Vrijdag 21 jun. 2019 19:00 - 22:00
Always wondered how the prisoners escaped alcatraz or do you just really like escape rooms?
Finally on the 21st of june you can test for once and for all, whether you can escape a prison or not.
The goal is to escape from the prison with the whole group with who you participate.You start with escaping from your own cell and after that it is like you are the main character of a prison movie or series.
Make sure you get a spot fast, as there are only 40 spots available.
Note: After the subscription list closes on the 18th of may 23:59 a reservation will be made. Therefore you can only unsubscribe until the 18th of may 23:59. After that deadline you have to pay the 40 euros.
Vrijdag 21 jun. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
The inauguration drink of the 38th board is just a few weeks away. To make sure everybody knows what an inauguration drink is and what is expected of a GEWIS member during this drink. We will have an information meeting on June 21st. This meeting will take place in MF 15 from 12:40 to 13:20.
When you have not subscribed yet, make sure to subscribe via the Google Form on gewis.nl/orde.
If you have any questions, send a mail to orde@gewis.nl.
Donderdag 20 jun. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
Will a quantum computer reveal our secrets?'
In the presentation, I will give an intuitive explanation of what makes a quantum computer different from a classical computer and what threats it introduces for state-of-the-art cryptography. Which algorithms are broken and which are not? Then I give insight in what our predictions are for when there will be a large quantum computer, and describe the most relevant quantum attack scenario's. Finally I will give the quantumresistant solutions we see, including postquantum cryptography.
Note: After subscription, showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible untill the 18th of june 2019.
Woensdag 19 jun. 2019 18:00 - 22:00
Hey everyone,
The exam weeks are coming up, however one must not forget to also have some fun once in a while. Therefore the boardgame committee VrijMiSo is organizing a boardgame evening on June 19th at GEWIS starting at 6 o'clock. You can participate for the low low price of, you guessed it, zero euros!
Over the course of the evening we will play a wide variation of boardgames that GEWIS has to offer (see the link below for an overview of our collection), however you can also bring some boardgames from your own collection. We've also purchased some new boardgames that will make their debut at the activity, namely
AzulBang! The Dice GameDe Kwakzalvers van KakelenburgSheriff of NottinghamBe sure to subscribe!
The official VrijMiSo committee
Boardgame collection:https://tinyurl.com/GEWISgames
Woensdag 19 jun. 2019 12:30 - 14:00
Dear members,Summer is on its way and FESTIVITEIT is celebrating this with a picnic. On the 19th of June in the break we will gather at the Simon Stevin field, lay out our picnic blankets and enjoy a lovely lunch in the sun. There will be music and frisbees to relax and have fun before the upcoming exam weeks. For just 1 euro you are able to join (free for freshmen). Come and enjoy the beautiful weather with us!With festive greetings,FESTIVITEIT
Dinsdag 18 jun. 2019 18:00 - 22:00
Intro19 organises an intro parent activity on the 18th of June in the introduction theme Pirate Paradise. If you subscribed as an intro parent (on rex.gewis.nl), you can subscribe for the intro parent activity. Dinner is included!
Dinsdag 18 jun. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
Identity & Access Management at PwC
Daly Chikhaoui Manager Identity & Access management at PwC, will discuss the innovative work he and his team are doing in the field of state of the art forms of online authentication.
We all have an online banking app, but do you dare to log in using facial recognition? Here, you'll develop, advise on and implement the future of Identity & Access Management (IAM). Everyone has an online identity, and everything is connected to everyone. In this team PwC is creating a personal, seamless and secure user experience across online and physical touch points for customers and partners of our clients. Additionally, there are a variety of project in which we improve the time to service and usability for employees to get access to critical data and systems. Last but not least, we have not forgotten the security aspect, where you will be controlling access to company sensitive data to prevent fraud and protect intellectual property. In short in IAM colleagues are the all rounders who connect everything for everyone. Want to experience what it is like to work at PwC in the digital age? See you on the 18th of june!
Note: after subsciption, showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible untill the 17th of June 23:59.
Maandag 17 jun. 2019 19:00 - 22:00
On the 17th of June, the AC organizes the AC CAmpinggames! It is getting hot and the summer holiday is getting closer, so to get in the mood we will be playing some of your favourite games that could be played on a CAmping! Badminton, tug of war, Kubb, table tennis, bottle football and also something with water balloons…
From 19:00 until 22:00, we will be playing these games at the Flux-field. You do not have to bring anything, although bringing or suggesting another CAmping game is always welcome! This ACtivity is suited for everyone, especially with some nice weather. There is no maximum capacity for this ACtivity, so bring your friends too, the more the merrier! Good to know, this ACtivity will be free for everyone and a few snACks are provided.See you on the 17th of June!
Hugs, the AC
Maandag 17 jun. 2019 18:00 - 19:00
Need something to fill your stomACh before going to the AC CAmpinggames? We've got you covered! Before the ACtivity, there is the opportunity to eat something. You can choose between pizza and wok. Pizzas are €6. Exact prices for the wok can be found under 'wokgerechten'at https://soho.foodnu.nl/. If your pizza is unavailable or does not exist, you'll get a Margherita instead!
Donderdag 13 jun. 2019 12:40 - 13:15
Student life brings a lot of stress and sometimes everything can seem so overwhelming. Every day’s clutter can obstruct the things that are actually important and modern technology can cause a lot of distractions. If you think you recognize this, Minimalism might be something for you!
The popularity of the Netflix show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo shows that Minimalism is quite the rage. Minimalism can improve your health, reduce stress and, according to some, even make you happier.
This lecture will be given by Anja from Minimalist Dutchie. In 2016, Anja parted with 75% of her stuff and started blogging about it. Today, her Dutch blog about minimalism and simple living has more than 10.000 visitors per month. In her 30 minute talk on June 13th she’ll discuss what it means to live life with the “less is more†motto – and why giving yourself the permission to get rid of things and re-defining your space will be life-changing.
The language of the training is English and free lunch will be provided if you subscribe. So if you are interested in this topic, or even a bit skeptical about the bold claims, come listen to this lecture!
Woensdag 12 jun. 2019 18:00 - 22:00
Dear members of GEWIS, On the 12th of June the 170th GM of Study Association GEWIS will convene. All of her members are invited to attend this meeting as the Code of Conduct article 4 demands. Up until 4 days prior to the meeting, members can suggest items to be discussed in this meeting. The agenda, minutes and other documents will be posted on the website. The GM takes place in English. Members that are absent with notice, can authorize another member. Mind that authorizations shall only be accepted when they are signed by hand or submitted via the website. For more information, see the HR article 5.
Woensdag 12 jun. 2019 17:00 - 18:00
Before the next GM we offer you the opportunity to have dinner with us. There is a choice between Domino's pizza and Soho wok.
Dinsdag 11 jun. 2019 19:30 - 23:00
Ahoy GEWIS leden,
Wat is er nou leuker dan bier drinken en zingen met je favoriete luitjes? Juist, niet veel. Daarom organiseren wij op 11 juni een Cantus met het fantastische thema: Piraten! Piraterij, daar ben jij natuurlijk bij! Deze piraatastische activiteit zal beginnen om 19:30 en plaatsvinden in De Schuilplaats, Stratumseind 34-36. De kosten zijn maar een schamele 7,50 goudstukken voor eerste jaars en 10 voor oudere jaars, maar euro’s worden ook geaccepteerd. Voor dit geringe bedrag kun jij samen met je mede bieraten verzuipen in de zeven zeeën van bier. Dit wil je niet missen! Neem je papegaai mee voor vocale ondersteuning, probeer niet de Titanic na te doen en onthoud: Bijzijn is meemaken!
Je kunt jouw kaartje bemachtigen bij Eline, Tim, Tessa of Anne.
Dinsdag 11 jun. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
The uncontrolled power of the big five, attention craving smartphones, addictive games, and not so social ‘social media’: Tech has been under fire lately and with good reason. The impact of tech on our day to day lives and our future life goals is immense. In a society in which everyone wants to be happy 24/7 and wants to live life so fully that their pursuit of happiness can become a burden itself, the tech sector has a unique challenge: How to enable and foster digital happiness in a sustainable way?
Note: after subscription showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible until June 10, 23:50
Dinsdag 11 jun. 2019 10:00 - 16:00
Wat een feest, wat een feest!
Na alle lustra van dit jaar is er nog een verjaardag om te vieren. Op 29 mei bestaat dispuut GELIMBO 12,5 jaar.En wat is nou een betere manier om dit met jullie te vieren dan met cadeautjes en vlaai?Op 11 juni organiseert GELIMBO vanaf 10:00 's ochtends een activiteit waarbij jij met een groep vrienden samen een vlaai kunt versieren! Er zijn vijftien vlaaibodems beschikbaar dus wees er op tijd bij :D Na afloop mag je namelijk niet alleen deze vlaai zelf opeten, maar mag je ook nog een cadeautje grabbelen uit de grabbelton. Wat een feest!
Vr. 7 jun. 2019 (16:00) - zo. 9 jun. 2019 (23:00)
Many of you have already seen the ``B.O.O.M. Buitenlands Weekend'' from up close, and those do not need to be convinced to participate this year's edition again.
For those who are not yet familiar with the term ``B.O.O.M. Buitenlands weekend'', a brief description: Every year there is this one special weekend in which a group of adventurous students gather and travel to an exciting place somewhere in another country. During the weekend, some great activities will be offered and the nights are spent drinking some beers close by a fire and falling asleep inside a cozy tent.This year is special, as the weekend will take place on the island of Texel. During the weekend we will participate in several activities, in which we will discover the beautiful island of Texel.
The subscription list will open on Friday, the 5th of April at 13:20 and there are only 50 spots available.
Met takken!
Donderdag 6 jun. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
Recently, Prodrive has developed AGVs to support factory automation. AGVs are vehicles that can autonomously transport goods and are used at Prodrive in a production and warehouse environment for logistic purposes. Our first prototypes are already operating in our production facilities. Currently we are improving these prototypes to market-ready products. This presentation will provide you with information about Prodrive in general and will go into more depth about our AGV project. We will discuss various topics such as production line optimisation, multi-robot path planning and task scheduling, covering both mathematical and software-related aspects.
Note: after subscription showing up is mandatory. Changed your mind? No problem, unsubscribing is possible until the 5th of June 23:59
Woensdag 5 jun. 2019 17:00 - 20:00
Geachte GEWIS’sers,
Bij dezen informeer ik u dat hét Dispuut In Vino Veritas u op 5 juni aanstaande graag welkom heet, om ons te vergezellen voor het wonderlijke I.V.V Spel met Ballen. Hier heeft u de mogelijkheid om onder het genot van een zalig hapje en drankje uw competitieve aard door te laten schijnen daar waar u met een team van twee het tegen leden dér Dispuut en andere GEWIS leden kan opnemen in de hoop uw team te voorzien van eeuwige glorie.
Hét Dispuut zal u voorzien van enkele lekkernijen en uiteraard een goed gevuld glas wijn. Het enige dat we van u vragen is het meebrengen van goede zin en een kleine vergoeding van €3,50, de rest zal voor u worden verzorgd.
Bent u bereid om te strijden voor ultieme roem? Schrijft u zich dan in, samen met uw partner, voor hét I.V.V Spel met Ballen.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Dhr. MeijaardVice-Praeses der Dispuut “In Vino Veritasâ€
Woensdag 5 jun. 2019 12:30 - 13:30
Heb je de behoefte om nog meer uit je studententijd te halen? Wil je ook bijdragen aan GEWIS, maar weet je nog niet hoe? Kom naar de commissiemarkt op 3 en 5 juni om te kijken welke commissie bij jou past! Tijdens de lunch kan je langs de verschillende commissies gaan, vragen wat ze nu eigenlijk doen en wat je er kan leren. De markt zal verspreid zijn over twee dagen.Op 3 juni zullen de volgende commissies aanwezig zijn:
C4CBCDigital Infrastructure of GEWISSSGStijlSupremumTRAINWCYBC19
Di. 4 jun. 2019 (18:00) - vr. 14 jun. 2019 (23:00)
Ook in Q4 zullen we een spannnend beerpong toernooi organiseren.Hij werkt precies zoals de eerste!Vanaf 8 april kun je je inschrijven met je teamgenoot om zo mee te strijden voor die mooie beker!
Dus wacht niet te lang, want er zijn maar beperkte plekken!Ook een teamnaam invullen, anders is je inschrijving niet geldig!
Dinsdag 4 jun. 2019 18:00 - 22:00
Dear students, On Tuesday the 4th of June, C4 is organizing a great career event: The C4 Company Dinner! For only 15 euros you will get a full dinner in an actual restaurant and you will be able to talk to two companies about anything you want. At the dinner, three companies will attend, of which you can choose two to talk with. With both of them, you will enjoy two nice courses and some drinks to discover the career possibilities they have in an informal conversation. As usual in our career related activities, we will also provide you with enough food and drinks. Are you a Master's student? Then you are lucky! Are you a Master's student? Then you are lucky! If the 27 spots are filled within the week Master's students will have a priority over Bachelor's students. Make sure you fill in your allergies, field of interest and which companies you would like to have dinner with. The companies that will attend are: - bol.com - IMC - Shell Information about the companies:
bol.comWorking at bol.com is….. Working together with energetic colleagues to achieve one goal: making millions of customers happy. Bol.com is the largest online shopping platform in the Netherlands and Belgium. The code of our software engineers offers our 9 million customers over 17 million products and an inspiring and personal shopping experience. Luckily technology and innovation creates the culture of bol.com and tech runs through the veins of all bol.commers. IMCMaking Markets. Making a Difference. IMC is a market maker and one of the world’s leading trading firms. We are mathematicians, makers, and mavens. Traders, technologists, and tacticians. We think globally, commit locally, solve problems methodically and give back seriously. Being smart gets you in the door. Continuously striving for improvement and a restless curiosity will help you succeed. WHAT WE DO Being a market maker means being ready to buy or sell securities at any time, facilitating the transfer of risk for market participants. Our highly-automated systems and trading strategies ensure tighter ‘spreads’ between bid and offer prices, reducing costs for buyers and sellers. Solving complex problems and learning constantly, we’ve played our part in making financial markets more efficient for almost 30 years. HOW WE DO IT We work better when we work together. Of course, with more than 500 people from many cultures and nationalities, working across time zones and locations, teamwork can be its own complex challenge. Good thing we like complex challenges! The solution: an open, diverse culture built on trust, integrity, and the exchange of knowledge and ideas. And a team of driven, dynamic people empowered to be creative, to communicate openly, and to collaborate. Across offices in Amsterdam, Sydney and Chicago, we encourage our people to learn, improve and innovate, and give them all the support they need to do so. Find out more about the difference you can make at: www.imc.com/careers ShellThe world’s population is rising. 9 billion people will need energy to live, work, and move around by 2050. To meet this demand, we need new sustainable energy solutions, and people who dare to think different. At Shell, we drive innovation forward, embrace human ingenuity, and push the limits of technology on our journey to develop tomorrow’s energy solutions today. We want students and graduates like you to find the right career here. Join the Shell Graduate Programme and Assessed Internships for world-class training and development. Help us change the global energy system and shape the future with innovation. What does Shell offer? A chance to make an impact. You’ll train in a hands-on role and work in a diverse, global environment where you are encouraged to come up with ideas that could potentially change the world. A world of opportunity. We will help you grow and develop your skills in order to meet your career aspirations. Winning together. You’ll be mentored by supportive managers and be part of a company built around inclusivity and collaboration. Further details, read more about Shell careers on our website: https://www.shell.com/careers Be part of the future of energy. Be part of Shell We hope to see you there! Kind regards, C4
Dinsdag 4 jun. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
-- This lunch lecture will be in English --
Stepping into the world of microservices, containers, serverless and functions
NetMatch is an innovative software specialist focusing on e-commerce in the travel industry. With almost 100 colleagues we provide high-quality software solutions to European tour operators, online travel agencies and cruise lines. NetMatch’ clients are major travel companies such as Corendon, Zoover, and TUI Cruises.
In this lunch lecture our software architect will explain the differences between microservices, containers, serverless computing and functions. How are these technologies related and why should you care? We will show the potential benefits of moving away from the monolithic application architecture, virtual machines and infrastructure as a service. This lunch lecture will be most interesting for computer science students.
Maandag 3 jun. 2019 19:00 - 22:00
Hey, Macarena (or whatever your name may be)! Wanna dance with somebody? Then You're the one that I want! Just Let it go! at the GEPWNAGE Just Dance night. Monday June 3rd 19:00 @GEWIS is Stop. Hammertime!. Completely free, so it's not A rich man's world! Don't feel like dancin', dancin'? We all know Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it. There will even be a very 'professional' and 'unbribable' jury, and a prize for the best! Not a winner? You can always Blame it on the Boogie.See you there!
Maandag 3 jun. 2019 12:30 - 13:30
Heb je de behoefte om nog meer uit je studententijd te halen? Wil je ook bijdragen aan GEWIS, maar weet je nog niet hoe? Kom naar de commissiemarkt op 3 en 5 juni om te kijken welke commissie bij jou past! Tijdens de lunch kan je langs de verschillende commissies gaan, vragen wat ze nu eigenlijk doen en wat je er kan leren. De markt zal verspreid zijn over twee dagen.Op 3 juni zullen de volgende commissies aanwezig zijn:
C4CBCDigital Infrastructure of GEWISSSGStijlSupremumTRAINWCYBC19Donderdag 30 mei. 2019 23:59 - 23:59
Dear members,The time has come: we present the new, yet old school, clothing line from this year! You can order the items you want via this google form!The google form will be closed at 5 June, so don't doubt too long!If you would like to fit some of the items, please contact the board.Hugs, Laura, Mattijs, and Ava[ ![](/~kledinglijn/PosterDef.png)
Wo. 29 mei. 2019 (18:00) - zo. 2 jun. 2019 (18:00)
Onder het motto "Niets is wat het lijkt" gaan 12 kandidaten een weekend lang opdrachten doen om geld te verdienen voor de pot. 1 kandidaat zal echter zijn uiterste best doen om dit te voorkomen. Deze mol zal proberen ongezien de opdrachten saboteren en aan de andere kandidaten is het de taak om hem te ontmaskeren.
Ben jij fan van Wie is de Mol en heb je altijd al eens mee willen doen? Heb jij stalen zenuwen, denk jij de mol te kunnen ontmaskeren in een achtbaan van emoties, leugens en vals spel?
