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible until Wednesday 16th of March. If you wish to attend this lecture, but are unable to come to attend on-campus, send an email to ceb@gewis.nl to see what we can do. If you have any allergies, also send me an email, so we can take this into account for the lunch.

    Free lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • AC Pokernight ft. Ordina

    Maandag 14 mrt. 2022 20:00 - 22:00

    Do you think you have a pokerface? Come test your skills (or luck) at the AC Pokernight ft. Ordina, and see if you can win some prizes!We have a full evening of games planned, ranging from poker, blackjack, roulette and more! We will start the evening right with a glass of champagne, with other snacks and drinks to follow. Moreover, thanks to Ordina, we will hand out prizes to the best players at the end of the night! Don't go all-in if you're not sure ;)

    In short: come join us at 20h00 at the Internaat for a night of deceit, games and fun, and see if your pokerface is prize-worthy!

    Free! - The Internaat (Atlas 1.720)
  • Pi-day

    Maandag 14 mrt. 2022 12:30 - 13:30

    It is almost the 14th of March and we all know what that means... Pi-day!Of course, we as study association must celebrate this wonderful holiday.Here are some interesting facts about Pi day:

    The 14th of March is also the birthday of Albert EinsteinThe decimals of pi go on into INFINITYThe circumference of a pie is the radius times 2piHaving pie for lunch doesn't mean that you can't have pie for breakfast, dinner or as a snackThe wonderful committee GETAART is handing out pies at GEWIS on Pi day

    TLDR: Free pie on Pi-day during the break at GEWIS.

    Free - GEWIS
  • FYC battle

    Vrijdag 11 mrt. 2022 18:30 - 21:00

    The time has come to find out who the best first year committee is! To figure this out, you will go head to head with your committee members against the other groups in a number of games and challenges. For each round, the winner scores a point, so at the end of the evening, we will know who the best is, for once and for all. So get your committee clothing ready, and join us on Friday during this fun night of games. This activity is not only for current first year committees, you can also join as a former committee to show these new ones how it is done!

    Free - GEWIS
  • Lunchlezing Picnic

    Dinsdag 8 mrt. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    Picnic is rethinking the way people buy food. Without physical stores, we use an app-only approach and a user-centric philosophy, to make grocery shopping quick, simple, and fun.

    Starting in one Dutch town in 2015, we now serve over 100 cities in both the Netherlands and Germany and we just getting started. The secret to our success? An end-to-end business and a just-in-time supply chain. From the app-only store, forecasting of orders, warehouse fulfillment, to the evolving distribution strategy of our fleet of electric vehicles, we build everything in-house on our own software.

    Innovation is all about creating new things. But which decisions do you make when building a disruptive tech company? In this lecture Daniel Gebler, Picnic's CTO, will share the core principles how start-ups make decisions and how this process evolves in scale-ups. Interested in learning more? Join the session!

    Please note: this lunch lecture will be physical! The capacity is a maximum of 75 participants. The draw will take place on Friday 4 March, after that it will be first come first serve! It is mandatory to show up after registration. You can unsubscribe until Monday 7 March 23h00. If you have any dietary preferences, send a mail to ceb@gewis.nl.

    Gratis lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • AC Ice Karting ft. Exellys

    Maandag 7 mrt. 2022 12:45 - 17:00

    Are you a fan of speed and do you want to show that you are almost as good as Max Verstappen? Are you able to get an ice-cold victory on the last lap? Then join us for AC Ice Karting. It is exACtly what it sounds like: karting on ice! Ice karting is not only about being the fastest, but more about your dexterity on the trACk.

    We will go to the ice karting centre for two hours. This will be in Rucphen and we will go there by car. Therefore we would also like to ask you if you have a car available to drive there. The ACtivity will begin at the trACk around 14:00, which means that the we will leave around 12:45 from the TU/e. The ACtivity will end at the trACk around 16:00, so everybody should be bACk in Eindhoven at approximately 17:00.

    Because of the limited space at the ice karting centre only the first 33 people on this subscription list can join us. If it is full within the first hour, a draw will take place. We are working with a reserve list, so please register even if it is full. Note that if you have a car available you will receive fuel compensation and get priority to join this ACtivity!

    The ACtivity will cost €11, unless you bring your own balaclava (bivakmuts), for whom it will cost €10. We expect you to bring your own gloves (or rent them there).

    So, if you want to have the ride of your life, subscribe! We hope to see you on the 7th of March!

    Hugs, the AC

    €11,00 (or €10,00 if you own a balaclava) - IceKart Rucphen, Baanvelden 13, 4715ZH
  • GELIMBO meets Mestreech

    Maandag 28 feb. 2022 12:11 - 23:11

    As previous years, on Carnaval monday (February 28th) we will travel to beautiful Limburg to celebrate Carnaval in Mestreech. Whether you're a true Limbo, a Brabander or have never even celebrated Carnaval at all, everyone can have a good time in Mestreech. We will go there by train and we will meet at the station at 12:11. So come see how we party in Maastricht together with the Prince and GELIMBO. Wear your craziest costume and make sure you're subscribed on the GEWIS website so that we can make a Whatsapp group and won't leave without you.

    - - Eindhoven central station
  • Stropdassen Kroegentocht

    Zondag 27 feb. 2022 11:11 - 23:11

    Hopefully you managed to get hold of a stropdas for carnaval sunday (February 27th). In case you have one and want to join the Prince in Lampegat, subscribe to this activity so we can add you to the Whatsapp group.

    €33,50 - Stratumseind Lampegat
  • GELIMBO Carnaval Cantus with Prince Carnaval

    Vrijdag 25 feb. 2022 19:45 - 23:30

    Friday night the Prince of GEWIS and GELIMBO have something special in store for you. This year there will be a carnavalscantus! At FAB28 (Fabritiuslaan 28) we will enjoy some beers while singing along very loudly to all the best cantus and carnaval songs. You are welcome from 19:45. From 20.00 on, we will have an amazing cantus right there, with loads of drinks, singing, laughing and here and there a little punishment. How little the punishment, depends on you! We all hope to see you there! We have 100 tickets for sale, and the sale starts.... NOW! You can buy your ticket by subscribing to this activity. The prices are as follows.

    Beer card: 11 eurosWater card: 5 eurosFirst year student card: 9 euros

    If there are more than 100 subscriptions by 22nd of February 13:00, a raffle will be hold. For everyone who subscribes after this deadline, a FIFO holds.

    Beer card: €11, Water card: €5, First year student card: €9 - FAB28 (Fabritiuslaan 28)
  • GELIMBO Hangover Worstenbroodjes

    Vrijdag 25 feb. 2022 12:30 - 13:30

    The day after the carnavalsborrel you might have quite the hangover. Luckily GELIMBO has got your back. We will be handing out “worstenbroodjes” during the lunch break to give you that extra boost for the rest of carnaval. So drag yourself out of bed and to the GEWIS room to get some delicious snack in between your lectures.

    - - GEWIS
  • Google Hash Code 2022 Qualifier Hub

    Donderdag 24 feb. 2022 18:15 - 22:30

    Think you could optimize stoplight traffic? What about scheduling over 25,000 Google software engineers? Team up to solve a Google engineering problem in Hash Code! Hash Code is a team programming competition, organized by Google, for students and professionals around the world. You pick your team and programming language and we pick an engineering problem for you to solve. Top teams will then be invited to compete from our virtual World Finals. Sign up with your team via Google (g.co/hashcode) and select the TU/e hub! The physical hub will be on campus. We'll bring snacks!

    Free - MetaForum ground floor
  • GELIMBO/BAC Carnavalsborrel

    Donderdag 24 feb. 2022 16:30 - 21:00


    Are you also in the mood for carnaval? We sure are! We would like to start carnaval with GEWIS at the carnaval drink coming Thursday. Will you be there? Dress up with your craziest outfit and buy your borrelcard at the BAC! Moreover, we will reveal the Prince of GEWIS! To keep everybody safe, please only come to GEWIS if you show no signs of COVID-19 and do a selftest to be sure. See you on Thursday!

    - - GEWIS
  • Lunch Lecture Sioux

    Donderdag 24 feb. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    Sioux Technologies is a global technology partner that supports or takes over the R&D department of high-tech companies.Topic 1:Refrigerated containers enable long-distance transport of fruit. The challenge is to have an air circulation inside the container which maintains the correct temperature throughout the container to keep the fruit quality high and thereby reduce food waste. Sioux Mathware developed a model to predict the airflow and temperature inside a refrigerated container with pineapples.Topic 2:Nowadays when you take a picture with your smartphone, it directly creates a digital file which you can share. In the past they used film strips and now a customer wants to digitize millions of images from these film strips. Due to the large quantity of images, the main focus was to create a fast method. Sioux Mathware created a set of algorithms to be able to extract the main pictures from the film strips and add labels to them.Note: this lecture will be on-campus, with a maximum capacity of 75 people. The draw will be on Monday the 21st of February. After subscribing, showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible until Wednesday 23rd of February. If you wish to attend this lecture, but are unable to come to attend on-campus, send an email to ceb@gewis.nl to see what we can do. If you have any allergies, also send me an email, so we can take this into account for the lunch.

    Free lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • The Bugger's Board Game Night

    Woensdag 23 feb. 2022 16:30 - 20:00

    We are Bug Splatter (FYC22-2), and we're kicking this quarter off right by hosting a board game night in the GEWIS Room! There will be free snacks and drinks, and good times. Come by and relax with us and get to know us, we're a cool bunch.

    FREE - GEWIS Room
  • Lunchlezing Ortec Finance

    Dinsdag 22 feb. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    Innovaties in Fintech – een blik in onze portfolio van mislukkingen en successen

    Sinds de oprichting heeft Ortec Finance innovatie door middel van toegepast wetenschappelijk onderzoek en IT-ontwikkelingen op de voorgrond geplaatst. Onze onderzoeks- en innovatieactiviteiten zijn geconcentreerd binnen de Ortec Finance R&D Labs. We modelleren en brengen de relevante onzekerheden in kaart om u te helpen uw doelen en beslissingen te bewaken. Opgericht door vooraanstaande experts op het gebied van econometrie en technologie, hebben we in 35 jaar een uitstekende reputatie opgebouwd, gebouwd op betrouwbaarheid. Met meer dan 500 klanten in meer dan 20 landen spelen we een cruciale rol bij het helpen van onze klanten bij het verbeteren van hun investeringsbeslissingen en het beheersen van onzekerheid.In deze lezing zal Joris Cramwinckel, technoloog bij R&D Labs, dieper ingaan op hoe de huidige wiskundige modellering en technologietrends de producten en diensten van Ortec Finance beïnvloeden. Je leert bijvoorbeeld meer over projecten met Machine Learning, Blockchain, Klimaatmodellen, Open Source, Cloud Native Technologies en hoe samenwerking met studenten cruciaal is voor succes.Let op: deze lezing zal op de campus plaatsvinden, met een maximale capaciteit van 75 personen. De loting zal op vrijdag 18 februari zijn. Na inschrijving is opdagen verplicht. Afmelden is mogelijk t/m maandag 21 februari. Wil je deze lezing bijwonen, maar kun je niet op de campus komen, stuur dan een e-mail naar ceb@gewis.nl om te kijken wat we kunnen doen. Heb je allergiën, stuur dan een mail naar ceb@gewis.nl zodat we daar rekening mee kunnen houden voor de lunch.

    Gratis lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • Keuken met I.V.V deel IV

    Vrijdag 18 feb. 2022 17:00 - 19:00

    Waarde Leeden der GEWIS,

    De lockdown verdwijnt stukje bij beetje, wat betekent dat de horeca weer kan floreren in zijn oorspronkelijke staat. Een mooie bijkomstigheid is dat we zo al een tijdje gezellig naar een restaurant kunnen. Helaas betekent dit dus ook dat onze portemonnees leeg raken, naarmate we de gezelligheid meer opzoeken.

    Maar niet getreurd, Hèt Dispuut "In Vino Veritas" is er om voor dit tragische feit een oplossing te bieden, zonder in te schikken op het front van gezelligheid noch kwaliteit van het voedsel. I.V.V presenteert namelijk (wellicht voor de allerlaatste keer) het geëtableerde tevens legendarische "Keuken met I.V.V"! Dit maal zullen de malse makkers van Hèt Dispuut heerlijke gerechten presenteren die gethematiseerd zijn rond het gebruik van inktvis. Er zal live uitgelegd worden hoe je zo'n glibberige vriend moet ontleden en verwerken tot een eetbaar en heerlijk gerecht van restaurantkwaliteit.

    Dit online spectakel zal plaatsvinden op het gebruikelijke medium Twitch (twitch.tv/hetdispuut) en vangt aan op vrijdag 18 februari rond de klok van 5. De inschrijflijst zal geopend worden op woensdag 9 februari en zal sluiten op zondag 13 februari 23:59. I.V.V zal er voor zorgen dat enkele moeilijk verkrijgbare ingrediënten, waaronder de inktvis zelf, opgehaald kunnen worden. De rest van de ingrediënten, die te lezen vallen in de receptenlijst die spoedig online zal komen, zult u zelf moeten aanschaffen voor een verwaarloosbaar bedrag.

    Dus glibber als de wiedeweerga met uw tentakels naar de GEWIS-site en schrijft u in met uw gezelschap (die is helaas niet door ons inbegrepen) voor deze prachtactiviteit, en dan zien we u vrijdag de 18e in onze digitale chatbox!

    Namens Dispuut "In Vino Veritas",Dhr. BosmaVice-Praeses tevens Homines Attributes tevens Pedel tevens Vice-Proclamator tevens Vice-Ab-Actis der Dispuut "In Vino Veritas"

    4 pp + eigen boodschappen - https://www.twitch.tv/hetdispuut
  • BAC Borrel

    Donderdag 17 feb. 2022 16:30 - 19:00


    A new week means a new borrel! This borrel especially, we will have some extra entertainment, as we will be doing a centurion. If you are not familiar with this concept, it means you take a sip of beer (or some other drink) every time there is a toeter. In total, this will be roughly one gulp every minute.

