B.O.O.M. presents: NS hike

Tired of sitting in your room and staring at your screen. Done with the quarantine and want to get back out there? Forgot what B.O.O.M.en look and smell like? Therefore, B.O.O.M. presents to you: NS hike! Put on your walking shoes and discover together with B.O.O.M. new pieces of nature where we all have not been yet. To get to the location we take public transport (max 1 hour, probably less) and walk towards an end point where we can take public transport back to Eindhoven. All of this while enjoying the nature, some drinks and snacks! We are looking for interested people to do a winter walk with us. The activity will take place on a Saturday or Sunday, but it will be determined later such that as many people as possible can join us! If you are interested please join the group via this link boom.gewis.nl/ns/group.

donderdag 31 maart 2022 om 10:00
donderdag 31 maart 2022 om 18:00
None (except for public transport)
Google Calendar

Neem contact op met Buitenplezier Op Onze Manier of het bestuur (cib@gewis.nl) als je vragen of opmerkingen hebt. Veel plezier!

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