Thursday 30 Jun. 2016 16:00 - 21:00
It is our great honour and true delight to inform you that GEWIS has chosen a new board on our 151. GM. After a spectacular year, the sun will most definitely set for the 34. board and the tasks shall be adopted by the 35. board as of the first of July in our upcoming lustrum year.
We invite you all to congratulate the new board on the inauguration drink on Thursday the 30th of June 2016, starting at 16:00.
Wednesday 29 Jun. 2016 20:00 - 22:00
Dear members of GEWIS,On Wednesday the 29. of June, Study Association GEWIS will convene her 153th General Meeting. Hereby all of her members are invited to attend this meeting as the Code of Conduct article 4 demands.
Up until 4 days prior to the meeting, members can suggest items to be discussed in this meeting. The agenda, minutes and other documents will be posted on the website.
If you are an English speaking member and want to attend this meeting, please notify us in time. The GM is usually in Dutch but might be held in English if someone demands that.
Members that are absent with notice, can authorize another member. Mind that authorizations shall only be accepted when they are signed by hand or submitted via the website. For more information, see the HR article 5.
Tuesday 28 Jun. 2016 00:00 - 23:00
Dear GEWIS members,
On the 28th of June, the party will start again! It is GEWIS' birthday, and as an association, we will turn 34! As you all know: when it's somebody's birthday, there is pie. So please join the board at GEWIS to enjoy your piece of 'tompoes'!
Thursday 23 Jun. 2016 16:30 - 19:00
Dear members,
Next Thursday, it is time for the employee drink again. And this time, DJ Jan-Willem will return! That is the recipe for a great party, so join to chat with your lecturers!
Wednesday 15 Jun. 2016 12:30 - 13:30
The Constitutieborrel (30/6) is approaching and that means that we need a lot of volunteers to maintain order during the borrel. Do you want to help us make sure that all kinds of objects (incl. board members) remain in the room, then register for this information lunch! Here we will explain the details a bit more and there be room for questions. The registration for the lunch is without any obligations and you still decide afterwards if you want to volunteer during the borrel.
See you the 15th!
Jos Mangnus, Chief of Order
Tuesday 14 Jun. 2016 18:00 - 22:00
The sun is shining and creates a huge concentration disorder while you study a wide spectrum of interesting subjects. Now is the moment to get out of your routine life before it's to late! I.V.V would like to help you with just that by organizing a magnificent evening, on which you can really relax by playing a snug and competitive game of I.V.V Croquet. You, as a participant, will be provided with tremendously delicious snacks, and of course there will also be great wine which will be sold during the whole activity so there will be nothing in your way to the magnificent feeling of victory. Team up with a fellow GEWIS member, and submit for this wonderful evening full of wine, competition and sociability!
Tuesday 14 Jun. 2016 12:45 - 13:30
Verum’s Dezyne modeling language: the practical application of Formal Methods in Industry.
In this talk, Paul Hoogendijk (Verum) will show how Verum’s Dezyne language and accompanying tool-set disclose the power and benefits of Formal Methods to a regular engineer, paving the path for adopting Formal Methods in Industry as shown by numerous projects at ASML, Philips, FEI, and Sioux, amongst others.
The Dezyne language has some algebraic properties which allow a software engineer to express models in a very compact and natural way. The same algebraic properties are used for presenting the user normalized, uniform views on the models. Also, these algebraic properties are used for generating Hoare’s CSP (Communication Sequential Processes) as input for the model checker, and for generating the target languages (C, C++, Java, C#, Python, JavaScript).
This talk is the follow-up of the talk in March where Michaël van de Ven (Sioux) talked about his personal, practical experience in applying Verum’s tools in various projects situated in the Brainport region.
Friday 10 Jun. 2016 10:00 - 22:00
De inschrijvingen voor de LIMO zijn geopend! De Landelijke Interuniversitaire Mathematische Olympiade is een jaarlijks terugkerende wedstrijd waarin kleine teams van studenten drie uur krijgen om een aantal wiskundeopgaven op te lossen. Deze opgaven kunnen zeer variëren en bijvoorbeeld de vakgebieden analyse, algebra, meetkunde, kansrekening en logica beslaan.
De volgende editie zal gehouden worden op 10 juni 2016 op het Amsterdamse Science Park. 's ochtends wordt er begonnen met een lezing, 's middags vindt de wedstrijd plaats, waarna tijdens een gezellige borrel gelijk de prijsuitreiking plaatsvindt. Er zal worden afgesloten met een diner in Amsterdam.
Voor meer informatie, zie Inschrijven kan op
Thu. 9 Jun. 2016 (18:00) - Wed. 15 Jun. 2016 (18:30)
Food for the VV! There is pizza, if the pizza you want does not exist you get margarita!
Thursday 9 Jun. 2016 14:00 - 21:00
Short English below
Beste allemaal,
op donderdag 9 juni is het alweer twaalfeneenhalf jaar geleden dat vier jonge knapen besloten om een dispuut op te richten. Zij gaven dit dispuut de naam "In Vino Veritas" of I.V.V voor de luie schrijvers onder ons. En zo geschiedde.
Inmiddels zijn we alweer twaalfeneenhalf jaar verder, zijn we 22 leden rijk en zijn er heel wat flessen wijn geleegd. En zoals het ons betaamd kunnen wij dit heugelijk feit, ons bronzen jubileum, niet ongemerkt voorbij laten. Dus zullen wij op deze dag een mooi programma neer zetten voor alle leden van GEWIS.
In de middag zullen wij op ieder heel uur een kleine activiteit neer zetten. We zullen eenieder van u kennis laten maken met de intellectuele, vloeibare* en musicale genotten des levens. Om vanaf half vijf af te sluiten met een klassieker, de Franse borrel in samenwerking met de BAC. Waarvoor een prachtig wijnmenu is samengesteld en de baquettes zijn besmeerd met brie en filet americain.
We kijken er enorm naar uit en hopen zoveel mogelijk van u te zien. Uw aanwezigheid is voor ons kado genoeg, maar mocht u graag meer willen doen is iets brons natuurlijk altijd een goede kadotip.
Prosit,Het Dispuut "In Vino Veritas"
Our fraternity "In Vino Veritas" will be 12.5 years old on Thursday the 9th of june. To celebrate this wonderfull fact we have organised a nice program for every GEWIS-member enjoy.
14:00 Popquiz15:00 Wine Tasting Course*16:00 Mini-Cantus
And finally together with the BAC a French Social Drink! With a specially selected wine menu and baquettes with brie and filet americain.
Prosit,Fraternity "In Vino Veritas"
*The wine tasting course will be a purely theoretical course.
Wednesday 8 Jun. 2016 18:30 - 21:00
Watch out everyone  SCIFI’s Awesomazing Race is here! It's almost summer and therefor
the perfect time for our modern version of a treasure hunt. Join us and experience the
campus in a different, new way.
Form a team with your friends and start your search for the minigames that we have spread
out across campus. Completing the challenges will be a lot of fun but also reward you with
clues. Collect them and they will lead you to our hidden treasure.
You don't want to miss this fun activity, so grab three or four of your friends and sign up.
It will be truely awesomazing!
Wednesday 8 Jun. 2016 17:30 - 18:30
Subscribe for a delicious pizza just before the SCIFI Awesomazing race!
Tuesday 7 Jun. 2016 18:00 - 23:00
Dear members of GEWIS,On Tuesday the 7th of June, Study Association GEWIS will convene her 152th General Meeting. Hereby all of her members are invited to attend this meeting as the Code of Conduct article 4 demands.
Up until 4 days prior to the meeting, members can suggest items to be discussed in this meeting. The agenda, minutes and other papers will become available shortly on the website.
If you are an English speaking member and want to attend this meeting, please notify us in time. The GM is usually in Dutch but might be held in English if someone demands that.
Around 17:00 there will be a possibility to eat something. This will cost around 6 euros. If you would like to order food for this, you should register to do so before Tuesday the 7th of June, 1 PM. Soon there will be the possibility to do so on the GEWIS-website.
When you subscribe for this subscription list, then the board will print the documents for the GM for you.
Tuesday 7 Jun. 2016 17:00 - 18:00
Dear GEWIS members,
Would you like to have some dinner before the GM of the 7th of June?Subscribe here to get some!
There is a choice between wok and pizza, see: and then the header:
Monday 6 Jun. 2016 19:30 - 21:30
Dearest members,
Are you tired looking at random geometric figures? Then we have got the solution for you! Come pooling with the AC to see geometry in prACtice. This event will take plACe Monday 6th of June and only for the price 2 euros for seniors and only 1 euro for freshmen. This awesome ACtivity will take plACe at SPC Woensel. You will share a table with 3 other members (4 people per table) for two hours, if you want to expand your great pooling experience it is possible to go on an extra hour (for the price of 5 euro an hour per table). There is also the possibility to have dinner at GEWIS, we serve wok and pizza, for the incredible low price of only 6 euro. Dinner will be ready at half past five. If you choose to have dinner at your own plACe make sure that you’re at GEWIS at a quarter past six. Because than we head to the pool centrum by bike or by OV.
The AC
N.B. In priciple we have a maximum of 40 participants, but if there is enough enthusiasm we can increase the number of tables.
Monday 6 Jun. 2016 17:30 - 18:45
Subscribing means paying.If your pizza is unavailable/incomprehensible, you will get a Margaritha.See for the wok prices.
Fri. 3 Jun. 2016 (15:30) - Sun. 5 Jun. 2016 (15:30)
Dear holiday enthusiasts!
Many of you have already seen the “B.O.O.M. Buitenlands Weekend†from close by, and those do not need to be convinced to participate this year’s weekend again. For those who are not yet familiar with the term “B.O.O.M. buitenlands weekend†a brief description:
Every year there is this one special weekend in which a group of at most forty students gather and travel to an exciting place somewhere in another country. During the day some great activities will be offered and the nights are spent close by a fire and inside a cozy tent.
This year the weekend will take place in the Belgian Ardennes. During the weekend we’ll participate in several activities, for example a a Friday night activity, a game of Arrow-hunt (, visit a zoo and explore an amazing cave.
Subscribe now to ensure a spot!