Schrijf je dan in voor het GEMOLD19 weekend van 29 mei tot uiterlijk 2 juni (afhankelijk van je eigen prestaties). Er is plaats voor 12 kandidaten (waarvan 1 mol) en een aantal assistenten die ons tijdens het weekend kunnen helpen met koken/ filmen en mogelijk als chauffeur. In het geval van teveel inschrijvingen zal een lotingsprocedure plaatsvinden. De optie kandidaat en anders assistent kan je kiezen als je mee wilt als kandidaat, maar in het geval van uitloten ook nog in de selectie wil van assistenten.
Kijk voor meer informatie op onze facebookpagina of onze website.
Woensdag 29 mei. 2019 11:30 - 15:30
On the 29th of May the company visit for first years takes place. Nonetheless there are some spots available, so you can join as well! At 11:30 we will gather under the bridge from Metaforum to Gemini with our bicycles so we can have an IT lunch at DELA. There you can ask all your questions about the work they do there and how IT comes in handy in an insurance company!
Note: Subscribe before the 24th of may 14:00 and more information about DELA can be found below:
DELA offers a challenging IT work environment, in which everyone will feel at home. The IT organization of DELA is medium-sized and strives for digital mastery. Because we are in the middle of a digital transformation, there are enormous growth opportunities and training opportunities. We work according to the scrum method and our multidisciplinary teams decide for themselves what the best approach is. Employees follow developments in the market through networking and translate opportunities into workable initiatives. Examples of projects we work on are:
Data analyticsData landscapesOur online environment (continuously on the move)Our growing digital marketing environmentState-of-the-art for customer interaction optimized (SOA) architectureHybrid cloud solutionsAdvanced security tools
DELA IT is big enough to be able to design, manage and innovate yourself. But also small enough to be able to see the impact of your work and to be of added value for the end user and/ or customer. We have a nice mix of young and more experienced IT colleagues and a culture that is characterized by openness and collegiality. There is a lot of attention for the individual. Everything is negotiable. The informal atmosphere offers plenty of room for personal input.
Woensdag 29 mei. 2019 09:00 - 18:00
On the 29th of May the company visit for first years takes place.Nonetheless there are some spots available, so you can join as well!The bus leaves at 9 in the morning and after some drinks in the afternoon we will leave for Eindhoven so you will be home around 6 pm.
Note: Subscribe before the 23rd of may and more information about Picnic can be found below:
Technology, smart planning, and a fleet of electric vehicles lead to less food waste and fewer food miles. Picnic is competitive and sustainable.
Software is helping us lead a grocery revolution. But we don’t just sell apples. Our entire operation is run in-house: the supply-chain, forecasting, warehouse systems, partnership and fleet strategies. From the backend to the front, we’re pioneering development in e-commerce and urban logistics.
With a data-driven approach and an app-only store, Picnic has become Europe’s fastest growing online supermarket.
We value freedom and responsibility. There’s always room to design unique solutions and upset the status quo. In a dynamic atmosphere, diverse teams collaborate on projects, taking ideas from the drawing board to implementation. We're all curious, and everyone is hungry for a challenge.
Maandag 27 mei. 2019 18:30 - 21:30
Nowadays, there is no escaping the Scrum work ways. Whether you are a computer science or mathematics student, you are very likely to end up working at a company that implements Scrum. TRAIN offers you a fun and educational way to prepare yourself for the real world during the Lego Scrum Training!
During the training, you are introduced to Scrum while building with Lego. There is no prior knowledge needed! The training will be provided by Feedback Training & Consulting. There are 60 spots available, subscriptions open after the exams of Q3.  
Vr. 24 mei. 2019 (18:00) - zo. 26 mei. 2019 (23:00)
Arrrrr! Het GEZWEM zeilweekend komt er weer aan! Ditmaal zal het zeilweekend in het pittoreske Fryslân plaatsvinden. Als jij zin hebt in een gezellig weekend vol zeilen, gecombineerd met rum en bier drinken, schrijf je dan nu in voor het GEZWEM zeilweekend!
Omdat de OV-reis naar deze locatie niet ideaal is, proberen wij alle deelnemers via de auto te kunnen laten reizen. Mocht je een auto kunnen regelen, graag aangeven in het inschrijfformulier.
Donderdag 23 mei. 2019 12:30 - 13:20
Visual Exploration of large software structuresTim Bertholet will tell you about the application of Visual Data Exploration techniques while you are enjoying your pizza. Tim: “High tech systems are often supported by large software stacks, where a legacy of hundreds of man-years is not an exception. Evolving insights about architecture and techniques cannot be deployed in the complete stack continuously and immediately, which gradually results in inconsistencies between different parts of the stack. Visually exploring the structure and properties of the software (and other data like documentation and contributors) help making quick assessments and communicating about possible improvements. Sioux uses this and other techniques to keep the software in high tech systems maintainable and comprehendible across disciplines.â€
About the speakerTim Bertholet is a software architect at Sioux. He has multiple years of experience in multidisciplinary teams contributing to and integrating with large software stacks, including lifecycle management. Sioux is an innovative technology partner that supports leading high tech companies in the development and manufacturing of their products. With 600 dedicated engineers in technical software, electronics, mechatronics and mathware they support or act as the Research & Development department of their customers.
Woensdag 22 mei. 2019 17:30 - 23:00
Hi culinairy miracles, GETAART is organising diner rouler, which you can join with a partner of your choice! The idea of diner rouler is that you create one dish (appetizer, main dish or dessert) together with your partner, and you fix a place to serve it (for example at your or your partners place). You will serve this dish to yourself and your partner and two other couples. The other dishes will be taken care of by other couples on other locations. This means that you and your partner will consume 3 dishes on 3 different location in the company of 2 other couples per dish, so 6 other couples in total! What makes this activity extra fun is that in just one evening you will be able to mingle with a lot of people, you can express all your culinary creativity and get inspired by the creations of others. We will make a schedule in which we mix up all the couples. And to ensure that traveling between dishes does not take too long, we would like to know where you will serve your dish. With the privacy law in mind we do not ask you to put this location on the website, instead we ask you to email this information to getaart@gewis.nl. The information will only be communicated to members of GETAART, it will only be used for the schedule and off course all the information on locations will be deleted afterwards.
Di. 21 mei. 2019 (21:00) - wo. 22 mei. 2019 (02:00)
Dear members,
On Tuesday 21 May, the Active Members Day will take place, and we will close this day of with a huge party! After dinner, from 9 O’ clock, the doors of the second FYC party will open at Café Sgt. Peppers. The ‘Gabber or Zwabber’ party is all in theme of gabber dance, gabber music and of course, gabber clothing! If you want to close this day with a huge banger, make sure to pay us a visit!
Tickets will be sold during breaks and borrels at GEWIS for only €1. If you are unable to buy tickets beforehand, tickets will still be available at the door of Café Sgt Peppers, but at a higher expense of €2, so be sure to buy your tickets beforehand!
So search your wardrobes, or even the wardrobes of your parents, and take the most colorful, gabber-like tracksuit possible to put on to this party to prove that you’re a real ‘Gabber’, and not a ‘Zwabber’!We hope to see you all there!
Greetings,FYC Party 2
Maandag 20 mei. 2019 19:00 - 22:00
Dear members of GEWIS, on the 20th of May the 169th GM of Study Association GEWIS will convene. All of her members are invited to attend this meeting as the Code of Conduct article 4 demands. Up until 4 days prior to the meeting, members can suggest items to be discussed in this meeting. The agenda, minutes and other documents will be posted on the website. The GM takes place in English. Members that are absent with notice, can authorize another member. Mind that authorizations shall only be accepted when they are signed by hand or submitted via the website. For more information, see the HR article 5.
Maandag 20 mei. 2019 18:00 - 19:00
Before the next GM we offer you the opportunity to have dinner with us. There is a choice between Domino's pizza and Soho wok.
Woensdag 15 mei. 2019 17:00 - 22:00
Hi everyone,
after the success of the last two years ProcessGold is organizing a third board game night at GEWIS. At ProcessGold we have a lot of colleagues who really enjoy board games and during this event you will be able to play a number of different (not standard) board games under their guidance while enjoying a nice drink!
The event will take place on Wednesday 15th of May.
Hope to see you all!
Dinsdag 14 mei. 2019 19:30 - 23:00
Denk jij alles te weten, ben je een kei in muziek, of hou je gewoon van een gezellige avond? Bewijs jezelf dan in een team van 4 tot 6 personen bij de GELIMBO-quiz op 14 mei 2019! De vragen kunnen werkelijk over alles gaan. Er zijn hippe prijzen te winnen en het belooft weer fantastisch en tevens legendarisch te worden. Dit jaar zal de quiz weer plaatsvinden in Hubble, de studentenbar in Luna. Voor aanvang van de quiz kan hier ook gegeten worden. Hubble biedt namelijk verscheidene maaltijden aan van rond de 6 euro. Er komt een aparte inschrijflijst voor het eten. Daar kan je kiezen welk menu je bij Hubble wilt bestellen.
Dinsdag 14 mei. 2019 18:00 - 19:00
Natuurlijk wil je niet een quiz maken zonder het nodige BrainFood van tevoren. Zoals al eerder vermeld is het dit jaar mogelijk om van tevoren te eten in het goednieuwe Café Hubble (Luna), waar later op de avond de quiz zal plaatsvinden. Hubble biedt het volgende menu aan: --- Daily Dinner Dishes (DDD) (€5,50) --- Optie 1: Kip Bonne femme (kippepoot met aardappel, boontjes, paprika, champignon en zilverui. Optie 2: Vegetarische Wortelcurry met koriander en kokos. Optie 3: Visstoofpotje Normandie met 3 soorten vis en rijst. --- Legendary Fries Indonesian Style (€5,95) --- Franse frietjes met salade, kip saté en saté saus. Voor vegetariërs is het ook mogelijk de kip saté te vervangen door verschillende soorten groente. Na het opgeven op deze inschrijflijst dien je het eten nog wel zelf te bestellen bij Hubble; deze lijst is een indicatie voor hen hoeveel ze moeten inkopen voor ons, wat het mogelijk maakt om de prijzen laag te houden.
Dinsdag 14 mei. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
Ton Godtschalk will tell you more about data management and business intelligence.
More information will follow soon.
Maandag 13 mei. 2019 17:00 - 21:30
As some of you might have noticed, Mgr. Meeles and Mgr. Keltjens had left the country a few weeks in the end of 2018. During their absence, Meeles and Keltjens explored the beautiful countries of Peru and Bolivia. Probably, most of you will be able to find both countries on the map, but presumable, most of you will not know much of the culture and the history of either country.
Since we as a Fraternity are actively promoting (self)development, Meeles and Keltjens are willing to share the knowledge they have obtained during their travels abroad. We are willing to give you the chance to get a glimpse of what life in Peru and Bolivia is like, and maybe even improve your Spanish further than: “Hola supermercado de la bancos por aquÃ!†and “dos cervezas por favorâ€.
Therefore, Fraternity “In Vino Veritas†will organise the Zuid-Amerimaand’lijksche borrel. This magnificent event will take place on Monday, the 13th of May, which, coincidentally, is the same week as the birthday of our wonderful queen, who originates from this wonderful continent, and will start at 17:00 in the “terraza en la azoteaâ€.During this event, Mgr. Meeles and Mgr. Keltjens will take you along to the magical world of South America. We will let you experience South American delicacies, such as wines, cocktails, snacks and street food, as well as trying to convey some of the spectacular parts of their culture.
We hope to meet you at this special event!
Vr. 10 mei. 2019 (18:00) - zo. 12 mei. 2019 (13:00)
De Batavierenrace: hardlopen, kamperen en feest vieren! Ook dit jaar gaat GEWIS weer meedoen aan de hardloopestafette van Nijmegen naar Enschede. Dit jaar zijn we zelfs met 2 teams ingeloot. Dit jaar zal de Batavierenrace plaatsvinden in het weekend van 10 en 11 mei 2019. Als je dat weekend kan, en het lijkt je leuk mee te doen, schrijf je dan vooral in aangezien we maar 50 plekken hebben!
Wat houdt de Batavierenrace in? Op vrijdagavond ga je richting Enschede, waar je jouw tentje al op kan zetten en vervolgens een biertje kan nuttigen in De Vestingbar. Alle deelnemers zullen naar eigen voorkeur worden ingedeeld in de nacht-, ochtend- of middagploeg. De eerste etappe (van de nachtploeg) begint vrijdagnacht om 23:00 in het centrum van Nijmegen en de estafette eindigt zaterdagmiddag rond 17:00 op het Kennispark van Enschede, waar ook de camping is. Na de estafette zal er zaterdagavond een feest zijn, namelijk het grootste studentfeest van Europa! Op zondag zullen we weer rustig aan terug gaan richting Eindhoven. Verdere informatie over de Batavierenrace volgt na inschrijving of op de website https://www.batavierenrace.nl/
Met sportieve groet,Bata19
Vrijdag 10 mei. 2019 09:30 - 21:00
De Landelijke Interuniversitaire Mathematische Olympiade is een jaarlijks terugkerende wedstrijd waarin kleine teams van studenten vanuit Nederlandse of Vlaamse universiteiten drie uur lang de tijd krijgen om een aantal wiskundeopgaven op te lossen. Deze opgaven kunnen zeer variëren en bijvoorbeeld de vakgebieden analyse, algebra, meetkunde, kansrekening en logica beslaan. Wiskundig inzicht en abstractievermogen zijn dus vereisten. Het is de bedoeling dat wiskundestudenten uit alle jaren aan de slag kunnen met de opgaven.
De vijftiende editie van de LIMO vindt op 10 mei 2019 plaats in Amsterdam. Voor meer informatie, ga naar de site van het LIMO.
Donderdag 9 mei. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
Intelligent Microscope
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies evolve rapidly and successfully solve tasks such as object detection and natural language processing. AI gives software users the ability of a novel, natural interaction with applications. For example, users can talk to a software system to explain their needs and get direct response, rather than use a mouse or a keyboard to ex-tract and analyze information. Companies that develop modern software systems conduct research on how AI can be used and integrated into their software stack. This work describes how a prototype of an intelligent microscope (IM) was created. The IM is a software artifact. It is an AI-web system that can un-derstand predefined user voice-commands, control an electron microscope, detect objects on microscope images, and high-light specific objects requested by a user. The main motivation for the project was to explore and show possible ways of User-IM interaction. The IM use cases and software design are described in this report. The IM is capable of detecting and highlighting specific types of objects, such as cells and mitochondria. Also, it is able to interpret information about detected objects and show which of the objects are big, small, or relatively close to each other. These use cases provide examples of how the IM can be used. Even though these use cases are unique they do not limit the IM to mitochondrion and cell detection only, because one of the main implemented IM requirements is extendibility with other use cases in the future. The results of the project show how microscope control can be simplified using conversational interface, how image analysis can be improved using object segmentation, and how information about microscope image context can be interpreted using intelligent microscope knowledge database.
Note: After subscription showing up is mandatory. You can unsubscribe untill the 8th of may 23:59.
Wo. 8 mei. 2019 (20:00) - do. 9 mei. 2019 (00:00)
Lieve leden,
in de week van 6 mei vindt er een BAC Lustrum week plaats!Hier zal later meer informatie over volgen van onze Veurzitter, maar een ding willen we al mededelen.
Op woensdag 8 mei zal de BAC samen met de Oud-BAC het Temporary Art Center in het Temporary Adt Center omtoveren.Om 20.00 begint er namelijk een heuse cantus daar, met een boel drankjes, gezang, gelach en hier en daar een beetje straf.Hoe erg de straf is hangt van jou af!
We hopen je allemaal daar te zien. We hebben 70 tickets klaar om te verkopen! En de verkoop start... NU!Voor 10 euro kun je een ticket kopen bij de BAC, voornamelijk bij Dennis, Damaris of Wesley. Kleine tip, we zijn er het vaakst op borrels!
de BAC
Dinsdag 7 mei. 2019 14:00 - 17:00
Traditiegetrouw gaan we tijdens het BAr Commissie lustrum op excursie, dit keer doen we het lekker dichtbij en heerlijk luxe. Tijdens deze middagactiviteit zullen we de biertjes van de Lux brouwerij proeven, welke gebrouwen zijn met speciale ingrediënten. Bovendien zullen er met deze bieren geproduceerde versnaperingen aanwezig zijn om ook op een andere manier onze lievelingsdrank te ervaren. Met zijn tweeën zal je acht bieren proeven en naderhand krijg je nog een lekker biertje naar keuze om deze lustrum activiteit af te sluiten!
Er kunnen maximaal 50 mensen mee.
Dinsdag 7 mei. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
LET OP: Lunchlezing is in het Nederlands
Hoe is een toegepaste wiskundige met numerieke wiskunde als major terecht gekomen bij een verzekeraar? Cindy Caljouw (Data Scientist bij Achmea) vertelt je aan de hand van een praktijkvoorbeeld over Eurocross Alarmcentrale (onderdeel van Achmea) meer over haar werk. Ze neemt je mee in hoeveel wiskunde je nou dagelijks tegenkomt in haar werk als Data Scientist, en laat hier ook voorbeelden van zien. Daarnaast vertelt ze je wat meer over wat voor uitdagingen ze tot nu toe is tegengekomen. Wat viel mee en wat viel tegen? Wil je dus meer weten over wat je als Data Scientist bij Achmea kan doen? Kom dan langs bij de lunchlezing! Ook als je meer wil weten over stage en scriptiemogelijkheden en onze vacatures.
Maandag 29 apr. 2019 19:00 - 22:00
Lieve leden,
Zoals de meeste van jullie inmiddels al wel zullen weten, is er een nieuw dispuut in oprichting bij GEWIS, namelijk Défi. Défi is een dispuut dat zich erop zal richten om leden uit hun comfort zone te halen door grensverleggende activiteiten te organiseren.
Om die reden ben ik erg trots om te mogen aankondigen dat op maandag 29 april, Défi haar allereerste activiteit gaat organiseren! Het zal de Défi Evening Eating Experience zijn, waarbij je smaakpapillen getest zullen worden met verschillende eet combinaties zonder dat je het eten kunt zien omdat je geblinddoekt bent!
Er zullen verschillende rondes zijn met hapjes en drankjes. Let op dat al deze rondes niet genoeg zijn voor een gehele maaltijd, dus zorg dat je van tevoren al iets gegeten hebt. De activiteit zal plaatsvinden bij GEWIS, begint om 19:00 en zal doorgaan tot een uur of 22:00. Voor slechts 2 euro kan je deelnemen aan deze activiteit. We zijn erg enthousiast voor deze activiteit en hopen jullie er allemaal te zien. Er zijn maar 30 plaatsen beschikbaar, dus zorg dat je snel aanmeldt! Mocht de lijst al volstaan, schrijf je dan vooral in gezien we met een reservelijst werken.
