Who is going to be the new princess carnaval?

Jet Kooijman 4 votes
Nadym van Schaik 1 vote
Roxanne van Maurik 0 votes
Dionne Heuvelman 3 votes
Celine Verhoef 2 votes
Nicky van den Berg 1 vote
Evie Nielen 3 votes
Janne de Rooij 13 votes
Leroy Visser 15 votes
Melissa van Veenendaal 3 votes
Marloes van Lierop 5 votes
Lydia's baby 6 votes
Huh, princeSS?!? 7 votes
I don't care, as long as it's a woman! 11 votes
Yuk equality, I need more men in my life! 21 votes
I don't care, as long as it's not Merel and Laura... 17 votes

Are you in the mood for a new poll

Yes 1 vote
OMG YES 5 votes
Yes, we know about the gala 14 votes
No I lived under a stone, what is the gala? 7 votes

Are you excited for the gala?

Yeah! 8 votes
Hell yeah! 4 votes
Can't wait! 5 votes
Is it March yet? 42 votes

What are you going to do differently this year?

More studying 6 votes
More boardmembering 3 votes
More board member annoying 4 votes
More beer drinking 5 votes
More house moving 3 votes
More hitting on board members 2 votes
More carnavalling 5 votes
More enjoying 10 votes

What do you think of the room?

Nice, to have a beach in Meta! 9 votes
BOOOOAAAAARDDD, it's a mess!!!!!!!!!! 3 votes
Even the airconditioning has to cry because of it 3 votes
Is it christmas already? 2 votes
It is very sandy in a certain spot. 5 votes

Who will be leaving the consti first?

Illona "Can't drink i have to hockey" H. 3 votes
Lisan "Secretary? I won't believe it" W. 15 votes
Niels "Poenderop" V. 4 votes
Sjoed "Daar zijn we weer!" van H. 3 votes
Thomas "A star-DJ" W. 5 votes
Ilse "Heyyy girlfriend!" F. 11 votes
Ava "I'm on fire" S. 6 votes

What is this year's answer to the repetitive poll about the consti?

The Chaireo 0 votes
The Secretary 0 votes
The Treasurer 0 votes
The Vice-Chairman 0 votes
The PR-Officer 0 votes
The Educated Officer 0 votes
The Seventh 0 votes

Who's going to be the winner of the constitution drink?

Laura "Daadkracht maakt macht" K 1 vote
Nicky "Eens een hert, altijd alert" v/d B 2 votes
Bram "De mam die alles kam" W 3 votes
Guido "1 s is geen s" J 2 votes
Luuk "Waar is de krokettenlunch" M 5 votes
Ralph "Koelkastlover" van I 3 votes
Merel "Agile Scrum" P 2 votes

I find the new clothingline:

Super Awesome! 4 votes
'Vo 3 votes
Do they have a snapBAC? 8 votes
I am going to nit patches on everthing! 0 votes
on www.gewis.nl/clothingline 15 votes
I never sweat, can I buy a sweater anyway? 1 vote
More fun than learning for ODE. 1 vote
Connected 4 votes

What's with the birds?

I don't get it 11 votes
RIP, Bier and Tieten 12 votes
No idea, but they can stay 6 votes

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