Study Association GEWIS

Welcome to the website of Study association GEWIS, the study association of the department of Mathematics & Computer Science of the Eindhoven University of Technology.


Opening hours of GEWIS

During the academic year the GEWIS room is open from 8:30 until 17:00 (Monday-Friday).
During exam weeks the GEWIS room is open from 08:30 until 18:00 (Monday-Friday) and you can enjoy a cup of coffee, beer or board game! The board can be contacted by phone (+31 40 247 2815) or by email.
On you can see whether someone is present outside these hours.

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Date of board meetings & Newsletter

During the first quartile the board meetings will be held on Thursdays.
Budgets and financial statements should be handed in two days before the board meeting (Tuesday evening) at the latest.
During this quartile the newsletter will be sent on Wednesday. Want to add something to this letter? Please supply your piece (via Monday 12:00 at the latest.

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Set Theory Study Session

On Monday the 21st of October GEWIS will organise a study session for the course Set Theory and Mathematical Language. Here you can join to study on your own, or together with other students. There will also be some older students present to help you with any question that you might have. You can use this time any way you want, just to study on your own or ask questions! 

If you would like to join, please subscribe as it is nice for us to have an indication how many people will join, and there is an maximum amount of 70 spots. If the list fills up, the draw will be held on a first come first serve basis.

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