Board 2024/2025

f.l.t.r: Jelte, Jens, Tessa, Robin

Of course we still cherish our old boards.

Tessa Verheul (she/her) - Chair

Tessa Verheul is the chair of GEWIS. As a chair she is ultimately responsible for everything that happens within the association and is therefore also the first point of contact of the association, which makes her the face of the association. Hence, she often has contact with the departmental board and the building management. Luckily she does not have to do this all by herself since she has a whole board with whom she has to take this on together. She is responsible for the structure within the board and the association. She leads the General Members Meetings (GMM) and the Board Meetings (BM); a weekly meeting of the board in which the mail, budgets, committees, fraternities and policies are discussed. Furthermore, she attends the meetings of the FSE (niece associations) and the WISO (sister associations).

If you have any questions for Tessa, you can send her a mail.

Jens Knapen (he/him) - Secretary

Jens Knapen is the secretary of GEWIS. As a secretary, he is responsible for the incoming and outgoing mail. Furthermore, he makes sure that the members stay informed of all activities and recent events through a newsletter. Jens is responsible for the minutes of the General Members Meetings (GMM) and the Board Meetings (BM). Jens also keeps record of the archive and takes care of the membership administration. Finally, he is the controller concerning the privacy law.

If you have any questions for Jens, you can send him a mail.


Robin van Dijke (he/him) - Treasurer

Robin van Dijke is the treasurer of GEWIS. As a treasurer, he is responsible for keeping record of the cash book and the administration of the finances. He composes the financial annual report. He also checks the financial status within committees. If you would like to organise an activity for GEWIS, you can send a budget to Robin.

If you have any questions for Robin, you can send him a mail.


Jens Knapen (he/him) - Internal Affairs Officer

Jens Knapen is the Internal Affairs Officer of GEWIS. As an Internal Affairs Officer, he is responsible for the committees and fraternities. By doing this, Jens ensures that many nice activities are organised throughout the year. In case you are interested in a committee or fraternity, you can always mail Jens. He keeps the photos up-to-date on the website (photo archive) and maintains 'het Dakterras' (the GEWIS room). Jens chairs the Chair's meeting (CM), where all chairs of the committees and fraternities come together to discuss topics important to them. The policy concerning activities is also discussed at the CM.

If you have any questions for Jens, you can send him a mail.

Jelte de Kock (he/him) - Educational Officer

Jelte de Kock is the Educational Officer of GEWIS. As an Educational Officer, he is responsible for preventing, observing and co-solving education-related problems. He will inquire about how things are going with the students regarding education. Jelte attends meetings of the Educational Committee, the Departmental Council and other education-related meetings. He gives advice to these organs if this is desired. If you have any complaints related to education, you can mail Jelte. Furthermore, Jelte puts summaries and practice exams of courses online. Lastly, he is responsible for the sale of the books.

If you have any questions for Jelte, you can send him a mail.

Tessa Verheul (she/her) - External Affairs Officer

Tessa Verheul is the External Affairs Officer of GEWIS. As an External Affairs Officer, she is responsible for monitoring the contacts with companies. She coordinates all career-related activities organised by GEWIS, like lunch lectures and company visits, which you can find here. She also takes care of the vacancy bank, where companies introduce themselves and place vacancies, internships, traineeships and graduation projects online. Finally, she is the Chair of C4, a committee which supports her in maintaining contacts with companies.

If you have any questions for Tessa, you can send her a mail.

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