Persoonlijke ontwikkeling

The time has finally come! The yearbook of 2021-2022 has arrived. We from YBC22 could not be happier to finally show off our masterpiece.

If you have written a piece for the yearbook, you might remember a hint about the theme. To celebrate in style we will host an epic board game night. During this evening the actual theme of the yearbook will be revealed as well as the yearbook itself!

This activity is the perfect opportunity to reminisce on the past, here you can look back at all your favorite memories with your friends. All whilst enjoying some fun games. This is also the chance to pick up your very own yearbook.

During the activity, we will provide games and some nice snacks! The more sign-ups, the more snacks we can buy (love capitalism). However, you are still welcome to drop by without signing up. Don't leave your presence up to chance, roll the dice in your favor and advance straight into this epic board game night.

We hope to see you all there!

Much love,


PS  Everyone is welcome to join the activity! However, the yearbooks are only for those who opted in. Check if you are opted in here:

PPS  We will order food beforehand at FUSOWOK, the food will arrive at 18:00, you can join us for dinner (on own costs) by letting us know your order in the sign-up list.  You can find the menu here:  Fuso Eindhoven - Online bestellen |

woensdag 20 maart 2024 om 18:30
woensdag 20 maart 2024 om 22:00
Google Calendar

Neem contact op met YearBook Committee 2022 of het bestuur ( als je vragen of opmerkingen hebt of als je na het verstrijken van de afmeldtermijn niet aanwezig kunt zijn. Veel plezier!

Deze inschrijflijst is open van vrijdag 23 februari 2024 om 12:00 tot woensdag 20 maart 2024 om 12:00.

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