Study Association GEWIS

Welcome to the website of Study association GEWIS, the study association of the department of Mathematics & Computer Science of the Eindhoven University of Technology.


Opening hours of GEWIS

During the summer holiday, the GEWIS room is open from 10:00 until 16:00 (Monday-Friday).
During exam weeks, the GEWIS room is open from 08.30h until 18.00h (Monday-Friday) and you can enjoy a cup of coffee, beer or board game! The board can be contacted by phone (+31 40 247 2815) or by email.
On you can see whether someone is present outside these hours.

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Date of board meetings & Newsletter

During the summer holiday, the board meetings will be bi-weekly held on Tuesdays.
Budgets and financial statements should be handed in two days before the board meeting (Sunday evening) at the latest.
During this period, the newsletter will be sent on Wednesday. Want to add something to this letter? Please supply your piece (via Monday 12:00 at the latest.

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I.V.V Month'like "Spel met Ballen"

Dear GEWIS'ers,

At this point, you might have started to worry, as the summer has started already some time ago and you haven't seen our lovely yearly activity happen yet. But please do not get anxious, as the time has finally come to drink some wine in this lovely weather, and enjoy yourselves by throwing some balls. 

This year, "In Vino Veritas" is organising an even more exciting "Spel met Ballen", as it is combined with an activity that we are well-known for, the Month'like drink.  This means that while playing the lovely game with balls, you can enjoy a very nice glass of wine and even the usual delicacies of the Month'like drink. 

Together with a partner, you are able to subscribe in order to participate in the official "Spel met Ballen" tournament and battle other teams for a chance to win the challenge cup. Beware though, the subscription list closes the Sunday before the activity. 

Don't worry though, if you're not up for playing a couple rounds on the field, you can also just come and enjoy the borrel.

We hope to see you on the field, 

Fraternity "In Vino Veritas"

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