    On Thursday from 16:30, the BAC will again provide you and your borrelbuddy with the most delicious beers and other drinks. We will have a draw on Wednesday 12:00 if there are too many people subscribed, afterwards you will get a mail whether you can join the borrel.

    The current 1,5m rules apply for this borrel, so you have to subscribe with one borrelbuddy and stay seated on one of the corners of your table.

    If you cannot participate the whole borrel, please indicate so below! Indicating that you cannot be present during the whole borrel gives us the possibility to give your spot to someone who can be present the entire time.

    Depends on how much you drink! - GEWIS room (MF3.155)
  • BIEM Wijn In Pak Uit Pak

    Maandag 14 feb. 2022 16:30 - 21:00

    Ken je dat gevoel dat de kroegen weer open zijn, maar dat alcohol heel erg duur geworden is? Geen paniek! BIEM (Bestuursjaar In Een Maand) is hier om te helpen! Het 39e bestuur zal jullie namelijk voorzien van de beste alcohol die een studentenportemonnee kan aanschaffen, namelijk wijn uit pak! Wij hebben speciaal voor jullie de beste selectie van de Albert Heijn uitgekozen om aan jullie te mogen serveren. Uiteraard mogen de nodige budget-vriendelijke snacks niet ontbreken, dus die zijn ook rijkelijk aanwezig! Dus schrijf je in met je Valentijn om samen de dag dronken af te sluiten, of kom je verdriet wegdrinken met je beste maatje. Vergeet ook niet in gepaste kledij te komen, namelijk een pak of rokkostuum (of iets equivalents). Tot dan! Vanwege de huidige coronamaatregels is er een beperkt aantal plaatsen beschikbaar. Er zijn 30 plaatsen beschikbaar. Als er op woensdag 9 februari 2022 om 13:30 meer mensen zijn ingeschreven dan dat er plaatsen zijn, wordt er geloot. Als er nog plaatsen vrij zijn, geldt vanaf dat moment first-come first-served.

    ~10 euro per pak - Het Dakterras
  • Word buddy tijdens de internationale intro-dag!

    Zaterdag 12 feb. 2022 10:00 - 22:00

    Op zaterdag 12 februari 2022 arriveert er een groep internationale Erasmusuitwisselingsstudenten op de TU/e-campus om een geweldige intro-dag te beleven! Deze internationale studenten zullen hier een half jaar/een jaar komen studeren, maar ze weten nog helemaal niks over Nederland, Eindhoven en over onze universiteit. Om deze studenten een vliegende start te geven en ze te helpen zich thuis te voelen hier, wordt deze intro-dag georganiseerd.

    Iedere internationale student die deelneemt wordt gekoppeld aan een student die hier al studeert, een buddy! Daarvoor zoeken we jou! Op 12 februari zul je je buddy's ontmoeten en neem je ze mee naar alle activiteiten gedurende deze intro-dag. Je zult deze dag veel nieuwe mensen ontmoeten van over de hele wereld. Buddy worden is geheel gratis en we gaan die dag gezellige activiteiten doen! We verklappen niet te veel, maar een city tour en een pubquiz staan zeker op het programma.

    Dus wil jij buddy worden? Schrijf je dan hieronder in om studenten aan je gekoppeld te krijgen! Ook niet-GEWIS-leden die aan de faculteit W&I studeren kunnen zich inschrijven. Wees snel, want er zijn maar een beperkt aantal plekken. We hopen dat we jou en je buddy deze februari zullen zien!

    Op dit moment is het nog onduidelijk of de horeca geopend wordt; mocht dit niet het geval zijn, dan zullen een aantal programma-onderdelen verplaatsen en zal er geen diner/avondprogramma zijn.

    Gratis (inclusief lunch & diner)! - GEWIS (MF 3.155)
  • BAC Borrel

    Donderdag 10 feb. 2022 16:30 - 19:00


    A new quartile, a new week and of course, a new borrel! On Thursday from 16:30, the BAC will again provide you and your borrelbuddy with the most delicious beers and other drinks. We will have a draw on Wednesday 12:00 if there are too many people subscribed, afterwards you will get a mail whether you can join the borrel.

    The current 1,5m rules apply for this borrel, so you have to subscribe with one borrelbuddy and stay seated on one of the corners of your table.

    If you cannot participate the whole borrel, please indicate so below! Indicating that you cannot be present during the whole borrel gives us the possibility to give your spot to someone who can be present the entire time.

    Depends on how much you drink - Het Dakterras
  • Persoonlijke ontwikkeling

    First years only

    Do you usually worry too much and have no idea how to stop? No worries, this workshop is for you!

    In this workshop, TINT will help you understand the reasons and thought processes behind your worries so you can learn how to start dealing with them.TINT will suggest several practical methods to deal with worries while they unfold and, also, how to maintain a more balanced life to reduce the concerns you have to deal with. These methods are accessible to everyone and can be applied in everyday life.

    The workshop will be held in Atlas 2.215, and will take place from 19.00 to 21.00 Sign up quickly if you are interested as there are only 10 places available!

    Free! - Atlas 2.215
  • [Interest list] Anti slip course

    Woensdag 9 feb. 2022 12:00 - 12:01

    Persoonlijke ontwikkeling

    In movies cars are always drifting and shooting away dramatically, but in real life slipping in your is one of the most dangerous things you can do.We want to organize an anti-slip course to help you prepare for this. During the workshop we will learn about the correct driving position, braking, an emergency stop and of course slipping in a car!We also want to host a sponsor talk by a company that is active in the smart mobility field, so that we can see how autonomous cars handle these problems.

    Please note that this is an interest list and that the real activity will be in May. We will discuss the budget during the GMM of 9 February.

    50,- - Boutenslaan 161
  • GMM186

    Dinsdag 8 feb. 2022 18:00 - 23:00

    During this general members meeting, the 40th board will present their Semi-Annual Report which includes an evaluation of the board policy, personal letters by the board and the semi-annual financial report. The 40th board will also present a long term association investments document. TRAIN will present a budget about their Slip Course. The Advisory Board will give an update and there will be discharges and a change of functions. There will also be an update about SudoSOS, an update from our Information Officer and an update about AVW185. Furthermore, there will be a vote about a rebudget.

    Relevant documents are available, or will become available online as soon as possible on this page. Agenda points can be sent to the board in a digital fashion via board@gewis.nl . The GMM will take place in English.Authorizations can be done online here.One week before the GMM is held you can indicate whether you want to receive printed documents at this meeting. To indicate which documents you would like to receive please use the second subscription list, titled 'Printing documents'. The deadline for this is the 7th of February at 23:59.

    It is also possible to join us for dinner at 17.15h in the GEWIS room. We will order Soho Wok. You can register using the list "Soho Wok" on this activity before 14.00h on the 8th of February. You can pay using debit/credit card.

    Free - MF 11/12
  • Thinking Outside The Box

    Maandag 7 feb. 2022 19:00 - 21:30

    Everything being moved online again is of course, awful. We will be stuck in our rooms for another few weeks, seeing only the same few people. It’s hard to avoid falling into a rut in situations like these, so TRAIN is here to help!With the training “Thinking Outside the Box” you will learn techniques to break through your thought patterns, and gain insight and overview of your situation. We will tackle problem analysis and problem solving, with a focus on doing, so you will be able to apply your creativity immediately!

    If possible, the training will be offline, but this is prone to change due to covid measures. You can also join us for wraps beforehand at GEWIS! To do so, subscribe for the eating list below!

    FREE training, ~€2,50 for wraps - MF11/12
  • BAC MAVO Cantusborrel

    Donderdag 3 feb. 2022 16:30 - 19:00

    As the second exam week of 2022 comes to an end, it’s time for another MAVO borrel! This borrel however will be a bit more special as the BAC will be organizing a cantusborrel! You will be able to buy pitchers with beer for your table. With these pitchers you can refill you beer glass yourselves! As we provide you with beer and music that you can loudly sing along to using your codex, you can start to forget all the exams you just made!Subscribe before Wednesday 14:00, if there are too many subscriptions after this deadline there will be a draw. If you cannot participate the whole borrel, please leave your spot for a person that can! Not being there the whole borrel has consequences.

    Depends on how much you drink! - GEWIS
  • BAC borrel

    Donderdag 27 jan. 2022 16:30 - 19:00

    We are back! After a lockdown, the new minister of public health gave us green light to have a drink together. This means you can have a borrel at the regular time, namely Thursday from 16:30. Subscribe with your borrelbuddy and enjoy some delicious beers again! We will have a draw on Thursday 12:00 if there are too many people subscribed, afterwards you will get a mail whether you can join the borrel.

    The current 1,5m rules apply for this borrel, so you have to subscribe with one borrelbuddy and stay seated on one of the corners of your table.

    If you cannot participate the whole borrel, please indicate so below! Indicating that you cannot be present during the whole borrel gives us the possibility to give your spot to someone who can be present the entire time.

    Depends on how much you drink - het Dakterras
  • Lustrum clothing line

    Do. 20 jan. 2022 (13:00) - di. 1 mrt. 2022 (00:00)

    Hello everyone!

    The clothing line subcommittee of GR8-TIMES worked very hard on a new clothing line. Just like last time, we added a new special item: a sports bag! It is a 55 Litres bag that you can personalize with your own name.Furthermore, we have designed TWO sweaters, both available in black and white. To make it even better: we added matching sweatpants for one of the sweaters. This way you can steal the show on the next GEWIS trip!

    The sweaters and sweatpants are made of very high-quality organic textile (85% organic cotton, 15% recycled polyester). The pants also have side pockets.

    Maybe the best of all is the price range of this clothing line. All items will cost around €20,-. You can find pictures of the products on https://lustrum.gewis.nl/clothing. Ordering is possible via this form.Note that filling in this form is binding. If you want to cancel your order, please email lustrum@gewis.nl before the 1st of March, after this you are obligated to pay.

    Depends on what you order - -
  • AC Werewolves of Miller's Hollow

    Dinsdag 18 jan. 2022 20:00 - 21:30

    Due to the lockdown we are at least safe in our cosy student rooms now, right? Not at night when a werewolf may break into your house! Perhaps there is a way to catch them before they murder you... Time for a game night! The AC would like to play a fun game with you, and with all of your friends. On the 18th of January starting at 20:00, we will play 'The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow'.

    Since we will be playing online, we will play the One Night Ultimate Werewolf version. The game will be set-up on the GEWIScord and we as AC will guide you all through the process. Make sure you camera is working so you can look the wolves into their eyes during the daytime. See you on the 18th!

    Hugs, The AC

    - - Online (GEWIScord)
  • Lunch Lecture Anago

    Dinsdag 18 jan. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    Anago is a Dutch software company founded in 1999 and is specialised in smart planning solutions. We have developed our own no-code development environment for modelling planning applications. We work for large organisations such as AirFrance KLM, Heineken, UWV, IND and the Ministry of Social Affairs. Examples of planning systems are the long-term planning of a customer contact centre, the scheduling of engine services at KLM and the planning of the asylum seekers chain.Anago Planning applications are modelled using high level building blocks such as data cubes, calculation engines, integrations and views. The result of the application model is a fully working cloud solution.Typically, the planning calculations involve mathematics such as aggregation and allocation, statistical forecasting, various optimisation algorithms and a free model language.Currently, Anago is relying on a multi-dimensional database system (OLAP) that is becoming more and more a bottleneck. We are looking into ways to extend this environment with smart ways of handling the calculations, such as automatically detecting changes to the data and rewriting expressions in order to recalculate the results.We are researching the best ways of handling these challenges. During the lunch lecture we want to introduce you to our world of developing a modelling environment such as Anago and the concepts behind our engine. You will learn how a low-code or no-code platform is set up and can be used to create state-of-the-art cloud solutions.Depending on the restrictions, this lecture will probably be online - but keep an eye on your email for the latest updates! The lecture will be given by Fraser Wilson, Software Architect at Anago and Thomas de Nooij, Founder of Anago.

    Free lunch! - Online
  • [POSTPONED] GEBALLMERPIEK Beer Pong Tournament Q2

    Vrijdag 14 jan. 2022 18:00 - 22:00

    Postponed until further notice due to COVID.Beer GEWIS members,

    Who will be this year’s Beer Pong Champion? That is something we will figure out in Q2 of this year. Over year ago GEBALLMERPIEK hosted a beer games tournament, in which two of GEBALLMERPIEKs own members were crowned victorious. The time has come to attempt to dethrone the kings, as finally there is going to be a new beerpong tournament! Gather your ultimate beer pong buddy and get ready to completely 10-0 your opponents!

    After the sign-up deadline all teams will be divided into groups in which you play against every other team once. After all of the pre-games there will be a knock-out finale on the 14th of January, where the best teams in each of the groups will battle against each other for the ultimate prize and of course the title!

    The pre-games within your group are your own responsibility. You have to plan and play them before the 7th of January, and you pay for your own beers. After a match, the scores need to be communicated to a GEBALLMERPIEK member.

    The pre-games can be played anywhere from the moment the group phase is announced up until the 7th of January. More info about the finale will be given later. You can find the official GEBALLMERPIEK rules here

    3 euro (for finalists only) - GEWIS room
  • Trading Case with Da Vinci Derivatives

    Woensdag 12 jan. 2022 15:00 - 18:00

    Have you always wanted to find out what it is like to be a Trader? Da Vinci Derivatives is giving you a unique opportunity to join an interactive online in house day organized exclusively for the members of GEWIS!

    In this event we wish to take you into our dynamic, fast-paced world and let you experience what trading is all about. We feel there is nothing more fun than trading and we want to share our enthusiasm with you. We will introduce you to our organization and give you a glimpse of the ins and outs of trading through interactive trading games. If you love challenges and have a passion for the financial markets and trading, do not miss this opportunity and register now!