Met takken,Fraternity B.O.O.M.
Wednesday 1 Jun. 2016 18:30 - 22:00
Do you think you are super smart? Are you so smart that you even know a bit of dutch? (Or are your friends really smart and Dutch speaking?)
Prove this by enrolling yourself in a team of 4 to 6 people for The GELIMBO Quiz. Please note that the questions will be in Dutch, but definitely not all about Dutch subject, so you will need a translator, but can help with answering.
Wednesday 1 Jun. 2016 17:30 - 18:00
Do you want some energy to be able to use your brains even better during the quiz?Then you can order a delicious pizza here, naturally with a similar top view as the famous 'Limburgse vlaai' (with exception of the calzone).If you fancy food from someone who is just as incomprehensible as the average Limburger, then you can also order chinese. (You can look here for all the options:
Subscribing = Paying.If your pizza/wok is unavailable/incomprehensible, you will get a pizza Margaritha.
Wed. 1 Jun. 2016 (00:00) - Fri. 17 Jun. 2016 (23:00)
Dear GEWIS members,
The fourth quartile has started again, it is time for the board game! Which committees or fraternities within do you trust? Which one will go sky high and who will not survive the initial public offering?Everyday, you can buy or sell new shares and create the biggest GEWIS money! The winner will win a great price!
Tuesday 31 May. 2016 12:45 - 13:45
A Career in Shell†presented by Arthur de Niet
Arthur de Niet is a TU/e alumni and an experienced IT Portfolio manager with 17+ years’ experience in the Oil & Gas industry. In addition he is the author of the (e)Book ITPFM - IT Portfolio Management, in which he shares his ideas on the Value IT (should) bring(s) and what it therefore should cost. During the lunch lecture he will tell you more about his career in Shell, how it all started and he will explain more on his key 4 roles in Shell up till now.
Friday 27 May. 2016 18:00 - 22:00
Hello everyone!
It is time for yet another GETAART activity! Do you like sushi? Then you really have to be there! Since we are going to learn how to make sushi! And how do you learn best? Indeed, by trying! And how do you know if you succeeded or not? Indeed, by tasting!This evening, everyone is going to make sushi themselves, and of course also eat it!:DThe great success of last year already promises a superawesome evening for this year, so sign up quickly!Maximum of 30 participants, FULL=FULL, signing up = paying!
Fri. 27 May. 2016 (16:00) - Thu. 2 Jun. 2016 (10:00)
Do you like being crazy? Do you dare to cross your limits? In that case, this activity might be something for you!First-year committee 16-1 Superbus presents the Crazy 88: 88 awesome, crazy and funny commands you can execute in groups of approximately 6 people.Each well-executed command leads to points for your group, dependent on the intensity of the command. Of course, the goal is to score as many points as you can.
After enrollment, you can get the commands from a Superbusser, recognizable of our unique outfit, including cape. Your group can execute these commands whenever you like, as long as it is between May 27th and June 2nd. The awards ceremony will take place during the borrel on June 2nd. Make sure you are there, because the winner may get a free meter of gold-yellow liquid.
And...... participation is free! So enroll!
Cheers,The Superbussers.
Thursday 26 May. 2016 16:30 - 20:00
Dear GEWIS'ers,
Next thursday the borrel will be outside on the field near the pond. There will be some delicious cocktails, burgers and of course beer!
We hope to see you there!
Liefs met takken,ATHENA and B.O.O.M.
Wed. 25 May. 2016 (20:30) - Thu. 26 May. 2016 (02:00)
SPRINGPARTY - TIROLSTYLE - BEER- SHOTS - BE THERE(Beer Mug €3,50, when German music is playing €2,50, Apfelkorn and Dropshot €1,-)
Tuesday 24 May. 2016 18:00 - 22:00
The I.V.V Game with Balls is back. The weather is getting better and it is time to take advantage of that. We will go outside were there will be an exciting competition in which accuracy, belief and joie de vivre will be tested! Who will excel and who will fail under the intense pressure?
Of course there will be enough wine and refreshments, so nobody will get hungry or thirsty.
Do you want to compete for eternal fame? Subscribe now with a teammate!
Tuesday 24 May. 2016 16:45 - 18:00
Accenture is a multinational consulting service company, it has 373,000 employees worldwide and is operating in 120 countries. They will give a lecture on digital identity in Het Walhalla. This lecture is in cooperation with Thor, so make sure to subscribe quickly as we've only got a limited number of spots available!
Customer Digital Identity
In your day to day life your physical identity gives you access to goods and services and makes it possible for you to live your life. Today your physical identity is being complemented by your online identity that is used for similar purposes.
How do you build and maintain digital identity systems that support millions of users? How do corporations and government organisations grant access to customers and citizens to scarce and valuable resources? How are identities shared between different organisations? Visit the talk on customer digital identity and learn more about your digital identity.
Monday 23 May. 2016 18:00 - 20:00
The time has finally arrived for GERONIMO’s first activity! On May 23 we’ll provide the members of GEWIS with a genuine Wild West feeling and allow them to shoot away the frustrations of their previous week. The piñata will stay home this time and our laser gun will be pointed at helpless yet high-tech clay pigeons. Subscribe with a team of 5 to compete with your fellow students and hit the clay pigeon straight in the bullseye! Subscriptions are 7,50 per person and due to a minimum number of participants required enrollment carries an obligation to pay.
Fri. 20 May. 2016 (00:00) - Sun. 22 May. 2016 (00:00)
Arrrrrrrrr! The GEZWEM-weekend is back! This year we will sail the Frisian lakes. Enroll now! If you dare… Try to survive a weekend filled with water, rum, beers and buoys. Or stay a landlubber forever!
Thursday 19 May. 2016 12:45 - 13:30
Note that this lecture is on thursday May 19, in stead of the usual tuesday!
Do you want to be a Prodriver? Working at Prodrive gives you the opportunity to design software, electronics and mechanics in a highly flexible environment. During this lecture, an in-depth view of the automated robotics applications such as bin picking and automatic inspection is presented. The challenges of these projects are robust machine vision, accurate localization and product flexibility. We will also discuss how to solve this and how it is implemented in our software framework. So if you are up to this challenge and like to hear more from one of the fastest growing technology companies in Europe, we hope to see your there!
Tuesday 17 May. 2016 20:30 - 23:59
Ahoy mates,
At the 17th of may we in cooperation with IVV wil organise the annual Gewis cantus. For only 6 euro's you can participate in this awesome activity. The ticketsale will start upcomming wednesday during the Gewis borrel. You will be able to get the tickets from any of our members. Only a limited amount of tickets are available so be quick!
Mon. 9 May. 2016 (19:00) - Tue. 10 May. 2016 (02:00)
Dear members of GEWIS,
On Monday the 9th of May 2016, Study Association GEWIS will convene her 151th General Meeting. Hereby all of her members are invited to attend this meeting as the Code of Conduct article 4 demands.
Up until 4 days prior to the meeting, members can suggest items to be discussed in this meeting. The agenda, minutes and other papers will become available shortly. They will also be posted on our website, under
If you are an English speaking member and want to attend this meeting, please notify us in time. The GM is usually in Dutch but might be held in English if someone demands that.
Those who will not be there can deliver an authorisation. Please note that, in accordance to the Code of Conduct article 5, an authorisation needs to be on paper or via the website and needs to be signed by the appropriate person.
When signed up on the subscription list, the board will care for the documents needed for this meeting for you.
Wed. 4 May. 2016 (00:00) - Sun. 8 May. 2016 (00:00)
Vorig jaar lukte het Wesley om Laura K te ontmaskeren als de mol van 2015! Maar dat is voor korte duur.De Mol is terug! En dit jaar is hij gewiekster dan ooit!
In het hemelvaartsweekend van 4 tot en met 8 mei zal hij weer proberen een tal van opdrachten te laten mislukken met maar één doel: zo min mogelijk geld in de pot brengen!
Heb jij altijd al een keer willen meespelen met de TV-show Wie is de Mol? Heb jij stalen zenuwen en kun jij zelfs met een saboteur in het midden het hoofd koel houden?
Ben jij in staat die pot te winnen en de mol te ontmaskeren? Schrijf je dan nu in voor het GEMOLD16-weekend! Wie weet ben jij wel de Mol.
Er kunnen 13 kandidaten mee. In het geval van teveel inschrijvingen zal een lotingsprocedure plaatsvinden.De optie kandidaat-en-anders-assistent kan je kiezen als je mee wilt als kandidaat, maar in het geval van uitloten ook nog in de selectie wil van assistenten.
Assistenten zijn nodig om tijdens het weekend mee te helpen met o.a. voorbereidingen, koken, filmen en mogelijk als chauffeur. Er zijn 3 assistenten nodig.
Kijk ook op onze facebook:
Tuesday 3 May. 2016 16:00 - 20:00
Every year, the ten study associations at the TU/e organize the so-called Borrel XL. The goal of the Borrel XL is the fraternization of students of different study associations. This goal does not differ greatly from the borrels on Thursday, organized by your study association, except for the larger scale. Traditionally the Borrel XL takes place in the week of Ascension, which in this case happens to be the 3rd of May 2016. In that week, the weekend starts at Thursday, which means no borrel can be organized by the study associations. To remedy this problem, all the study associations will organize a huge borrel for all the students on Tuesday as a replacement for the standard borrel on Thursday. During the Borrel XL, you can enjoy the music from the DJs Yureka and the Guerilla Crew and you can buy food at the DAKAR food truck.
Preceding the Borrel XL, that same afternoon will give way to an enormous activity, which is also organized by the ten study associations, aptly named the Activity XL. During this activity, you have the opportunity to earn a free lunch by participating in an activity, which will only be revealed on the day in question.
For more information and regular updates, check the Facebook pages of the Borrel XL 2016 and the Activity XL 2016. Subscribing for the events is not necessary, as both events are open for every student at the TU/e. Join us on May 3rd on the field in front of the Auditorium and take part in all the fun and excitement all the study associations have to offer.
