Introparent Bonding Activity!

INTROParents unite!!!

Initially, this is where a very dramatic Hunger Games-type dialogue would have gone, but sadly this is no more. Still, future introparents, we would like for all of you to gather on the 10th of June. To ensure your district will survive, it is of utmost importance that you can trust your fellow introparent. 

During the IBA you will compete against the parents of other, future, districts. You will go head to head in spongepants battles, archery and more! Do you and your future co-parent have what it takes? Or will you end up in divorce...? 

Of course, as the actual Hunger Games do not start until August, we shall not let you starve... yet. So there will be some snacks! 

Sign up with your fellow intro parent (only one has to sign-up), or alone if you are still looking for a partner! Also, do not forget to subscribe to become an intro parent over at:

maandag 10 juni 2024 om 13:30
maandag 10 juni 2024 om 18:00
Free! :D
Google Calendar


Neem contact op met de organiserende partij of het bestuur ( als je vragen of opmerkingen hebt of als je na het verstrijken van de afmeldtermijn niet aanwezig kunt zijn. Veel plezier!

Deze inschrijflijst is open van donderdag 30 mei 2024 om 15:15 tot maandag 10 juni 2024 om 13:15.

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