    This business case is applicable for both Computer Science and Mathematics students!

    Free! - Online
  • ATHENA High Drink

    Dinsdag 11 jan. 2022 19:00 - 22:00

    TL;DR: (Online) High Drink at home, 11th of January 19.00h, Alcoholic Drinks and Homemade Bites

    Hi!Despite the lockdown, we hope you are all looking forward to celebrating Christmas and New Year, even if it is just with a small group of friends or family. As ATHENA we want to give the New year a fun start by organizing our first High Drink on the 11th of January. You can join this activity from home (at the GEWIScord), which will start at 19.00. During the evening, we will taste four different alcoholic drinks, which will all come with a matching homemade bite. First years can already participate for €5,- per person and all other members for €6,- per person. You can only subscribe with a group of two or three persons and only one of the group's members needs to subscribe. If you want to participate alone, you will have to buy a package for two and you will have extra ;)Unfortunately, GEWIS is closed, so every group will have to pick up their high drink package on the 11th at an ATHENA member living close to the city center, between 12.00 and 14.00 or between 16.00 and 18.00. To avoid plastic waste, we would like to ask you to bring your own bottles and containers to put the food and drinks in. You need four small containers and three empty soda bottles (1x 0.5L and 2x 1L), so start saving them now!

    €5,- First years, €6,- Others - At Home / GEWIScord
  • Lunchlezing Friesland Campina

    Dinsdag 11 jan. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    FrieslandCampina produceert en verkoopt consumentenproducten zoals zuiveldranken, kindervoeding, kaas en desserts in landen over de hele wereld. Daarnaast worden producten geleverd aan professionele klanten. FrieslandCampina heeft niet alleen iconische B2C-merken, een groot deel van ons bedrijf bevindt zich in de B2B-markt, waar we ingrediënten en halffabricaten verkopen aan fabrikanten van voeding, de voedingsindustrie en de farmaceutische sector wereldwijd.Bij FrieslandCampine is innovatie onze inspiratie en drijvende kracht. Dankzij innovatie kunnen we de voedingswaarde van melk optimaal benutten en de veiligheid en verwerking van voedsel verder verbeteren. Elke dag werken de wetenschappers van FrieslandCampina in achttien landen met toewijding en passie aan duurzame oplossingen voor wereldwijde voedingsvraagstukken. Elke oplossing die ze ontwikkelen, is een antwoord op de behoeften die leven bij klanten en consumenten.De inhoud van deze lezing zal nog geüpdate worden!

    Gratis lunch! - Online
  • Discussion hour: Fear of Failure

    Maandag 10 jan. 2022 12:40 - 13:20

    What does it mean to fail? Failure always came as part of the contract each of us has with life. And it will always be this way. It's not easy to face failure, but what if you would learn to fail well? Learning to fail well is a skill. When you fail well, you understand what failure is: another lesson. It doesn't mean you are incompetent, lazy, naive, or lacking value. It means there are things you know and things you don't. Things you know how to do well and things you still need to learn... How would you look at your academic life if you would embrace this philosophy? Join the discussion hour on the 10th of January during the lunch break (12:40-13:20) to find out more about your fear of failure and learn how to begin handling it more effectively. If you have any questions or remarks please send an e-mail to co@gewis.nl

    Free! - Teams
  • GEWIS Winter Dinner!

    Woensdag 22 dec. 2021 17:00 - 22:00

    Now that the weather is getting colder and the Christmas holiday is almost there, it is time to get cozy inside! Therefore, with the 40th board, we are organizing a GEWIS Winter Dinner for you to connect with each other.

    We encourage you to come together with 1-3 other members at your place, and make it a fun evening. The 40th board will make sure to provide you with entertainment with a new edition of the GEWIS-radio! Do you want to hear a specific song? Send in your favourite Christmas songs here , and we will play them during dinner. Also, do not worry about decoration, we have something arranged ;)

    We're ordering a surprise three-course menu for you and you can pick it up at GEWIS during the day. Make sure you have a oven or microwave at home. Below you can subscribe and give us your preferences. We'll contact you about the delivery later.

    Please individually subscribe and let us know your food preferences. Note that there is a maximum capacity of 80 people; if there are more subscriptions before Monday December 20, there will be a draw.

    €5,00 First Years, €7,00 Others - At your place
  • GEWIS Lustrum Beer

    Woensdag 22 dec. 2021 13:30 - 17:00

    For the amazing 8th lustrum of GEWIS, we as GR8-TIMES have brewed an amazing tripel for you, in collaboration with brewery The Deftige Aap.

    This beer is perfect for every occasion! Whether you're having a cozy winter's night in, or sitting at the beach drinking them lukewarm in the sun, they will always taste extraordinary!

    For only €1.80 per bottle you can get these wonderful limited edition limitless lustrum triple stacked in your own fridge.

    Order the GR8-TIMES Lustrum Beer now!

    You can pick your beer up on the 22nd of December in the GEWIS room. Future pick up dates are yet to be determined.

    Depends on the number of beers - GEWIS
  • GEPWNAGE Disastrous Christmas Quiz

    Dinsdag 21 dec. 2021 19:53 - 23:59

    ![Red dot]() Christmas is around the corner, and we are stuck with yet another lock-down. Will we be able to see our friends and family this year, or will our imagination of the most amazing Christmas parties like the past years be our only guest? Well, it could always be worse… In this edition of the GEPWNAGE Pubonline quiz, we will take a tour of everything that could’ve gone wrong. Are you the all-knowing guru if it’s about disastrous events throughout history? Do you think this Christmas will be fine knowing what we (hopefully) won’t get two days before Christmas this year? Gather a team of up to 6 people and test your knowledge in this years disastrous quiz!

    - - At your place
  • Lunchlezing Oracle Labs

    Dinsdag 21 dec. 2021 12:40 - 13:20

    Oracle Labs is een onderzoeks- en ontwikkelingsorganisatie binnen Oracle. Hun onderzoek is gericht op real-world resultaten: de onderzoekers streven ernaar technologieën te ontwikkelen die een belangrijke rol zullen spelen in de evolutie van technologie en de samenleving. Tegenwoordig zoeken Oracle Labs-onderzoekers naar nieuwe benaderingen en methodologieën, waarbij ze vaak projecten aannemen met een hoog risico of onzekerheid, of die moeilijk aan te pakken zijn binnen een productontwikkelingsorganisatie. De belangrijkste werkrichtingen zijn onderzoek, advies en productincubatie.De inhoud van deze lezing zal nog geüpdate worden!Let op: deze lunchlezing zal fysiek zijn! De capaciteit is maximaal 75 deelnemers. Vrijdag 17 december is de loting, daarna is het first come first serve! Na aanmelden is opdagen verplicht. Afmelden kan tot maandag 20 december 23u00. Als je dieetwensen hebt, stuur een mail naar ceb@gewis.nl.

    Gratis lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • Lustrum Vlinderdas

    Ma. 13 dec. 2021 (08:08) - di. 1 feb. 2022 (20:08)

    Zoals jullie allemaal weten is dit jaar het 8e lustrum van GEWIS, waarvoor wij als lustrumcommissie een tal aan leuke activiteiten hebben bedacht voor jullie! Eentje daarvan is het Lustrum GALAxy (dat plaatsvindt op 19 maart, schrijf je in!) waarvoor wij een ontzettend leuke vlinderdas hebben ontworpen. De inschrijflijst is nu open, dus wij zeggen: ga hem kopen!Als je de vlinderdas wil previewen, dan kan dat op lustrum.gewis.nl/clothing.

    Liefs, GR8-TIMES

    ~€12,50 - GEWIS
  • BAC Weekendborrel

    Zaterdag 11 dec. 2021 14:00 - 17:00

    Hey borrelaars!

    Do you miss borrels as much as we do? We have a solution! This Saturday from 14-17 we will open the tap in Het dakterras, to empty the open kegs! So if you are feeling thirsty, subscribe and join us!

    The current 1,5m rules apply for this borrel, so you have to subscribe with one borrelbuddy and stay seated on one of the corners of your table.

    If you cannot participate the whole borrel, please indicate so below by choosing an appropriate timeslot. Indicating that you cannot be present during the whole borrel gives us the possibility to give your spot to someone that wants to borrel the other timeslot.

    Depends on how much you drink! - GEWIS
  • Discussion hour: Feeling down

    Vrijdag 10 dec. 2021 12:35 - 13:25

    Winter, the days are getting cold and short. This may also have an effect on your mood. If you are feeling a bit down lately and want to improve your mood. Then come to the discussion hour! During this discussion hour, together with professional Laura Curta, we will shortly dive into the theory of feeling down and share tips and tricks together. If there is anything specific you would like to discuss or have any other questions please send an e-mail to co@gewis.nl.

    Free! - MF 6.132
  • Celebrate Purple Friday with Défi

    Vrijdag 10 dec. 2021 12:30 - 13:30

    Dear members,

    Every year on the second Friday of December the whole world turns purple. Do you know why? It's Spirit day, also known as Purple Friday. This day is the annual LGBTQ+ awareness day. To this day, people from the LQBTQ+ community still have to deal with bullying and violence and suicide is way more common in this community.To let everyone know that this is not okay and that we support the LGBTQ+ community we celebrate purple Friday.

    This year on the 10th of December, Défi will make sure the GEWIS room is decorated accordingly. If you are at the TU/e already, you may want to drop by GEWIS during the break and get a little snack. We are handing out a little snack to every member wearing purple!

    Please join Défi in dressing purple to show your support for the LGTBQ+ community!

    We wish you a very purple Friday!


    Free! - Anywhere (but we will be in the GEWIS room)
  • Lunchlezing Thales

    Donderdag 9 dec. 2021 12:40 - 13:20

    De Thales Group is een wereldwijde elektronicaonderneming die actief is op het gebied van luchtvaart, defensie en informatietechnologie. Van de bodem van de oceanen tot de diepte van de ruimte en cyberspace, bij Thales helpen we onze klanten slimmer te denken en sneller te handelen - door steeds grotere complexiteit en elk beslissend moment onderweg te beheersen.Elke dag duiken cyberdreigingen en cyberaanvallen op in de media. Een aantal van deze dreigingen en aanvallen is specifiek gericht op grote ondernemingen, vitale infrastructuren en overheden. Maar steeds meer aanvallen treffen ook particulieren en kleinere bedrijven. Tijdens deze lunchlezing zal Bart Seghers een korte geschiedenis over cybercrime presenteren met enkele voorbeelden uit de recente geschiedenis.Bart Seghers is een consultative manager bij Thales cyber defense, en is al 15 jaar actief in cybersecurity. Tijdens zijn werk, adviseert hij nationale en internationale klanten over cybersecurity. Zijn focus lag op het managen van projecten met betrekking tot dreigings- en kwetsbaarheidsbeheer, beveiligingsmonitoring, risicobeperking, beveiligingsbeoordeling en beveiliging door ontwerp. Voorafgaand aan zijn tijd bij Thales werkte hij als Security consultant bij PwC (2007-2012). Bart heeft Computer Science and Engineering aan de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven gestudeerd. In die tijd was hij ook actief lid van GEWIS en kijkt ernaar uit om voor deze lezing terug te zijn op de TU/e.

    Let op: deze lunchlezing zal fysiek zijn! De capaciteit is maximaal 75 deelnemers. Maandag 6 december is de loting, daarna is het first come first serve! Na aanmelden is opdagen verplicht. Afmelden kan tot woensdag 8 december 23u00. Als je dieetwensen hebt, stuur een mail naar ceb@gewis.nl.

    Gratis lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • GMM185

    Woensdag 8 dec. 2021 18:00 - 23:00

    During this general members meeting, the 39th board will present their Annual Report, which we will vote about. The 40th board will present the Quarterly Financial Report. Furthermore, there will be a vote on installing AVW185 which will work on the revision of the AVC Hermkens document. If you are interested in becoming a member of AVW185, you can ask for details by mailing vz@gewis.nl. However, you can also express your interest during the meeting. There will also be an update about SudoSOS and an update from our Information Officer. Relevant documents are available, or will become available online as soon as possible on this page. Agenda points can be sent to the board in a digital fashion via board@gewis.nl. The GMM will take place in English. Authorizations can be done online here. One week before the GMM is held you can indicate whether you want to receive printed documents at this meeting. To indicate which documents you would like to receive please use the second subscription list, titled 'Printing documents'. The deadline for this is the 6th of December at 23:59. **Due to COVID regulations it is not possible to get food before the GMM.**It is also possible to join us for dinner at 17.15h in the GEWIS room. We will order Soho Wok. You can register using the list "Soho Wok" on this activity before 14.00h. You can pay using debit/credit card.

    Free - MF 11/12
  • Lunchlezing Capgemini

    Dinsdag 7 dec. 2021 12:40 - 13:20

    Capgemini is een consultancybedrijf, dat zijn werkgebied in de ICT en consultancy heeft. Wereldwijd bood de multinational in 2017 aan meer dan 195.000 mensen werk. Capgemini is wereldwijd marktleider op het gebied van consulting, technologische diensten en digitale transformatie.

    Als je meer wilt lezen over Capgemini, dan kan je hier nu alvast meer over Capgemini als werkgever lezen!

    Verdere informatie over de lunchlezing volgt binnenkort.

    Let op: deze lunchlezing zal fysiek zijn! De capaciteit is maximaal 75 deelnemers. Vrijdag 3 december is de loting, daarna is het first come first served! Na aanmelden is opdagen verplicht. Afmelden kan tot maandag 6 december 23u00.