Tuesday 3 May. 2016 12:45 - 13:30
At ING, Machine learning is used for many different things. One of those things is the Op Maat-Machine, a recommendation engine for relevant messages. This machine makes it possible to communicate important information to our customers. During this lecture we will explain how the Op Maat Machine works, the intelligence behind it and the challenges we are currently facing. We will tell you how we are migrating the machine to a more flexible, distributed Hadoop environment to get an even better performance and high quality.
About the speaker: Tijl Kindt has been working as a data scientist at ING for three years now, before that he studied Astronomy & Media Technology at Leiden University.
Tuesday 3 May. 2016 12:00 - 15:00
Every year, the ten study associations at the TU/e organize the so-called Borrel XL. The goal of the Borrel XL is the fraternization of students of different study associations.
Preceding the Borrel XL, that same afternoon will give way to an enormous activity, which is also organized by the ten study associations, aptly named the Activity XL. During this activity, you have the opportunity to earn a free lunch by participating in an activity, which will only be revealed on the day in question.For more information and regular updates, check the Facebook pages of the Borrel XL 2016 and the Activity XL 2016. Subscribing for the events is not necessary, as both events are open for every student at the TU/e. Join us on May 3rd on the field in front of the Auditorium and take part in all the fun and excitement all the study associations have to offer.
Mon. 2 May. 2016 (20:30) - Tue. 3 May. 2016 (02:00)
--English below--> 2 mei 2016! Kom je (spr)ook naar het feest van EJC 16-2 De Wolven?! Ons thema is sprookjes dus wij zouden het mega supervet tof vinden als jullie allemaal verkleed zouden komen als een sprookjesfiguur. Goed of kwaad is even goed. Een kaartje kost 2 euro in de voorverkoop en 3 euro aan de deur. In de voorverkoop kan je aan kaartjes komen door leden van De Wolven aan te spreken in de GEWIS ruimte tijdens pauzes of activiteiten. Je kan onze leden bij borrels herkennen aan onze mooie bordeaux rode shirts en prachtige zwarte vesten met logo. Vanaf 20:30 zal het sprookje feestelijk losbarsten in Cafe sgt Peppers, wees op tijd zodat je geen seconde en geen gratis bier hoeft te missen! AHOOOOOOOOEEEE!!!! 2 May, 2016! EJC 16-2 De Wolven organises a fairy fun fairytail themed party in sgt Peppers. We think it would be totally wicked if you are all able to dress up. Good or bad is just as good. The price of a ticket is 2 euro in the presale and 3 euro at the door. You can put your hands on tickets during the presale by asking one of our members when you run into them at the room of GEWIS. During the social drinks you are able to recognise us by our beautiful burgundy shirts and gorgeous black vests which are both featuring our logo. At 20:30 the party will erupt make sure you are there on time so you don't miss out on fun and free beer! AHOOOOOOOOEEEE!!!!
Tuesday 26 Apr. 2016 12:45 - 13:30
Steeds meer data is beschikbaar, maar hoe zorg je ervoor dat data juist is en correct wordt gepubliceert. Vanuit Capgemini werkt Lydia op dit moment als Stibo STEP Developer.
STEP is een multidomein Master Data Management platform. Het zorgt ervoor dat afzonderlijke bedrijfssystemen in een organisatie geintegreerd worden. Informatie rondom producten, klanten, leveranciers, medewerkers, assets en locaties wordt vanuit diverse bronnen samengevoegd, om er vervolgens bruikbare inzichten uit te filteren. Deze informatie kan weer gebruikt worden voor backend systemen en voor on- en offline kanalen.
Lydia van WellArnoud VlasblomPIM Consultant @Capgemini
Tuesday 26 Apr. 2016 09:15 - 18:00
On the 26th of April, the first edition of the Operations Research Conference will be held, in cooperation with Industria and Asset | Econometrics.
At the conference we will have keynote speakers, company lectures and study cases, concerning Operations Research and the theme 'Outsmarting Competition'. It will promise to be a very interesting day. For more information, check our website or Facebook page
Everyone will be able to enroll. We will, however, select master students over bachelor students and third year bachelor students over younger ones. At most 10% of the participants will be freshmen or second year bachelor. We have 33 spots per association, possibly more if the other associations have spots left.
Note: the enrollment is final when you have paid either Bas Lodewijks or Leon Deckers the enrollment costs. TBA is an actual company, and not "To Be Announced".
Fri. 22 Apr. 2016 (00:00) - Sun. 24 Apr. 2016 (00:00)
The Batavierenrace: drinking beer, camping and of course running! This year, GEWIS will once again participate in the relay run from Nijmegen to Enschede. Therefore, we would like to know how many GEWIS members are interested in participating to this race. This year, the race will take place in the weekend of April 23rd and 24th, 2016. If you are free that weekend, and are interested in participating, then you should definitely sign up!
At most 25 people can participate in the event. The first 25 WHO PAY will participate. Payments can be made via GEWIS (NL22 ABNA 0528 1959 13) under the name "Batavierenrace contribution + name"
NOTE: This year, the Bata and the TU/e lustrum will be at the same time!
Monday 18 Apr. 2016 16:30 - 17:00
Eten voor de Hackaton van Itility. Als we de bestelling niet begrijpen, bestellen we niets voor je. De Hackaton is alleen voor deelnemers van de studiereis.
Thursday 14 Apr. 2016 09:00 - 12:00
Het digitale tijdperk heeft solliciteren compleet veranderd. Niet langer gaat het alleen om een brief met papieren CV. Wil jij weten wat de huidige do’s en dont’s zijn bij solliciteren en wil jij meer weten over het gebruik van social media? Meld je dan nu aan voor de sollicitatietraining die wordt aangeboden in samenwerking met Brunel IT.
Voorafgaand aan de sollicitatietraining vragen wij je om te solliciteren, met brief en CV, op een van onderstaande vacatures. Op deze manier kan er zo gericht mogelijk feedback gegeven worden en haal jij er het meeste uit. Na bevestiging van je sollicitatie ontvang jij een individuele uitnodiging voor de training.
De training begint met een plenaire sessie om je voor te bereiden op het sollicitatiegesprek. Vervolgens gaat iedereen individueel een sollicitatiegesprek oefenen met een van de consultants van Brunel.Een unieke manier om kennis te maken met het solliciteren, Brunel en de IT markt. Afsluitend ontvangt iedereen individueel feedback over zijn brief, CV en gesprek. Brunel IT is onderdeel van wereldwijd zakelijk dienstverlener Brunel. We zijn gespecialiseerd in projectmanagement, detachering en consultancy. Voor starters biedt Brunel IT tal van mogelijkheden in de vorm van advies, traineeships en uitdagende startersfuncties. Werken voor Brunel IT betekent werken met de nieuwste IT Technologie en met regelmaat Meetups waar je kunt kennis maken met nieuwe collega’s.
Friday 1 Apr. 2016 17:00 - 19:00
Note: this event is particularly interesting for 3rd and 4th year students.
Become a professional for a career in a highly innovative area: Data Science. The profession in Data Science is hailed as the “… Sexiest Job of the 21st Century,†by Harvard Business Review.
The newly established EIT Digital Data Science Master program offers a unique academic programme, whereby students can study data science, innovation, and entrepreneurship at leading European universities (TU/e, TUB, KTH, UPM, UNS, POLIMO).The program offers an attractive financial support: 1/2 tuition fee for Non-EU citizen, No tuition fee for EU/EEA Citizens, possibility for 500-1000 € monthly allowance and a 3000 € travel and installation grant.
Curious to know more? Please attend the info session on 22nd March -17:45h at AUD6 and Pizza Session on 1st April – 17:00h at GEWIS.
The program manager (Dr. Farideh Heidari) and the director of EIT digital in the Netherlands (Mr. Patrick Essers) will provide an introduction to the program and will be answering your questions. In addition, current students of the program will be sharing their experiences.
Thu. 31 Mar. 2016 (20:30) - Fri. 1 Apr. 2016 (01:00)
De Giraffesquad presenteert: Safari's Eind!Heb jij altijd al eens op safari willen gaan? Altijd al wilde dieren willen zien in het echt? Dan is dit je moment om dat eindelijk te doen! EJC16-0 De Giraffesquad organiseert namelijk Safari’s Eind, een onwijs leuke safari op Stratumseind. Je zult hier allerlei dieren tegenkomen, sommigen zal je misschien zelfs kunnen aanraken. Omdat enkele dieren wel eens gevaarlijk kunnen zijn, raden we wel iedereen aan om voorzichtig te zijn. Het blijven nog altijd wilde dieren! We hopen natuurlijk dat er ook nieuwe roze giraffen worden gevonden, waar we het bestaan nog niet vanaf weten. Jullie zullen met een groepje en jullie (eigen) reisleider een zoektocht naar verschillende dieren moeten maken. Als je eenmaal een dier hebt gevonden moet je er natuurlijk niet vergeten een foto van te maken, anders kun je nooit na de safari echt goed vertellen welke dieren je allemaal hebt gezien. Niet alle dieren zullen zich even makkelijk op de foto laten zetten, sommige dieren zijn nou eenmaal wat schuw. Natuurlijk zullen wij de groep met de mooiste en meeste verschillende dieren ook belonen met een prijs. Het belooft een leuke en spannende safari te worden, met veel gezelligheid en aardig wat bier!
Safari’s Eind zal op 31 maart onveilig gemaakt worden door vele wilde dieren. Tussen half negen en negen uur verwachten we de reisgroepen in TBA, vervolgens zullen jullie op safari gaan in Safari’s Eind.
Wednesday 30 Mar. 2016 17:00 - 23:00
Coming Wednesday, 30th of March, fraternity I.V.V will organise another social drink. This time, we celebrate the “Day of the Corkâ€. On this day, the world celebrates the invention of the cork. This invention has led to a better way of conserving wines which resulted in an astonishing increase in the quality of wine. Thanks to this beautiful development in the history of mankind, we can now enjoy marvellous wines for literally no money. Therefore we will present a great selection of wines on our social drink. But lovers of whisk(e)y-lovers shouldn’t be scared, there will be plenty for you! Accompanying these drinks, we will provide some lovely music and delicious snacks, which we can enjoy with eachother.
So please suit up so thath we can enjoy the finer things in life.