Met heel veel liefde,Défi
Ma. 29 apr. 2019 (09:00) - do. 2 mei. 2019 (21:00)
Are you a student looking for career opportunities? The third and last event organized by the Wervingsdagen are the Interviewing Days. The Interviewing Days presents students the ultimate opportunity to follow up on their connections made during the Career Expo. Students can have a conversation with companies they are interested in regarding a potential job. On top of that, the Interviewing Days are a great opportunity to talk with the recruiters and find out what makes a company tick on the inside. In order to make the whole selection process more objective students have to upload an anonymous resume. In order to set the right professional mood, the Interviewing Days will be held at Hotel Pullman Eindhoven Cocagne, which lies in the center of Eindhoven.
Donderdag 25 apr. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
Most of the world population live in deltas, coastal regions and river basins. Managing these densely populated and vulnerable areas is complex. With Enabling Delta Life as our motto, we closely collaborate governments, businesses, other research institutes and universities in The Netherlands and all over the world to work on smart solutions, innovations and applications for people, environment and society on these areas. As an applied research institute, the success of Deltares can be measured in the extent to which our expert knowledge can be used in and for society. For Deltares, the quality of our expertise and advice comes first.Over 800 people work at Deltares. With our projects, we aim at contributing to the creation, and consolidation of knowledge. We also believe that it is essential to share this knowledge to everyone, by for example making our software freely available.During our presentation, we will illustrate some of these activities and projects at Deltares, with special emphasis on topics related to mathematical modelling and software development, by using one of our most recent software solutions: “Riskeer." This application is an example of how scientific research meets software development, in this case, to maintain the water defense network of The Netherlands safe now and in the future.
Note: After subscription showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible until the 24th of April before 23:55.
Woensdag 24 apr. 2019 18:00 - 23:00
Dames en Heren, Madames et Monsieurs,
Het is ons een grote eer en een waar genoegen dat Dispuut "In Vino Veritas" u kan mededelen dat, na het enorme succes van voorgaande jaren, ook dit jaar het I.V.V Etiquettediner weer zal plaatsvinden.
Tijdens deze avond zult u voorgeschoteld worden door hèt dispuut met een gethematiseerd 4-gangendiner. Zoals u van ons mag verwachten, zal er ook voor de nodige dranken (vin) gezorgd worden. Gedurende dit 4-gangendiner zult u op de hoogte gebracht worden over de gedragscodes gedurende een diner met bijvoorbeeld uw toekomstige werkgever of de Koning der Nederlanden.
Deze gedragsnormen zullen u worden bijgebracht door niet een, maar twee eregasten. De heer Van Beekveld zal u informeren over de etiquette die men zoal gebruikt aan de dinertafel. Onze tweede eregast is de enige echte, wereldberoemde Register Vinoloog Mgr. Sanders, die u zal doceren in de wijnetiquette die normaliter aan een dinertafel worden toegepast.
Dit I.V.V Etiquettediner zal plaatsvinden op woensdag 24 april en er zijn 24 plaatsen voor enig GEWIS-lid, buiten hèt Dispuut. Daar het Dispuut veel geïnteresseerden verwacht, lichten we u hierbij in dat de inschrijflijst zal openen op donderdag 4 april om 13:20.Wij hopen dat u net zo enthousiast bent over deze activiteit als Dispuut "In Vino Veritasâ€, en dat we u deze avond mogen begroeten.
P.S. Als u helaas niet bij de eerste 24 inschrijvingen staat, wees dan niet getreurd. We zullen dit jaar, net als vorig jaar, namelijk een loting toepassen in het onfortuinlijke geval dat de activiteit binnen een uur vol zit. Hierbij zal er voorrang verleend worden aan leden die vorig jaar nog niet mee geweest zijn.
Woensdag 24 apr. 2019 12:30 - 13:30
Dear members,
We heard a little rumour that the Easter bunny is visiting GEWIS this year. He will not only bring and hide chocolate eggs, no no. He made an effort and will be bringing all the Easter snacks he can fit in his backpack. So to say, there will be food for many, but do be sure to bring a proper lunch yourself. The members of FESTIVITEIT will hand out these snacks on Wednesday the 24th of April during the lunch break at GEWIS! So, be sure to drop by GEWIS during the break of Easter Wednesday and enjoy some Easter snacks. Oh, and don’t forget to search for chocolate eggs, something special might be hidden in there.
With festive greetings,
p.s. please be kind to the board and don’t search for eggs in the boardroom, there won’t be any there.p.s.s. please don’t trash GEWIS while searching for eggs.
Dinsdag 23 apr. 2019 09:30 - 18:00
Subscribing to the NWS 2019 can be done on this website The National Mathematics Symposium 2019, themed 'Perfect Patterns', will take place on the 23rd of April 2019 in Nijmegen! The topic of this year, Perfect Patterns, will cover the use of symmetry throughout the world of science. Group theory is a common topic in the world of mathematics. Symmetry of objects and spaces can be perfectly described by determining the matching group, however someone might think that group theory is just a piece of mathematics. Perfect Patterns is aimed to give a broad spectrum of the practical use of symmetry and group theory in science. Lecturers with expertise in chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics will tell how they use symmetry in their field of work. So you might say that Perfect Patterns will show you the diversity of symmetry. When you have registered for the NWS 2019, please subscribe here as well so other members know you are attending the symposium so there can be made traveling arrangements.
Donderdag 4 apr. 2019 13:30 - 16:00
Wat is de meeste geschikte activiteit voor een GEWISser? Kaarten en bier drinken natuurlijk! Daarom organiseren wij, EJC19-4 de Smurfen op 4 april voor de borrel een kaartactiviteit zodat je het op die dag allebei kan doen! Daarom smurfen we GEKAART: GEWISsers Kaarten Alvorens Alcohol of Ranja te Tanken. Er zullen verschillende bekende en minder bekende kaartspellen voorbijkomen, zoals Zweeds Pesten, Spades en Mario Kaart. Sommige van deze spellen zullen een variatie op een bestaand spel, denk aan een grappige handicap of een speciaal kaartspel. Als je geïnteresseerd bent, smurf dan snel naar de website van GEWIS en meld je aan!
Woensdag 3 apr. 2019 18:00 - 22:00
Dear members of GEWIS,On Wednesday 3rd of April Study Association GEWIS will convene the 168th General Meeting. All of her members are invited to attend this meeting as the Code of Conduct article 4 demands. Up until 4 days prior to the meeting, members can suggest items to be discussed in this meeting. The agenda, minutes and other documents will be posted on the website.The GM takes place in English. Members that are absent with notice, can authorize another member. Mind that authorizations shall only be accepted when they are signed by hand or submitted via the website. For more information, see the HR article 5.
Woensdag 3 apr. 2019 17:00 - 18:00
Before the next GM we offer you the opportunity to have dinner with us. There is a choice between Domino's pizza and Soho wok.
Dinsdag 2 apr. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
Simulation of Software builds
There are many kinds of software builds. Some can be executed in a matter of seconds, and some will take several hours. When you have no idea how long it will take in advance or how you can optimize your environment, it is like a stroll in the dark. You walk around carefully and hope you do not accidently bump your head, because if you do, you might spend a long time recovering from your mistake.
As Data Scientists at Itility, it is our job to shed some light on such complex systems in order to navigate through these dark mazes. We will give you a quick tour of what we do at Itility and how we help our customer to gain insights into their software build environment.
We will illustrate two different mathematical models that generated proofed business value
The queuing prediction model, which optimizes the execution time of buildsThe environmental simulation model, which exposes bottlenecks and helps with scalability
Donderdag 28 mrt. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
25 percent of today’s youth spends more than 3 hours of their day on their smart phone, so it is quite likely that you know someone that might be addicted, or you may recognize some of the symptoms yourself. That is why TRAIN is organizing a lecture about smart phone addiction to raise awareness of this issue and also to give some tips that could help.
The lecture will be given by Mariek Vanden Abeele, a professor from Tilburg, specializing in mobile phone usage in everyday life. She has studied phubbing, the ignoring of other people by being busy on your phone before and she has used data analyses to study smart phone usage within all layers of society. Free sandwiches will be provided by TRAIN at the start of the lecture. Subscribe now and we hope to see you there!
Wo. 27 mrt. 2019 (20:00) - do. 28 mrt. 2019 (02:00)
On the 27th of March the first FYC party of this year will take place! Our party revolves around us all, sharing and inclusiveness. It will be a great, some might say even the best party that is ever going to be thrown by some members of the different FYC's. There will be lots of fun and comradery, but most importantly A LOT OF FREE BEER!!! So make sure you don't miss this, because it fantastic and a lot of fun! Tickets will be sold starting the 14th of March, and will be available for purchase during lunch at GEWIS and during the weekly borrels.Dresscode : Red!
Woensdag 27 mrt. 2019 16:00 - 17:00
Introducing a hybrid architecture in a large Java monolith
About the lecture:
A case study at TOPdesk: how we went from 2 releases per year to one release per day for our Monolith and multiple releases per day for our Micro services. We will touch on the cultural and technical challenges of introducing our hybrid architecture which enables our Monolith and Micro services to live side-by-side.
How do you stay relevant as a software company? You must be able to react quickly to the market you are serving. Our big monolith caused us to lose a lot of agility, so we had to change our way of working. In this talk we want to share with you how we convinced the following stakeholders:
Developers must adopt a new way of working.The Build team has to invest effort in a new infrastructure.Quality Assurance has to be convinced that a little less QA does not hurt.The Operations team will become responsible for a lot more updates, instead of just the two per year.Our communications department handles translations and release notes and must also Continuously Deliver.Product Management needs to be convinced to make room in their planning to spend time on a new architecture.Most importantly: our customers must not be scared away by our changes.About the speaker:
Joep is a Build Master at TOPdesk with a keen interest in delivering quality software continuously. He loves playing around with Jenkins Pipelines, Selenium, Docker and keeps in touch with his inner developer by educating his colleagues on testable Java code. He spoke several times at Devoxx, Javaland, DevOps Days and GOTO; Conference. He was in charge of the tooling side of the migration to the Hybrid architecture.
Roel tries to combine being a Continuous Deployment Advocate, Java Trainer and Security Specialist at the same time. He sometimes succeeds. Roel has presented several times at Devoxx and Javaland, presenting his Open Source project Lombok. His focus was on convincing people that a hybrid architecture is the way forward towards Continuous Deployment.
After the lecture you are all welcome to have a drink with TOPdesk at GEWIS!
Note: After subscription, showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible until Tuesday the 26th of March, 23.00h
Dinsdag 26 mrt. 2019 19:00 - 21:00
Do you like to play with balls in the dark by smashing them with a stick? Then we have an ACtivity you will really like, beCAuse the AC organizes AC Glowgolf. Invite your friends and find out who is the best at minigolf by playing a competitive game or enjoy the beautiful colors and lights in the cource.
From 19:00 until 21:00 we will go to GlowGolf Eindhoven loCAted at Vijfkamplaan 6c in Woensel Noord. We will meet at GEWIS at 18:40 and travel together by bike (18:30 for the bus group) to the ACtivity.Nice to know, The costs for this ACtivity will only be 3 euro’s (1 for freshmen).There will also be an possibility to eat pizza or chinese at GEWIS, please register on the eatlist what you want to eat if you want to eat with us.
We hope to see you on the 26th of March Hugs, the AC
Dinsdag 26 mrt. 2019 18:00 - 18:30
Need something to fill your stomACh before the golfing? We've got you covered! Before the ACtivity, there is the opportunity to eat something. You can choose between pizza and wok. Pizzas are €6. Exact prices for the wok can be found under 'wokgerechten'at https://soho.foodnu.nl/. If your pizza is unavailable or does not exist, you'll get a Margherita instead!
Dinsdag 26 mrt. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
About me:My name is Levi Prikken, a second year master student Industrial and Applied Mathematics and active member of GEWIS, and I have recently completed my three-month internship at ING. I want to share with you my story as a student. I will show you what my project entailed as well as tell you how it felt to make the switch from academia to business.About the lunch lecture:More and more data is available nowadays, so it becomes easier to use this data to build sizable graphs. Due to the capacity to increase the volume, large-scale network analysis is becoming an appealing field of research. One of the questions asked is, how can one now extract useful information out of such a gigantic network?At ING Wholesale Banking all company transactions are represented in an immense network of more than 400 million edges. I have had the opportunity to analyse this great network, using a new Spark package called GraphFrames. My own research focused on what type of companies would have a significant influence on the network and why. To address this question, we first must know how to define influence in this context; and how it translates to influence in a real-life situation.During the lunch lecture we will tackle all these questions and I will explain to you how I have struggled through the exploration of the network, and its influencers, as a student. While doing so, I will also give you a better idea of how it felt like to start working at ING, when you have only experienced the university life so far.
Maandag 25 mrt. 2019 18:00 - 21:00
Monday 25th of March is the GETAART cupcake decorating workshop for only one euro! We will provide 4 cupcakes for everyone and a lot of stuff you can use to decorate them. There will be explanations how to decorate the cupcakes, but you can of course make whatever you like! There will be prizes for the most beautiful cupcakes :)There is not a limited amount of people who can join the workshop, but the first 36 subsriptions can take their decorating tools home! (only if you show up)If you want to take your decorated cupcakes home, we ask to bring your own food container.
Maandag 25 mrt. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
This infolunch is targeted to Computer Science students. Have you ever considered going abroad for your studies to gain international experience? There are interesting opportunities for master students at our department. Come to the lunch 25 March and you can learn all about the possibilities. Following a course at Imperial College London, or doing an internship at Trento University Italy. These are just some examples. When studying abroad, you may be eligible to an Erasmus grant, so your travel will be subsidized! Fellow students will tell about their experience abroad and staff members will be present to inform you about the practical things and how you can make this fit into your personal curriculum. Hope to see you Monday 25th at 12:40 hours in Luna 1.050! Sandwiches and drinks will be provided.
Zondag 24 mrt. 2019 10:00 - 20:00
If you love boardgames as much as we do, you're in luck! GEWIS is going to Zuiderspel, the boardgame convention of Veldhoven. For only €2,- you can join us for a full day of playing and buying boardgames. Afterwards we're going to GEWIS to eat some fries (not included in the price) and play our new games.
Since Zuiderspel is slightly further away than the Spellenspektakel, there will be a cycling group and a bus group. Please let us know in advance which group you're willing to attend.
The `unofficial’ VrijMiSo committee.
Zaterdag 23 mrt. 2019 10:00 - 21:00
Dit evenement zal jammer genoeg niet plaatsvinden.
Dit jaar zal er in plaats van het GEDWAAL (Winter)WandelWeekend een GEDWAAL (Winter)WandelDag plaatsvinden op 23 maart. We vertrekken zaterdag de 23e naar een locatie in Nederland waar we ongeveer 20 kilometer gaan wandelen naar een locatie waar we een toffe activiteit gaan doen en lekker zullen gaan eten. Wij zorgen onderweg voor een lekkere lunch. Houd jij van wandelen en heb je zin in een leuke dag? Schrijf je dan nu in! NIEUW!!! Heb jij ook altijd last van koude oren in de winter? Dit jaar verschaffen wij de mogelijkheid om een toffe muts, met het logo van GEDWAAL (zie hier) te bestellen. De prijs zal afhankelijk zijn van het aantal mensen dat mee bestelt, maar reken op een prijs van €10-€15. Ook als je niet besluit mee te gaan op het weekend, kun je een muts bestellen. NOTE. Wil je een muts? Schrijf je dan vóór 1 februari 2019 in, anders kunnen we niet garanderen dat ze op tijd aankomen.
Donderdag 21 mrt. 2019 12:40 - 13:15
In de zomer van 2020 zal Bacana (Brazilian Academic, Cultural and Noteworthy Activities) de tweejaarlijkse studiereis organiseren, dit keer naar Brazilië. We zullen, uiteraard, universiteiten en bedrijven relevant voor de studies van onze faculteit bezoeken. Maar dat is niet alles! We zijn ook van plan om bekende plekken te bezoeken, zoals “Christus de verlosser†en de watervallen van Iguazu. Ook staan er stedentrips op de mogelijke planning, zoals Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo en Salvador.*
Omdat we graag alles willen vertellen over wat we van plan zijn en hoe je mee kunt doen zullen we een informatiebijeenkomst organiseren. Tijdens deze bijeenkomst zullen we de commissie voorstellen, je informeren over onze plannen en de kosten, en wat je moet doen om mee te kunnen naar Brazilië. De bijeenkomst zal plaats vinden op 21 maart tijdens de pauze (12.40-13.15) in Luna 1.050. Uiteraard is er ook gelegenheid om vragen te stellen.
Je mag mee op de studiereis in 2020 als je in collegejaar 2019/2020 een van de studies volgt van de faculteit Wiskunde & Informatica van de TU/e** en als je minstens 60 ECTS hebt gehaald bij een studie aan de TU/e of elke andere universiteit op het moment van inschrijven voor deze studiereis (in april).
Mocht je niet aanwezig kunnen zijn mail dan naar bacana@gewis.nl en we sturen je de nodige informatie.
De genoemde activiteiten zijn mogelijke plannen. We vermelden ze als voorbeeld, en ze zeggen niks over het echte programma dat plaats gaat vinden tijdens de studiereis omdat die er nog niet is.** Als je van plan bent in de zomer van 2020 af te studeren dan is het mogelijk om de examencommissie om uitstel te vragen van je afstuderen (volgens de OER), zodat je alsnog mee mag op studiereis.
Woensdag 20 mrt. 2019 10:00 - 16:00
Get to know 160+ companies and find your match!
The Career Expo is the biggest career event of the TU/e. Over the course of two days, companies will present themselves in the Auditorium building. Additionally, you can join a number of Extra Activities and Speeddates, which are 10 minute conversations with 3 interesting companies. Subscribe here for the Speeddates.
Visiting the Career Expo can help you orient for your master, help you find internships or even a job!
The Career Expo is free of charge and no registration is required except for the Speeddates. Be sure to come by and present your brand at the Career Expo!
📘 Guide 📘To get to know all the activities and companies at the Career Expo, be sure to check out our Company Guide.
Dinsdag 19 mrt. 2019 19:00 - 23:00
Dear potential singingtalents,Do you have the skills to be the new Roy Donders or do you want to show your awesome performance skills? Come to the FYC GeDoE karaoke night on Tuesday 19th of march! You can compete for the title of Karaoke King or Qaraoke Queen! You will be assessed on your performing skills so make sure your performance is one to be remembered. Do you have the potential or are you up for a night of fun? The GeDoE activity is the place to be!
Dinsdag 19 mrt. 2019 10:00 - 16:00
Get to know 160+ companies and find your match!
