Défi (Re)productive Pottery

Persoonlijke ontwikkeling
Handig voor eerstejaars studenten

Do you know the difference between a vulva and a vagina? How much do you know about the human reproductive system? And what can our bodies teach us about our understanding of sex? Join Défi's sex education journey centered around human genitals, presented by two sexology graduates! Not only will you follow an interactive lecture about various (underrepresented) aspects of sex education, we will put our newly gained knowledge in practice by claying vulva's and penises! Of course, you may also clay an erotic sculpture or anything else you wish to sculpt! Did we mention the activity is free???

We all know what our genitals look like, and maybe some of us got to see others as well. But despite sex education being a part of most high school curricula, the general knowledge about our reproductive organs is often lacking. We’re confusing facts with tales, we only know the bare minimum of (heterosexual) intercourse and the anatomy of these organs is a question to most of us. But no worries, Défi has got you covered! Two sexologists will come to GEWIS to give you a crash course on human anatomy, specifically genitals and diversity of human bodies. We will be debunking myths and learning about our own bodies in the interactive session given by these two sexology graduates. But we wouldn’t be Défi, without there being a twist. So afterwards we will put the new learned theory to practice. Here you will get the chance yourself to clay and paint a penis or vagina or any other type of sexual anatomy. All whilst enjoying fun conversation starters, and having the opportunity to ask the sexologists every question you could dream to ask.

So do you want to know more about the human body? Are you curious about the anatomy of reproductive organs? Or do you like to be creative and sculp/paint your own sexual organ? Then make sure to subscribe for the activity! We can’t wait to learn more from experts and we hope to see all of you there at the activity!

Note!: During this activity we would like to create a safe space, in which everyone is respected and consent is highly valued. We want everyone to feel safe during the entirety of the activity, such that we can all learn and have fun together.

Note! There is a maximum capacity of 40 participants.

An "order dinner with us" sign up list (eetlijst) is available, so you can get dinner with us, at your own costs. We will order from Tony's: https://tonyswok.nl/#menu. If you choose Wok, specify [Veggie/Chicken/Pork/etc.] + [Nasi fried rice/Bami noodles/Rice] + [Sauce]!

Lilac hugs,


maandag 9 oktober 2023 om 19:00
maandag 9 oktober 2023 om 21:30
GEWIS room
Free! (Dinner, if ordered, at your own expense)
Google Calendar

Neem contact op met Défi of het bestuur (cib@gewis.nl) als je vragen of opmerkingen hebt of als je na het verstrijken van de afmeldtermijn niet aanwezig kunt zijn. Veel plezier!

Deze inschrijflijst is open van donderdag 21 september 2023 om 08:30 tot maandag 9 oktober 2023 om 13:30.

Huidige inschrijvingen

Naam What would you like to order? (If Wok, check instructions in activity description!)
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