Yours truly,Keltjens
Tuesday 29 Mar. 2016 18:30 - 20:00
Time for another Chairmans Meeting! Don't forget to send the answers to the questions before Sunday the 28th of March, 23:55!
Tuesday 29 Mar. 2016 17:30 - 18:30
Dinner for the 122nd VV! We will eat pizza, you can say here which pizza you want. If they don't have the pizza you will get a margarita. Please be in time, the deadline is the evening before the VV!
Tuesday 29 Mar. 2016 12:45 - 13:30
Steven Anker from Sogeti noticed that he received the following question a lot from students: "What does your typical day look like?". So in this lecture he will present two of his workdays. One at Applus Rtd and one at Metrohm. Based on this, he will explain what he does daily, the technological side as well as the planning of it.
Tuesday 22 Mar. 2016 18:00 - 23:00
Dear members of GEWIS,On Tuesday the 22nd of March, Study Association GEWIS will convene her 50th General Meeting. Hereby all of her members are invited to attend this meeting as the Code of Conduct article 4 demands.
Up until 4 days prior to the meeting, members can suggest items to be discussed in this meeting. The agenda, minutes and other papers will become available shortly on the website.
If you are an English speaking member and want to attend this meeting, please notify us in time. The GM is usually in Dutch but might be held in English if someone demands that.
Around 17:00 there will be a possibility to eat something. This will cost around 7.50 euros. If you would like to order food for this, you should register to do so before Monday the 21st of March 23:59. Soon there will be the possibility to do so on the GEWIS-website. Because it is the 150th GM, both the GM and the food will be a bit more celebratory than usual.
If you would like to get the documents for this GM from the board, please subscribe below.
Those who will not be there can deliver an authorisation. Please note that, in accordance to the Code of Conduct article 5, an authorisation needs to be on paper or via the website and needs to be signed by the appropriate person.
Tuesday 22 Mar. 2016 18:00 - 19:00
Because of the 150th GM we have organized a festive surprise buffet! Mind you, you can only register until this Sunday the 20th of March before 23:00! Registering = paying!
Tue. 22 Mar. 2016 (00:00) - Wed. 23 Mar. 2016 (00:00)
Op 22 en 23 maart organiseren de VU, UvA en het CWI samen het BeNeLux Mathematisch Congres.
Dit congres omvat een groot aantal voordrachten van internationaal gerenomeerde wiskundigen en is bedoeld om de wiskundige gemeenschap van de BeNeLux dichter bij elkaar te brengen. Ook wiskundestudenten horen daarbij. In het bijzonder biedt het congres studenten het volgende:
Op dinsdagavond (22 maart) is in het Tropenmuseum een lezing door Ionica Smeets en Marcus du Sautoy voor algemeen (wiskundig) publiek.De plenaire voordrachten en de voordrachten door promovendi (beiden 's ochtends op het Science Park Amsterdam) zijn geschikt voor (MSc) studenten.Uiteraard hebben studenten ook toegang tot de gespecialiseerde paralelle sessies die 's middags op het Science Park Amsterdam plaatsvinden. Dit zou voor een MSc-student interessant kunnen zijn.Verder geldt dat registratie voor studenten slechts 12,50 euro kost, en dat is inclusief twee keer lunch!
Monday 21 Mar. 2016 18:00 - 22:00
Good news! The GETAART-diner is back! You might already have missed it in the fist half of this academic year (awh), but that's all the more reason to seize this oppertunity and visit this wonderful event (once more)! :DThere will be an astonishing 3-course snack buffet awaiting you, with all different superdelicious snacks. This means you can choose what you want to eat, there is something for everyone, so just let us surprise you!
This tasty food festival will take place on the 21st of March. At 18:00 you are all welcome at the GEWIS restaurant, where the tables will be covered for this delicious diner! Do not forget to make a reservation via the registration list below, since there is only a seat for 25 feasting GEWIS members!
Tuesday 15 Mar. 2016 12:45 - 13:30
Leven als een digitale James Bond
De technologische ontwikkelingen op het gebied van IT volgen elkaar in rap tempo op. Hoewel dit enorme kansen geeft voor bedrijven, overheden en burgers, groeit ook het aantal mogelijkheden voor hackers. Daarom moeten organisaties continu hun beveiliging verbeteren. Eén van de manieren om dat te doen, is door de ogen van een aanvaller naar je eigen organisatie te kijken. Op wat voor zaken letten zij? Hoe infiltreer je een bedrijfsnetwerk? Hoe blijf je onder de radar? Martijn Sprengers en Jordi van den Breekel nemen je mee in de wereld van 'red teaming' en leggen aan de hand van de cyber kill chain uit welke stappen een hacker doorloopt om in organisaties binnen te dringen.
Sprekers: Martijn Sprengers en Jordi van den Breekel, security consultants bij KPMG
Monday 14 Mar. 2016 19:00 - 19:00
Are you getting bored every evening? Do you grow tired of jumping around administrative hoops and dodging boring lectures? Don't worry, because the AC will be launching another great ACtivity, sponsored by Procam. We hope that this ACtivity thrills you as much as it does us. Because this is ACtivity combines two of the most fun things you can imagine: trampolines AND dodgeball. Release your inner child together with us because the AC invites you to one of the final ACtivities of this college year: AC Trampoline Dodgeball, feat. Procam. To make it even more attrACtive is this ACtivity free for all. However, if you want to give it a shot, then jump right in, because the maximum capACity for this ACtivity is 65. The first 20 freshmen who subscribe will have priority. All other spots will be first come first serve. And now you are probably wondering when this wonderful ACtivity will take plACe, well this will be at Monday 14 March from 19:00 till 22:00. Of course there will be an opportunity to have dinner at GEWIS before the ACtivity starts at 17:30 for the price of €6,-. P.S.Since only a certain amount of people can participate we request that you only subscribe if you ACtually intend on going. If you cannot make it to the event you can still unsubscribe until one day prior to the event, failure to do so will require you to pay a fine of 5 euros.Cheers,The AC
Monday 14 Mar. 2016 17:30 - 18:30
Subscribing means paying.If your pizza is unavailable/incomprehensible, you will get a Margaritha.See for the wok prices.
Tuesday 8 Mar. 2016 12:45 - 13:30
Formal method benefits in practice with ASD/Dezyne
In a world of software systems getting more complex, developers encounter various kinds of challenges. One of these challenges is to let an increasing number of components in a software system to function together in a correct and maintainable manner. Michaël van de Ven (Sioux) found help from the formal method perspective. The tools from Verum - ASD and Dezyne - are based on a formal method and prove that process algebra is very effective to work with in practice. Michael experienced that ASD and its successor Dezyne proved to be a valuable addition to his personal software toolbox. As the first presentation of a twofold, Michael takes you along on his software experiences in various projects situated in the Brainport region. In the second presentation scheduled for June, the mathematical theory under the hood of the Verum tools will be explained.
Monday 7 Mar. 2016 18:00 - 22:30
Hi there, dear GEWIS members!SCIFI will be organising a Potluck Dinner again, and we hope that you will be present too! During this dinner, SCIFI will prepare an amazing turkey (ourselves!) and we ask everybody else to present and bring their favorite food! Be sure to be here too and subscribe!!
Fri. 4 Mar. 2016 (00:00) - Sun. 6 Mar. 2016 (00:00)
On March 4-5-6th, the 8th edition of the GEPWNAGE LAN will take place! Like last year, Deloitte will attend the party with awesome workshops and more. Thanks to this cooperation we've managed to book the Temporary Art Centre for this years edition! The costs are 20 euro per person, more information can be found on
We have room for at least 80 people, however be sure to subscribe early to be sure we have food for you.
Hope to see you there!
Thursday 3 Mar. 2016 10:00 - 21:00
Op 3 maart 2016 vindt het Nationaal Wiskunde Symposium plaats in Utrecht (Uithof), met als onderwerp "Voorspel". Tegenwoordig is wiskunde in voorspellingen onmisbaar. Het wordt onder andere gebruikt in klimaatmodellen, bij risico-analyses en financiële instellingen.
Op dit symposium zal professor Ronald Meester, hoogleraar waarschijnlijkheidsrekening (VU), ingaan op de kanstheoretische aspecten van DNA matches in een forensisch onderzoek. Hoe hoog is bijvoorbeeld de succesrate als je het DNA van een familielid van de dader in je database hebt staan?
Ook zal een marketingadviesbureau een praktijkcase behandelen waarbij het Next Best Offer wordt afgeleid uit modellen. Hoe bied je iedere klant een passende actie aan door middel van voorspellingen?
Tijdens deze dag kun je ook nog genieten van een gratis lunch en borrel! Benieuwd naar de rest van de sprekers? Voor meer informatie en aanmelden kun je terecht op
Monday 29 Feb. 2016 12:45 - 13:30
Ad Aerts, the program director, wil explain what the Software Technology program (a PDEng) actually entails. Do take a look at their website for a preview. Of course, there will be room for questions.
Wednesday 24 Feb. 2016 19:00 - 21:30
Hooggeëerde GEWIS-leden,
Februari den 24e belooft geen memorabele dag voor u te zullen worden. Zoudt u de volgende volgende dag worden geïnformeerd naar uw betrekkingen, dan zult u met uw mond vol tanden staan. Gebruikt u dan de foto's als geheugensteuntje, want u heeft mogelijk een ware helden-status verworven.Op die bewuste woensdag zal namelijk de enige echte Super®-BierAdthlon plaatshebben! Ben jij 'adtletisch', en zijn tenminste drie van je vrienden dat ook? Wij dagen je uit om dat in ons eigen GEWIS te komen bewijzen, door de andere teams onder tafel te zuipen bij maar liefst 4 fabelachige bierspellen, waaronder het zelfontwikkelde Super®-bierspel (na vele liters research) en natuurlijk Super®-bussen.Moet je de dag erop nog naar buiten moeten, heet je bob of heb je die drang naar gerstenat nooit zo begrepen, treur niet! Je kunt ook vanaf een veilige afstand je maten moed inspreken en vervolgens op hun plaat zien gaan. Als je het heel lief vraagt laten we je zelfs meespelen met kraanwater.Wij weten natuurlijk al dat je sowieso komt, maar we zouden het fijn vinden als jij en drie tot vijf van je beste 'adthleten' hieronder even aangeven dat jullie een team vormen. De prijs voor al deze goden-nectar, gezelligheid en eeuwige roem? Een luizige €4 (wisselgeld niet gegarandeerd, maar donaties worden op prijs gesteld).Kortom: Keer die oude sok om, ga trainen en pak die gouden plak!