The Career Expo is the biggest career event of the TU/e. Over the course of two days, companies will present themselves in the Auditorium building. Additionally, you can join a number of Extra Activities and Speeddates, which are 10 minute conversations with 3 interesting companies. Subscribe here for the Speeddates.
Visiting the Career Expo can help you orient for your master, help you find internships or even a job!
The Career Expo is free of charge and no registration is required except for the Speeddates. Be sure to come by and present your brand at the Career Expo!
📘 Guide 📘To get to know all the activities and companies at the Career Expo, be sure to check out our Company Guide.
Maandag 18 mrt. 2019 14:00 - 16:30
The AI revolution is taking place all around us, some people say that it will destroy us and others say that it will be our saving grace. Whatever the outcome may be, it will always be handy to be able to program an AI. That is the exact reason why we are organizing this training!
The goal of the training will be to learn how to program Alexa, the AI assistant of Amazon.
The training will be given by ORTEC Finance, a company that specializes in optimizing software and is currently venturing into AI. There are 20 spots for the training, so subscribe now! This training will only take place if at least 10 people have subscribed, so invite your friends!
Za. 16 mrt. 2019 (12:00) - zo. 17 mrt. 2019 (13:00)
Ladies and gentlemen,
The time is there! The opening of the subscription list of the Fraternity Gala!
For a studying GEWIS member, the member contribution will be €90.-, for a non-GEWIS or a graduated GEWIS member, it will be €129.-. In return, there will be some gala preparing activities before and on Saturday the 16th of March, a ‘borrel’, a three course dinner, the gala itself, an overnight stay in the castle and a brunch the next day! Note that the gala itself does not have an end time, as long as you are partying, it is on!
We can imagine that at this point in time, it might be unclear to you whether you will take a GEWIS date, or a non-GEWIS date, even though we request you to fill this out in the subscription list. We kindly request you to fill out what you expect on the 16th of March. We will give you the opportunity to change your subscription until the 1st of February. Time enough to send these blue letters! The 1st of March is also the payment deadline, so start setting money aside for this amazing event. Please indicate whether you and your date (or either of the two (not advised)) would like to go by bus to the location too. This will results into some additional fee, estimated around 10 euros per person. Also, we ask you to give permission to use your adress, such that we can send you physical mail.
Of course this gala will be themed. During the coming months we will slowly reveal more and more of this theme. Perhaps there is already a hint on the poster at GEWIS!
Kind regards,
ATHENA, GEPWNAGE and “In Vino Veritasâ€,
PS. In case you wish to change your preferences, unsubscribe and subscribe. There are a total of 280 spots, so there is all the opportunity!
PPS. More information can be found on our website: www.disputengala.nl
Donderdag 14 mrt. 2019 16:30 - 19:00
This year ATHENA celebrates her first lustrum with a lustrum week which will take place from Monday March 11th till Sunday March 17th. During this week you can join one (or more) activities which are typical for our fraternity.
Thursday March 14th (4.30pm - 7pm) the ATHENA Super Sweet Lustrum drink in collaboration with the BAr Committee takes place. You can enjoy our delicious pies and even buy some cocktail buckets which you can share with your friends.
We hope to see a lot of you during our lustrum week. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask one of our members or send an email to athena@gewis.nl!
Donderdag 14 mrt. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
Our interconnectedness is as high as it has ever been. The internet, our cell phones, games, Skype –they have all contributed to the way we communicate today. Even though it is very fast, we still interact through some form of rectangular window. What if we wouldn’t be limited to those windows anymore? What if we could see and talk to our distant friends just by putting on special glasses?
That’s what SocialXR (social extended reality) is about. Using virtual and augmented reality, we aim to bring people together in a photorealistic environment. Your friends are not represented as avatars, as with Facebook Spaces or AltspaceVR, but as real-time recordings of themselves. You just need consumer-grade hardware and you can visit your distant friends, in VR, whenever you want!
I am Karim El Assal and I’ve worked at TNO since I received my master’s degree in Computer Science about a year ago. My focus is primarily on building proof of concepts, whether it is a gaze-based VR video player or an Android app that visualizes in AR what obstacles a car ‘sees’ in his surroundings. Relating to SocialXR, we – the Networks department of TNO – research what is necessary to support the real-time streaming of volumetric user captures. Do we simply need more bandwidth? Better compression? Or is it sufficient to minimize the amount of data sent over the network? What do you think?Note: after subscribing, showing up is mandatory!
Donderdag 14 mrt. 2019 12:30 - 13:15
Coming Thursday it is the 14th of March, which means it is pi-day!! Therefore you can get a free piece of pie at GEWIS during the lunch break, freshly baked by the members of GETAART!
Woensdag 13 mrt. 2019 18:00 - 21:00
This year ATHENA celebrates her first lustrum with a lustrum week which will take place from Monday March 11th till Sunday March 17th. During this week you can join one (or more) activities which are typical for our fraternity.
This is the subscription list for Wednesday March 13th (6pm - 9pm) for the ATHENA Beauty-night. You can participate for free and enjoy the beauty masks and girls movies with delicious snacks at GEWIS!
We hope to see a lot of you during our lustrum week. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask one of our members or send an email to athena@gewis.nl!
Dinsdag 12 mrt. 2019 19:30 - 21:00
This year ATHENA celebrates her first lustrum with a lustrum week which will take place from Monday March 11th till Sunday March 17th. During this week you can join one (or more) activities which are typical for our fraternity.
This is the subscription list for Tuesday March 12th (7.30pm - 9pm) for the ATHENA Dance Workshop Jazz. You can participate for free and get a jazz dance workshop of one and a half hour in the Senaatszaal! The workshop will be given by Marleen Manders, a professional dancer, and will be suitable for everyone, even if you don’t have any dancing experience yet. The workshop requires you to wear clothes in which you can easily move. For example, a legging or sport shorts, t-shirt, and socks or bare feet will do.
We hope to see a lot of you during our lustrum week. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask one of our members or send an email to athena@gewis.nl!
Dinsdag 12 mrt. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
Helaas is deze lunchlezing gecanceled :(Wel wordt de lezing verplaatst naar verderop in het jaar, dus hou de GEWIS website in de gaten voor de nieuwe datum!
Maandag 11 mrt. 2019 19:00 - 22:00
This year ATHENA celebrates her first lustrum with a lustrum week which will take place from Monday March 11th till Sunday March 17th. During this week you can join one (or more) activities which are typical for our fraternity.
This is the subscription list for Monday March 11th (7pm - 10pm) for the ATHENA Cocktail Workshop. You can participate for only 7,50 euros and make a lot of cocktails during the evening which will be reviewed by a jury which consists of `oude dozen'!
There are only 40 spots availible, so be fast!
We hope to see a lot of you during our lustrum week. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask one of our members or send an email to athena@gewis.nl!
Maandag 11 mrt. 2019 18:00 - 19:00
Before the the cocktail workshop we offer you the opportunity to have dinner with us. There is a choice between different Domino's pizzas.
Maandag 4 mrt. 2019 12:11 - 23:11
Maandag neemt prins Romy I je mee naar het zuiden om te laten zien hoe carnaval gevierd wordt in Mestreech (Maastricht). We verzamelen op station Eindhoven om 12:11 om vanaf daar met z'n allen de trein te nemen naar het zuiden! Schrijf je in, zodat we je niet vergeten! Alaaf!
Zondag 3 mrt. 2019 11:11 - 23:11
Kerst is nog maar amper voorbij of ik ben hier al om jullie eraan te herinneren dat het volgende feest alweer bijna voor de deur staat. Dan heb ik het natuurlijk over carnaval! Het feest om met zijn allen gezellig biertjes te drinken, je te verkleden, gek te dansen en nog meer biertjes te drinken. De perfecte plek om dit natuurlijk te doen, is de Stropdaskroegentocht in Eindhoven! Tijdens deze kroegentocht neem ik, Prins Romy d’n Urste, jullie mee langs 15 verschillende kroegen op Stratumseind, om hier in elke kroeg een klein biertje te drinken (of een wijntje, frisje of Flügeltje). De kroegentocht zal dit jaar plaatsvinden op zondag 3 maart.
Het enige wat je hoeft te doen om mee te gaan met deze super leuke kroegentocht, is een normale das kopen op (http://stropdaskroegentocht.nl/kaartverkoop). Schrijf je hierna in voor deze activiteit zodat we weten wie er allemaal gezellig mee gaan, dan kunnen we regelen dat iedereen tegelijk zijn das ophaalt met dezelfde kleur. Bestel wel snel, want de dassen zijn elk jaar helemaal uitverkocht, en op=op!
Tot dan!Alaaf!Prins Romy d'n urste
Vr. 1 mrt. 2019 (20:11) - za. 2 mrt. 2019 (04:11)
Vrijdagavond neemt prins Romy I je mee naar Stratumseind om te laten zien hoe carnaval gevierd wordt in Lampegat (Eindhoven). We verzamelen bij GEWIS om wat drankjes te nuttigen en daarna gaan we naar Stratumseind om even goed los te gaan!!
Vrijdag 1 mrt. 2019 18:30 - 20:00
The Fraternity Gala is near, the menu is being set, the tickets have been designed and the band has been booked. "Wait, a band? Music?", I hear you ask, "Do I have to dance then?" The answer is quite simple: yes, yes you need to dance, but fear not! We are here to help those of you who have no clue where to even start. There will be three dance workshops, given by a true dancing queen. She will teach you all about the rumba and how to dance it with your partner! You can subscribe together with your date (or anyone else, although your date might get jealous then) and the best of all: these workshops will be provided free of charge!There will be place for 40 people (a.k.a. 20 duo’s). If you don’t have a partner, you can still join, however there exists a possibility that you will have to dance with someone of the same sex.The first workshop will start with the absolute basics, the second and third will assume some basic knowledge of the rumba, which is taught in the first workshop, but even if you couldn’t be there on the first evening, you are most welcome to join these workshops!Note:The training is meant for gala participants, if there are spots left, these can be filled up by people who don’t go to the gala.
Vrijdag 1 mrt. 2019 09:11 - 14:11
De ochtend na de carnavalsborrel is het natuurlijk nodig om even van je kater bij te komen. Daarom kun je vanaf 9:11 bij GEWIS een overheerlijk ontbijt verwachten met luxe broodjes! Kostenvrij! Kom dus voor of tussen je colleges langs bij GEWIS voor een ontzettend ontbijt! Eten is altijd een goed idee.
Donderdag 28 feb. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
Imagine, you drive to the university or travel by public transport and then look for a place at the university to work quietly. Wouldn‘t it be nice to know how crowded it is at the moment of arrival? Or rather at the time of departure? Or even days in advance? With cloud services, we nowadays have a low-threshold use of smart services to make predictions. For this you need data, IoT is often a good solution here. You also want to bring this to the end user in a pleasant and efficient way.
We are ilionx, a medium-sized IT consultancy company with more than 850 employees spread over 7 offices across the Netherlands: Maastricht, Eindhoven, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Groningen, Zwolle and Groningen. Each branch is divided into units and we have different specializations and knowledge: Java, .NET, cloud computing, business analytics, digital experience, dev-operations, interactive marketing and security. Open, collegial and informal are characteristics that describe the culture of ilionx.
Because of all our specializations, we founded Q-LABS in 2018 to bring together the various departments and competences to realize smart and innovative solutions. Due to the parking problem at our office in Maastricht, the ‘parking solution‘ was created. A product where an end-2-end solution is built, where the competences BI, infra and development come together. Parts and techniques that we have used include Python-scripts to read camera images, multiple smart devices (IoT), cloud services (Azure), C # development, object recognition and a Xamarin app.
Wondering how we did this? Come and have lunch with us on February 28 and we'll show you! In addition, Q-LABS has recently became open-source, so if you are interested in contributing to one of the above knowledge areas while enjoying a beer and pizza: you are welcome at our office in Maastricht!
You can find us on github , find the projects with prefix ‘qlabs-‘.
Woensdag 27 feb. 2019 20:00 - 22:00
On the 27th of February, the AC presents for you an ACtivity together with Da Vinci. Not the man who was a famous architect, inventer, painter, sculpter and so on. We mean Da Vinci as in the Eindhoven student Archery association.
From 20:00 until 22:00, we will go to Amazonenlaan 4, where Da Vinci is located, to do some archery. Do not worry if you have never held a bow before, this ACticity is suited for every one.The ACtivity has a maximum CApacity of 30, so be quick to subscribe! If there are already 30 subscriptions, you will be put on the backup list. Good to know, this ACtivity will only cost you €2 (€1 for freshmen)!
See you on the 27th of February!Hugs, the AC
Woensdag 27 feb. 2019 12:00 - 23:00
The Fraternity Gala takes place soon at the 16th till 17th of March in Castle de Berckt. To fit in the theme Chique Mistique and the dresscode white tie, the Fraternity Gala organization arranged a deal with Gents to get a tailcoat for only 135 euros. You can try the tailcoats at Wednesday the 27th of February from 12.00h till 14.00h at MF 1.092 (EnergyForum). If you want to use this amazing deal, we kindly ask you to register here.
If something is unclear, you can always ask one of the organization members or mail disputengala@gewis.nl with your question(s)!
Dinsdag 26 feb. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
Risk management in medical applications
Software is everywhere, and this is also true in healthcare. Things like patient records, doctor’s appointments and medication prescriptions are all managed electronically through software, and almost all modern medical devices are controlled by software. Bugs in this software can have annoying consequences (an appointment is delayed) but can also lead to catastrophic outcomes, like the immediate death of a patient.
This puts a heavy responsibility on the shoulders of everybody who is involved in the software development process. Given the fact it seems impossible to prove in advance a piece of software is 100% correct, how do we minimize the potential harm caused by our software?
Using a newly developed and recently CE certified medical device as an example, Sioux software architect Jeroen Bouwens will demonstrate how risks can be managed. He will show elements like risk analysis, mitigating design elements and risk priority numbers and how such concepts are applied in practice.
Maandag 25 feb. 2019 18:00 - 22:00
Dear members of GEWIS, On Monday the 25th of February the 167th GM takes place. All of her members are invited to attend this meeting as the Code of Conduct article 4 demands. Up until 4 days prior to the meeting, members can suggest items to be discussed in this meeting. The agenda, minutes and other documents will be posted on the website. The GM takes place in English. Members that are absent with notice, can authorize another member. Mind that authorizations shall only be accepted when they are signed by hand or submitted via the website. For more information, see the HR article 5.
Maandag 25 feb. 2019 17:00 - 18:00
Before the next GM we offer you the opportunity to have dinner with us. There is a choice between Domino's pizza and Soho wok.
Donderdag 21 feb. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
Deep Learning (or AI, if you like marketing): What's the technology that makes self-driving cars possible, beats us in Go and Dota2, detects payment frauds and is the core of China’s social credit score? Sometimes the hype is actually at least partially justified. At SIMON, we are specialists in Machine and Deep Learning, originating from ISAAC right here in Eindhoven. During the lunch talk we will explain what Deep Learning is, its relatively simple mathematical origins, how it works, what its limitations are, where it is going, how lots of people will (or won’t?) lose their jobs to it and how you might still save yours by getting on board the trAIn.
About ErikErik supports and guides companies in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), disruption, strategy and the latest revenue models. Being SIMON - a friend of ISAAC 's - managing director, he builds prototypes and practical applications which are rapidly deployable. Erik's mission is to make AI accessible for every company, whether your aim is to cut costs or to build the business of tomorrow. He holds a Phd in Computer Science from the University of Gent, and an experienced start-up entrepreneur.
Donderdag 21 feb. 2019 12:00 - 14:00
From Monday the 18th till Thursday the 21st of February you can drop by the Career Street at different locations around campus during the lunch break. Here you can get some tips on how to present yourself towards a company. You could also get input on your CV, business card or LinkedIn profile and be able to talk to inspiring spin-offs and start-ups located on our campus. So drop by for some great tips and tricks before visiting the Career Expo and grab a free snack!
The same activity will also be held on other locations:18 February 2019 - Auditorium 19 February 2019 - Flux20 February 2019 - Gemini21 February 2019 - Atlas
Woensdag 20 feb. 2019 19:00 - 20:30
The Fraternity Gala is near, the menu is being set, the tickets have been designed and the band has been booked. "Wait, a band? Music?", I hear you ask, "Do I have to dance then?" The answer is quite simple: yes, yes you need to dance, but fear not! We are here to help those of you who have no clue where to even start. There will be three dance workshops, given by a true dancing queen. She will teach you all about the rumba and how to dance it with your partner! You can subscribe together with your date (or anyone else, although your date might get jealous then) and the best of all: these workshops will be provided free of charge!There will be place for 40 people (a.k.a. 20 duo’s). If you don’t have a partner, you can still join, however there exists a possibility that you will have to dance with someone of the same sex.The first workshop will start with the absolute basics, the second and third will assume some basic knowledge of the rumba, which is taught in the first workshop, but even if you couldn’t be there on the first evening, you are most welcome to join these workshops!Note:The training is meant for gala participants, if there are spots left, these can be filled up by people who don’t go to the gala.
Dinsdag 19 feb. 2019 20:00 - 23:00
Als je ervan houd om bordspellen te spelen hopen we dat je dinsdag 19 februari nog niets te doen hebt, anders moet je misschien je afspraken gaan verzetten.Dan heeft de AC DE ACtiviteit voor jou!
Samen met de Knights of the Kitchen Table hebben wij een bordspellen avond opgezet bij de Knights in Luna, waar er veel verschillende soorten spellen gespeeld kunnen worden, zoals partygames, co-op games, traitor games of echte die hard thinking games.Deze ACtiviteit is natuurlijk gratis en er zullen snACks verzorgd worden.
Bij de inschrijving kan al een voorkeur ingevuld worden voor het soort spel wat je het liefste wilt spelen, zodat wij al een setup kunnen maken
Dinsdag 19 feb. 2019 16:30 - 17:30
Blockchain (16:30 -17:00)
In this presentation the following topics will be covered.
General overview of blockchainMining explained: how does hashing and the mining algorithm work?Private blockchains: how to validate private transactions without knowledge of the contents of a transaction?This presentation will give an overview of some of the components of the blockchain technology, both mathematical and software related, and will give some practical applications of the blockchain technology in the industry.
Sensing Clues https://sensingclues.org/ (17:00-17:30 uur)
Wild spaces are under pressure by all sorts of illegal activities, ranging from poaching to illegal trespassing, logging, grazing, charcoaling, mining, waste dumping, and many other threats to nature.
As most nature reserves are simply too extensive, and boots on the ground too few, to continuously guard and monitor the entire area, timely and actionable information about (potential) incidents is of the essence.
Actionable information, also called intelligence, starts with registering and analysing the daily observations of rangers and befriended allies that work in the area. They see and hear many things that can be used to fuel situational understanding. However, many Wildlife Protection Organisations lack the proper tools to collect these observations with ease and to translate them timely into preventive action plans and briefing instructions.
