AC Bubblesoccer feat. TOPdesk

Dear GEWIS'ers,

Have you ever gotten tired of your arms flailing around during a soccer match? Or that it's way too easy to balance yourself while going for the ball?

Oh, do we have the solution for you! Presenting: AC Bubblesoccer feat. TOPdesk, where you can take part in challenging, but mostly hilarous soccer matches in giant plastic bubbles. Don't worry about bumping into people (some might argue that's the whole point), as you will safely bounce on the floor in a spectACular manner.

Hopefully we'll have nice weather, but don't worry about getting too warm in the bubbles as we'll play short ACtion-packed matches. We will also order some pizza's after an afternoon of bouncing around. They are ordered on an own-cost basis. If you'd like one as well I kindly refer to the attAChed eating sign-up list.

The ACtivity will take place from 13:00 until 17:30 on the Flux Field (MetaForum side). The maximum number of participants is 30. So sign up now and partake in soccer like you never have before!

dinsdag 7 juni 2022 om 13:00
dinsdag 7 juni 2022 om 17:30
Flux Field (MetaForum side)
Google Calendar


Neem contact op met Activiteiten Commissie of het bestuur ( als je vragen of opmerkingen hebt of als je na het verstrijken van de afmeldtermijn niet aanwezig kunt zijn. Veel plezier!

Deze inschrijflijst is open van dinsdag 17 mei 2022 om 14:45 tot maandag 6 juni 2022 om 18:00.

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