De Superbussen (EJC16-1)
Wednesday 24 Feb. 2016 18:00 - 19:00
Pizza'tje vooraf?
Onbekend pizza := Margherita
Tuesday 23 Feb. 2016 18:00 - 18:30
It's time for our D&D-activity! No need to sign up for that, but there is of course the option to order some munchies :)
Tuesday 23 Feb. 2016 12:45 - 13:30
Alex Sangers van TNO:"Wiskunde toepassen in cyber security
Hoe kun je wiskundige kennis en modellering gebruiken in het detecteren van een hacker in je netwerk? Veelal gebruiken hackers specialistische software, ook gebruikt worden systeembeheerders, om zogenaamde “targeted attacks†uit te voeren.Deze aanvallen zijn specifiek gericht op een bepaalde groep personen of bedrijf en kunnen maandenlang aanhouden zonder ooit gedetecteerd te worden.Het doel hiervan is het achterhalen of aanpassen van gevoelige informatie met soms enorme schade als gevolg.
In deze lunchlezing zal ik vertellen welke uitdagingen er zijn rondom targeted attacks en welke wiskundige data analyse technieken een rol spelen in het detecteren van targeted attacks."
Sat. 20 Feb. 2016 (08:00) - Sun. 21 Feb. 2016 (15:00)
Would you like to spend a weekend hiking for only 15€? Then we've got the activity for you! Saturday morning we will take the train to the start of the hike and walk for at most 25 km through lovely nature after which we will arrive at an accommodation where you can rest your feet and to enjoy a "gezellige" evening.
Sunday afternoon we will arrive back in Eindhoven.
There are only 25 spots available, so subscribe quickly!
Thursday 18 Feb. 2016 17:00 - 17:30
No kids party is complete without a morbidly obese piñata. Who is better qualified to facilitate the smashing of a candy and beer-card filled papier-mâché monster than GERONIMO? Come to the BAC 'Kinderfeestjesborrel' early, grab the GERONIMO bat tight and direct all your juvenile energy towards our helpless piñata.
Wednesday 17 Feb. 2016 18:45 - 22:30
Dear GEWIS-warriors,
We, EJC 16-333, organize a fabulous Vegas Night at the 17th of Februari! This evening starts around 7 O'clock, but for all the hungry people there will be pizza around 6!You can (soon) find the entry list for the pizzas under the activities at
We have lots of different games including casinogames and other Vegas-activities.
Around half past 9 the games will be rounded up and then we'll be having our prizeceremony (with lots of fun prizes!!!!).
We'd like it very much if you'll come to our night in your fanciest clothes. This will give you advantages during the evening.
If you want even more information you can always ask one of our warriors (strijders). We hope to see you all (in Vegas-outfit)!
Lots of love,EJC 16-333, De Strijders van de Roze Driehoek
Wednesday 17 Feb. 2016 18:00 - 18:45
Here is our foodlist:You can choose the following 6 pizzas (€6,-):
MargheritaHawaïMozzarellaSalamiVegetarianDöner KebabOr kapsalon (€5,75)
Döner KebabShoarmaChickendönerFood will be there around 6 O'clock
Tuesday 16 Feb. 2016 18:30 - 23:00
Are you getting tired of your dull daily schedules, or do you want to escape your schoolwork for just one evening. Then our upcoming ACtivity is perfect for you. The AC namely presents the following ACtivity: AC escape Room - powered by Sogeti. Escape together with us your daily routine on Tuesday February the 16th and subscribe quickly for this awesome ACtivity. But beware; this ACtivity has a maximum number of participants, namely 48, so you need to subscribe yourself quickly! This ACtivity will cost €5 to participate, for freshmen this will be €4. Of course we don’t want you to escape on an empty stomACh so there is an opportunity to have dinner at GEWIS around 17:30.
Cheers,The AC
NOTE: Only the first 48 people on this list can participate.
Tuesday 16 Feb. 2016 17:30 - 18:30
Dinner before AC Esacpe Room - Powered by Sogeti
Tuesday 16 Feb. 2016 12:45 - 13:30
Ernst & Young (trading as EY) is a multinational professional services firm headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is one of the "Big Four" audit firms. It has 212,000 employees in over 700 offices around 150 countries in the world. It provides assurance (including financial audit), tax, consulting and advisory services to companies.
Monday 15 Feb. 2016 00:00 - 00:00
Dear GEWISers,
On February 15th ATHENA will be organizing her GEWIS-famous High Beer again. Starting at 16:30, you will be able to buy a menu of 5 delicious special beers for 8 Euros. Each of these beers will be accompanied by a ATHENA homemade snack that of course complements the beer perfectly.
We hope to see you there!
Monday 8 Feb. 2016 00:00 - 00:00
Also this year we will celebrate carnaval at Maastricht with GELIMBO. We want to do this with you! We meet at the Eindhoven train station at 12 o'clock and there we take a train to Maastricht.Don't forget to dress up!
Friday 5 Feb. 2016 00:00 - 00:00
Also this year we will celebrate carnaval at Lampegat with GELIMBO. We want to do this with you! We meet at GEWIS at 19:11 to drink something and after that we will go to Stratumseind!Don't forget to dress up!
Wednesday 3 Feb. 2016 00:00 - 00:00
Fries and a snack before our activity starts.Choice between large and normal fries. A snack: frikandel, kroket, kaassoufflé and a kipcorn.
Please bring cash so you can pay what you ordered. If you want an extra snack, make a note.
Wednesday 3 Feb. 2016 00:00 - 00:00
As Hamlet said: ‘’To sjaars or not to sjaars, that is the question.’’ Well, we don’t actually know for sure if he said this…. On the third of February it will finally become clear, who are better! Freshmen vs Seniors is an epic showdown, organized by EJC 16-2 De Wolven (wolves). The battle will be fought in seven small games which will determine who are the superior ones. The activity will start at 18:45 and we will gather at GEWIS.For the hungry ones, there is a possibility to order French fries for a small allowance. We will eat around 18:00. (You will have to order in advance via the site of GEWIS, other list).The winners will receive a small price. So sign up and prove yourself and your fellow freshmen/seniors by participating and ofcourse winning!Lots of love,EJC 16-2
Tuesday 2 Feb. 2016 00:00 - 00:00
How are your beer pong skills? Are you the best of the day? Please join the SCIFI Social Pong and find out! Hurry! There are only 16 team spots!
Tuesday 2 Feb. 2016 00:00 - 00:00
Is there anything better than eating pizza before the SCIFI Social Pong? No, there isn't! Therefore, here you can find a list to register for pizza right before this activity! If the pizza of your choice is not available, you will get a pizza Margherita.
Tuesday 2 Feb. 2016 00:00 - 00:00
Tim Kouters would like to share how his week as an software engineer within ASML looks like.
After a short introduction about ASML, the story will continue with a technical real-life project with in-depth information.
Within this project a new control-loop is created for one type of lens element in current ASML machines.
Both software and applied mathematics will be touched in the 45 minutes.
The talk will be open with plenty of room for questions.
Monday 1 Feb. 2016 00:00 - 00:00
Year after year, the AC organises a board game evening for the members of GEWIS. This year however, we will kick off the third quartile with a more competitive board game ACtivity. The AC is pleased to announce the AC tACtical board game tournament! During this tournament, you will compete with other members in several tACtical board games, to determine who the most tACtical board game player is! As this ACtivity is sponsored by DSW, this ACtivity is completely free! However, you are still obliged to enrol yourself, in order to participate in the tournament. The tournament will start on Monday the 1st of February, at around 7 o’clock pm in the Gaslab. Of course, there will be the opportunity to eat on beforehand. Costs are €6,- and dinner will be served at around 17.30.
Please pick the 3 games you prefer to compete in from the list, so we can make a good schedule.
Monday 1 Feb. 2016 00:00 - 00:00
This is the list for dinner prior to the DSW tACtical board game tournament. Enlisting for dinner means paying! If we can't understand your pizza or it is not available, you will get a Margaritha.
Sun. 31 Jan. 2016 (00:00) - Tue. 2 Feb. 2016 (00:00)
The 34th board has arranged some awesome clothing for you! In the pdf you can see our assortiment of various clothing. This way you can show everyone your awesome association of which you are a member.
Just fill in the list below, and everything should be alright. We hope to deliver the end of February.
Questions can be asked to
UPDATE: the following size charts are now available.Hoodies and Varsity jackets:
Thursday 28 Jan. 2016 00:00 - 00:00
Waarom is netwerken belangrijk? Hoe doe je dat eigenlijk? Is er één perfecte openingszin of werkt het zo absoluut niet? Tijdens deze workshop kom je erachter wat netwerken écht inhoudt en dat het helemaal niet lastig of eng is, maar juist leuk! Je gaat je eigen stijl ontwikkelen. Dit doe je o.a. door aan de slag te gaan met het in kaart brengen van je eigen netwerk. Een workshop die je niet vroeg genoeg in je (studie-)carrière kan doen.
Deze workshop van ORMIT zal plaatsvinden op 28 januari van 09:00 tot 13:00. Om mee te doen moet je je hier inschrijven en aangeven of je masterstudent bent of niet. Naar verwachting kunnen er ongeveer 16 leden meedoen. De training gaat definitief door!
De training wordt alleen in het Nederlands aangeboden.
Wednesday 27 Jan. 2016 00:00 - 00:00
Suppose there is an anniversary weekend, would you go? And what is the maximum amount of money for you to participate?
Tue. 26 Jan. 2016 (00:00) - Fri. 1 Jan. 2016 (00:00)
To get a better view of what you are prepared to pay for a gala, there is a new list. Please fill it in like last time.
The steps are a bit smaller and the prices are for one person.
Friday 15 Jan. 2016 00:00 - 00:00
On this Friday afternoon we will be making edition 48.2 of the Supremum, and you're cordially invited to join us!