    Gratis lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • Lustrum Symposium: Endless Possibilities

    Zaterdag 4 dec. 2021 10:45 - 17:45

    Infinity is a mind-boggling concept, with varying interpretations across fields. To some of you, infinity might just be "that very big number that makes calculus even harder", or the amount of seconds your freshly written program takes to compile, but there is so much more! From impossible (?) math to the mysteries of physics, and from limits of human consciousness all the way into the edge of space, we have gathered 9 experts on the topic of infinity, and are happy to invite you all to come and let them enlighten your minds!

    The program starts with our keynote speaker Tom Crawford, who you might know from the BBC, Numberphile, or anywhere else really! He will give a talk about Million-Dollar Equations, also known as the Millenium Problems. You then go to one of two different speakers, after which you will be provided with free lunch. Following the lunch there are 3 more time slots where you again visit one of two speakers in each slot, and we end the day with a social drink. During the social drink you can get to have a more personal talk with some of our speakers, get in contact with our sponsors, or just enjoy some free drinks and discuss the topics with your friends!

    The program of the day, as well as the speakers and their topics can be found in the table below:**

    .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;}.tg td{border-color:black;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;overflow:hidden;padding:10px 5px;word-break:normal;}.tg th{border-color:black;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;font-weight:normal;overflow:hidden;padding:10px 5px;word-break:normal;}.tg .tg-1wig{font-weight:bold;text-align:left;vertical-align:top}.tg .tg-0lax{text-align:left;vertical-align:top}

    TimeSpeaker 1Topic 1Speaker 2Topic 210:45 - 11:05Welcome---11:05 - 11:30Opening---11:30 - 12:30Tom CrawfordMillion dollar equations--12:30 - 13:10Lunch---13:10 - 14:00Ralf MackenbachPlasma TurbulenceThomas BronzwaerEvent Horizon Telescope14:00 - 15:00Onno BoxmaQueues ad infinitumPicnic: Joris van TatenhoveLogistics reinvented - IoT enabled smart, safe, and sustainable e-distribution15:00 - 15:15Coffee break15:15 - 16:15Job van den HurkNeuroscience to Unlock the Human BrainHans ZantemaTurtle visualization of infinite sequences and fractals16:15Social drinkYou can sign up and give us your preference for each time slot, but as there is a limited capacity for each talk, you might not get your preferred speaker. If you join us at the symposium, you can also get a USE point and 3 MyFuture points! For more details on the topic of the talks, you can read a short abstract for each of them on the lustrum website here!p.s. If more information becomes available, the website will be updated accordingly. For the event, you must show a CoronaCheck QR code/EU Digital Covid Certificate. This means that you have been tested in the last 24 hours or have been vaccinated. Furthermore, it is mandatory to show a form of identity (drivers license, identity card, passport).

    Free for everyone - Auditorium TUe
  • ATHENA Christmas Bulbs Decorating

    Dinsdag 30 nov. 2021 17:30 - 20:00

    Hi everyone! In less than 1.5 month it is the most wonderfull time of the year again! Even though, Sinterklaas is still in the country, this does not mean you cannot already prepare for Christmas (or put up your tree). As ATHENA, we will make sure that your Christmas tree will have the most beautifull bulbs in them! How? Very simple, by making them ourselves🤗. Whether you want to indirectly give GEWIS more glitter or draw very cute animals, it is all possible and entirely up to you! As usual, we will make sure there are enough snacks, but also drinks to get you there and to get you into the Christmas spirit. In order to participate in this activity, you need to have and be able to show a valid COVID QR code.

    €2,- First years, €3,50 Others - GEWIS
  • Lunchlezing Ordina

    Dinsdag 30 nov. 2021 12:40 - 13:20

    Ordina is de grootste, onafhankelijke ICT-dienstverlener in de Benelux met circa 2.650 medewerkers. Bij Ordina bedenken, bouwen en beheren ze ICT-toepassingen bij de overheid, in de financiële dienstverlening, de industrie en de zorg. Ze streven naar ICT die mensen écht verder helpt. ICT die er toe doet en die tot stand is gekomen zonder verspilling van middelen. Dat doen wij door samen met onze klanten duurzaam te innoveren.Als bedenkers, bouwers en beheerders van een betere digitale wereld heeft Ordina de expertise om bedrijfsprocessen en ICT duurzaam te verbeteren. Hun kracht is dat ze zelf de strategie en beleid kunnen vertalen naar de bedrijfsprocessen van onze klant door onze kennis van zijn organisatie, zijn markten en de lokale wet- en regelgeving.Deze lezing zal over Mendix gaan, maar details komen nog!Let op: deze lunchlezing zal fysiek zijn! De capaciteit is maximaal 75 deelnemers. Vrijdag 26 november is de loting, daarna is het first come first serve! Na aanmelden is opdagen verplicht. Afmelden kan tot maandag 29 november 23u00.

    Gratis lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • Supremum opt-in/out

    Zaterdag 27 nov. 2021 23:59 - 23:59

    Laat ons weten of je de Supremum, het tijdschrift van GEWIS, wilt (blijven) ontvangen. Deze wordt automatisch verstuurd aan alle actieve leden en eerstejaars (leden die zich dit jaar hebben ingeschreven).Zit jij daar niet bij, maar wil je de Supremum wel ontvangen? Schrijf je dan nu in met een opt-in.Zit jij daar bij, maar wil je de Supremum niet? Schrijf je dan nu uit met een opt-out.

    - - -
  • I.V.V Decadent Weekend

    Vr. 26 nov. 2021 (16:00) - zo. 28 nov. 2021 (16:00)

    Dear members of GEWIS,

    After a year of absence I am proud to announce that Hèt Dispuut “In Vino Veritas”, for the seventh time, will organize the Decadent Weekend. From 26 through 28 November we will celebrate that eighteen year ago the gentlemen Beckers, Ceelen, Verheijen and Zwerts came together to found Hèt Dispuut “In Vino Veritas”. The celebration will include a fullt packed weekend with the following program.

    On Friday 26 of November we will all travel to a glorious château befitting our stature. After you have arrived we will start this weekend with a great diner and an appropriate amount of wine to accompany you during a cozy evening with all other participants.

    On Saturday morning all the attending members, excluding some members of Hèt Dispuut itself, will be asked to leave for a pleasant day activity. While you are being entertained the members of I.V.V will be utilizing their cooking skills to make you a delightful multiple course dinner. This dinner is especially selected by our cooking squad, making sure your tastebuds will experience new heights and will be prepared expertly.

    After you have returned to the castle you will get the opportunity to dress up in your best attire for the dinner. During dinner you will enjoy great wine and food while being entertained by the members of Hèt Dispuut during the dinner show!

    The subscription list will close on 13 October at 12:00. Note that there are only a limited number of places available for this weekend, so do not hesitate to subscribe. If too many people subscribe to the activity, a draw will be held.

    €75,- for students (GEWIS members), €120,- for burgers/non GEWIS - A château somewhere in Europe
  • BAC borrel

    Donderdag 25 nov. 2021 15:30 - 19:00

    Hey borrelaars!

    A new week means a new Thursday means a new borrel! So if you are feeling thirsty, subscribe and join us at the borrel this Thursday!

    The borrel will take place on the 25th of November from 16:30 until 19:00 in the GEWIS room. The borrel will be inside, however everyone has to sit at a table and remain seated.

    If there are more than 60 people on the registration list before Wednesday 12:00, there will be a draw. If there are still spots left after this deadline you can subscribe until Thursday 16:15, these spots will go to the first to subscribe!

    If you cannot participate the whole borrel, please indicate so below! Indicating that you cannot be present during the whole borrel gives us the possibility to give your spot to someone who can be present the entire time.

    Depends on how much you drink! - GEWIS room (MF3.155)
  • AC Jump XL ft. Procam

    Woensdag 24 nov. 2021 18:30 - 20:00

    Always wanted to test your reACtion speed while doing ACrobatic flips? Then wait no more, beCAuse we have got the ACtivity for you! On Wednesday the 24th of November the AC will take you to Jump XL, a trampoline jumping park in Eindhoven. Here you can play ultimate dodgeball with and against eACh other, but you are also able to explore many other areas where you can prACtice your jumping skills. Since Jump XL is loCAted in Eindhoven, there will be a bike group that will leave around 18:00 from GEWIS. More information about this will follow later.

    Need something to fill you stomACh beforehand? We've got you covered! Before AC Jump XL, there is the opportunity to eat something at 17:30. You can only choose for wok. Exact prices for the wok can be found under 'wokgerechten' at https://soho.foodnu.nl/. If your wok is unavailable or does not exist, we'll choose for you!

    We hope to see you on the 24th of November!

    Hugs, the AC

    €2 for first year students, €4 otherwise - Jump XL Eindhoven, Schubertlaan 106
  • Lunchlezing Exellys

    Dinsdag 23 nov. 2021 12:40 - 13:20

    Exellys maakt deel uit van de Brainbridge Group. Sinds 1998 leveren hun consultants technische expertise voor strategische IT en engineering projecten bij klanten. Met ruim 275 consultants en een omzet van 27 miljoen euro in 2013, zijn ze een solide en betrouwbare partner voor hun klanten en consultants.Tijdens de lunchlezing leer je over het omzetten van data tot kennis. We spreken over het gebruiken van verschillende data bronnen om de posities en huidige status van een schip beter te bepalen. In dit project werd dit gebruikt om beter te bepalen wanneer schepen ont/meerden in een zeedok.Let op: deze lunchlezing zal fysiek zijn! De capaciteit is maximaal 75 deelnemers. Vrijdag 19 november is de loting, daarna is het first come first serve! Na aanmelden is opdagen verplicht. Afmelden kan tot maandag 22 november 23u00.

    Gratis lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • MobilIT

    Dinsdag 23 nov. 2021 07:00 - 21:00

    It has been some time, but we are happy to announce that we will again have a SNiC this year! SNiC is a congress organized for enthusiastic Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence bachelor and master students from all over the country. Over the past years the congress has grown considerably. Where in 2017 the congress was visited by 450 students, we expect around 650 visitors in 2021. Various talks will be held at the congress by speakers from both the business world and the academic world. You are challenged to dive into a specific topic from different perspectives.

    The focus of this edition of SNiC will be on the IT of mobility. For the past years there have been major leaps forward in the use of computers and AI in vehicles - think self-driving cars, the optimisation of fuel usage in aeroplanes, or apps that perform diagnostics on the engine of your motorcycle. But MobilIT can be extended to much more than that: we can analyse the organisation of public transportation, or take a closer look at the latest innovations in bionics and cybernetics - tech that will open up a future of mobility for everyone.

    On November 23rd in 2021, the congress will be organized in Apeldoorn. Transport by busses has been taken care of, but you can also use your own transport. The exact schedule will be announced here and on the GEWIS socials, however you should expect the program to fill an entire day. More information can also be found on the MobilIT website and Instagram.

    For only €7,- you can join this event. This includes an amazing trip by bus from and to the campus as well as lunch, dinner and drinks during the day.There are only 75 tickets available. On October 26, there will be a draw amongst everyone who is subscribed at that moment. Any remaining tickets will be handed out on a first come, first serve basis. For these tickets, a separate subscription list exists.

    For the event, you must show a CoronaCheck QR code/EU Digital Covid Certificate. This means that you have been tested in the last 24 hours or have been vaccinated. Furthermore, it is mandatory to show a form of identity (drivers license, identity card, passport).

    Students of generation 2020-2021 and later will receive 3 MyFuture points for participation in this activity. Please bring your campus card.

    €7,- (including bus, lunch, dinner and drinks) - Theater & Congres Orpheus, Apeldoorn (Bus departs behind Metaforum)
  • Pitch Perfect

    Maandag 22 nov. 2021 19:00 - 21:00

    Great pitches often leave you with great meaning, think of pitches like Martin Luther King or the pitch about this training over a pitcher beer! These are of course extraordinary pitches that will only be given once is a lifetime, but pitching and presenting are also important in mundane life, for example a pitch before a GEWIS activity, a presentation or selling a product. During the workshop we will practice these examples as well as key concepts like preparing a pitch, tone of voice and last but not least volume!If you have specific scenarios that you would like to practice, for example a presentation or meeting a new person, then please mail these to train@gewis.nl. We will share these scenarios with the trainer and he will try to implement these.We will eat wraps at GEWIS before the training starts! So if you are joining the training, feel free to also subscribe for some wraps!For now we strive to have the training offline as education is still possible offline with the new measures.

    Workshop: €0,- / Wraps: €2,50 - Atlas -1.820
  • Studytrip Committee Interest Meeting

    Vrijdag 19 nov. 2021 12:40 - 13:20

    Every 2 years, a group of GEWIS members go on an amazing studytrip during the summer holidays. These trips are organized by a committee of GEWIS members, along the way SSG (Stichting Studiereizen GEWIS) is there to help them. On the trip, you'll go to some foreign companies, universities and of course have a bunch of fun abroad! We are planning to set up a committee that will organize a new study trip in the summer vacation of 2023, and therefore we are looking for members to join the committee!

    Are you interested in organizing a study trip? Join our info meeting on November 19th in MF13, from 12:40-13:20. See you there!

    Note that you need a BSA to join the committee, and that by the time of the trip, you will still need to be a student at the TU/e.

    - - MF13
  • BAC Borrel

    Donderdag 18 nov. 2021 16:30 - 19:00

    Another Thursday means another borrel! If you are feeling thirsty already, subscribe for the borrel below!

    Due to the change in Corona regulations, there are some changes with respect to the past few weeks. The borrel will still be inside, however everyone has to sit at a table and remain seated.

    The borrel will take place on the 18th of November and will start at 16:30 in the GEWIS room. The borrel will end at 19:00. Subscribe before Thursday 16:15, there are 60 places available. These will go to the first to subscribe!

    If you cannot participate the whole borrel, please indicate so below! Indicating that you cannot be present during the whole borrel gives us the possibility to give your spot to someone who can be present the entire time.