Sensing Clues’ mission is to turn wild spaces into safe havens. We do so by developing and making available the Platform for Wildlife Intelligence, aimed at supporting the collection, analysis, and sharing of actionable information for wildlife protection.
As a partner of MarkLogic we invited MarkLogic to tell you all bout this project(Wildlife Intelligence) and the techniques that have been used. And we will tell you all about the opportunities for you!
SynBier (17:45 - end) At the end of the evening we would like to get to know you while enjoying a SynBier. We brew our own SynBier, see the website for more information. https://www.synbier.nl
Note: the lecture will be in Dutch
Maandag 18 feb. 2019 18:30 - 22:00
The final round of the I.V.V-Hawking Pokertournament against Van der Waals will be played at 18:30 in “De Weeghconst†i.e. the borrelruimte of Simon Stevin.
Those who have qualified will have been emailed, but if you want to be put on the “reservelijstâ€, do subscribe here.
Vr. 15 feb. 2019 (17:00) - zo. 17 feb. 2019 (17:00)
Voor de elfde keer organiseert dispuut GEPWNAGE een LAN-party voor de leden van GEWIS. Dit weekend vol gelach en slaapgebrek is er eentje die je niet wil missen!
Meer Dan Computers – Ja, je hoort het goed! Je dacht wel dat het een groepje mensen was die naar computerschermen schreeuwt, maar ze schreeuwen ook naar elkaars gezicht! We hebben ook bordspellen, consoles, drank, en veel andere analoge dingen voor jouw vermaak.
Bezoek lan.gepwnage.nl voor alle details.
Dinsdag 12 feb. 2019 18:00 - 22:00
Ladies and gentlemen,
Are you skilled at misleading others? Do you have the most hard to read facial expressions? Or are you simply the most legendary poker player around? If any of these apply to you or you just enjoy playing poker, you’re in luck. Dispuut “In Vino Veritas†and Fysisch Dispuut Hawking organize a multi-round poker tournament in which you can put your skills to the test.
The game of poker started as a simple game to pass the time on ships played with only 20 cards. Later poker was influenced by the British’s 52-card deck that we are used to today. Eventually prohibited by the British due to poker being a game of chance. The success of poker in modern times is mostly due to the Americans filming techniques. The point here being, poker, just like the most elegant vintage wine, has aged well.
Where the stigma of hidden dark rooms somewhere in the back has long faded, poker still preserves the thrill it always has when making a risky move that could possibly net you a fortune. On the contrary, one miscalculation could lead to your own demise. Reading your opponents, who bluffs, who only plays safe and who is willing to give you their money, is vital to making it in this game of wits and chance.
This tournament will put your skills to the test not only against familiar opponents; if you prove skilled enough and make it to the finals you get to play against Van der Waals members as well.
During the qualification round at GEWIS, Fysisch Dispuut Hawking will be dealing the cards at our tables, as true professional croupiers. During this evening some players will emerge victorious and be set with other equally skilled players. Eventually the best players are allowed to move on to the finals. These people will represent GEWIS and have the task to ensure the trophy is added to the GEWIS collection.
In the finals the best players of GEWIS will be seated at poker tables together with the best players Van der Waals has to offer. When you’re out of chips you’re out of the finals. If you’re doing well, you’ll be moved to a better table. Eventually one player will have outsmarted all his opponents and will win the trophy for GEWIS or Van der Waals.
During both evenings snacks will be provided and the tactic of buying your opponents slightly too much wine might actually be viable.
For only 5,- euro’s you can enjoy up to two evenings of playing poker. You get the thrill of taking your opponents’ chips, making risky moves netting you the victory and getting to know another association better. All the while being provided with snacks and being able to complement these with as much wine as you want. Eventually, if you do well enough you could be the one having the honour to win GEWIS the golden trophy!
The final will be played on February 18th at 18:00!
Maandag 11 feb. 2019 18:30 - 21:30
Heb je wel eens moeite gehad om iets op je verslag te zetten? Of schrijf je pagina’s en pagina’s, maar dat de stukjes uiteindelijk nergens op slaan? Dan is de training Academic Writing georganiseerd door TRAIN wel iets voor jou!
Het doel van deze training is om ervoor te zorgen dat je uiteindelijk goede, duidelijke verslagen kunt schrijven.
Tijdens de training worden de volgende onderwerpen behandeld:
Belangrijke feiten over het schrijven van verschillende paragrafen in je verslagStrategieën voor het verbeteren van de leesbaarheid in je verslagBelangrijke schrijfschema’s om een duidelijke structuur te hebben voor in je verslagDe training wordt verzorgd door SkillsLab en zal worden gegeven in het Engels. Let op: er zijn maar 35 plekken beschikbaar. Bovendien werken we met een reservelijst, dus schrijf je vooral in! Kosteloos afmelden is mogelijk tot 10 februari om 23:59. Bij afmelding na deze datum of bij het niet komen opdagen tijdens de training worden er kosten in rekening gebracht van €20.
Ma. 11 feb. 2019 (09:00) - ma. 11 mrt. 2019 (18:00)
Welcome… to the grand Expeditie GEWIS. In this game, you will compete with other members of GEWIS, to show your talent in getting to the answer, forming an alliance and even betrayal.
Each day, you will be challenged. This challenge can be anything; for example make a picture with someone, answer a question about GEWIS or solve a riddle. If you completed the challenge successfully, you can eliminate another candidate and you cannot be eliminated. The person who received the most valid votes, will be eliminated. Form an alliance, share your knowledge and eliminate wisefully. However, be careful with sharing your knowledge. If everyone completes the challenge successfully, everyone can be eliminated, including you. The last man surviving will win a price.
Some practical information:A Whatsapp group will be formed with all the candidates, each morning we will share who the eliminated person is. We will also share the challenge of the day.You can also find the challenge of the day here. You can send the proof that you completed the challenge and the person you eliminate to boardgame@gewis.nl.More details will be shared after the subscription deadline.Good luck …and don’t get eliminated!
Vrijdag 8 feb. 2019 19:00 - 20:30
The Fraternity Gala is near, the menu is being set, the tickets have been designed and the band has been booked. "Wait, a band? Music?", I hear you ask, "Do I have to dance then?" The answer is quite simple: yes, yes you need to dance, but fear not! We are here to help those of you who have no clue where to even start. There will be three dance workshops, given by a true dancing queen. She will teach you all about the rumba and how to dance it with your partner! You can subscribe together with your date (or anyone else, although your date might get jealous then) and the best of all: these workshops will be provided free of charge!There will be place for 40 people (a.k.a. 20 duo’s). If you don’t have a partner, you can still join, however there exists a possibility that you will have to dance with someone of the same sex.The first workshop will start with the absolute basics, the second and third will assume some basic knowledge of the rumba, which is taught in the first workshop, but even if you couldn’t be there on the first evening, you are most welcome to join these workshops!Note:The training is meant for gala participants, if there are spots left, these can be filled up by people who don’t go to the gala.
Donderdag 7 feb. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
Industrial Control System (ICS) security assessment Imaging you have to hack an industrial site, factory, ship or powerplant to assess the security. How would you do this? In this presentation, I’m going to guide you through the process, thoughts, decisions and the experiences of performing this type of test. You will find that in the field of Industrial Control System security, maybe more than anywhere else, best practices differ from reality. This is usually due to the stringent availability requirements, which in turn, are an important factor during our assessments. The presentation will mostly revolve around pictures we took, screenshots of attacks and is by supported war stories. At the end of the talk, I hope will have a better idea about “how things go in real life†and how a day outside of the office can look like. Note: After subscription, showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible until Wednesday the 6th of February, 23.00h
Zaterdag 2 feb. 2019 12:30 - 18:00
On the 2nd February GEHACK is organizing the Eindhoven Algorithmic Engineering Programming Contest (EAEPC). In this contest you have 4 hours to create the best possible solution to an engineering problem, in a similar fashion to Google Hashcode. You can compete in teams of 2 to 4 persons and you can use your own laptop. If you don't have a team, send us an email and we'll try and match you up. The problem can be solved in any programming language* you are familiar with, as you only need to submit the solutions.
To test your setup a judge will be made available a few days in advance that will grade a test problem, so you can practice for the contest, check if you have everything setup and debug our judging system.
Signup is free and in teams of 2 to 4 persons. Bring your own laptop and don't forget the associated charger! We'll provide a power outlet and some snacks for during the contest.
We do not recommend the esoteric languages from last year's EEAPC but feel free to try.
Ma. 21 jan. 2019 (00:00) - di. 19 feb. 2019 (23:59)
A research into the brand meaning of GEWIS will be conducted by the board. Therefore we want to hold (online) surveys and interviews with you to voice the opinion of the members of GEWIS. No matter whether you are really involved with GEWIS or not, your opinion is very much appreciated.
There are several ways in which you can participate in the research; you can fill in an online survey (https://goo.gl/forms/mmoC2RpfkaFf14Is1), you can participate in a focus group or you can choose to do a one-on-one interview. If you choose for a focus group or a one-on-one interview, you will also be asked to fill in the online survey.
The interviews will be held in January and February. The survey can be filled in until the end of January.
Woensdag 16 jan. 2019 19:00 - 21:00
![](https://catalog.shop.lomography.com/catalog/product/cache/18/image/384x256/040ec09b1e35df139433887a97daa66f/l/i/light_painting_brushes_translucent_light_writers_light_paint-w1500.jpg) Je hebt waarschijnlijk de geweldige foto's gezien die gemaakt zijn met "light-painting". Misschien heb je zelfs een instelling op je telefoon die het kan doen. Maar gaf dat u een bevredigend resultaat? Waarschijnlijk niet! Maar dat is geen probleem, want nu kunt u de foto's bij ons komen maken! Maak een leuke foto gemaakt door een camera van goede kwaliteit en maak een creatieve foto met verschillende lichtkleuren. Maak gewoon een leuke foto met je vrienden, probeer een leuk schilderij te maken, maak een profielfoto of een combinatie hiervan! Laat je creativiteit stromen en kom naar onze activiteit!
Dinsdag 15 jan. 2019 19:30 - 21:00
Zet je speciale bril maar op en duik met ons in de wereld van VR!
Heb je altijd al willen weten hoe het is om te spelen in een virtuele wereld? Dan hebben wij de ACtiviteit voor jou! Op dinsdag 15 januari neemt de AC je mee naar Enversed Eindhoven, een Virtual Reality Center waar je met en tegen elkaar verschillende spellen kunt spelen. Gezien Enversed in Eindhoven ligt, zal er een fietsgroep zijn die rond 19:10 vanaf GEWIS vertrekt. Spoor al je vrienden aan om ook te komen, want samen spelen is natuurlijk leuker dan alleen!
Let op! Er kunnen maximaal 37 mensen meedoen aan deze ACtiviteit. We werken met een reservelijst, dus schrijf je vooral in, ook al zit het vol!
Dinsdag 15 jan. 2019 17:30 - 18:30
Need something to fill you stomACh before game night? We've got you covered! Before the AC VR Experience, there is the opportunity to eat something. You can choose between pizza and wok. Pizzas are €6 or more depending on your choice from https://www.dominos.nl/menu-pizza/. Exact prices for the wok can be found under 'wokgerechten' at https://soho.foodnu.nl/. If your pizza is unavailable or does not exist, you'll get a margherita instead!
Dinsdag 15 jan. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
Analyzing x-ray scans of cargo trucks
We are Data Scientists from Atos. Within our work, the focus lies on analytics projects with the goal to obtain useful information and actionable insights out of raw data.
One of our projects revolves around the subject of image recognition. The purpose of this project is to research what possible methods can be implemented to apply image recognition to the customs check of cargo truck x-ray images. In this presentation we would like to take you with us in our process of extracting useful information out of raw data, in this case the cargo x-ray images.
We seek to answer questions like:
How do we locate the container in an image?How full is the container?How many goods can we identify in the container?We will show you the problems we run into during an image recognition project and the solutions we find in techniques such as feature extraction, edge detection, pattern recognition and texture segmentation.
Zondag 13 jan. 2019 18:00 - 18:00
As some of you might have already noticed, we got new screens in the GEWIS-room. Therefore the old ones, previously back in the lounge and the previous infoscreen, are removed. GEWIS will not use them anymore, therefore we give you the chance to get them. If you like one of the screens, subscribe on this list, there will be a lottery in which the two screens will be given away! You have to subscribe before Sunday the 13th of January!. You have to pick up the screens before the 20th of January.
Vrijdag 11 jan. 2019 18:00 - 22:00
Calling all boardgame geeks! There is trouble in Carcassonne, as all the farmers have risen up. They are revolting because of the extreme cacao taxes, which have been placed in order to fund the building of the eighth world wonder. All other citizens are emigrating to another kingdom, and we can’t lose all our citizens! We ask you to dominate our enemies, and claim their crowns!
On Friday afternoon, January 11th, a boardgame tournament will be held at GEWIS. We have some great games lined up for you, and even some surprises. What’s more, participation is completely free of charge, but signing up is mandatory. The winners will go home with some amazing prizes, while the rest will of course have enjoyed an evening full of boardgame fun!
Of course, the game rules of each game will be explained. And if you want to eat in advance, you can order via this list!
Will you become the best of the best?
The `unofficial’ VrijMiSo committee.
P.s. there are hints in this piece regarding which games will be played. Can you find all six?
Do. 10 jan. 2019 (16:00) - wo. 6 feb. 2019 (12:00)
With the Christmas holiday being over we look to the next festivity coming up! Like last year, FESTIVITEIT will be distributing roses at GEWIS on valentines day (February 14th). So, do you have a secret crush you want to surprise? Would you like to treat your girlfriend/boyfriend? Do you want to let your friends know how much you appreciate them? Or do you want to give a rose to someone of the department? You can now buy one or more of these roses from the members of FESTIVITEIT for just one euro a piece! You will get a card from us, on which you can write a sweet message for the receiver of your rose. There’s a Cupidoos on the windowsill at GEWIS where you can hand in your cards. From there on we’ll make sure that each message gets attached to a rose and that your beloved knows there’s a rose waiting for them on February 14th. The cards will be sold till the 6th of February.
So if you love/like someone and want them to know that you love/like them so, get them a rose!
Donderdag 10 jan. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
De relevantie van aanbevelingen
Bij bol.com doen we suggesties voor producten naar onze bezoekers.
Het doel van deze suggestes is om relevant te zijn. Hoe kunnen we de relevantie hiervan bepalen?
In deze presentatie zal Barrie Kersbergen (data scientist) bespreken hoe hij online en offline statistische evaluatie technieken en technologieen gebruikt.
steekwoorden voor deze lunchlezing: recsys, big data, machine learning, ranking, statistical evaluation
Let op: na aanmelden is opkomst verplicht!
Woensdag 9 jan. 2019 16:30 - 18:30
Jezelf verkopen is vaak lastiger dan het lijkt. Je wilt niet te zelfverzekerd overkomen, maar ook weer niet te bescheiden. Een eerste indruk maak je tenslotte maar één keer.
Het doel van deze training is om stil te staan bij jouw Personal Brand.
Tijdens de training worden de volgende onderwerpen behandeld:
Hoe kan je jezelf het beste presenteren?Waar ben jij het beste in?Wat maakt jou uniek?Wat onderscheid jou ten opzichte van medestudenten?De training wordt verzorgd door Brunel en zal gegeven worden in het Nederlands.
De training zal doorgang vinden bij minimaal 15 deelnemers.
Dinsdag 8 jan. 2019 12:40 - 13:20
Departure Time Optimization in Vehicle Routing
Optimizing departure times in vehicle routes is a crucial step in developing good vehicle route schedules. In practice, restrictions such as time-dependency resulting from traffic congestion, driving and working time legislation, and multiple time windows make departure time optimization a challenging scheduling problem. On top of that, vehicle routes are often interdependent, due to, e.g., trailer swaps between truck/driver combinations. This increases the complexity of the problem, since optimizing the departure time of a single route may disrupt the schedules of dependent routes. In this talk, we illustrate these challenges through several examples from practice. An important observation hereby is that departure time optimization is not only done to reduce costs by better utilization of resources, but is also required to find feasible schedules with respect to driving and working time legislation. Finally, practice does not allow complete freedom in planning waiting times or breaks in vehicle route schedules whenever it improves the overall cost. For example, planning early breaks to consume some inevitable waiting time is only accepted in practice if a reasonable amount of time has passed since the previous break. These limitations should also be considered in solution methods for the departure time optimization problem.
Woensdag 19 dec. 2018 18:00 - 22:00
On the 19th of December the 166th GM takes place. Subscribe if
Dear members of GEWIS,On Wednesday the 19th of December Study Association GEWIS will convene the 166th General Meeting. All of her members are invited to attend this meeting as the Code of Conduct article 4 demands. Up until 4 days prior to the meeting, members can suggest items to be discussed in this meeting. The agenda, minutes and other documents will be posted on the website. The GM takes place in English.Members that are absent with notice, can authorize another member. Mind that authorizations shall only be accepted when they are signed by hand or submitted via the website. For more information, see the HR article 5.
Woensdag 19 dec. 2018 17:00 - 18:00
Before the next GM we offer you the opportunity to have dinner with us. There is a choice between pizza and Soho wok.
We will order pizzas from domino's.
Dinsdag 18 dec. 2018 18:00 - 21:00
Beste GEWIS-leden,
Het is bijna weer kerstmis en wij als FESTIVITEIT willen hier natuurlijk iets voor neer zetten. Nou is het super saai en ook niet echt een activiteit om met geld te betalen voor je kerstdiner, dus dit jaar betaal je met ... eten!!!Als betaling voor deze activiteit hoef je slechts een gerecht mee te nemen. Maak samen met een vriend/vriendin/persoon/andere identificatie een maaltijd waar meerdere mensen van kunnen eten.Jullie mogen zelf kiezen of jullie een hoofdgerecht of dessert doen. (Tenzij er een overschoot aan een van beiden is)Dus als je van eten, gezelligheid, eten, kerstmis en/of eten houdt doe dan vooral mee!!!
Je moet het eten van te voren klaarmaken en dan meenemen naar het diner voor de duidelijkheid.
Dinsdag 18 dec. 2018 12:40 - 13:20
Dear GEWIS members,
Have you ever wondered why your housemate can just jump out of his bed after hearing the buzzer, while you need 20 minutes of waking up in the warmth of your bed (and 3 times the buzz of the buzzer). Then subscribing for this lecture is a great chance to improve your rise and shine skills!The lecture will be given by Dennis van de Rijt on 18 December, in the lunch break.You can also win a wake up light if you fulfill the next 3 conditions:
Subscribe for this lecture.Be present during the lecture.Aren't a member of TRAINChoo, choo,TRAIN
Maandag 17 dec. 2018 19:00 - 22:00
Have you ever wondered, what is chess and how can everyone play it except for me? Or do you want to practice your skills against some people from your same level? Or does no one ever want to play with you because you always beat them? If your answer was yes to any of these questions, then we have the activity for you.