We'll start in a private room in MetaForum, and finish the event by eating pizza together.
Note: it's also ok to join us for a part of the event. Even half an hour of effort is appreciated!
Wednesday 13 Jan. 2016 00:00 - 00:00
Food for GM149. For SOHO (wok), choose using the website below. You can also find the prices up there.
Wednesday 13 Jan. 2016 00:00 - 00:00
Dear members of GEWIS,On Wednesday the 13th of January, Study Association GEWIS will convene her 149th General Meeting. Hereby all of her members are invited to attend this meeting as the Code of Conduct article 4 demands.
Up until 4 days prior to the meeting, members can suggest items to be discussed in this meeting. The agenda, minutes and other papers will become available shortly. They will be posted on our website, under
If you are an English speaking member and want to attend this meeting, please notify us in time. The GM is usually in Dutch but might be held in English if someone demands that.
Around 17:00 there will be a possibility to eat something at GEWIS. This will cost around 6 euros. If you would like to order food for this, you should register to do so before Wednesday the 13th of January, 13:00.
Those who will not be there can deliver an authorisation. Please note that, in accordance to the Code of Conduct article 5, an authorisation needs to be on paper or via the website (before 5 pm) and needs to be signed by the appropriate person.
At last, if you would like to request documents from the board, you can do so by subscribing at this subscription list.
Tuesday 12 Jan. 2016 00:00 - 00:00
Eten voor VV. Voor SOHO (wok), kan je kiezen via onderstaande website. Daar kun je ook de prijzen vinden.Voor meer informatie zie
Tuesday 12 Jan. 2016 00:00 - 00:00
"If only HP knew what HP knows†is een bekende quote binnen het kennismanagement-domein. Hoe heeft een organisatie baat bij de kennis die ze eigenlijk al huis hebben? Verzekeraars maken steeds meer gebruik van datawarehousing en business intelligence om te kunnen rapporteren over hun resultaten en over hun verwachting van de toekomst. De data hiervoor hebben ze al beschikbaar uit hun operationele systeem, maar hoe haal je de juiste informatie uit die enorme verzameling van data?
Het werken met zulke grote datasets brengt een aantal uitdagingen met zich mee:
· Waar vind je de informatie die je nodig hebt? Hoe bereken je afgeleidde gegevens?
· Hoe kunnen we samenvattingsgegevens terugleiden naar het punt van oorsprong (traceerbaarheid)?
· Hoe waarborgen we interne consistentie en betrouwbaarheid van onze data?
· Performance: Hoe zorgen we dat query’s en rapportages binnen redelijke tijd een resultaat opleveren?
Keylane levert al enkele jaren de BI-module van ons software pakket uit aan haar klanten en ondersteunt deze klanten bij het opzetten/integreren en het gebruik van hun BI-omgevingen. Ben je benieuwd naar hoe wij data optimaliseren voor rapportage-doeleinden? Kom dan naar de lezing!
Monday 11 Jan. 2016 00:00 - 00:00
Voor de mensen die naar Weet ik veel?! gaan en zelf een retourtje moeten betalen, kunnen we samen een groepsretour boeken. Dit is goedkoper dan een retourtje met korting. Inschrijven kan via deze lijst, je krijgt dan op je email een link waar je zelf je gegevens kunt invullen (deze mails worden na de inschrijfdeadline verstuurd).
Let op, het deelnemersaantal varieert tussen de 4 en 10 per ticket, dus schrijf op tijd in dat je niet buiten de boot valt.
Monday 11 Jan. 2016 00:00 - 00:00
Al die vragen spelen door mijn hoofd,Stel jezelf maar de vraag:Weet ik veel? Weet ik veel!
Onlangs is bij ons een leuk mailtje binnengekomen van RTL of wij met een groep studenten mee willen doen aan het RTL4-programma "Weet Ik Veel?!". Dit is een spelshow waarin drie bekende Nederlanders kennisvragen zo goed mogelijk moeten beantwoorden, om zo de finale te behalen waarin ze geld kunnen verdienen voor een goed doel. In de zaal spelen studenten van HBO-scholen en universiteiten mee, en de student met de hoogste score mag de BN'er helpen om zo'n hoog mogelijke geldprijs te winnen, waarvan hij of zij ook een deel krijgt (zonder dat het van het bedrag voor het goede doel af gaat).
Dus lijkt het jou leuk om met een groep naar de studio af te reizen, leuke quiz vragen te beantwoorden, en misschien wel op TV te shinen naast Linda de Mol en een mooi geldbedrag te winnen? Schrijf je hieronder dan snel in!
We moeten een groep van minimaal 30 man aanleveren. De opnames vinden plaats op 11 januari in de avond, meer informatie volgt later nog.
Tuesday 5 Jan. 2016 00:00 - 00:00
"ORTEC is one of the world’s leaders in optimization software and analytics solutions. We make your business more efficient, more predictable and more effective. Turning complex challenges into easy-to-use solutions."
Gregor Brandt is a consultant at ORTEC and he will tell us what being a consultant entails. By means of questions and examples you can find out whether consultancy is something for you.
Monday 4 Jan. 2016 00:00 - 00:00
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
Christmas is approaching, two weeks in which you’ll be treated with presents, nice people and great food. There might even be adventurous people which will spend the two weeks in an unknown or tropical place. But this means that we won’t be able to meet for two whole weeks…
Fortunately, we can enlighten you with the fact that fraternity “In Vino Veritas†will organise a Maand’lijskche borrel on the 4th of January, which will be the first borrel of the year! You can use this opportunity to have chats with all those people you’ve missed the past few weeks during this New Year’s borrel, while enjoying a glass of beautiful wine, some nice snacks and the best classical music. Of course, to make this evening complete, you should dress up!
So please be invited to spend the first Monday of your new year with us enjoying the good things in life and toasting to a great 2016!
Yours,KeltjensQuaestor of fraternity “In Vino Veritasâ€
P.S. The borrel will commence at 17:00, as usual, at GEWIS
Wednesday 16 Dec. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
A GEWIS team is partaking in the Van Lint sports week. On Monday we'll be doing Water Polo, on Wednesday Knotsbal and Twister XL, and on Thursday Dodgeball. You can subscribe per sport. More info:
Joining with your own team is ofcourse also possible!
Minimal team size per sport:Twister XL: 4all others: 5
Wednesday 16 Dec. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
A GEWIS team is partaking in the Van Lint sports week. On Monday we'll be doing Water Polo, on Wednesday Knotsbal and Twister XL, and on Thursday Dodgeball. You can subscribe per sport. More info:
Joining with your own team is ofcourse also possible!
Minimal team size per sport:Twister XL: 4all others: 5
Tuesday 15 Dec. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
As usual there will be a dieszitting of fraternity "GELIMBO" this year!
During one of the most epic and unique GEWIS-events of the year the fraternity celebrates her founding (d.d. 2006) and prince carnaval 2015 will be unveiled.
Tuesday 15 Dec. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Note: the lecture will be given in Dutch!
"City accessibility in a time of continuous population growth. Quality healthcare in the face of shrinking budgets. Security requirements in a world with increasing risks. These are just a few of the issues that Nedap people work on each day. We believe that technology can provide an important contribution to resolve major issues."
Loed en Michiel of Nedap Healthcare will tell us something about the following: Fixing SSL Session Resumption in Ruby (SSL, OSI model, RFC's, language binding).
Monday 14 Dec. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
A GEWIS team is partaking in the Van Lint sports week. On Monday we'll be doing Water Polo, on Wednesday Knotsbal and Twister XL, and on Thursday Dodgeball. You can subscribe per sport. More info:
Joining with your own team is ofcourse also possible!
Minimal team size per sport:Twister XL: 4all others: 5
Fri. 11 Dec. 2015 (00:00) - Sun. 13 Dec. 2015 (00:00)
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
I.V.V Decadent Weekend is coming up again! You can enjoy the great things life has to offer. Logically, there will be wine, great food and a beautiful location. Fraternity "In Vino Veritas" is very delighted to see you there.So, do not hesitate, and subscribe!
Fraternity "In Vino Veritas"
Mon. 7 Dec. 2015 (00:00) - Fri. 18 Dec. 2015 (00:00)
Dearest GEWIS-members,
Are you not happy with the presents that Sinterklaas gave you? Don’t worry, because there is another opportunity to get some sweet presents this year! The AC wants to help cheer you up, and therefore presents AC Sock Hanging!
So don’t be a rubber sock and give us your sock, together with a list of your New Year’s resolutions! We will knock your socks off with lots of sweet presents. You can put your clean (!) sock together with your list of New Year’s resolutions in the box at the GEWIS room from 7 december on, and pick it up again at December 18 from 10.00 AM on.
The AC
Tuesday 1 Dec. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Dear members of GEWIS,On Tuesday the 1st of December, Study Association GEWIS will convene her 148th General Meeting. Hereby all of her members are invited to attend this meeting as the Code of Conduct article 4 demands.
Up until 4 days prior to the meeting, members can suggest items to be discussed in this meeting. The agenda, minutes and other papers will become available shortly. They will be posted on our website, under
If you are an English speaking member and want to attend this meeting, please notify us in time. The GM is usually in Dutch but might be held in English if someone demands that.
Around 17:00 there will be a possibility to eat something at GEWIS. This will cost around 6 euros. If you would like to order food for this, you should register to do so before Tuesday the 1st of December 13:00.
Those who will not be there can deliver an authorisation. Please note that, in accordance to the Code of Conduct article 5, an authorisation needs to be on paper or via the website (before 5 pm) and needs to be signed by the appropriate person.
At last, if you would like to request documents from the board, you can do so by subscribing at this subscription list.
Tuesday 1 Dec. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Food for GM148. For SOHO (wok), choose using the website below. You can also find the prices up there.
Tuesday 1 Dec. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
A domain driven approach for machine construction
In the Eindhoven region we have a unique collection of small and large companies making complex machinery. These OEMs have a growing challenge with software. The software effort component has been growing relative to other disciplines for years now. Sioux has a model and domain driven approach to tackle these problems. This presentation shows where we are and where we think we should go. Simulation of the physical world is an important enabler for parallelization of complex equipment development processes. Creating simulators by using domain languages helps customers validate their future systems in an early stage improving time to market and overall quality. Model checkers play an ever increasing role in this development process to improve quality upfront.