    Depends on how much you drink! - GEWIS room (MF3.155)
  • Lunchlezing Sogeti

    Donderdag 18 nov. 2021 12:40 - 13:20

    Sogeti biedt end-to-end services met de focus op Digital, Cloud, Automation, Testen, DevOps en Cyber Security. Je mag van ons daarbij innovatieve en High Tech oplossingen verwachten. Die realiseren we voor je met onze IT-experts en kennis van de nieuwste technologieën.Deze lunchlezing zal Thijs Pepping je meenemen in een achtbaan van desinformatie en mediamanipulatie. Van leugenachtige hiërogliefen tot computergegenereerde influencers en de toekomst van fake news. Manipulatie, beïnvloeding en desinformatie zijn van alle tijden. Mensen hebben altijd de behoefte gehad om te spelen met de realiteit, maar niet eerder kon dat zo gemakkelijk en geloofwaardig als nu. De vraag is hoe we grip houden op de informatiesamenleving nu kunstmatige intelligentie zich met het manipulatiespel gaat bemoeien.Let op: deze lunchlezing zal fysiek zijn! De capaciteit is maximaal 75 deelnemers. Maandag 15 november is de loting, daarna is het first come first serve! Na aanmelden is opdagen verplicht. Afmelden kan tot woensdag 17 november 23u00. Als je dieetwensen hebt, stuur een mail naar ceb@gewis.nl.

    Gratis lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • Lunchlezing AME

    Dinsdag 16 nov. 2021 12:40 - 13:20

    Applied Micro Electronics "AME" B.V. provides solutions within the disciplines of Research, Design, Development and Manufacturing of electronics, mechatronics and embedded software. At AME you will be working on a broad scale of projects for customers in the field of offshore, consumer lighting, smart energy, infrastructure, automotive and building automation.The topic of this lecture will be Software for Electric vehicle charging infrastructure: The presentation highlights the various facets of software in electric vehicle supply equipment. It also gives an overview of the various stakeholder involved in the charging infrastructure and their interactions. Then a brief description of the types of charging methods along with their software architecture and protocols is covered.Please note: this lunch lecture will be on campus! The capacity is a maximum of 75 participants. The draw will take place on Friday 12 November, after that it will be first come first serve! It is mandatory to show up after registration. You can unsubscribe until Monday 15 of November 23h00. If you have any dietary preferences, send a mail to ceb@gewis.nl.

    Gratis lunch! - Luna 1.056
  • Interest list DET-day

    Zondag 14 nov. 2021 23:59 - 23:59

    Dear members,

    In the past (you can ask some older people at GEWIS), it was a tradition to have a day together with all the Mathematics and Computer Science students of the different technical universities in the Netherlands. This was called the DET-day, where DET' stands for Delft, Eindhoven and Twente'.

    It has been a long time since the last DET-day was organised, but Enschede wants to bring this tradition back!

    The day will most likely exist out of fun games, a campus tour, possibly a pub quiz and of course a social drink at the end to get to know the other students a bit better. There is no scheduled date yet, this is all dependent on how many people are interested and which city will host the DET-day.

    So if you are interested in having a fun day with other Mathematics or Computer Science students, subscribe on this list! You can also leave a suggestion here on what you would like to see during the day activities.

    ??? - Delft, Eindhoven or Twente
  • Opt-In/Opt-Out Smoelenboek

    Ma. 1 nov. 2021 (17:00) - zo. 21 nov. 2021 (23:59)

    In het jaarboek van het collegejaar 2020/2021 komt weer het welbekende Smoelenboek. Dat is een lijst met namen en foto's van de actieve leden van GEWIS in 2020/2021, zodat je later nog eens aan ze terug kan denken, en zij aan jou!Was je actief lid bij GEWIS in 2020/2021 en mocht je niet willen dat je foto in het Smoelenboek komt, dan kun je je hiervoor uitschrijven door je in te schrijven voor deze activiteit en te klikken op: "Ik wil niet in het Smoelenboek"Was je geen actief lid (dat wil zeggen: lid van een commissie of dispuut), maar wel vaak te vinden bij GEWIS in 2020/2021, dan kan je je ook inschrijven voor het Smoelenboek. Je kan dan ook een jaarboek ophalen tijdens het uitreikmoment. Schrijf je dan in voor deze activiteit en klik op: "Ik wil in het Smoelenboek".

    - - -
  • Lunchlezing JouwWeb

    Dinsdag 26 okt. 2021 12:40 - 13:20

    Bij JouwWeb ontwikkelen en exploiteren ze een software-as-a-service oplossing, die kleine ondernemers en hobbyisten de mogelijkheid geeft om zelf eenvoudig een professionele website te maken. Passie voor productontwikkeling voor het web staat dus centraal: zowel voor het technische aspect als het functionele aspect.JouwWeb is gestart door eigenaren Wouter Twisk en Roel van Duijnhoven tijdens hun studie Informatica aan de TU/e. De afgelopen jaren is JouwWeb flink gegroeid, ze zijn zelfs in de Deloitte Fast 50 te vinden!JouwWeb host inmiddels ruim 70.000 domeinnamen. Al deze domeinnamen zijn -- zoals je tegenwoordig van een website mag verwachten -- te bereiken via HTTPS. Ons platform draait op een high availability cluster in Google Cloud, maar met 70.000 SSL-certificaten kunnen we niet zomaar gebruik maken van Google's load balancers.In deze lunchlezing zal Koen Kivits vertellen over hoe JouwWeb haar internetverkeer in goede banen leidt en daarbij iedere website van een slotje voorziet. Je zult niet alleen horen over hoe we het nu aanpakken, maar ook over hoe we stapsgewijs ons systeem hebben verbeterd.Let op: deze lunchlezing zal fysiek zijn! De capaciteit is maximaal 75 deelnemers. Vrijdag 22 oktober is de loting, daarna is het first come first serve! Na aanmelden is opdagen verplicht. Afmelden kan tot maandag 25 oktober 23.00u.

    Gratis lunch! - Luna 1.056
  • Around the globe with GeLOBAL

    Maandag 25 okt. 2021 20:00 - 22:00

    Have you ever been to a club and could guess the origin of a song? Or walking on campus, listening to others, and recognizing their language? Do you think you are a food expert? As its first activity, GeLOBAL is challenging you to show your skills and knowledge about other countries in a pubquiz!

    In teams, you will compete with others in recognizing everything that makes a country itself: food, music, language, and … well, we won’t give it all up now! We will travel around countries from the Netherlands, across Croatia, Romania, Slovakia, and Turkey. To make sure that you have energy for such a big trip, there will be snacks and drinks provided!

    Get your spot now and sign up as a pair. To ensure more fun, your team will get joined by another pair per table. You can also sign up alone, in which case GeLOBAL will place you with other students. Oh, did we mention that there is a prize waiting for the masters of country knowledge?

    If there are too many subscriptions after this deadline there will be a draw. Please sign up with your buddies name (surname included), and specify for each of you if you would like to do the alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks.

    Freshmen: €1 non alcoholic, €2.50 alcoholic. Upperyears: €2 non alcoholic, €3.50 alcoholic - GEWIS Room
  • Membership cards opt-in

    Ma. 25 okt. 2021 (18:00) - zo. 14 nov. 2021 (23:59)

    We would like to give our members the opportunity to get a membership card when they become GEWIS members. They were made every year for new GEWIS members with their name and number on it. You can use this card to join all GEWIS activities and be proud of your membership. Furthermore, you can use the card during the borrels (social drinks) to order drinks.

    To save the environment, we would like to only print the cards for those who want to have one. If you want to have this reminder of your membership in your wallet, please let us now before the 15th of November whether you would like to receive such a card so we can print them all at the same time.


    - - -
  • Défi Dieren Dies Borrel

    Donderdag 21 okt. 2021 16:30 - 19:00

    After our animal activity in the afternoon Défi will end this Thursday with a themed drink together with the BAC!

    The theme is 'Animals', and you can buy your animal themed borrel card at the bar for just 3,50. It includes 4 drinks that will be distributed in the lounge by Défi. Additionally, you can drop by our logo and celebrate our dies with us!

    3,50 per borrelcard - GEWIS
  • Défi Dieren Dies

    Donderdag 21 okt. 2021 14:00 - 16:00

    Défi is back in this new academic year with new ways to get you our of your comfort zone! Are you afraid of spiders, or snakes maybe? Défi has turned 2 years old, and we all know that toddlers love playing with animals!

    On the 21st October you can challenge yourself again in a very relaxed setting in the GEWIS room. We have arranged for an instructor with a variety of exotic animals to join us on this day to tell you all about his animals, and have you hold them!

    We will be positioned in the lounge, and you can drop by freely. Are you not comfortable with holding a snake? You are also free to just watch! The animals will be there between 14:00 and 16:00.

    We hope to see you there!

    Free - GEWIS
  • Advanced Latex training

    Woensdag 20 okt. 2021 18:00 - 20:30

    Donald Knuth is a smart man with ideas. If smart people have ideas, they write books about it. But Donald was fed up with the available text processing software for writing books, so he wrote his own. This became LaTeX. Nowadays, LaTeX is the de facto standard in scientific text processing. It has built-in support for all sorts of mathematical characters, it can be used for lots of things, like homework, presentations and resumes and it makes your life a lot easier. As a mathematician you will first use LaTeX in Q1 during the Linear Algebra 1 course, as a computer scientist, you will use it during Data Structures in Q3. Because LaTeX is an invaluable skill when you are studying Mathematics or Computer Science, TRAIN is offering a LaTeX-training! We have asked Thomas Lippens, who is famous for making LaTeX fun, to give you this training, we will provide some snacks and drinks while diving into the world of scientific test processing. The advanced training will take place on campus, Wednesday October 20th in the evening, 18:00 – 20:30. It will be first come, first serve.There is also an beginners training one week earlier.Choo Choo, TRAIN

    - - Atlas -1.210
  • AC Glowgolf

    Dinsdag 19 okt. 2021 19:00 - 21:00

    Do you like to play with balls in the dark by smashing them with a stick? Then we have an ACtivity you will really like, beCAuse the AC organizes AC Glowgolf! Do you have the balls to challenge your friends and find out who is the best at minigolf?

    From 19:00 until 21:00 we will go to Glowgolf Eindhoven loCAted at Vijfkamplaan 6c in Woensel Noord. We will meet at GEWIS around 18:40 and travel together by bike (18:30 for the bus group) to the ACtivity or we will meet you there at 19:00. The costs for this ACtivity will be 5,00 euro’s (2,50 for freshmen and second-years).

    Need something to fill you stomACh beforehand? We've got you covered! Before AC Glowgolf, there is the opportunity to eat something at 17:45. You can only choose for wok. Exact prices for the wok can be found under 'wokgerechten' at https://soho.foodnu.nl/. If your wok is unavailable or does not exist, we'll choose for you!

    We hope to see you on the 19th of October!

    Hugs, the AC

    €2,50 for first and second year students, €5 otherwise - Vijfkamplaan 6c, 5624 EB Eindhoven
  • Lunchlezing DNB

    Dinsdag 19 okt. 2021 12:40 - 13:20

    Bij DNB heeft ons werk impact op financiële stabiliteit en duurzame welvaart. Naast 600 ton goud in de kluis hebben we ook tientallen terabytes aan data: ons nieuwe goud. Technologische innovaties als virtuele valuta, robotisering en blockchaintechnologie hebben de financiële wereld compleet door elkaar geschud. Bij DNB werken we meer en meer digitaal en datagedreven, zodat we maximale waarde uit data kunnen halen. Dit doen we bijvoorbeeld door wensen en eisen van gebruikersgroepen te vertalen naar informatieproducten zoals dashboards, rapporten of specifieke programma's. Ook werken we aan de continuïteit van betrouwbare gegevensstromen voor rapportages van financiële instellingen.Benieuwd naar het werk van DNB? En/of wil jij graag onze collega's ontmoeten? Bezoek de lunchlezing van DNB en maak kennis!Deze lezing zal gaan over Data en Informatietechnologie bij DNBLet op dat deze lecture een maximum capaciteit van 75 man heeft! Na aanmelden is aanwezig zijn verplicht. Afmelden is mogelijk tot maandag 18 oktober. Als je allergieën of dieetwensen hebt, stuur een mail naar ceb@gewis.nl voor maandag 18 oktober.

    Gratis lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • LUSTRUM Party: Dia de los Muertos

    Maandag 18 okt. 2021 18:00 - 23:55

    Almost 2 years we had to survive our studies without the relief of the infamous GEWIS parties, but finally this time has come to an end: es tiempo de festejar! We kick off the 8th lustrum of GEWIS with a blast and invite you all to come celebrate el día de los Muertos with us: the day of the dead. While life here on earth and at the TUe will eventually come to an end, the afterlife is INFINITE. According to ancient traditions, the dead would be insulted by living the rest of our lives in grief and sadness over our losses. Therefore, let us honor those no longer with us by enjoying life to the fullest while it lasts! Dress up either colorful, spooky, or both, and be sure to be there at the start of the party to enjoy extra cheap beer. Death is only the beginning!

    To buy a ticket for the party, visit the Lustrum site!

    Don't forget to pay for your ticket! Note: It is required to bring a student card to attend the party. This can be a TUE, Fontys, or any other student card you can find. You also need to bring a valid ID and corona QR code.

    €1 for first and second year students; €2 otherwise - Keizersgracht 17 (Demos)
  • Discussion hour: Stress & burn-out prevention

    Maandag 18 okt. 2021 12:40 - 13:20

    Aaaaah, stress!!!! What to do? The exam weeks are coming and you have the feeling that you have to much to do and to little time. Do your days consist of constant worrying in these dark days? Then worry no more! During this discussion hour we will, together with Laura Curta, discuss what stress exactly is and share some tips and tricks. If you have any questions or have a specific thing you would like to discuss during this hour, don't hesitate to send an e-mail to co@gewis.nl.