On the 17th of December, we will be organizing our first activity as a first year committee. You can subscribe into four different groups, depending on your level. The levels are: "Uhm what is chess?!","I played it sometimes a few years ago","I am pretty good at chess" and "I am a chess master".
We hope to see you on the 17th!
FYC19-0 Beercode
Zondag 16 dec. 2018 09:00 - 22:00
Allerliefste GEWIS-leden,
Op zondag 16 december 2018 zullen we in de ochtend vanaf het TU/e terrein met een bus vertrekken richting Aken. Daar aangekomen zullen we naar eigen wil rondlopen heerlijke Kerstfeer bij de kerstmarkten daar op te snuiven!Dus hou je van gezelligheid, Kerst, markten, Aken of kerstmarkten schrijf je dan vooral in!!!
Uitschrijven kan tot en met 9 december, als je op dat moment ingeschreven staat moet je betalen.Mocht je te laat zijn om je in te schrijven kan je nog een mailtje sturen om te kijken of er nog ruimte over is in de bus.Je krijgt een tikkie toegestuurd voor de betaling.
Vrijdag 14 dec. 2018 12:00 - 14:00
Tl;ng: draag paars om te laten zien dat je LGBTQ+ steunt en kom naar GEWIS voor gratis cupcakes!
Paarse vrijdag is de Nederlandse variant van de Amerikaanse feestdag Spirit day georganiseerd door de GSA, de Gay-Straight-Alliance. Op deze dag vieren mensen liefde in al haar verschijningsvormen en dragen paars om te laten zien dat ze geloven dat iedereen in de wereld zichzelf moet kunnen zijn en moet kunnen houden van wie ze willen. De GSA is een nationale organisatie die LGBTQ+ studenten helpt. De GSA geeft ook lessen geeft over seksualiteit en identiteit op middelbare scholen door het hele land.
Om deze bijzondere dag te vieren versieren we de GEWIS ruimte met paarse versiering en geven we gratis cupcakes weg. Dus draag paars, kom langs, eet een cupcake en maak een praatje met ons.
Deze activiteit is opgezet in samenwerking met Compass, de LGBTQ+ gemeenschap van de TU/e en de Fontys. We organiseren borrels en leuke activiteiten, maar ook discussieavonden en we ondersteunen studenten die worstelen met hun identiteit. Like onze Facebookpagina als je op de hoogte wil blijven van alles wat we organiseren. We hebben ook een Facebookgroep, een Whatsappgroep en een Instagram.
Hopelijk zie we jou de veertiende, helemaal in paars natuurlijk.
Ma. 10 dec. 2018 (09:00) - vr. 14 dec. 2018 (16:30)
Van 10 december tot en met 14 december vinden de Wervingsdagen Skill Sessions weer plaats! In deze week organiseert Wervingsdagen weer een hele hoop leuke en leerzame trainingen, zodat studenten hun skills kunt verbeteren. Een aantal voorbeelden van de trainingen die gegeven zullen worden tijdens deze week zijn "Speaking like Obama", "Job interview" en "Photoshop". Inschrijven kan tot 2 december op wervingsdagen.nl.
Zondag 9 dec. 2018 23:59 - 23:59
Laat ons weten of je de Supremum wilt (blijven) ontvangen. Deze wordt automatisch verstuurd aan alle actieve leden en eerste jaars. Zit jij daar bij, maar wil je de Supremum niet? Schrijf je dan nu uit met een opt-out. Zit jij daar niet bij, maar wil je de Supremum wel ontvangen? Schrijf je dan nu in met een opt-in.
Vr. 7 dec. 2018 (19:00) - zo. 9 dec. 2018 (15:00)
Ladies and gentlemen,
Fraternity "In Vino Veritas" will be turning 15 years old on the 9th of December, and we would like to celebrate this with you! And as this is also starts our third Lustwijn, this DW will not be an ordinary Decadent Weekend, but it is the Decadent Weekend Lustwijn Edition!
In celebrating this third Lustwijn, the Decadent Weekend will be more luxurious than you already expect from us. There will be a Friday evening activity, a fancy Saturday afternoon activity, a lustwijnworthy multi course dinner and it goes without saying that we will make sure that there is always more wine than one can possibly consume! As there is a Friday afternoon activity, we expect you to be at the location at 19:00 for dinner. This implies leaving Eindhoven at 18:00. Make sure you are available then! Furthermore, we have got an additional question for you this year. We would like to find out whether or not you would appreciate a Sunday activity. Therefore, we ask you to choose whether you would not like an activity, a small one or a lengthily one. Note that this is only to check your interest, which the Fraternity will use to make their final decision.
As this year is our Lustwijn Edition, there are more spots available than ever before! Especially for you, I.V.V has arranged 30 beds in a lovely castle, providing exactly the decadent amount of luxury needed! Make sure you are ready to subscribe, as Fraternity In Vino Veritas expects much interest!
The I.V.V Decadent Weekend will take place during the weekend of the 7th upto and including the 9th of December.
When one is subscribed after the 23th of November 2018, 16:00, one obliges oneself to paying for the entire weekend. No refund is given.
Yours sincerely,
Dhr. T. Meeles
Ab-Actis der Dispuut "In Vino Veritas"
Ps. Please fill out your allergies, whether or not you have a car at your disposal and your interest in the Sunday activity.
Pps. If the list is full, make sure you still subscribe to ensure we contact you if spots have come available.
Woensdag 5 dec. 2018 19:00 - 22:00
Waarde lezer,
Zoals menigeen van u wellicht zal weten is dit jaar getekend door het derde lustwijn, beter bekend onder de noemer “lustrumâ€, der Dispuut “In Vino Veritasâ€. Nimmer heeft een jaar zo driekleurig mogen zijn, zo decadent, zo Bourgondisch, als dit jaar waarin Hèt Dispuut uit zijn metaforische vestje heeft mogen scheuren en alle anciënnistische maatstaven doorbroken heeft. Het is een ware overwinning voor het studentenbestaan!
Hiertoe dient opgemerkt te worden dat studententijd zonder studeren ogenschijnlijk tegenstrijdig is. Kortom, er moet gestudeerd worden! Nu kunt u, zoals menig Lid, zich toeleggen op een vakgebied zonder enige vorm van theoretische noch formele scholing. Gelukkig bevindt zich onder de leden van Hèt Dispuut een levende legende die zijn academische carriere een vinologisch vervolg heeft gegeven.
Gehoor gevende aan de vele verzoeken die Hèt Dispuut heeft gekregen in de afgelopen jaren, zullen wij een wijnproeverij, onder leiding van Register Vinoloog Mgr. Sanders, organiseren. In tegenstelling tot de Maand’lijksche Borrel waarin u de godendrank in grootse getalen naar binnen kunt laten vloeien, zal deze avond gekenmerkt zijn door indringende vinologische verfijning. Het zal avond worden waarin u de wijsheden in de wijn zal kunnen ontdekken.
Natuurlijk kunnen wij het niet over ons hart verkrijgen om deze avond alleen beschikbaar te stellen voor de leden van GEWIS. Daarom is het voor mij een genoegen aan te mogen kondigen dat iedereen aan de proeverij kan deelnemen! De proeverij zal plaatsvinden op 5 december 2018 om 19:00 in de gecombineerde ‘De Weeghconst’ en In Vivo, met dank aan de gastvrijheid van W.S.V. Simon Stevin en SvBMT Protagoras.
Er is een kleine kanttekening: de locatie kan ten hoogste 120 man aan. Dit betekend dat er gebruik zal worden gemaakt van het onderstaande toelatingssysteem:
Er zijn 40 plekken gereserveerd voor GEWIS-leden, in volgorde van inschrijving.Er zijn 10 plekken gereserveerd voor stafleden, in volgorde van inschrijving.De overige 70 plekken zijn ‘vrije plekken’ en worden ingedeeld in volgorde van inschrijving.De inschrijving voor de wijnproeverij zal opengaan op 12 november 2018 om 12:00 en kan via gewis.nl/activiteiten.
Hopende u allen te mogen ontvangen voor deze legendarische avond, verblijf ik,
Namens Hèt Dispuut “In Vino Veritasâ€,
Dhr. MeijaardVice-Praeses
Dinsdag 4 dec. 2018 17:00 - 20:00
Always wanted to explore the Metaforum, but you got lost everytime? Well no more!
I.V.V offers the opportunity of a lifetime to play golf in your lecturerooms. For the mere price of 1 euro each you and your friends can rent a golfset and tee of at a 9-hole golf course we laid out throughout the Metaforum.
We expect the course to open between 17:00 and 17:30, and we will close for the prize ceremony at around 21:00. In the meantime you are more than welcome to share a couple of drinks, obviously wine is available, and have some snacks at 'Het Dakterras' which for this date only will be converted to 'Het Clubhuis'.
Registration is possible in groups of 2 or 3 for plenty of walk-ins while the course is open. If you want to make sure you and your friends get to play during your preferred timeslot, you can also go to gewis.nl and make a reservation!*
*one group per starttime
Dinsdag 4 dec. 2018 12:40 - 13:20
Automated reliability testing of a medical device Most of us have experienced unreliable software. Your smartphone crashes or your car navigation does not respond. Annoying situations, but try to imagine that you hit the brake pedal of your car and nothing happens. In these examples the functionality typically works fine, but just not always. This is what software reliability is all about. In this talk Bryan Bakker will describe a case study of a medical X-Ray device that had several reliability issues. Dedicated test cases have been developed to measure the reliability of the product and to provide the developers with the information needed improve the software. Hardware interfaces of the system were used to control the software of the device. The management was able to use the insight in software reliability to steer the project in the right direction. About the speaker After receiving his master’s degree in computer science in 1998 at TU/e Bryan Bakker has worked as software engineer on different technical systems. About 15 years ago Bryan has specialized in testing of embedded software in multidisciplinary environments. As a test architect at Sioux Embedded systems Bryan focuses on test automation, reliability testing and design for testability. Bryan is also a tutor of several different test related courses and a frequent speaker at international conferences. Note: After subscription, showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible until Monday the 3rd of December, 23.00h
Woensdag 28 nov. 2018 19:30 - 22:00
Zie jij de nieuwe eerstejaars lopen en denk je dan: "Die zou ik wel eens willen verslaan". Doe dan mee aan de activiteit Eerstejaars vs Ouderejaars, op deze avond zullen de FYCs zich presenteren in de zelf ontworpen kleding en strijden tegen jullie om te laten zien dat zij GEWIS-waardig zijn. Voor de spellen zul je snelheid, behendigheid en/of vertrouwen in je teamgenoten nodig hebben. In deze korte intensieve spellen kan je laten zien wat een GEWIS-lid allemaal kan.
Schrijf je in met een groepje van maximaal 9 of kijk ter plekke met wie je wil strijden en win een prijs die je kan gebruiken op een borrel!
Woensdag 28 nov. 2018 18:00 - 19:30
Before the activity we offer you the opportunity to have dinner with us. There is a choice between pizza and Soho wok.
Di. 27 nov. 2018 (19:11) - wo. 28 nov. 2018 (02:00)
GELIMBO wordt elf plus één! Dit jaar vindt de traditionele Dieszitting weer plaats op dinsdag 27 november. Geniet mee van een avond vol muziek, dans, theater, drankjes en nog veel meer! Tijdens deze ontzettende kick-off van het GEWIS' carnavals seizoen zal ook de nieuwe prins carnaval worden onthuld na een epische musical. Vergeet niet om verkleed te komen! Schrijf je hieronder in om een ticket te dibsen. Tickets (€2,- in voorverkoop) die niet verkocht/opgehaald zijn vòòr 15 november om 23:59 zullen nog worden verkocht aan iemand anders. Je kan je ticket claimen bij een willekeurig GELIMBO-lid.
Er zijn slechts 80 tickets beschikbaar, dus wees snel!
Tot de 27e! (of eerder!)
Dinsdag 27 nov. 2018 12:40 - 13:20
Are custom elements the answer you seek?
With responsive web designs, microservices and new front-end techniques, the importance of the modular code, transfer-ability of code and, above all, the importance of cooperating functionalities, are constantly increasing.
Are you tired of recreating the wheel because you switched from one front-end stack to the other? Do you want to share some complex web application without having to share a complete API? Web Components may play a key role here. Come and join ISAACus Lucien, and who knows, custom elements might be the answer you are looking for!
Maandag 26 nov. 2018 16:30 - 21:00
Hi all!ATHENA has something for you to look forward to! Because Monday November 26th we are organizing our yearly High Beer, from 16.30h until 21.00h-ish. We have selected 5 beers, each will be served with a homemade bite! For this year, we also have something for the non-beerdrinkers: a card with 5 special soda’s including all the 5 bites from the beercard.We hope to see you then!Love,ATHENA
Vrijdag 23 nov. 2018 18:00 - 21:00
The GETAART sushi-workshop is back! On the 23rd of November you get the opportunity to learn how to make sushi. If you like sushi you have to be there! For only 5,- you can participate. Be quick because only 25 spots are available. The registration will open today at 13:00!
Vr. 23 nov. 2018 (15:00) - zo. 25 nov. 2018 (22:00)
Zoals velen van jullie weten vindt het NWERC 2018 plaats in onze prachtige lichtstad. Om dit evenement in goede banen te leiden hebben we vrijwilligers nodig voor diverse taken.Voorbeelden van wat er moet gebeuren zijn:
Inschrijven deelnemersUitdelen lunchRondbrengen printjes en ballonnenBallonnen vullenBeschikbaarheid tijdens het gehele evenement is fijn, maar een gedeelte van de tijd is ook goed. Als je bij het aangeven van je beschikbaarheid slechts een gedeelte van een slot kan, geef dan aan dat je dat slot wel kan.
Naast dat dit evenement legendarisch belooft te worden wordt er ook voor eten en drinken gezorgd voor alle vrijwilligers en krijg je het limited edition NWERC 2018-vrijwilligers t-shirt.
Schrijf je snel in en word onderdeel van dit epische evenement!
Donderdag 22 nov. 2018 12:40 - 13:20
With over 80 years of specialist experience in funeral insurance, term life insurance, savings insurance and funeral services, DELA has grown into a cooperative of almost three million members. Making a difference in the lives of relatives who lost a loved one is central to DELA. The world around us is changing fast and the wishes of relatives too. Our IT organization plays a crucial role in this.
The IT organization of DELA is medium-sized and strives for digital mastery. Because we are in the middle of a digital transformation, there are enormous growth opportunities and training opportunities. We work according to the scrum method and our multidisciplinary teams decide for themselves what the best approach is. Examples of projects we work on are:
Data analyticsData landscapesOur online environment (continuously on the move)Our growing digital marketing environmentState-of-the-art for customer interaction optimized architectureHybrid cloud solutionsAdvanced security toolsSophie van de Goor is a Solution Manager for the entire Insurance domain within DELA. She not only ensures smooth application management on both operational and tactical level, but is also in charge of new system implementations and mega-migrations of data and functionality. She will tell you everything about it.
Paul Heijen is a data engineer and he is involved in renewing and maintaining the data structure of Dela. Nowadays data is everywhere and it is his job to derive valuable information from this data. Given his background in Artificial Intelligence/ Data Science, he also tries to give direction to predictive analysis and process mining. In his presentation he will tell you more about these subjects.
Note: After subscription, showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible until Thursday the 21st of November, 23.00h
Woensdag 21 nov. 2018 19:00 - 21:00
Heb jij ooit het gevoel dat je efficienter zou kunnen studeren? Weet jij wat je (niet) moet doen vlak voor een tentamen? Vind jij het moeilijk om je te concentreren en om een goede balans te vinden tussen studie en plezier? Dan is deze training 'Slim Studeren', georganiseerd door TRAIN, echt iets voor jou!
Het doel van de training is om jou te helpen om je zwakke punten te vinden op het gebied van studeren en om je te helpen deze problemen op te lossen. Zo kan je slim studeren met meer plezier!
Tijdens de training worden de volgende onderwerpen behandeld:
Plannen & Tijd managementVerschillende studeer techniekenUitstelgedragBegin je dag effectiefWat (niet) te doen vlak voor een tentamenStudie/relax balansConcentrerenOmgaan met tentamenstressThe training zal worden verzorgd door "Wakker bij Bakker" student coaching. Er zullen twee parallelle sessies zijn, één in het Engels en één in het Nederlands. Beide sessies hebben 25 plekken beschikbaar.
Kosteloos afmelden is mogelijk tot 20-11-2018 19:00. Bij afmelding na deze datum of bij het niet komen opdagen tijdens de training worden er kosten in rekening gebracht van € 20.
Woensdag 21 nov. 2018 18:00 - 18:00
If you are joining the TRAIN training Smart Studying, it is possible to have dinner beforehand at GEWIS. We will provide ingredients for wraps (chicken strips, vegetarian meat, different vegetables, wraps, sauce, etc.). That way you are free to design your own wrap, for only 3 euros!
Dinsdag 20 nov. 2018 08:00 - 18:00
SingularIT is the 12th conference organised by the Stichting Nationaal Informatica Congres, this year study association via will organise it and it will be held on the 20th of November.
SingularIT takes a look to the future of technology. We aim to educate the audience about how technology and Artificial Intelligence will shape society, education and healthcare. Our speakers range from scientists, entrepeneurs, activists and many more. Each of them will give a talk about how their field will be affected by technology that is smarter than humanity, be it in a positive or negative way.There are two keynotes speakers, in between of which are three parallel tracks of three sessions. You will be able to choose whichever talk you find the most appealing in each sessions.
There will be a bus leaving from Eindhoven, the exact departure time will be communicated later. For more information about the event, please check the official website or the facebook event.
When you enroll on this list, you will receive a Tikkie on your email. When you paid the Tikkie, we will send you your ticket via email.
Maandag 19 nov. 2018 18:30 - 22:00
Do you like playing video games? Do you want to show your friends that you are the best Mario Kart/Super Smash Bros/Super Mario Bros player? Or do you just want to have fun playing Wii games? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, come join us on November 19th for a Wii tournament at GEWIS.
If you want to join, please let us know by subscribing below. There is a cap of 40 participants, so it’s first come, first serve.
This ACtivity also serves as a promotion for the TesLAN.