Monday 30 Nov. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
We will order food at Soho. You can order any Wok or SushiBox from will be served at GEWIS around 5:30. You can order until Monday afternoon at 2.
Monday 30 Nov. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Dear GEWIS members,
We invite you to pun on your jammies and join us on Monday, November 30th to watch some movies at GEWIS. ATHENA will organize a film-pyjama-pillow-party on that day. We will start off at 18:00 with The Lego Movie and follow with the Christmas-classic Love Actually. On top of this we will arrange nice warm drinks and some snacks for everybody. So pack your pillow or sleeping bag and join us the 30th.
We hope to see you there,
Thu. 26 Nov. 2015 (00:00) - Fri. 27 Nov. 2015 (00:00)
EDIT: preliminary planning:
Santé 20:30-21:30
Costa 21:30-22:30
Ameezing 22:30-23:30
Ballenbak 23:30-02:00
Dear GEWIS-members,
The BIGcie, the committee for inland integration of Di-et-tri, the study association for Nutrition & Health in Wageningen (only women to be found there) is coming to town!They would like to discover the night life in Eindhoven, and they want to do it with us!!
So join us for an evening full of great games, some drinks and work on your social skills. Even USE approves! ;)
Check out the Facebook page for more information!
Wednesday 25 Nov. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Having something to eat is always a good idea if you want to keep on living :)
Wednesday 25 Nov. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Fraternity GEPWNAGE presents: the GEPWNAGE Board Game Jam! On November 25, in the span of only one evening, you create a board game from scratch. From a rough idea, through making and playing paper prototypes, you will create a board game complete with a game board, box artwork and a rulebook. Each team of about six people will get all components to create your board game: from cubes and pawns to a blank board and blank cards. A jury of GEPWNAGE members will judge the final product and select a winner on the borrel of December 10. Gather your team and register now!Watch out! On November 13, we have to order all materials, so after that point the amount of participants will be limited.
Monday 23 Nov. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
The SNiC-symposium 2015 is coming up! This year's symposium will be called AutonomIT and will be about autonomous systems and the software behind them, as well as the influences this has on society and the world around us. The symposium will take place on November 23rd and will only cost €7.50. This year, the event will be in the Evoluon in Eindhoven. Speakers and their topics will be announced shortly, so keep an eye on for more information. If you haven't bought a ticket yet, contact the board for more information. Get yourself one as soon as possible, because the demand is high!
SNiC is a collaboration between 8 Dutch study associations for Computer Science who join hands to organize a yearly symposium. This means you will also meet students from other cities! A small company expo will also be present.
See also:, and follow SNiC on twitter:
Wednesday 18 Nov. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
This is the list for dinner prior to the AC Fright night. Enlisting for dinner means paying! If we can't understand your pizza or it is not available, you will get a Margaritha.
Wednesday 18 Nov. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Wednesday November 18th there would’ve been a freak show in town. This show was stationed in the forest of the ‘Stratumse Heide’ and we had planned to go there as an ACtivity. Only something terrible has happened and the freak show will no longer be taking plACe. Do you want to take a walk with us in this forest and find out why? If so, join us in this event that will start at 19h00 at GEWIS, or even come for dinner at 17h30 (will cost €6,-). But beware, there could be some spooky and scary things on our journey!
Tuesday 17 Nov. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Hello non-giraffes!
We, the giraffes of EJC 16-0, are thrilled to invite you for our mega awesome wicked cool activity on Tuesday 17 November. During this Girafternoon you are challenged to find the Holy Giraffe. You can do this in a group. To fulfil this quest, you need to prove you are giraffeworthy. If you can convince us, the real giraffes, that you are giraffeworthy, you will earn the ultimate clue that leads you to the Holy Giraffe. The group which succeeds first, is the most giraffeworthy group and wins the ultimate prize, the Holy Giraffe!!
There is a foodlist where you can order food, if you like to eat before the event.If you eat with us, come at 17:30.
Tuesday 17 Nov. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Of course we want that all our fighters are combative enough to fight for the glory title, that’s why there is an opportunity to eat something beforehand. You can order a pizza or a kapsalon via this food list. If you have ordered food, please come half an hour earlier (17:30), so all stomachs will be stuffed on time. Every delicious dish will cost 6 euros.
If you order food that does not exist, you will get a pizza Margaritha.
Tuesday 17 Nov. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
On the 17th of November, 2 IT employees of Shell will tell more on what working for Shell really entails.
Chenlei is a business analyst in a global corporate IT project. This project is a key enabler in the journey towards Top Quartile Management Information. It aims to increase productivity within the finance department and to reduce organization and IT costs.
Stijn is currently working as an IT Focal Point for the Pernis refinery. This is the largest refinery of Europe and one of the largest in the world. His work focuses on the interface between business and IT. He visits people in operations on a regular basis aiming to get a broader understanding on what IT can bring them, in that way contributing to operational excellence.
Thursday 12 Nov. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
GEPWNAGE has its 7th birthday on October 29th. To celebrate this amazing happening, we will organize a social drink with nerdy music and geeky beer games in the week after the first exams. For example, think of battleshots or binary beer drinking!
Thursday 12 Nov. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Dear members,
Coming Thursday there will be a 'borrel' again, and it will be a special one, namely the GEPWNAGE Diesborrel! As some of you do not have any lectures in the afternoon, the board will organise an activity to fill time between the break and the 'borrel'! Completely into the theme of the GEPWNAGE Diesborrel, we will watch the film Pixels at GEWIS!
We will start at 2:00 pm! We hope to see you there!
Hugs,The 34th board!
Tldr: Film Pixels, Thursday, 2:00 pm, GEWIS room, GEPWNAGE Diesborrel afterwards
Wed. 11 Nov. 2015 (00:00) - Thu. 12 Nov. 2015 (00:00)
The GELIMBO Halloween Party is back with a TWIST! Join us in the Miller Time at the eleventh of the eleventh and be surprised by our amazing party themed "A fright on Carnaval Night". Put on your best bloodsoken clown suit or be a red-nosed vampire and help us turn this carnaval night into a great success.
Where people dress up, prizes will be awarded. There isn't just a price for the best-dressed person, but a group prize will also be awarded. So dress up with your dispuut, board or first-year committee and blow us away!
Tickets are €2,- at the door or €1,- in pre-sale at your favorite GELIMBO-member.
The party starts at 20:11!
Tuesday 10 Nov. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
De Schone Coder
Het oorspronkelijke verhaal van de Schone Coder geschreven door de gebroeders Scrum over hoe Assertpoetser in een vervloekt project terecht kwam dat het rijk in 100 jaar technical debt stortte. Kan Prinses Agile hem op tijd redden? Sprintten ze nog lang en gelukkig?
In deze lunchlezing vertelt Martijn Dashorst over het wel en wee van de coder die in een wereld vol tegenstrijdige belangen probeert te overleven en zinvol werk te leveren. Hoe krijg je een goede hygiene voor jou, je omgeving en je code? Hoe voorkom je 10 jaar lange technical debt? Met meer dan 20 jaar ontwikkelervaring biedt Martijn een blik in de keuken van een professionele software ontwikkelaar.
Sat. 7 Nov. 2015 (00:00) - Sun. 8 Nov. 2015 (00:00)
GEWIS goes to Paris! But how quickly is still to be seen... When you visit GELIFT, you get an epic hitchhiking competition, as well as a cheap city trip to both Paris and Brussels. What you get:
Saturday: hitchhike to Paris in diads. We make a short stop in Brussels, so we have time to visit one of the cultural highlights there also. Arrival in Paris will be around dinner time. The first couple to arrive gets the GELIFT-trophy! In the evening we visit the city and end at a youth hostel.
Sunday: we spend the day in Paris. The committee has some suggestions, but there is plenty of time to visit Paris on your own. In the evening we hop onto the Thalys back to the Netherlands and we'll be back in Eindhoven in just a few hours.
Included in the price:
sleeping in Paris, breakfastsupplies for during the trip (a map, a guide, committee booklet)program in Paristraveling back by train to Eindhoven
Wednesday 21 Oct. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Dearest GEWIS-members,
Is bowling right up your alley? Or maybe you’ve never bowled before, but you would like to give it a go? Then we’ve got an opportunity for you, because on the 21st of October AC Bowling will be happening. We will be leaving around 19:00. So if you have some time to spare before you strike down your exams in the weeks thereafter, you can join us for a fun game of bowling! Participating in this ACtivity will cost €2,- for freshman and €3,- for other GEWIS-members.
Of course we don’t want you to go bowling on an empty stomACh, so there is an option to have dinner before the ACtivity at GEWIS at 17:30, this will cost €6,-.
The AC
Wednesday 21 Oct. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
This is the list for dinner prior to AC Bowling. Enlisting for dinner means paying! If we can't understand your pizza or it is not available, you will get a Margaritha.
Tuesday 20 Oct. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Itility will give a lunch lecture about machine learning in practice with examples of applications machine learning in IT projects. Daniel Koops, data scientist at Itility, will be the lecturer.
Monday 19 Oct. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Dinner for VV120. You can choose between pizza or wok. For SOHO (wok) you can choose from the website below. You can find the prices there as well.
For more information, see
Thursday 15 Oct. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Dear Drinker,
The BAr Committee would like to give you a proper welcome to the area of Brabant. Brabant has many nice things to offer, like proper beers, liquor and sausage rolls. Therefore, the drink of Oktober 15th will be themed "Brabant". Hope to see you there!
Cheers!The BAr Committee
Tuesday 13 Oct. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Tim Wood will give a brief introduction to Financial Markets and the types of products and services ING offers to clients. In doing so financial products and their pricing and risk management will be explored from the perspective of methodology and implementation where high performance computing (HPC) is a key enabler. In doing it will be demonstrated that contrary to common perceptions, the industry represents a key segment in the HPC market and success in both Financial Markets and HPC requires constant flow of new ideas and innovation.
Tim Wood joined ING in 2009 and has held various roles in Market Risk Management and Financial Markets. Currently he is managing the HPC and Model Integration team which is responsible for an internally developed pricing and risk analytics platform used by Financial Markets and Risk Management.
