

During this general members meeting, we will vote about member changes of the Advisory Board and about establishing a task force to evaluate the progress on the Multi Annual Strategic Vision. The candidates for the 41st board will present a document on the seventh function. We will discuss the best way to deal with the money that was intended for the ski trip of GR8-TIMES. We will vote upon approving more money for a ziplining activity of Défi. Budgets will be presented and voted on for painting GEWIS, new curtains, party lights and maintenance for the bar. There will also be a rebudget by the board which will be voted upon. There will be an update about SudoSOS, an update from our Information Officer and an update about AVW185.

Relevant documents can be found online, or will become available online as soon as possible on this page. Agenda points can be send to the board in a digital fashion via The GMM will take place in English. Authorizations can be done online here.

One week before the GMM is held you can indicate whether you want to receive printed documents at this meeting. To indicate which documents you would like to receive, please use the first subscription list, titled 'Printing documents'. The deadline for this is the 27th of March at 23:59.

It is also possible to join us for dinner at 17.15h in the GEWIS room. We will order Soho Wok. You can register using the list "Soho Wok" on this activity before 14.00h on the 28th of March. You can pay using debit/credit card.

maandag 28 maart 2022 om 18:00
maandag 28 maart 2022 om 23:00
MF 11/12
Google Calendar


Neem contact op met de organiserende partij of het bestuur ( als je vragen of opmerkingen hebt of als je na het verstrijken van de afmeldtermijn niet aanwezig kunt zijn. Veel plezier!

Deze inschrijflijst is open van maandag 21 maart 2022 om 23:59 tot zondag 27 maart 2022 om 23:59.

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