After a very successful first two editions of the TesLAN, the LANCo is proud to present TesLAN 2019 in the second week of the Christmas break from Thursday January 3 until Saturday January 5.With last year's numbers going over 200 participants, we're sure to give everything we've got to make this LAN Party even better than last year!The list of both our serious, as well as casual competitions have grown and include games such as: CS:GO, LoL, Rocket League, LoL ARAM, Trackmania, Heartstone, COD Prophunt, agar.io, Beerpong, Minecraft UHC, Minecraft Minigames and many more for you to enjoy.While expanding and being better than last year's LAN, we've managed to keep the entry fee at a low price of €20,- .
A ticket to this year's TesLAN includes: 48 hours of awesome non-stop fun, good breakfast/lunch, a place to sleep, a comfortable spot for you and your gaming gear, 10 gbit/s fiber connection directly to your table and of course many competitions and big prizes to win!Subscribe at https://subscribe.teslan.thor.edu/For more info go to https://teslan.thor.edu
Maandag 19 nov. 2018 16:00 - 18:00
TL;DR: 19-11-2018, 16:00; Brainstorm Session AVW160; Growth and activities and policies, register on website.
Dear members,
Do you want to determine the future vision of GEWIS? Do you have a clear idea on how to handle the growth of GEWIS? Should we have multiple activities at the same time? Is there anything that you believe GEWIS has to start doing? Time to act!
Monday, the 19th of November, another brainstorm session organized by AVW160 (General (Members) Meeting Taskforce 160) will take place. The purpose of this AVW is to prospect and formulate a multi-annual vision for GEWIS. The subjects of this session will be: the GEWIS growth, activities and policies. On the website in the public archive, you can find the preparing documents for this brainstorm session.
Please feel welcome to join us on the 19th of November, from 16:00. Please subscribe via the website to make sure that AVW160 can book a proper location for this meeting. You can find the preparing documents in the public archive on the website. You can subscribe here:
In case you cannot be present, but you still have input; you are welcome to send us any ideas via AVW160@GEWIS.nl or place a note in our physical mailbox at GEWIS, preferably before the 19th of November.
We hope to see many of you there!
Kind regards, On behalf of AVW160,
Sjoerd van Heesbeen
Ma. 19 nov. 2018 (12:40) - vr. 21 dec. 2018 (13:30)
In de pauze bij GEWIS worden de afleveringen van GEMOLD18 (het Wie-is-de-Mol?-weekend van GEWIS) vertoond. Wil je meedoen aan GEMOLD19? schrijf je dan in op deze pagina!
Aflevering 1 (19-11-2018)Aflevering 2 (21-11-2018)Aflevering 3 (26-11-2018)Aflevering 4 (28-11-2018)Aflevering 5 (03-12-2018)Aflevering 6 (05-12-2018)Aflevering 7 (10-12-2018)Aflevering 8 (12-12-2018)Aflevering 9 (17-12-2018)Aflevering 10 (19-12-2018) (Finale)Aflevering 11 (21-12-2018) (Ontknoping)Vrijdag 16 nov. 2018 16:00 - 19:00
TL;DR: GEPWNAGE closes its lustrum week with a specialty beer social drink at GEWIS on Friday 16 November!
We will close off our lustrum week with a very special social drink. All members of GEPWNAGE have bought a couple of bottles of their favourite beer, which we will sell ourselves during this social drink. Be aware that each beer has only a limited number available, so don’t hesitate too long which beer you are going to drink next ;)Since we are not using SuSOS, you can only pay with cash.
Donderdag 15 nov. 2018 16:30 - 19:00
TL;DR: GEPWNAGE celebrates its 10th birthday with a social drink at GEWIS on Thursday 15 November!
During the weekly social drink at GEWIS we will celebrate our lustrum week with our annual dies social drink. Besides hanging out and talking with friends, you can play a variety of games. First of all, our infamous binary beer drinking game will available for you all to play. Besides binary beer drinking, our GEPWNAGE board game and Battleshots will be there as well. In other words, it’s going to be one awesome dies social drink which we would like to celebrate with you all!
Donderdag 15 nov. 2018 12:40 - 13:20
Here’s your opportunity to learn more about how you could be a part of the #1 internship program 2019 in the world: Infosys InStep. InStep is a fully paid and sponsored internship opportunity based at Infosys’ HQ in Bangalore, India. Join us at the info-session at 12:40pm on 15th November at Luna 1.050 to discuss the details about the program including details on real time projects, other interns from top universities across the world, a day in the life of an InStep intern in India and how interns benefit from an immersion into a different culture during the internship journey. We will be delighted to share some stories of past InSteppers and how they have leveraged their learning experiences to excel in their careers. After the conclusion of the internship, full time employment prospects at Infosys, Netherlands will be addressed by the presenter. Also we would be pleased to invite you for a brief networking over some food and drinks after the session. About Infosys Ltd Infosys is a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting. We enable clients in 45 countries to navigate their digital transformation. About the presenter Ms. Kisha Gupta, Head of Global Academic Relations at Infosys and InStep will be in attendance for the session. Kisha is a Stanford GSB scholar, winner of the Economic Times Young Leader Award and a board member of AIESEC India will share more about Infosys and InStep with you. Kisha heads internship programs at Infosys, including InStep, with an intake of 150+ interns from over 50 nationalities every year. She will real-time examples, and discuss on how you could be more job ready in today’s technology workforce. The presentation would provide an insight on the work InStep interns have done over the years working on cool projects on Autonomous Vehicles, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing at al. In case you would have any questions about Infosys or InStep please feel free to reach out to Mr. Eden Fernandes (InStep Team) at eden.fernandes@infosys.com . Note: After subscription, showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible until Wednesday the 14th of November, 23.00h
Woensdag 14 nov. 2018 19:00 - 22:00
On Wednesday, it is time for a real-time murder game, where you create the mystery... and try to get away with it!
You could be one of the murderers, trying to eliminate specific targets, steal objects, or just kill as many people as possible without being caught. Or you could be one of the detectives, who can only win by locking up murderers, but who lose when they arrest someone innocent. Or maybe you are just trying to abuse the chaos and confusion in order to fulfill your own, completely different, goals. Either way, chaotic fun is guaranteed! Oh, and don't worry: we have special roles for those who get knocked out of the game :3
We will start at 19:00 @ GEWIS, and don't forget to subscribe!
Dinsdag 13 nov. 2018 18:00 - 22:00
GEPWNAGE wouldn’t be GEPWNAGE if we wouldn’t celebrate our lustrum with an awesome nerdy activity. After last year’s LAN party we were craving for some more compos, so we are organizing a compo night as our second lustrum activity. There will be 4 tournaments, each including a different variety of games detailed below. You can only join 2 out of the 4 tournaments, so choose wisely. The compo night will take place at GEWIS on Tuesday and will start at 18.00h.
Keep Talking and Nobody explodes (teams of 2-4 people)Overcooked (teams of 2)Mystery compo (solo)Relay race: ROCKETSROCKETSROCKETS + Nidhogg + Wii Sports Boxing (solo)BTW, if you don't have a team for a game, you can still subscribe. If you leave your team name empty or fill in '-', we will team you up with someone else on the CompoNight.
Maandag 12 nov. 2018 19:00 - 23:59
We will kick off our lustrum week with a pub quiz. Our quizmaster will be the one and only Mark van Helvoort aka ZigZag, who also did the honours of creating the quiz. The pub quiz will take place in Hubble café on Monday, you are welcome from 19.00h and the first round will begin at 19.30h. The questions will range from --redacted-- to --redacted--, so if you are interested, gather your friends and form a team of at most 5 people (though keep in mind that some spots in Hubble only fit teams of 4 people).
Zaterdag 10 nov. 2018 10:00 - 22:00
The annual boardgame convention is coming to Eindhoven, and GEWIS will be present! Do you want to try new games and buy tons of games with a discount? Then join us!
On the 10th of November, the boardgame convention takes place in the Beursgebouw, Eindhoven. The convention starts at 10:00 in the morning, and ends at 18:00. Afterwards, you will have the option to eat fries with us at GEWIS (at your own costs) and try out your new bought games!
The costs for this activity are €4,-, and it is mandatory to subscribe in advance. We will purchase the tickets in advance, so that you don't need to pay individual transaction costs.
So if you're a boardgame enthusiast, we'll see you there!
Note: if you cannot attend on the Saturday, there might be a group who will attend on the Sunday. Let us (Arjen or Arno) know if you're interested!
Do. 1 nov. 2018 (13:20) - vr. 9 nov. 2018 (18:00)
Omdat SCIFI opgehouden is met bestaan hebben wat springlevende en super leuke oudere leden een nieuwe commissie opgezet om toch een beerpong toernooi te hebben. Echter is dit wel met een andere structuur! Er is plek voor 17 teams die worden opgedeeld in poules. In de poule fase mag je zelf je wedstrijden plannen met de andere teams en deze dan uitvoeren, de score moet wel worden door gegeven aan de commissie. De beste twee van elke poule gaan door naar de knock-out avond maar daar later meer over.
TL;DR In de poule fase betaal je zelf je bier en plan je zelf je wedstrijden.
Donderdag 25 okt. 2018 14:00 - 16:00
SNOEP OF POETS?! Halloween staat voor de deur en behalve enge kostuums en snoep heeft deze spectaculaire feestdag nog een traditie. Namelijk, pompoen uithollen! Normaal gesproken is dit alleen voor de elite en de oma's, maar dit jaar gaan het bij GEWIS doen, en nog gratis ook! Dus hopen we jullie allemaal te zien op 25 oktober tussen 14:00 en 16:00 om wat pompoenen uit te hollen! Je hoeft je niet in te schrijven, dus zorg ervoor dat je op tijd bent zodat je zeker een pompoen hebt!
Dinsdag 23 okt. 2018 18:30 - 22:00
It's that time of year again, the weather is getting colder and summer is definitely over. Time for a game night!The AC would like to play a fun game with you, and with all of your friends. On the 23th of October starting at 18:30, we will play 'The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow'.We will provide enough versions of the game with extensions, as well as the new 'One Shot' version of the game. There will also be some snACks to get you through the evening.The only things you have to bring are a good mood and friends, because the more, the merrier.See you on the 23th!
Hugs,The AC
Dinsdag 23 okt. 2018 17:30 - 18:30
Need something to fill you stomACh before game night? We've got you covered! Before the AC Weerwolven ACtivity, there is the opportunity to eat something. You can choose between pizza and wok.Pizza's are €6, exact prices for the wok can be found at https://sohorestaurants.nl/onlineshop/wok/. If your pizza is unavailable or does not exist, you'll get a margherita instead!
Maandag 22 okt. 2018 19:30 - 22:00
Do you love quizzes? Do you like feeling better than other faculties? Are you dying for a weekend away with your friends? Then we might have the thing for you: the one and only TU/e MEGA QUIZ!
Assemble your smartest 1-4 friends (team size: 2-5) and battle all other GEWIS teams in the qualification round Monday October 22 for one of the two spots in the final round, which will (probably) take place Wednesday December 19.
In this final round you will have the chance to prove GEWIS has the best quiz team, win a cup and if that wasn’t enough there is a grand prize waiting for you: A WEEKEND IN A VIP-COTTAGE IN CENTER PARCS DE KEMPERVENNEN, with IN-HOUSE SAUNA and ONE CRATE OF BEER! Best of all: all of this is completely free! So think of a good team name and subscribe!
Maandag 22 okt. 2018 16:00 - 19:00
TL;DR: 22-10-2018, 16:00; Brainstorm Session AVW160; Fraternities, position GEWIS within department and codetermination with in the council, register on website.
Dear members,
Do you want to determine the future vision of GEWIS? Do you have a clear idea on how to install fraternities? Or maybe you don't, but know how to improve it? Should we evaluate our position within the department? Is there anything that you believe GEWIS has to start doing? Time to act!
Monday, the 22nd of October, another brainstorm session organized by AVW160 (General (Members) Meeting Taskforce 160) will take place. The purpose of this AVW is to prospect and formulate a multi-annual vision for GEWIS. The subjects of this session will be: Fraternities, the position of GEWIS within department and codetermination with in the council. On the website in the public archive, you can find the preparing documents for this brainstorm session.
Please feel welcome to join us on the 22nd of October, from 16:00. Please subscribe via the website to make sure that AVW160 can book a proper location for this meeting. You can find the preparing documents in the public archive on the website. You can subscribe here:
In case you cannot be present, but you still have input; you are welcome to send us any ideas via AVW160@GEWIS.nl or place a note in our physical mailbox at GEWIS, preferably before the 22nd of October.
We hope to see many of you there!
Kind regards, On behalf of AVW160,
Sjoerd van Heesbeen
Vr. 19 okt. 2018 (10:00) - zo. 21 okt. 2018 (20:00)
GEWIS is going to England! But how fast remains to be seen... If you go along with GELIFT, not only do you get an incredible hitchhiking competition, you also receive a cheap city trip to Manchester and London, and all that for the price of only €70!
What you get:
Friday: at the end of the afternoon we travel to Manchester by airplane. We arrive early in the evening, so there will be time to enjoy dinner and afterwards go out or discover the city.
Saturday: the hitchhiking competition starts! We hitchhike to London in couples. The first couple to reach London wins the hitchhiking competition and receives the exchange trophy. In the evening there will be time to enjoy the local nightlife!
Sunday: you'll have the entire day to discover London. The committee will supply some fun suggestions, but you are free to go wherever you like. At the end of the afternoon well take the train back to the Netherlands, and well be back in Eindhoven the same evening.
Included in the price:
necessities for the hitchhiking competition (a map, an information booklet) flight to Manchester overnight stay in Manchester including breakfast overnight stay in London including breakfast train ride back to EindhovenSubscription is on a personal base, both participants of a couple need to subscribe individually. Subscription is binding after the subscription deadline. The subscription list opens Friday the 15th of June at 13:30. A maximum of 14 couples can join, so be sure to register soon!
Do. 18 okt. 2018 (12:00) - zo. 11 nov. 2018 (23:00)
In het jaarboek van het collegejaar 2017/2018 komt weer het welbekende Smoelenboek. Dat is een lijst met namen en foto's van de actieve leden van GEWIS in 2017/18, zodat je later nog eens aan ze terug kan denken, en zij aan jou!
Was je actief bij GEWIS in 2017/18 en mocht je het onprettig vinden om in het Smoelenboek te komen, dan kun je je hiervoor uitschrijven door je in te schrijven voor deze activiteit en te klikken op: "Ik wil niet in het Smoelenboek"
Was je geen actieflid (dat wil zeggen; lid van een commissie of dispuut), maar wel vaak te vinden bij GEWIS in 2017/18, dan kan je je ook inschrijven voor het Smoelenboek. Je kan dan ook een jaarboek ophalen tijdens de Jaarboekborrel. Schrijf je simpel weg in voor deze activiteit en klik op: "Ik wil in het Smoelenboek".
Dinsdag 16 okt. 2018 12:40 - 13:20
Modern applications have much strict requirements for uptime and response time than several years ago. At the same time, dramatically increased volume of the processed data that led to a higher load to infrastructure. “Reactive Systems†is an architectural paradigm that helps to build robust and scalable distributed applications and thereby solves these problems. The lecture will cover principles of the Reactive Systems approach and will show how they helped in the implementation of “Pronto†– a tool for portcall optimization developed for the Port of Rotterdam. About CodeStar: We are the group in Ordina which specialisation is full-stack Scala-development and data engineering. We are experts in functional programming and building of applications for near-real-time data processing
Maandag 15 okt. 2018 09:00 - 09:00
Do you want your second burger for free at McDonalds? Or do you want to paintball for free? Do you want to get your own Student Sushi Box for just €9.50? This all becomes possible with your own Knaekpas!
You are one lucky guy/girl, since we have 17 physical Knaekpasses and 24 digital Knaekpasses to offer. And you have a chance of winning one!
Subscribe and give your preference for a physical or digital pass. The passes will be assigned to subscribers through a raffle independently of your preference. If you are one of the lucky winners, you can collect your pass at October the 15th. You have 3 working days to collect your pass. If you don't collect your pass, it will be passed on to the next person on the list.Important is that you should still be a student to be able to use this pass.
Hugs, 37!
Donderdag 11 okt. 2018 12:40 - 13:20
Mathematics and blockchain technology. More and more enterprises are looking into the advantages of blockchain technology. However, the immutability of this new technology is sometimes regarded as quite scary in a world where mistakes happen. In this lecture, Topicus will cover some of the common faults and attacks, and how these can be overcome with the help of a little bit of math.
Woensdag 10 okt. 2018 18:00 - 21:00
Heb je altijd al eens willen weten wat je van 'nerderige' spellen vindt? Op woensdag 10 oktober organiseert GEPWNAGE bij GEWIS een avond Magic: the Gathering voor spelers van elk niveau! Beginners krijgen uitleg en hulp van ons, ervaren spelers kunnen hun gang gaan of beginners helpen. Je zult vanzelf zien dat het om gezelligheid draait en er niet alleen moeilijke woorden over tafel vliegen. Al deze gezelligheid krijg je zonder inschrijfkosten!
We bieden iedereen de mogelijkheid pizza's te bestellen voor ongeveer 6 euro per pizza. Rond 18:00u arriveren de bestelde pizza's bij GEWIS, ondertussen leggen we de basisregels uit en daarna kunnen we gaan spelen!
Dinsdag 9 okt. 2018 18:30 - 21:00
Vanwege het enorme succes van de LaTeX trainingen van vorig jaar organiseert TRAIN er dit jaar nog twee. Deze trainingen zullen plaats vinden op maandag 8 en dinsdag 9 oktober van 18:30 tot ongeveer 21 uur. Deze trainingen gaan allebei over de basiskennis van LaTeX. Per dag zijn er maximaal 50 plaatsen, dus schrijf je snel in!
Tegenwoordig is LaTeX de standaard als het gaat om wetenschappelijke tekstverwerking. Het heeft een ingebouwde hulp voor allerlei wiskundige tekens en het kan gebruikt worden voor vanalles, zoals: huiswerk, presentaties and cv's, het maakt je leven een stuk makkelijker. Als een eerstejaars wiskunde student heb je het nodig in Q1 bij Lineaire Algebra 1 en als computer scientist in Q3 bij Data Structures.
We hebben Bor de Kock, die bekend staat om het leuk maken van LaTeX, gevraagd om deze training te geven. Wij zorgen voor snacks en fris zodat je iets te snacken hebt tijdens het wetenschappelijk tekstverwerken.
Als je nual vragen hebt voor Bor mail ons dan alsjeblieft of wagon1@gewis.nl
Choo Choo, TRAIN
Dinsdag 9 okt. 2018 12:40 - 13:20
About the lecture:
Did you ever make use of Netflix’ personal advice to choose your next movie? Or did you ever receive a personal recommendation from a travel company for your next holiday trip? Then you’re probably curious to know how this recommendation is created. Building Blocks will guide you through the creation of a recommendation, the world of Data Science and its challenges, introducing you to the added value for businesses, and what kind of engineering challenges are connected to this.
