Lunch Lecture iO (formerly known as ISAAC)

At ISAAC, we help companies to recognise challenges and turn them into interesting opportunities, and to transform digital channels successfully. In addition to our excellent and extensive technical knowledge, we have specific domain knowledge of Commerce, Financial Services and transactional systems. In short, we have all the tools available to successfully carry out digital challenges. Work; everything they didn't teach you at school. Bavo Janss will take you on a journey of all things he wish he would have known before he started his professional career. About how to make your study more valuable and your future work more fun. Note: this lecture will be on-campus, with a maximum capacity of 75 people. The draw will be on Monday the 14th of March. After subscribing, showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible until Wednesday 16th of March. If you wish to attend this lecture, but are unable to come to attend on-campus, send an email to to see what we can do. If you have any allergies, also send me an email, so we can take this into account for the lunch.

donderdag 17 maart 2022 om 12:40
donderdag 17 maart 2022 om 13:20
Luna 1.050
Free lunch!
Google Calendar


Neem contact op met Corporate Communication and Contact Committee of het bestuur ( als je vragen of opmerkingen hebt of als je na het verstrijken van de afmeldtermijn niet aanwezig kunt zijn. Veel plezier!

Deze inschrijflijst is open van maandag 31 januari 2022 om 12:00 tot woensdag 16 maart 2022 om 23:00.

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