Lunch lecture Thermo Fisher Scientific

Persoonlijke ontwikkeling
Handig voor eerstejaars studenten
Useful for master students

What does it take to visualize the single atoms of the silicon? How to visualize the structure of a protein on the scale which exposes its DNA structure?
Why the electron microscopy embraces and embeds the digitalization in a rapid pace?
These are just a few questions that we will try to answer during the GEWIS lunch lecture.

Our presenters will introduce the audience to the digital electron microscopy, explaining basics of the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging.
Then the role of the software, and in general computer science in microscopy will be shown and explained.

Finally, the trends and new research areas in the microscopy will be briefly discussed.
Despite the limited time there will be a room for questions and discussion about presented content. Note: after subscribing, showing up is mandatory!
There are 135 spots only with first come first served!

donderdag 1 juni 2023 om 12:40
donderdag 1 juni 2023 om 13:20
Luna 1.050
Free Lunch!
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