Monday 5 Oct. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Food for GM147. For SOHO (wok), choose using the website below. You can also find the prices up there.
Monday 5 Oct. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Dear members of GEWIS,On Monday the 5th of October, Study Association GEWIS will convene her 147th General Meeting. Hereby all of her members are invited to attend this meeting as the Code of Conduct article 4 demands.
Up until 4 days prior to the meeting, members can suggest items to be discussed in this meeting. The agenda, minutes and other papers will become available shortly. They will be posted on our website, under
If you are an English speaking member and want to attend this meeting, please notify us in time. The GM is usually in Dutch but might be held in English if someone demands that.
Around 17:00 there will be a possibility to eat something at GEWIS. This will cost around 6 euros. If you would like to order food for this, you should register to do so before Monday the 5th of October 13:00. Soon there will be the possibility to do so on the GEWIS-website.
Those who will not be there can deliver an authorisation. Please note that, in accordance to the Code of Conduct article 5, an authorisation needs to be on paper or via the website and needs to be signed by the appropriate person.
Tuesday 29 Sep. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
After the successful educational debate of last year, GEWIS organizes an activity again this year with an educational topic. This year the evening will be about free-riding in group projects and the problems encountered in multidisciplinary group projects.If you want to participate in the evening, enrollment is obligatory, as diner will be included.
Tuesday 29 Sep. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Combinatorial optimization has many applications in industry, such as vehicle routing, PCB design, production planning, network design, and so on. One of the applications is getting satisfactory output out of industrial placement machines. In this talk we will see how some of the techniques you learn in your classes on algorithms and optimization are applied in this real-world setting. We encounter a couple of interesting challenges and point to a few algorithms and techniques that we can use to tackle these.
Wednesday 23 Sep. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be in a futuristic world, sitting on top of a T-rex and shooting lasers at your friends (or enemies, for that matter)? Then AC laserquesting is the plACe to be! Pumped with adrenaline, you will compete against fellow members of GEWIS. This ACtivity will only cost €3,- for freshmen, and €5,- for the other members. As always, there is an option to have dinner at GEWIS for €6,- at 17.30, and at around 19.00 we will go to Laser Quest Eindhoven! The first round will start around 19:25. So give it a shot and come join us on the 23th of September!PS The T-rex will not be present at the AC laserquestNB: This ACtivity has a limit of 45 subscriptions.
Wednesday 23 Sep. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
This is the list for dinner prior to AC Laserquest. Enlisting for dinner means paying! If we can't understand your pizza or it is not available, you will get a Margaritha.
Tuesday 22 Sep. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
"AME is an independent developer and manufacturer of high quality electronic products located in the top technological region of the world (Brainport Eindhoven). Our goal is to create innovative products that exceed customer expectations. We accomplish this by integrating product development and manufacturing and keeping a clear focus on the product and its function. Driven by technology, we strive for the best solution combining the disciplines of electrical, mechanical, software and industrial engineering. Through creativity, passion, ambition, motivation and a highly educated level of our employees AME secures its goal of being a profitable company."
This lunch lecture AME will go into software development in innovative product design. More specifically they will tell you something about "A model driven approach to capture behaviour".
Tuesday 22 Sep. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Dear GEWIS'ers and others,
Right after the summer break, on September 22th 2015, it is already time for the first GEWIS party of the academic year. The wonderful sorority ATHENA organizes a real Minions party in Café Costa, with many bananas, yellow, bananas, happiness, more bananas and of course Minions! Tickets are for sale at the ATHENA members in presale for €1,- and for sale at the door €2,-. At your arrival you will receive a banana surprise, and the first 100 beers are for free. See you then!
Love,ATHENA,Sorority of s.a. GEWIS
Monday 21 Sep. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Have you ever wondered what your thoughts are about 'nerdy' games? On Monday September 21st, 2015 GEPWNAGE will host an evening at GEWIS filled with Magic the Gathering. Both experienced and unexperienced players are welcome. Those unknown to the game will get a tutorial from us and can ask for help throughout the evening. You will notice during the evening that it's all about fun, not only technical words will be heard. To top it off, the evening has no entrance fee!
We do offer you to eat pizza with us at GEWIS at around 18:00h for about 6 euros per pizza. During dinner we will explain the basic rules after which you can play 1v1 games.
Friday 18 Sep. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
We are celebrating our 10th anniversary. Come and celebrate with us. See you at 16.30!
With Branches,
Fraternity B.O.O.M.
Thursday 17 Sep. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
On the Thursday of the anniversary of fraternity B.O.O.M., we of course need to have a social drink outside. Otherwise it would not be a correct celebration of our 10 years. So join us on the Thursday for some beer and burgers!
Thursday 17 Sep. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
After the social drink we had on the Thursday we have another activity on Stratum. Some of you already may know the B.O.O.M. StratumGAME. For others: it is a fun night in different bars on Stratum with a lot of fun questions. The best team of the night will get a prize!
Wednesday 16 Sep. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
As part of the B.O.O.M. lustrum week we will be organizing the B.O.O.M. highland games. One of the goals of B.O.O.M. is to get the people from GEWIS to go outside and leave their screen.
Therefore this activity will take place outside and we will have numerous rounds of fun and active games to play. You will need to apply in groups of roughly 6 persons in order to compete in the highland games. Each round groups can earn points when competing in the games versus the other groups.
Do you think your team is up for a challenge? Register now!
May the strongest team win!
Dress code: sportswear (Can get dirty)
There is a possibility to eat with us. Check the GEWIS activities for more info.
Wednesday 16 Sep. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
The famous pasta salad of Sako is back. This time you can get a bite for only 1,50. Many people have not survived this in the past. Are you up for the challenge?The B.O.O.M. Highland games begin right after this.
Tuesday 15 Sep. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
During the Tuesday of the beautiful anniversary of B.O.O.M. we will go upstream of the river the Dommel to Valkenswaard to make a bathtub seaworthy. After all the effort of doing so, we will go downstream with our bathtubs.
Monday 14 Sep. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Op de eerste dag van het 2de lustrum van dispuut B.O.O.M. kruipen de deelnemers dieper in de huid van B.O.O.M. aan de hand van enige spellen en vragen. Zo raden de teams Bekende B.O.O.M.en en gaan zij de strijd met elkaar aan in de alleen maar vragen ronde (bekend van de B.O.O.M. lama's)
Fri. 11 Sep. 2015 (00:00) - Sun. 13 Sep. 2015 (00:00)
An awesome introduction week is, of course, followed by an even awesomer FLUP (Follow-Up Weekend).
This weekend is all about the new students and getting to know each other outside of the crowded schedule of the introduction week.
Amongst others, our fraternities and sororities will present themselves with fun activities.
Thursday 10 Sep. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
The international borrel is back! 6 shots of international drinks for only 5 euros!!
SCIFI is organizing the 4th International Borrel at GEWIS in the afternoon of 10th September. Borrel cards are available from SCIFI members during the normal borrel and at the afternoon of the event itself.
For those who aren't 18 yet or who don't drink alcohol- we'll have some nonalcoholic drinks for the same price so that you too can enjoy the event.
Only a limited number of tickets (=48) are available for sale. So grab your ticket asap and make sure you don't miss out on all the fun!!
Thursday 10 Sep. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
A bike is an essential part of living in the Netherlands and learning to take care of it is important. With a bike fixing workshop, we invite you to join us and learn how to fix common issues such as tightening brakes, patching punctured tires and general maintenance. Join us in front of the Metaforum at 1pm on Thursday, 10th of Sept.
Wednesday 9 Sep. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
"Cognizant enables global enterprises to address a dual mandate: to make their current operations as efficient and cost-effective as possible and to invest in innovation to unleash new potential across their organizations.
What makes Cognizant unique is our ability to help clients meet both challenges. We help them enhance productivity by ensuring that vital business functions work faster, cheaper and better. And, our ability to conceptualize, architect and implement new and expanded capabilities allows clients to transform legacy models to take their business to the next level."
Chetan Amale from Cognizant Technology Solutions will elaborate on an agile case study and talk about agile in practice.
Tuesday 8 Sep. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Long, long ago, a small town named Miller’s Hollow was infested with hungry werewolves. The civilians in the town relentlessly hunted down every single one of them. This year, on September 8th, the AC organizes a roleplaying event, where we will reenACt these dreadful times in a game of Werewolves of Miller’s Hollow. Whether you are an experienced player who just loves the thousand different roles, or haven’t the foggiest what the game is about, you are all kindly invited to join us! In addition, a shorter version of the game will be present, should you be one of the first to die. The ACtivity will start at around 18.30 and is completely free, except for the optional dinner at GEWIS at around 17.30. This will cost you €6,-
Tuesday 8 Sep. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
This is the list for dinner before the AC Werewolves of Miller's Hollow. Enlisting for dinner means paying! If we can't understand your pizza or it is not available, you will get a Margaritha
Thursday 3 Sep. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
All first-year bachelor students are required to take a maths in-take test on Thursday September 3. Since this test takes place in the evening, we figured that a lot of people needed to find something to eat. So we called in a friterie (french fries-stand).
On that Thursday, we will have a social drink outside near the pond starting at 16:30h. The friterie will start selling stuff at latest at 17:00h and will stay until at least 19:00h. Costs for french fries with mayonaise is 2 euro, and there will also be some vegetarian snacks. The BAC will provide drinks as usual. Don't forget to bring cash!
Thursday 3 Sep. 2015 00:00 - 00:00
Dear all!Thursday, a social drink is scheduled like always. This social drink starts at 4.30pm. Just so you have something to do while waiting for the social drink to start, we will organize a board game afternoon! We will set up some board games which we can play, and of course you can bring your own fun games as well!We hope to see you then!Hugs and kisses,the 34th board.
Mon. 17 Aug. 2015 (00:00) - Fri. 21 Aug. 2015 (00:00)
During this week the new Mathematics and Computer Science students will get to know GEWIS, the department/university, Eindhoven and above all find out how awesome our study association is!
The GEWIS-party on Tuesday starts at 20:00 and will take place in the Villa Fiësta. More info about the schedule on