How to survive TU/e systems

Handig voor eerstejaars studenten

For first year students!
After a hectic introduction week where you have (hopefully) made a lot of new friends it is time to really start your student life. And no student life without studying. However, you might already heard a lot of concepts you have never heard of, like "Canvas", "MyTimetable", "Plan App" or "Osiris". But don’t be afraid! There is no need to worry. Attending this training will teach you all the basics you need to know to survive all the software at the TU/e. In case there are more then 135 people that want to attend, there will be a "first come, first serve" policy. You can also attend the training online! Don’t forget to bring your laptop!

woensdag 7 september 2022 om 12:40
woensdag 7 september 2022 om 13:15
Luna 1.050
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Neem contact op met de organiserende partij of het bestuur ( als je vragen of opmerkingen hebt of als je na het verstrijken van de afmeldtermijn niet aanwezig kunt zijn. Veel plezier!

Deze inschrijflijst is open van dinsdag 23 augustus 2022 om 09:00 tot woensdag 7 september 2022 om 09:00.

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Het aantal ingeschreven leden is momenteel 45.

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