    Free! - To be determined
  • Latex beginners Training

    Woensdag 13 okt. 2021 18:00 - 20:30

    Donald Knuth is a smart man with ideas. If smart people have ideas, they write books about it. But Donald was fed up with the available text processing software for writing books, so he wrote his own. This became LaTeX.Nowadays, LaTeX is the de facto standard in scientific text processing. It has built-in support for all sorts of mathematical characters, it can be used for lots of things, like homework, presentations and resumes and it makes your life a lot easier. As a mathematician you will first use LaTeX in Q1 during the Linear Algebra 1 course, as a computer scientist, you will use it during Data Structures in Q3.Because LaTeX is an invaluable skill when you are studying Mathematics or Computer Science, TRAIN is offering a LaTeX-training! We have asked Thomas Lippens, who is famous for making LaTeX fun, to give you this training, we will provide some snacks and drinks while diving into the world of scientific test processing.The beginners training will take place on campus, Wednesday Oktober 13th in the evening. It will be first come, first serve. There will also be an advanced training one week later, more information about this will follow soon.Choo Choo, TRAIN

    - - Atlas -1.210
  • Lunchlezing Sioux

    Dinsdag 12 okt. 2021 12:40 - 13:20

    Software CraftmanshipAt Sioux Technologies, software is developed with pride, and quality is a must. Developing good and maintainable software can be more challenging than one would assume; it's already challenging to quantify quality of software, let alone the development. In this talk, Jesper Huijgens will describe the art of Software Craftmanship and how a set of principles provides you a solid basis for development.Jesper Huijgens is a Software Designer and has worked on multiple projects for different customers. During these projects, he was involved from start to end: collecting requirements, architecting, developing, and guiding the project team. As lead of most of these teams, guaranteeing stable and maintainable software of high quality is always high on his priority list.Note that this lecture will be on-campus, with a maximum capacity of 75 people. After subscribing, showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible until Monday 11th of October. If you wish to attend this lecture, but are unable to come to attend on-campus, send me an email to see what we can do.

    Gratis lunch! - Luna 1.056
  • GELIMBO Coffee Experience

    Ma. 11 okt. 2021 (16:00) - di. 12 okt. 2021 (21:30)

    GELIMBO heeft GEWIS al meerdere malen laten zien hoe je een echte Limburgse vlaai kan samenstellen. Maar wat drink je bij een stukje vlaai? Als je goed kijkt in de GEWIS ruimte zie je dat GELIMBO deze producten al jaren aan elkaar koppelt. Precies, koffie! Om GEWIS'ers bekender te maken met de meest gedronken drank ter wereld presenteert GELIMBO: de Coffee Experience.

    De Coffee Experience neemt GEWIS'ers mee in de wereld van koffieculteren, herkomst van koffie en de oneindig vele smaakbelevingen.Natuurlijk krijg je als student veel te maken met koffie, en is het ook voor velen een middel om een dag vol colleges te overleven.Echter kan je naast het 'gewone bakkie troost' zoveel meer met koffie dan je denkt!Tijdens de 1,5-uur durende workshop worden de fijne kneepjes van het vak behandeld, en beleven GEWIS'ers experimenten met Nederlandse koffie van omstreeks 1706 tot vandaag.

    De workshop is volgens de RIVM richtlijnen te bezoeken, en je zal met een groep van 8 personen deelnemen.De workshop vindt plaats op 11 en 12 oktober op de volgende tijdsloten:16:00-17:30, 18:00-19:30 en 20:00-21:30.

    De locatie waar de workshop wordt gegeven is 10 minuten fietsen vanaf de TU/e.

    Je kunt twee voorkeuren voor tijdsloten opgeven in het inschrijfformulier. Onder de deelnemers die zich hebben ingeschreven voor woensdag 22 september wordt (indien van toepassing) geloot. Deelnemers die worden uitgeloot kunnen zich opgeven voor een ander tijdslot dat nog niet vol is, of komen op een reservelijst.Voor deelnemers die zich na woensdag 22 september inschrijven geldt een FCFS op tijdsloten die ten tijde van inschrijven nog beschikbaar zijn.

    Eerstejaars €7,50 / Rest €10 - P. Czn. Hooftlaan 12, Eindhoven
  • EAPC 2021

    Zaterdag 9 okt. 2021 10:00 - 20:00

    Met het beginnen van het academische jaar, begint ook een nieuw hoofdstuk in het epos der algoritmisch programmeren. Al jaren aan een stuk strijden studenten in de eerste maanden van het academische jaar om de titel van beste algoritmicus van Eindhoven en deze strijd der titanen vindt dit jaar plaats op 9 oktober.

    De EAPC, de Eindhoven Algorithmic Programming Contest is een wedstrijd van 5 uur waar je samen met 2 teamgenoten, een laptop en een cheat sheet van 25 paginas algoritmische problemen op gaat lossen. Deze cheatsheet en je gezond verstand zijn dan ook alles wat je mee hoeft te nemen, want wij zorgen ervoor dat er genoeg te eten en te drinken is en je krijgt zelfs nog wat goodies van Prodrive mee!

    Kortom: het wordt een leuke dag en thuis blijven is duurder! Trommel je vrienden daarom op en schrijf je nu in om geschiedenis te schrijven in de de kronieken der EAPC!

    Als je nog geen team hebt, laat dan het veld "Teamnaam" leeg en wij proberen een team voor je te vinden.

    Gratis! - Metaforum
  • GEZWEM LustRUM weekend

    Vr. 8 okt. 2021 (18:00) - zo. 10 okt. 2021 (17:00)

    Arrrr! Het GEZWEM zeilweekend komt er weer aan! Dit jaar omdat GEZWEM haar 20e verjaardag viert zullen we groots uitpakken met ons 4e lustRUM weekend. We zullen dit jaar met zijn alle gaan zeilen op De Vrijheid een grote driemaster. Met dit prachtige schip gaan we een mooie tocht maken over het IJsselmeer. Exacte route en daarmee bezienswaardigheden hangen sterk af van het weer, dus dat kunnen wij pas later bekendmaken.

    Als jij zin hebt in een weekend zeilen op een prachtig schip gecombineerd met het nuttigen van de nodige hoeveelheden bier en rum, schrijf je dan nu in voor het GEZWEM lustRUM weekend!

    Het is dit jaar ook mogelijk om op zaterdag een dag mee te zeilen mocht je niet heel het weekend kunnen of willen.

    We zullen vertrekken vanuit de haven van Enkhuizen, dit is goed bereikbaar met het OV.

    Let op: de capaciteit voor het 'Heel Weekend' pakket ligt op een maximum van 34 personen, en de capaciteit voor het 'Alleen Zaterdag' pakket ligt op een maximum van 12 personen. Op deze inschrijflijst vindt een loting plaats onder de deelnemers die zich voor 12 september hebben ingeschreven, en de maximale capaciteit overschreden is. Iedereen die niet is ingeloot komt op een reservelijst.

    De Vrijheid

    €80 (heel weekend) / €35 (alleen zaterdag) - 'De Vrijheid'
  • GMM184

    Woensdag 6 okt. 2021 18:00 - 23:00

    During this general members meeting, we will vote about the changes of the internal regulations. We will also look at the translations of the internal regulations and the bylaws. Furthermore, we will vote about discharges for the RvA and there will be an update about SudoSOS, an update from our Information Officer, and an update from the Advisory Board. GELIMBO will present a new budget for their lustrum activity. The board will also present the Quarterly Financial Report.Relevant documents are available, or will become available online as soon as possible on this page. Agenda points can be sent to the board in a digital fashion via board@gewis.nl. The GMM will take place in English.Authorizations can be done online here.One week before the GMM is held you can indicate whether you want to receive printed documents at this meeting. To indicate which documents you would like to receive please use the second subscription list, titled 'Printing documents'. The deadline for this is the 4th of October at 23:59.

    Update: As used to be the case before Covid, it is also possible to join us for dinner at 17.15h in the GEWIS room. We will order Soho Wok. You can register using the list "Soho Wok" on this activity before 14.00h. You can pay using debit/credit card.

    Update 2: You no longer have to register on the "Presence" list if you like to join. Feel free to join us in Atlas -1.715 at 18.00h.

    - - Atlas -1.715
  • ATHENA DIY Beauty Night

    Dinsdag 5 okt. 2021 18:00 - 21:00

    Dear GEWISers, It is time for the next ATHENA beauty night, but this time a little different. We are going to make our own beauty products! We will provide you with the ingredients for two different beauty products where you have multiple choices for flavors. Of course, we will also have some other essential beauty products ready, such as nail polish. We will also provide you with two delicious cocktails. One of these cocktails is the favorite cocktail of most of our ATHENA members. While you are making your beauty products and drinking your cocktail, we will make sure there are some tasty snacks available! If there is some product left, you can bring it home with you as long as you provide your own Tupperware trays. Hopefully, we can have the activity with every subscribed member at GEWIS, but if there is still a maximum amount for members in the room and the maximum is reached, we will have a draw. Lots of love, ATHENA

    €1,00 first years; €1,00 second years; €2,00 older years - GEWIS
  • Lunchlezing Cisco

    Dinsdag 5 okt. 2021 12:40 - 13:20

    Cisco is wereldleider in it en netwerken. Een belangrijk onderdeel van de dienstverlening zijn de hoogwaardige security-oplossingen. De producten van Cisco versneller de adoptie van een nieuwe manier van werken op het gebied van verbondenheid, communicatie en veiligheid.De inhoud van deze lunchlezing zal nog geupdate worden!Let op dat deze lecture een maximum capaciteit van 75 man heeft! Na aanmelden is aanwezig zijn verplicht. Afmelden is mogelijk tot maandag 4 oktober. Als je deze lezing bij wilt wonen maar niet fysiek aanwezig kan zijn, stuur een mail naar ceb@gewis.nl

    Gratis lunch! - Luna 1.050
  • FYC formation meeting

    Vrijdag 1 okt. 2021 12:40 - 13:20

    Hello first year students, As previously announced, this will be the meeting where the First Year Committees will really be formed! If you have still have any questions about first year committees, you can always contact me via cib@gewis.nl. Hope to see many of you there!

    Free - Auditorium 11
  • Orde Committee Inauguration Drink

    Donderdag 30 sep. 2021 09:00 - 22:00

    On the 30th of September, we will host the inauguration drink for the 40th board of GEWIS! During the inauguration drink, a lot of external associations, the department board, GEWIS bodies and members can come to congratulate the new board. We will celebrate their installment with a night full of free beers and amazing memories.

    For the inauguration drink, we do need a lot of volunteers. We have to empty the room, protect the board and guestbook during the drink and bring the board home after the drink. We would like to know whether you are available for any of these tasks. Please note: bringing the board home means you are sober. If you are available, please fill in this form.

    If you have any remaining questions, send a mail to orde@gewis.nl.

    Free - Probably GEWIS Room
  • GETAART - diner rouler

    Woensdag 29 sep. 2021 18:00 - 23:00

    Hi there culinary geniuses,

    Do like cooking or do you just like eating? Well GETAART got you covered by organizing a diner rouler. You can sign up with a partner and experience exquisite dishes prepared by two other pairs and yourself.

    The idea of a diner rouler is that you will create one dish (appetizer, main dish, or dessert) together with your partner and organize a place to serve it (yours or your partner's place). Please enter your preference for the meal you would like to cook in the subscription form. You will serve this dish to your partner, two other pairs, and yourself. The other dishes will be taken care of by the other pairs.

    By the end of the evening, you would have had a three-course meal at three different locations and only made one of those courses yourself. What a bargain, am I right?

    You will also mix and mingle with a lot of people throughout the night (corona restrictions kept in mind) and experience the genius culinary creations of others.

    To make sure that the travel time is not too long between your courses please let us know where you are planning to serve your dish by email (getaart@gewis.nl) after you have subscribed. The information will only be communicated to members of GETAART, it will only be used for the schedule, and of course all the information on locations will be deleted afterward.

    €5 for first and second year students, €7 for other students - TBD
  • Lunchlezing ISAAC

    Dinsdag 28 sep. 2021 12:40 - 13:20

    ISAAC is a company in Eindhoven that builds web solutions and internet applications for e-commerce, e-finance and integration, this includes webshops, self-service portals or middleware integrations.Web development has changed a lot over the last 3 decades since the internet was born. It started as a way to share scientific information between computers in the same location but now it's everywhere and all the time. Pixels or vectors? What has Atomic Design to do with Web development? What if 'it works on my machine' actually means it will also work in production? Come and join Lucien Immink (Software Architect at ISAAC) and you will find out just how we manage web development in big teams anno 2021.Note that this lecture will be on-campus, with a maximum capacity of 75 people. After subscribing, showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible until Monday 27th of September. If you wish to attend this lecture but are unable to come to attend on-campus, send me an email to see what we can do.

    Gratis lunch! - Luna 1.056
  • AC Lichtjesroute

    Maandag 27 sep. 2021 19:30 - 22:00

    It is the start of the ACademic year and the sun goes down earlier every day... but dread no more, because we have got the perfect ACtivity for you! On Monday the 27th of September you will be able to bike the Lichtjesroute with the AC throughout Eindhoven. The purpose of the route of lights is to keep the memory of the liberation of Eindhoven alive, but most of all the lights are simply beautiful. This ACtivity is free and the only thing you need is your bike and a water bottle to stay hydrated. We will gather at GEWIS around 7:30 pm and start our journey there, but more information about this will follow later. We hope to see you on the 27th of September!