Note: After subscription, showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible until Monday the 8th of October , 23.00h
Maandag 8 okt. 2018 18:30 - 21:00
Vanwege het enorme succes van de LaTeX trainingen van vorig jaar organiseert TRAIN er dit jaar nog twee. Deze trainingen zullen plaats vinden op maandag 8 en dinsdag 9 oktober van 18:30 tot ongeveer 21 uur. Deze trainingen gaan allebei over de basiskennis van LaTeX. Per dag zijn er maximaal 50 plaatsen, dus schrijf je snel in!
Tegenwoordig is LaTeX de standaard als het gaat om wetenschappelijke tekstverwerking. Het heeft een ingebouwde hulp voor allerlei wiskundige tekens en het kan gebruikt worden voor vanalles, zoals: huiswerk, presentaties and cv's, het maakt je leven een stuk makkelijker. Als een eerstejaars wiskunde student heb je het nodig in Q1 bij Lineaire Algebra 1 en als computer scientist in Q3 bij Data Structures.
We hebben Bor de Kock, die bekend staat om het leuk maken van LaTeX, gevraagd om deze training te geven. Wij zorgen voor snacks en fris zodat je iets te snacken hebt tijdens het wetenschappelijk tekstverwerken.
Als je nual vragen hebt voor Bor mail ons dan alsjeblieft of wagon1@gewis.nl
Choo Choo, TRAIN
Dinsdag 2 okt. 2018 18:00 - 22:00
Dear members of GEWIS,
On Tuesday the 2nd of October Study Association GEWIS will convene the 165th General Meeting. All of her members are invited to attend this meeting as the Code of Conduct article 4 demands. Up until 4 days prior to the meeting, members can suggest items to be discussed in this meeting. The agenda, minutes and other documents will be posted on the website. The GM takes place in English.
Members that are absent with notice, can authorize another member. Mind that authorizations shall only be accepted when they are signed by hand or submitted via the website. For more information, see the HR article 5.
Dinsdag 2 okt. 2018 17:00 - 18:00
Before the next GM we offer you the opportunity to have dinner with us. There is a choice between pizza and Soho wok.
We will order pizzas from domino's.
Dinsdag 2 okt. 2018 12:40 - 13:20
About the lecture:
Blockchain is all the hype. But how does it work? How do we get started? During this event we will (try to) find the answers to these questions. After a brief introduction to blockchains in general, we will visit a full stack of blockchain development. Our choice of technology here is the Ethereum platform combined with the Truffle Framework for smart contracts. Using Quintor's Truffle Box for Angular (https://github.com/Quintor/angular-truffle-box), we will visit writing and deploying smart contracts. We will dive into the Truffle Framework, showing how to interact with these smart contracts from a Dapp. All of this will be done at the hand of a live demo and useful code snippets.
About the speaker:
Pim is a junior consultant/software developer at Quintor. Currently, he is teaching the Minor Blockchain at Hogeschool Rotterdam. Additionally, he is working on StudyBits, which aims to provide an international blockchain solution for storing diplomas, using the Sovrin ledger. Before this he finished his MSc Applied Mathematics at Delft University of Technology. He co-authored "TrustChain: A Sybil-resistant Scalable Blockchain", which has been published in Future Generation Computer Systems.His other responsibilities include building a development stack for Quintor’s future blockchain activities on the Ethereum platform.
Note: After subscription, showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible until Monday the 1st of Oktober , 23.00h
Donderdag 27 sep. 2018 12:40 - 13:20
About the lecture:
ProcessGold is a software development company that specializes in process mining, data analytics and visualization. We have developed our own enterprise platform that is delivered to customers world-wide from our main office in Eindhoven. At ProcessGold we have a number of teams that work together in order to achieve this. During the lecture Hans will tell you about product development and consulting, while Ruud will tell you more about software development and graduation at Processgold.
About the speakers:Ruud worked on the development of the platform as a part timer for over a year. At this moment, he is working on his graduation project about the visualization of data flows. Hans is working for ProcessGold for more than 4 years now. He has been involved in many parts of the company; the product team, consultancy and he is one of our trainers.
Note: After subscription, showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible until Wednesday the 26th of september, 23.00h
Di. 25 sep. 2018 (20:00) - wo. 26 sep. 2018 (02:00)
Dear all,
On the 25th of September, ATHENA will organise a party and you are all invited! We are proud to announce our great theme, which is: "Mooi roze is niet lelijk", which means we hope you will all be dressed up in pink!
Be on time present at the party, because there will be a special price for the best dressed people! Also, the first 10 visitors will get a very special pink price which you can use the whole evening! As named on the poster, the first keg is for free!
Ticket: 1 euro (door: 2 euro)Location: Villa FiëstaDate: 25th SeptemberStart time: 20.00 h
You can buy tickets at the ATHENA members who will sell tickets during the upcoming drinks. Hope to see you there!
Dinsdag 25 sep. 2018 16:00 - 18:00
Dear members,
Do you want to determine the future vision of GEWIS? Where is the future of the career development for us? How can our study association help students with their education? Are alumni really ‘burgers’? Is there anything that you believe GEWIS has to start doing? Time to act!
Tuesday, the 25th of September, another brainstorm session organised by AVW160 (General (Members) Meeting Taskforce 160) will take place. The purpose of this AVW is to prospect and formulate a multi-annual vision for GEWIS. The subjects of this session will be: Career development, education and alumni. On the website in the public archive, you can find the preparing documents for this brainstorm session.
Please feel welcome to join us on the 25th of September, from 16:00 in MF13. You can find the preparing documents in the public archive on the website.
In case you cannot be present, but you still have input; you are welcome to send us any ideas via AVW160@GEWIS.nl or place a note in our physical mailbox at GEWIS, preferably before the 25th of September.
We hope to see many of you there!
Kind regards,
On behalf of AVW160,
Tim Meeles
Zaterdag 22 sep. 2018 10:00 - 18:00
Het is de derde week van het academische jaar, dus het is weer tijd voor de EAPC. Geef je op in teams van 3 om Java/C++/een andere taal te schrijven zodat je de felbegeerde EAPC wisseltrofee kan bemachtigen.
Zoals ieder jaar zorgt GEHACK ervoor dat de interne mens goed onderhouden wordt tijdens, maar ook ná de wedstrijd. Lunch, drinken en snacks zijn inbegrepen, net als een klein biertje/cola na het harde coden. Daarom luidt ons advies ook om je in te schrijven voor dit epische evenement, want thuis blijven is duurder!
Voor eerstejaars studenten is het extra aantrekkelijk om mee te doen, want bij serieuze deelname aan de wedstrijd wordt er één extra huiswerkopdracht van 2IP90 weggestreept.
Woensdag 19 sep. 2018 17:00 - 22:00
BBQ subscribe here!
Woensdag 19 sep. 2018 17:00 - 22:00
Lieve GEWIS’ers,De vakantie is al weer even over en jullie zitten allen al weer veel te lang binnen te studeren. Daarom presenteert B.O.O.M. de B.O.O.M. BuitenBios om naar buiten te gaan en weer het echte vakantie gevoel te beleven. De BBB zal ’s avonds een film vertonen, maar B.O.O.M. zal B.O.O.M. niet zijn als ze voorafgaand aan de film geen BBQ zouden organiseren, waar de BAC ons voorziet van Bier!Ook tijdens de film zullen jullie voorzien worden van eten, want een echte bioscoop serveert ook popcorn!Dus komt allen naar de B.O.O.M. BuitenBioscoop op 19 september 17:00 op het Simon Stevin veld!Het is aangeraden om een comfortabele stoel mee te nemen in verband met een verwacht tekort aan zitplaatsen.Met takken!Tl;dr: BBQ en film kijken 19 september!
Stem voor het film genre op: http://tiny.cc/buitenbios
Dinsdag 18 sep. 2018 12:40 - 13:20
Cyber security is about protecting your computer from whoever wishes you harm, or wants what you have. But rarely do we know exactly what we have, and how to protect it. Ruben ten Hove, Cyber Security Innovator at TNO, will talk about automated discovery within IT infrastructures, and automating security decision making for such infrastructures. TU/e master student in mathematics, and our own GEWIS member Tim Meeles, will also take part in the lecture. He is currently doing a graduation internship at TNO. He will tell you about his experience at TNO as an intern, as well as the possibilities he got to finish his master there. His research focuses on determining an optimal routing policy for a driver encountering an incident on the highway. He bases the predictions for the incident duration on real Dutch highway traffic data, gathered by TNO and Rijkswaterstaat.
Vr. 14 sep. 2018 (16:00) - zo. 16 sep. 2018 (14:00)
In het weekend van 14-16 september wordt weer het eerste GEWIS-weekend georganiseerd: de enige echte FLUP! Het zal weer een groot feest worden, maar dan in drie dagen! We gaan bier (of fris) drinken, chillen op grote zachte dingen, spelletjes spelen, genieten van een barbecue, een cantus doen, cafés bezoeken... we gaan alles doen wat je van ons verwacht! Dus koop snel een ticket zodat je dit alles niet hoeft te missen! Je kan tickets kopen bij het bestuur en de intro-commissie tot en met 13 september! Tijden nog onder voorbehoud!
Donderdag 13 sep. 2018 13:30 - 16:00
Nieuw op de universiteit? Of altijd al die knappe sjaarzen willen ontmoeten? Dit is je kans!
Met alle EJC's van afgelopen jaar gaan wij een super coole toffe middag organiseren voor onze eerstejaars! Het programma is nog niet helemaal zeker, maar bereid je voor op een grote, interactieve pubquiz met onderdelen van de MuzIKUquiz, Amphibier Casino spelletjes en een echte skydive sprong zoals je van Ons WEGIS gewend bent!
We beginnen deze activiteit onofficieel om 12:30 met een informatie lunch voor de eerstejaars over eerstejaars commissies. Daarna mag iedereen (sjaars of niet-sjaars) om 13:30 aansluiten voor onze pubquiz, dit zal tot ongeveer 16:00 duren waarna we met z'n allen deze leuke dag afsluiten met een biertje bij de Spaanse Borrel!
Woensdag 12 sep. 2018 18:30 - 22:00
Do you like Cluedo and murder mysteries? Do you find joy in solving puzzles? Are you curious as to how a board game can be played on a bigger scale in Eindhoven? Then we have got the perfect ACtivity for you! On Wednesday the 12th of September you can play Cluedo by solving puzzles all throughout the city of Eindhoven. Even those without money can participate, because this ACtivity is FREE! We will gather at GEWIS at 7 pm where you will be divided into small groups to go into Eindhoven and solve the murder mystery! There will also be the opportunity to eat something beforehand, for which there is a separate dinner list.We hope to see you on the 12th of September!
Hugs, the AC
Woensdag 12 sep. 2018 17:30 - 18:30
Hungry detectives are worse at finding clues, it is a fACt. Therefore we will make sure you are not, by getting dinner. You can choose between pizza and wok. Pizza's are €6, exact prices for the wok can be found at https://sohorestaurants.nl/onlineshop/wok/. If your pizza is unavailable or does not exist, you'll get a margherita instead
Dinsdag 11 sep. 2018 17:00 - 22:00
Waarde Dames, Heeren, GEWIS-leden, wiskundigen en informatici, Menig student zal de aankomende academische zonsopgang als gebrekkig ervaren en heeft deze uitleg niet nodig. Echter, laat mij voor hen die aanstaande maandag de universiteit voor het eerst betreden een traditie beschrijven, immers hangt elke zelf respecterende universitaire gemeenschap samen van tradities en gebruiken. Zo is het gebruikelijk het academisch jaar te beginnen met een groots festijn waarbij de ondertoon van alcohol door de Markthal schalt. Echter, ons geliefde College van Bestuur heeft besloten een einde te breien aan deze opening academisch jaar. Deze tragiek kan Hèt Dispuut “In Vino Veritas†niet laten gebeuren, daarom is het aan mij een waar genoegen om aan u mede te delen dat dinsdag 11 september aanstaande Hèt Dispuut het academisch jaar zal openen op gepaste wijze. Tevens zal deze Maand’lijksche Borrel de aftrap zijn van het lustwijnjaar van Hèt Dispuut en zal als zodanig door een traditioneel overdadige hoeveelheid bubbels gekenmerkt worden. De oplettende lezer zou kunnen opmerken dat het hier niet om de eerste dinsdag van het jaar gaat, maar laat mij u geruststellen: dit is met opzet. De eerste week van elk kwartiel gaat gebruikelijkere wijs gepaard met uitleg over de organisatie van vakken, met de beginselen of in het ergste geval met herhaalde kennis van voorgaande vakken; een louter onacademische bezigheid, zodoende hervatten wij deze traditie in de eerste echt academische week van het jaar. In de hoop u dinsdag 11 september te mogen ontvangen, verblijf ik, Met hoogachtende groeten, Dhr. MeijaardVice-Praeses der Dispuut “In Vino Veritasâ€
Donderdag 6 sep. 2018 12:40 - 13:20
Artificial Intelligence
Robert Hendriksen will tell you about Artificial Intelligence while you are enjoying your pizza. Robert: “Artificial Intelligence is about to change many aspects of our lives. My talk is about discovering what it means for building machines, how it will change service and training and how it will change our development process. I would like to share what we currently do with Artificial Intelligence at Sioux and what our plans are.â€
About the speaker
Robert Hendriksen is a senior software architect at Sioux. Sioux is an innovative technology partner that supports leading high tech companies in the development and manufacturing of their products. With 600 dedicated engineers in technical software, electronics, mechatronics and mathware they support or act as the Research & Development department of their customers.
Note: After subscription, showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible until Wednesday the 5th of September, 23.00h
Dinsdag 4 sep. 2018 16:00 - 18:30
TL;DR: 04-09-2018, 16:00; Brainstorm Session AVW160; Finance and board compensation, register on website.
Dear members,
Do you want to determine the future vision of GEWIS? Do you have a clear idea on the GEWIS finances? Or maybe you don't, but know how to improve it? Should we compensate the board more? Is there anything that you believe GEWIS has to start doing? Time to act!
Tuesday, the 4th of September, another brainstorm session organized by AVW160 (General (Members) Meeting Taskforce 160) will take place. The purpose of this AVW is to prospect and formulate a multi-annual vision for GEWIS. The subjects of this session will be: the GEWIS finances and board compensation. On the website in the public archive, you can find the preparing documents for this brainstorm session.
Please feel welcome to join us on the 4th of September, from 16:00. Please subscribe via the website to make sure that AVW160 can book a proper location for this meeting. You can find the preparing documents in the public archive on the website. You can subscribe here:
In case you cannot be present, but you still have input; you are welcome to send us any ideas via AVW160@GEWIS.nl or place a note in our physical mailbox at GEWIS, preferably before the 4th of September.
We hope to see many of you there!
Kind regards,On behalf of AVW160,
Tim Meeles
Zaterdag 1 sep. 2018 10:00 - 20:00
Op zaterdag 1 september 2017 arriveert er een groep internationale Erasmusstudenten op de TU/e campus om een geweldige intro-dag te beleven! Deze internationale studenten zullen hier voor minimaal een half jaar komen studeren, maar ze weten nog helemaal niks over Nederland en over onze universiteit. Om deze studenten een vliegende start te geven en ze te helpen zich thuis te voelen hier, wordt deze intro-dag georganiseerd. Iedere internationale student die deelneemt wordt gekoppeld aan een student van hier, een buddy! En daarvoor zoeken we jou! Op 1 september zul je je buddy ontmoeten en neem je ze mee naar alle activiteiten gedurende deze intro-dag. Buddy worden is geheel gratis en we gaan die dag leuke activiteiten doen! Dus wil jij buddy worden? Schrijf je dan hieronder in om een buddy aan je gekoppeld te krijgen! We hopen dat we jou en je buddy op 1 september tijdens de intro-dag zullen zien!
Vrijdag 31 aug. 2018 09:00 - 16:00
Wij zijn trots om aan te mogen kondigen dat EJC18-1.62 voor iedereen Skydiven heeft georganiseerd. Op 31 Augustus gaan wij met 25 gelukkigen skydiven bij het Nationaal Paracentrum Teuge. Dit zal €100,- van u kosten.
Omdat dit niet een gemakkelijke plek is om te bereiken met het OV gaan we carpoolen. Het is ongeveer 1 uur weg van Eindhoven en hier hebben wij dus auto's voor nodig. De groep zal opgesplitst worden in 2 ploegen, een ochtendploeg en een middagploeg. Aangezien het nu nog onduidelijk kan zijn wat de plannin gis op 31 Augustus voor u mailen wij u later om voorkeuren door te kunnen geven.
Er zal een loting plaatsvinden voor dit evenement, aangezien wij verwachten dat het snel vol is. De inschrijflijst zal voor een uur open zijn, waarna de loting in werking treedt. Hier krijgt u binnen een week bericht van. Mensen met auto's krijgen voorrang om het carpoolen zo vlekkeloos te laten verlopen.
Eenmaal aangekomen zal de groep opnieuw opgesplitst worden, en met deze groepjes zult u daadwerkelijk uit het vliegtuig gaan springen. Voor een impressie van het springen kunt u deze video kijken: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwiCT1yl9-c
Dit evenement zal gesponsord worden. Deze sponsor zal de hele dag aanwezig zijn om te kunnen praten over hun bedrijf. Ook zullen ze een lunch lecture geven aan de aanwezigen. De ochtendploeg en middagploeg komen hier dan samen om te genieten van de door ons aangeboden lunch.
Ik hoop dat wij u genoeg informatie hebben gegeven met betrekking tot de activiteit. Mochten er toch nog vragen zijn, wees dan niet bang om op Daniël of Jealy af te stappen, of mail ons naar fyc18-1.62@gewis.nl
Veel groeten,EJC18-1.62
Donderdag 12 jul. 2018 16:30 - 20:00
Na het grote succes van de JEMOEDER borrrels, is het eindelijk zo ver! Tijd voor de Je PA borrrel!
Tijdens deze borrrel moedigen wij je aan om je vader mee te nemen om te laten zien hoe leuk het hier altijd is! De borrrel zal buiten plaatsvinden, zodat de vaders zich zoals gebruikelijk kunnen ontfermen over de BBQ!Wij verkopen het vlees en regelen de BBQ, maar we zoeken nog wat vaders die het vlees willen gaan bakken.* Dus neem je jouw vader mee?
*Vaders die alleen willen drinken en andere vaders het vlees willen laten bakken zijn uiteraard ook welkom.