Phone addiction lunch lecture

25 percent of today’s youth spends more than 3 hours of their day on their smart phone, so it is quite likely that you know someone that might be addicted, or you may recognize some of the symptoms yourself. That is why TRAIN is organizing a lecture about smart phone addiction to raise awareness of this issue and also to give some tips that could help.

The lecture will be given by Mariek Vanden Abeele, a professor from Tilburg, specializing in mobile phone usage in everyday life. She has studied phubbing, the ignoring of other people by being busy on your phone before and she has used data analyses to study smart phone usage within all layers of society. Free sandwiches will be provided by TRAIN at the start of the lecture. Subscribe now and we hope to see you there!

donderdag 28 maart 2019 om 12:40
donderdag 28 maart 2019 om 13:20
Luna 1.050
Free lunch!
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Deze inschrijflijst is open van woensdag 27 maart 2019 om 13:00 tot woensdag 27 maart 2019 om 13:00.

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