    Hugs, the AC

    €0,00 - Eindhoven
  • Follow-Up (FLUP)

    Zaterdag 25 sep. 2021 11:00 - 19:00

    We hope you had as much fun as we had during the introduction week. With all these nice memories, we can already look ahead to the Follow- Up (FLUP), which will take place September the 25th 11:00 – 19:00. Similar to last year it will start with a bicycle tour through EINDHOVEN where the first years will do fraternity games together with their FLUP parents at certain locations. Afterwards we will have dinner together. It is a nice opportunity to get to know EINDHOVEN and to make some new friends. We, as the introduction committee, have even met some of our best friends during the FLUP;)! A lot of first years already subscribed during the introduction week, thanks for your enthusiasm! This subscription list is especially for everyone who hasn’t subscribed yet. There are THREE DIFFERENT subscription lists. The first one is for first years, the second one for senior students who are interested in becoming a FLUP parent and the last one for the senior students who are not interested in becoming a FLUP parent, but do want to join the dinner! Many of you have already heard the rumor that we want to organize a cantus at the evening of the FLUP. This is indeed the case, however we don’t know yet whether this is possible! Therefore we have decided to make a separate activity of it. In the case we can arrange a cantus, we will make another activity, such that everyone can subscribe! Hope to see you at the FLUP! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us! Hugs, INTRO21

    2 euro for first and second year students, 3 euro for senior students - EINDHOVEN
  • BAC Borrel

    Donderdag 23 sep. 2021 16:30 - 19:00

    Well, would you look at that! It's a new week, which means that there will also be a new borrel! Find a borrelbuddy that is as just as thirsty as you are, and subscribe as fast as you can!

    We only have limited places, if there are too many subscriptions, we will hold a draw. Please make sure that you are able to attend the whole borrel. Not being there the entire borrel will have consequences!

    Depends on how thirsty you are! - Markthal
  • GEPWNAGE Just Dance

    Dinsdag 21 sep. 2021 17:30 - 19:30

    After being absent for a year. GEPWNAGE is organizing one of our classics, just dance! Join us together with your friends on the 21st of September around 17:30 in the Markthal. Let's dance on songs going from Rasputin to Blinding lights.Steal the dance floor! Become a dance star! Show off your dance moves. Beat the high score! Enjoy some snacks and drinks. Let's make it a beautiful night with lots of fun! Game On!Subscribe before Monday 20th September 23:59, if there are too many subscriptions after this deadline there will be a draw.

    Free - Markthal
  • Lunchlezing UiPath

    Dinsdag 21 sep. 2021 12:40 - 13:20

    UiPath is a leading Robotic Process Automation vendor providing a complete software platform to help organizations efficiently automate business processes. A core component of the UiPath platform is UiPath Process Mining, which helps to discover opportunities for process optimization and Robotic Process Automation through state of the art Process Mining techniques. Student graduation projects have always played a significant role in the exploration, research, and development of these techniques. In this lunch lecture, R&D engineer Dennis Brons will introduce you to the Probabilistic Inductive Miner (PIM), which originated from his graduation project at UiPath. PIM automatically discovers control-flow models from the recorded actions in business processes, providing users with visual means to understand the true nature of their process.Note that this lecture will be on-campus, with a maximum capacity of 75 people. This lecture will be on-campus. Lunch and drinks will be provided, but if you have any allergies/dietary wishes, email me!

    Gratis lunch! - Luna 1.056
  • Discussion hour: Procrastination

    Maandag 20 sep. 2021 12:40 - 13:20

    Are you a inhabitant of the procrasti-nation? Do you feel like you postpone every homework assignment you get or do you wait till the last moment with learning for your exams? Do you have a ton of work that you just don’t get to? Then feel welcome at the discussion hour of 20 september during the lunchbreak. Here, together with Lara Cutra and a small discussion group we will take a closer look at why people procrastinate. and share tips and tricks to keep control. For any questions you can send a mail to co@gewis.nl.

    Free! - MF4
  • Word buddy tijdens de internationale intro-dag!

    Zondag 19 sep. 2021 11:00 - 23:00

    Denk je dat je deze activiteit eerder gezien hebt? Dat klopt; deze is verplaatst naar zondag 19 september in verband met corona.

    Op zondag 19 september 2021 arriveert er een groep internationale Erasmusuitwisselingsstudenten op de TU/e-campus om een geweldige intro-dag te beleven! Deze internationale studenten zullen hier een half jaar/een jaar komen studeren, maar ze weten nog helemaal niks over Nederland, Eindhoven en over onze universiteit. Om deze studenten een vliegende start te geven en ze te helpen zich thuis te voelen hier, wordt deze intro-dag georganiseerd.

    Iedere internationale student die deelneemt wordt gekoppeld aan een student die hier al studeert, een buddy! Daarvoor zoeken we jou! Op 19 september zul je je buddy ontmoeten en neem je ze mee naar alle activiteiten gedurende deze intro-dag. Je zult deze dag veel nieuwe mensen ontmoeten van over de hele wereld. Buddy worden is geheel gratis en we gaan die dag gezellige activiteiten doen! We verklappen niet te veel, maar een city tour en een pubquiz staan zeker op het programma.

    Dus wil jij buddy worden? Schrijf je dan hieronder in om student aan je gekoppeld te krijgen! Ook niet-GEWIS-leden die aan de faculteit W&I studeren kunnen zich inschrijven. Wees snel, want er zijn maar een beperkt aantal plekken. We hopen dat we jou en je buddy deze september zullen zien!

    Gratis (inclusief lunch & diner)! - GEWIS (MF 3.155)
  • FYC information meeting

    Vrijdag 17 sep. 2021 12:40 - 13:20

    Hello dear first year students, As you might have heard, GEWIS has several First Year Committees every year. These are groups of first year students that form a committee together. An FYC is a great way to get to know your fellow students, and also get to know GEWIS a bit better. With your committee, you will design your own logo and clothing, and organise activities together. There is also a scoring competition, which awards points for doing certain activities and passing your courses, among other things. If you want to know a bit more about FYC's, and also hear stories from last year's members, then come to the information meeting during the lunch break on Friday the 17th of September in Auditorium 8. I hope to see you there!

    Free - Auditorium 8
  • BAC B.O.O.M Borrel

    Donderdag 16 sep. 2021 16:30 - 19:00

    It is the start of a new week! Luckily this week includes another Thursday! What a coincidence!! Therefore the BAC will again organise a borrel this week! However, this week is extra special. It is also the lustrum of B.O.O.M., so they will provide a nice drink, and you can buy a sweet 16 card as well! So if you are feeling thirsty, subscribe and join us at the borrel this Thursday!

    The borrel will take place on the 16th of September and will start at 16:30 in the Markthal. Subscribe before Wednesday 12:00, if there are too many subscriptions after this deadline there will be a draw. If you cannot participate the whole borrel, please leave your spot for a person that can! Not being there the whole borrel has consequences.

    BAC coins - Markthal
  • Zij die geen ouwe lul zijn zullen wellicht niet eens bekend zijn met het Nederlandse televisieprogramma “De Lama’s”. Het is dan ook een programma dat ouder is dan menig sjaars, en het lijkt ons daarom een uiterst puik plan om ook de jongere generaties bekend te maken met één van hoogstandjes van het Nederlandse cabaret. De Lama’s is een grote improvisatieshow waarin de deelnemers verschillende theaterspellen gaan spelen waar zij in de meest bizarre situaties terecht komen. Met behulp van improvisatie en een goede portie humor is het de bedoeling dat de deelnemers een uiterst vermakelijke show neerzetten voor het publiek, en natuurlijk ook voor zichzelf. Tijdens deze activiteit krijgt iedereen de mogelijkheid om als deelnemer mee te spelen, maar heel de avond als toeschouwer in het publiek zitten is net zo prima. Vanzelfsprekend is deze activiteit ook uitermate geschikt voor de ouwe lullen die nog steeds hopen op een De Lama’s comeback, en voor hen die gewoon extreem veel lol halen uit theatersport. Houd er rekening mee dat de activiteit in principe Engelstalig zal zijn.Ben je grappig, charismatisch, goed in improviseren, of gewoon uiterst zelfverzekerd? Of kijk je liever toe naar andere mensen die er toch net iets beter in zijn? Of heb je gewoon zin in een toffe B.O.O.M.activiteit? Schrijf je dan vooral in voor de B.O.O.M “De Lama’s” improvisatieshow! Deelname is gratis en we regelen voor iedereen een drankje en een klein snackje, dus dat is nog extra reden om je in te schrijven!Zorg dat je op tijd bij de activiteit aanwezig bent zodat je een goed plekje uit kan kiezen en je alles goed kan horen en zien! Mochten er meer aanmeldingen dan plekken zijn zal er een loting plaatsvinden.

    Gratis - Volgt later
  • B.O.O.M. Sweet 16 Geocache

    Di. 14 sep. 2021 (14:00) - zo. 19 sep. 2021 (23:00)

    It`s sunny outside! B.O.O.M. is turning 16! It is time to celebrate with exciting activities outside!

    From Tuesday onwards it will be possible to start with the Geocache designed especially for our Sweet 16. So get together in a group (or on your own, but in a group is more fun and social ;-)) and start working on your brain with puzzels and enjoy the walk in the nature while doing that. It is combining the two things we love to do!

    Want to know more about geocaching? Watch this video: https://youtu.be/vuFiLhhCNww

    On your walk, be sure to bring:

    A phone with full battery or a GPS deviceA flashlight if you are walking during evening hoursGood walking shoes (due to rain, some parts may become a bit muddy)

    The geocache will start in the Markthal, and all the hints will be posted here on Tuesday September 14. We will inform all subscribed members by mail as well!

    Finishing the geocache before Sunday September 19 will be rewarded with a small price, so please subscribe with your group to inform us how many rewards we should prepare! Walking the geocache after this date is still possible, but just for fun.

    (If there are no rewards left when you arrive at the end of the geocache, please let us know)

    Free - Eindhoven
  • Lunch Lecture Prodrive Technologies

    Dinsdag 14 sep. 2021 12:40 - 13:20

    Rust is a language introduced in 2015 by Mozilla to build reliable and efficient software.

    It has since then gained a lot of popularity with both companies and developers: Used by all GAFAMs, and voted "most loved programming language" 6 years in a row on the Stack Overflow Developer Survey!It tries to solve problems that other system programming languages, mainly C and C++, have been struggling with for a long time, such as memory errors and building concurrent programs. Rust takes inspiration from its predecessors, from the strongly-OOP C# or the dreaded C++, to the purely function Haskell, but avoiding the errors of the past. It can statically prevent whole classes of common errors thanks to its formal, but intuitive, model.

    During this talk, I'll show you what makes Rust a great language for the future (and also what makes it sometimes no so great).

    Gratis lunch! - Luna 1.056
  • B.O.O.M. BuitenBioscoop #Sweet16Edition

    Maandag 13 sep. 2021 18:30 - 23:00

    Op 19 september zal het prachtige dispuut B.O.O.M. haar 16e jaarring mogen ontvangen. Wij hadden voor jullie een hele week vol met toffe activiteiten gepland om deze bijzondere mijlpaal samen met ons te vieren. Na vorig jaar ons lustrum niet echt gevierd te hebben zijn we nu terug met een Sweet16!

    Om jullie toch nog even uit die studentenkamertjes te krijgen en wat kostelijk vermaak te bieden, zal op maandag 13 september de 3e editie van de populaire buitenbioscoop plaatsvinden. We verklappen nu nog niet welke 2 films er gedraaid zullen worden, maar de films zullen ongetwijfeld een grappige en niet-zo-serieuze sfeer met zich dragen. Natuurlijk is een bioscoop geen bioscoop zonder (gratis) popcorn! Daarnaast zouden we B.O.O.M. niet zijn als we niet ook lekker gaan BBQ'en.

    We raden je aan om je eigen (camping)stoeltje mee te nemen zoals in true B.O.O.M. fashion.

    De exacte locatie van de activiteit volgt nog!

    €3 voor leden, €1 voor sjaarzen - TBA
  • BAC Borrel

    Donderdag 9 sep. 2021 16:30 - 19:00

    Hey party people!

    The new year is getting off with a bang, especially if you come to our borrel this Thursday! Find a partner now and make sure to subscribe quickly, because the subscription list will close Wednesday at noon. There are limited spaces. If too many people subscribe, a draw will be held. Also make sure you are available for the whole borrel, otherwise you are wasting your space and consequences will be present.

    Huggles, BAC

    BAC coins - Markthal
  • The academic year has started, and that needs to be celebrated! Dispuut "In Vino Veritas" will, as per usual, organise the perfect social drink for that: The I.V.V Maand'lijksche Borrel "Academische Jaaropening". We will provide you with the opportunity to buy a bottle of wine, or a borrelcard which will contain, among other things, the signature "Wong-island Icedtea", made by Mgr. Wong himself, as this borrel will coincidentally fall together with his birthday. There will be some small snacks available for free, think toast, grapes, cheese, to enjoy with your wine.

    Free - GEWIS
  • How to survive TU/e systems

    Dinsdag 7 sep. 2021 12:40 - 13:20

    For first year students!

    After a hectic introduction week where you have (hopefully) made a lot of new friends it is time to really start your student life. And no student life without studying. However, you might already heard a lot of concepts you have never heard of, like “Canvas”, “MyTimetable”, “Planapp” or “Osiris”. But don’t be afraid! There is no need to worry.Attending this training will teach you all the basics you need to know to survive all the software at the TU/e.

    In case there are more then 75 people that want to attend, there will be a "first come, first serve" policy. You can also attend the training online!

    Don’t forget to bring your laptop!

    Free! - Luna 1.050
  • Lunch Lezing PhD / PDEng

    Dinsdag 7 sep. 2021 12:40 - 13:20

    Students who want to work on solving complex problems in a challenging, competitive, and innovative environment and who want to achieve a leading position in R&D (basic research, applied research, and experimental development) or technological innovation, should consider accelerating their career by continuing their professional development by means of a PhD degree program or a PDEng (Professional Doctorate in Engineering) degree program, in close collaboration with industry.During this lunch lecture, Robin Mennens , one of the most recent graduates of PDEng Software Technology program on technological design and doctorate level (EQF 8) will be presenting the interesting results of his thesis “The Philips Remote AI Streaming (PRAIS) platform”. He is nominated for TU/e Academic Award 2021 for best PDEng Thesis executed in 2020. Furthermore, Robin chose to enroll in this program after MSc Computer Science & Engineering (Software Science track) at TU/e to further develop his technical, professional and personal skills and become a software designer and well-rounded engineer. See this article in Bits & Chips. He will also explain briefly how the program helped his career start significantly.

