What to do when a board member or a freshman walks by with easter eggs?

Royeren 5 votes
Use it as a golf ball 10 votes
Shout kutbestuur!! 9 votes
Awh my head 0 votes
I am a loser and was not present at the fyc party 5 votes

Do we want more, or less polls?

Yes, but someone else should make one 7 votes
Yes, alright I'll make one 4 votes
No, I hate polls so much that I'm answering one 2 votes
No, this poll demonstrates that polls are useless 2 votes
I'll just pick any one, just like I do during elections. 12 votes

How do you like the new homepage?

It's the greatest homepage ever 2 votes
It's beatiful 6 votes
Definitely better than before 36 votes
It's so nice, I think the Web Committee should get new mugs from the board 45 votes
Other (comments) 7 votes

What will you be doing during the christmas break?

nothing. 0 votes
Visit family 0 votes
nothing wearing a onesie 0 votes
study 0 votes
do nothing as much as possible but still do a lot 0 votes
eating untill I drop dead 0 votes
mostly wear very ugly christmas sweaters 0 votes

Which game should be strictly prohibited at GEWIS?

The Game 7 votes
Spades 13 votes
Pirate Bridge 2 votes
Binary beer drinking 3 votes

Who will be the GEWIS prince(ss) carnival '17-'18?

Zjos 1 vote
Kutjeroen 2 votes
Rick II 2 votes
Dante 0 votes
Niekie 1 vote
Jeffrey 1 vote
Mattijs 0 votes
Georg 0 votes
Yoram 0 votes
Stefan 0 votes
Willem 1 vote
Bart 1 vote
Ian SOWIESO 23 votes
Femke 1 vote
Chantal 0 votes
Floris 0 votes
Teun 3 votes
Pim 0 votes
Evie 1 vote
Dionne 0 votes
Dennis 0 votes
Jet 0 votes
Nienke 0 votes
Nicky II 2 votes
Wout 0 votes
Susan 3 votes
Job 0 votes
Anja 1 vote
Stepah 5 votes
Kees 1 vote
Someone else, namely... (send reply) 2 votes

When should the Christmas tree be in the room?

Now, Noww, NOW!! 13 votes
December 1 0 votes
When Sinterklaas has left the country. 1 vote
NEVER! I hate Christmas! 4 votes
When the board leaves the room unattended. 15 votes
2 Weeks ago 8 votes
When wintertime starts 4 votes

Who will be the GEWIS prince(ss) carnival '17-'18?

Zjos 0 votes
Kutjeroen 0 votes
Rick II 0 votes
Dante 0 votes
Niekie 0 votes
Jeffrey 0 votes
Mattijs 0 votes
Georg 0 votes
Yoram 0 votes
Stefan 0 votes
Willem 0 votes
Bart 0 votes
Ian SOWIESO 2 votes
Femke 0 votes
Chantal 0 votes
Floris 0 votes
Teun 0 votes
Pim 0 votes
Evie 0 votes
Dionne 0 votes
Dennis 0 votes
Jet 0 votes
Nienke 0 votes
Nicky II 0 votes
Wout 0 votes
Susan 0 votes
Job 0 votes
Anja 0 votes
Stepah 0 votes
Kees 0 votes
Someone else, namely... (send reply) 0 votes

What kind of tea should the board buy?

Green tea 8 votes
Fruity flavors 17 votes
Minty tea 2 votes
Rooibos 6 votes
English breakfast 6 votes
Camomile 2 votes

What will you take with you while cycling to the FLUP?

Everything sweet! 2 votes
Beer! 2 votes
Peppernuts 4 votes
Wiskey 2 votes
Pepper vodka 1 vote
I'm not 18, so coke 3 votes

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