Lunch Lecture TNO

Persoonlijke ontwikkeling
Handig voor eerstejaars studenten
Useful for master students

Catching money launderers by analyzing encrypted data

In cooperation with several banks we have run a pilot. In the pilot we have shown the practical use of homomorphic encryption. A technique where you can apply analysis on encrypted data and reveal the result at the end. In this lunch lecture the concepts used will be explained.

It will be hosted by Stefan van den Berg who works as a scientist in the Applied Cryptography and Quantum Algorithms Department at TNO. His expertise focuses on the development of various Privacy-Enhancing Technologies, solutions for Post-Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Applications.

Note: after subscribing, showing up is mandatory! There are 135 spots only with first come first serve, priority will be given to students that sign up with their GEWIS account.

dinsdag 18 juni 2024 om 12:40
dinsdag 18 juni 2024 om 13:20
Luna 1.050
Free Lunch!
Google Calendar


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Deze inschrijflijst heeft een beperkte capaciteit en is open van maandag 3 juni 2024 om 12:00 tot maandag 17 juni 2024 om 23:59.

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