    Gratis lunch! - Luna 1.056
  • BAC borrel

    Donderdag 2 sep. 2021 16:30 - 19:00

    It is already the last week of the vacation, if you think: shit, I still haven't had fun, join the borrel this Thursday! Subscribe before Wednesday 12:00 with a buddy. Note that if there are too many subscriptions after this deadline there will be a draw. Furthermore, we kindly ask you to subscribe only if you can participate the whole borrel, otherwise please leave your spot for another person! Not being there the whole borrel has consequences.

    Depends on how much you drink - GEWIS room
  • Weet Ik Veel Opnames

    Zaterdag 28 aug. 2021 14:00 - 21:30

    Dear members,

    Much like previous years, the "Weet Ik Veel" recruitment team has sent us another invitation to join their wonderful show, this is a Dutch (unfortunately, also exclusively spoken in Dutch) game show where students will be tested on their general knowledge and the winner will receive a large sum of money! Sadly we will not have as large of a capacity this year due to corona, so we'll be visiting there twice on Saturday the 28th of August. This year "Weet Ik Veel" is recorded in Studio 22 in Mediapark Hilversum (Sumatralaan 45, 1217 GP). We have chosen to go the afternoon and evening recording, which means we have to be present either from 14:00 until 18:00 or from 17:30 to 21:30. When subscribing, please indicate which of the two timeslots you would like to subscribe for.

    Both activities will be facilitated by (at least) one board member, meaning that we can only take 9 members to the recordings on each of the days respectively. If there are more subscriptions than the capacity allows for, there will be a draw. Please subscribe before the 18th of July!

    Gratis! - Sumatralaan 45, 1217 GP, Hilversum
  • No-glass borrel

    Donderdag 26 aug. 2021 16:30 - 19:00

    A new week means a new Thursday means a new borrel!Due to the introduction week, we will have to borrel inside again which means we will only have a very small capacity. To make up for this, we decided to come up with something special!

    This week we will have a no-glass borrel which means you'll have to bring your own drinking "glass" which is absolutely NOT made of glass. Not only your drinking device should be of another material, but also other glass items are not allowed during this borrel.

    Subscribe before Wednesday 12:00, if there are too many subscriptions after this deadline there will be a draw. If you cannot participate during the whole borrel, please leave your spot for a person that can! Not being there the whole borrel has consequences.

    Depends on how thirsty you are! - Het dakterras
  • Interest list First Year Round Table Disscusion

    Wo. 25 aug. 2021 (09:00) - ma. 6 sep. 2021 (09:00)

    Are you a first year bachelor student and you can't wait to give your input on how courses are going? Then I have some great news. Every quartile so-called Round Table Discussions are organized. Here, students are given the oppurtunity to give positive/negative feedback on courses they follow with the responsible lectures also present during this discussion. So, if you are interested in joining this round table discussion then subscribe below! If you subscribe you will be added to a mailinglist for further information. Your e-mail will not be used for anything else besides the mailinglist.

    - - -
  • GEWIS x Pattern introduction party

    Dinsdag 24 aug. 2021 20:00 - 23:59

    Dear GEWIS and Pattern members,

    As you might have already heard, GEWIS and Pattern are allowed to organize a party during the introduction week. This party will take place on campus on Tuesday the 24th of August. This party is up to 750 people and social distancing is not necessary, as everybody is required to have valid QR-code in the CoronaCheck-app in order to enter the party.

    Today, we got some great news: GEWIS and Pattern members not related to the introduction week are now allowed to join the party! Of course, all of those who partake in the introduction week (kiddos, parents and volunteers) have priority to enter, but all the slots that are left after all these people have joined the party are allowed to be given to others!

    For now, we can allow about 50 more people to join the party. The tickets will be first come first serve, and everybody outside of these 50 people will be put on a waiting list. If there are no-shows during the introduction week, some of the people on the waiting list will also be allowed to the party.

    We want to stress the importance to have a QR-code in the CoronaCheck-app to enter the party! This means that when you are allowed to come to the party or have a chance to go to the party, that a QR-code is necessary! The QR-code must be valid during the whole duration of the party, as every time you leave the party and re-enter it, you will be checked again! You can get your tickets on https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/tickets-gewis-introduction-party-167992348637!

    With kind regards,Intro21

    Free! - HG-Noord
  • Second chance ordering lustrum clothing!

    Ma. 23 aug. 2021 (08:00) - vr. 27 aug. 2021 (23:00)

    Hello everyone!

    We are happy to announce that the lustrum committee has decided to re-open the ordering list of the clothing line. During the introduction week, everyone will be able to order some (more) clothes. So if you haven't ordered any already, make sure to go to lustrum.gewis.nl/clothing and fill in the form.Please note that you're obligated to pay after filling in the form.

    P.S. if you're an intro parent, don't forget to tell your kiddo's about the clothing line!

    Depends on what you order - lustrum.gewis.nl
  • BAC MAVO borrel

    Donderdag 19 aug. 2021 16:30 - 19:00

    Another Thursday means another borrel! With the exams (almost) over the BAC will organize another MAVO borrel! This borrel will be a bit more special, as we will provider you with beer and some beer games, how fun! We will also bring back het radje by popular demand!

    Subscribe before Wednesday 12:00, if there are too many subscriptions after this deadline there will be a draw. If you cannot participate the whole borrel, please leave your spot for a person that can! Not being there the whole borrel has consequences

    BAC coins! - Markthal
  • BAC Borrel

    Donderdag 12 aug. 2021 16:30 - 19:00

    It is the start of a new week! Luckily this week includes another Thursday! What a coincidence!! Therefore the BAC will again organise a borrel this week! So if you are feeling thirsty, subscribe and join us at the borrel this Thirsty Thursday!

    The borrel will take place on the 12th of August and will start at 16:30 in the Markthal. Subscribe before Wednesday 12:00, if there are too many subscriptions after this deadline there will be a draw. If you cannot participate the whole borrel, please leave your spot for a person that can! Not being there the whole borrel has consequences.

    BAC coins - Martkhal
  • BAC Borrel

    Donderdag 5 aug. 2021 16:30 - 19:00

    A new month has arrived, August, also known as the harvest month. To celebrate this, we will serve wheat smoothies this Thursday during the borrel!! If you want to taste these delicious, fresh and cold served smoothies, subscribe before Wednesday 12:00. Note that if there are too many subscriptions after this deadline there will be a draw. Furthermore, we kindly ask you to subscribe only if you can participate the whole borrel, otherwise please leave your spot for another person! Not being there the whole borrel has consequences.

    BAC coins - Markthal
  • Gratis Knaek Lidmaatschap

    Do. 5 aug. 2021 (12:00) - di. 19 okt. 2021 (23:59)

    Picture this: ieder keer voor je de trein in stapt nog even een koffietje scoren voor €1,50 op het station. Altijd een tweede burger gratis scoren, of zelfs een geheel hoofdgerecht gratis bestellen in het restaurant. Online shoppen bij bijvoorbeeld Nike, Media Markt, Thuisbezorgd en andere toffe webshops en daar altijd extra korting ontvangen. Klinkt goed, nietwaar?Het kan allemaal, maar alleen met Knaek. Namens GEWIS mogen we gratis Knaek lidmaatschappen weggeven, die toegang geven tot meer dan 1.000 dikke kortingen! Let op dat alleen studenten Knaek kunnen gebruiken.Ga naar https://intro.knaek.nl/gewis en haal nu je gratis lidmaatschap!

    Gratis! - https://intro.knaek.nl/gewis
  • Maand'lijkse borrel "Borrel met Bubbels"

    Woensdag 4 aug. 2021 17:00 - 21:30

    Waade GEWIS-leden,

    De vakantie is tot ons gekomen en als het goed bent u al ruim aan het genieten van wat de terrassen te bieden hebben. Na een jaar kunnen wij dan ook al het licht aan het einde van de tunnel zien en ook binnen het Dispuut “In Vino Veritas” kijken wij erg uit naar een toekomst waar wij met u weer een goed geschonken glas wijn kunnen drinken.

    Zo herinneren wij nog de allerlaatste Maand’lijkse borrel die gehouden werd op 4 maart 2020, waar wij samen met u volop konden genieten van Oud-Hollandsche dranken en versnaperingen. Gelukkig mogen wij u mededelen dat dit niet de laatste Maand’lijkse borrel zal zijn. Op woensdag 4 augustus is het namelijk zo dat u opnieuw kan meegenieten van de overheerlijke wijn die wij u zullen aanbieden in samenstelling met enkele delicatessen waar u van kan genieten.

    Aangezien dit ook de eerste Maand’lijkse borrel zal zijn in een lange tijd, willen wij dit ook graag vieren. Daarom zal dit dan ook een “Borrel met Bubbels” zijn. Uiteraard bent u van harte welkom om Dispuut “In Vino Veritas” te vergezellen vanaf 17:00 in de geliefde GEWIS-ruimte “Het Dakterras”. Hopelijk kunt u, net als wij, niet wachten op een festiviteit als deze en niet wachten op een avond om niet te vergeten!

    Een Maand’lijkse borrel, voor de men die niet meer weet wat een Maand’lijkse borrel is of nooit de kans hebben gehad om er eentje mee maken, is een avond met goed gezelschap onder het genot van de beste wijn dat studentengeld kan kopen en hapje gemaakt door de leden van Het Dispuut.

    Aangezien de borrel binnen is zijn er een beperkt aantal plekken. Schrijf in groepjes van twee in voor aankomende Maandag 23.59. Als er meer inschrijving zijn dan plek is zal er een loting plaats vinden. Kunnen je niet heel de avond bij zijn, laat dan plek vrij voor iemand die dat wel kan!

    Ligt aan de inhoud van uw glas! - GEWIS ruimte
  • BAC Borrel

    Donderdag 29 jul. 2021 16:30 - 19:00

    It is the start of a new week! Luckily this week includes another Thursday! What a coincidence!! Therefore the BAC will again organise a borrel this week! So if you are feeling thirsty, subscribe and join us at the borrel this Thirsty Thursday! The borrel will take place on the 15th of July and will start at 16:30 in the Markthal. Subscribe before Wednesday 12:00, if there are too many subscriptions after this deadline there will be a draw. If you cannot participate the whole borrel, please leave your spot for a person that can! Not being there the whole borrel has consequences.

    BAC coins - Markthal
  • GEWIS Screen draw

    Wo. 28 jul. 2021 (09:00) - zo. 8 aug. 2021 (17:00)

    Hi all!

    Recently, GEWIS replaced most of its monitors. This means that there are now 9 monitors left which need a new home. All of these monitors have a 16:9 aspect ratio and are connected through VGA.

    We will be selling these screens for 10 euros each. Since we want to give everybody the same chance of getting a screen, a draw will be held. When you enter the draw, it is expected from you that you are able to pick up a screen before August 8th.

    €10,- - GEWIS
  • BAC Borrel

    Donderdag 22 jul. 2021 16:30 - 19:00

    The Veur of the BAC is back from his vacation from Germany. The Veur has learned a lot about your favourite beverage pils during his travels through Germany! So please buy him a beer this Thursday and in return he will tell you something about beer in Germany.

    The borrel will take place on the 22th of July and will start at 16:30 in the Markthal. Subscribe before Wednesday 12:00, if there are too many subscriptions after this deadline there will be a draw. If you cannot participate the whole borrel, please leave your spot for a person that can! Not being there the whole borrel has consequences.

    Since the number of corona infections are still high, we highly recommend that take self test before the borrel. Students can get free selfttests from: https://www.zelftestonderwijs.nl/

    Lotsss of BAC coins - GEWIS
  • BAC Borrel

    Donderdag 15 jul. 2021 16:30 - 19:00

    It is the start of a new week! Luckily this week includes another Thursday! What a coincidence!! Therefore the BAC will again organise a borrel this week! So if you are feeling thirsty, subscribe and join us at the borrel this Thirsty Thursday!

    The borrel will take place on the 15th of July and will start at 16:30 in the Markthal. Subscribe before Wednesday 12:00, if there are too many subscriptions after this deadline there will be a draw. If you cannot participate the whole borrel, please leave your spot for a person that can! Not being there the whole borrel has consequences.

    BAC coins - Markthal
  • BAC Borrel

    Donderdag 8 jul. 2021 16:30 - 19:00

    Another Thursday means another borrel! And we have some good news: this is borrel will be inside! That means that there will be broodjes Knak for the hungry, and liquor for the extra thirsty. Since we borrel in GEWIS, there will be room for around 20 people, so make sure to subscribe for this exclusive borrel!

    Subscribe before Wednesday 12:00, if there are too many subscriptions after this deadline there will be a draw. If you cannot participate the whole borrel, please leave your spot for a person that can! Not being there the whole borrel has consequences.

    Depends on how thirsty you are! - GEWIS
  • BAC Mavo Borrel

    Donderdag 1 jul. 2021 16:30 - 19:00

    Wow! The BAC provides and keeps providing. This week, the loveliest committee is back with the last borrel of the academic year of 2020-2021 AND the first borrel of the 40th board. How cool is that! On top of that we will serve buckets with cocktails in them. A nice thing to cross off on your bucket list.

    The borrel will take place on the first of July and will start at 16:30 in the Markthal. Subscribe before Wednesday 12:00, if there are too many subscriptions after this deadline there will be a draw. If you cannot participate the whole borrel, please leave your spot for a person that can! Not being there the whole borrel has consequences.

    Free - Markthal

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