MomenTUm viewing party

As you all know, instead of the usual MomenTUm party, this year we will celebrate MomenTUm through a livestream. In this livestream, we focus on congratulating and entertaining all graduates through different items, including an interactive quiz, surprise elements, giveaways, and an afterparty with performances of student bands and DJ’s. Next to the graduates, we also want all other TU/e students to be able to celebrate MomenTUm this year, as they do every year. Our goal is to encourage as many graduates and students to watch the livestream and have a celebratory day (that afternoon is also education free).

Therefore, the board organizes a MomenTUm viewing party in the GEWIS room! There is currently a capacity of 15 people. However, on high demand, we will book some extra rooms, so we can all watch the stream together!

vrijdag 25 september 2020 om 16:00
vrijdag 25 september 2020 om 19:00
het Dakterras
Google Calendar


Neem contact op met de organiserende partij of het bestuur ( als je vragen of opmerkingen hebt of als je na het verstrijken van de afmeldtermijn niet aanwezig kunt zijn. Veel plezier!

Deze inschrijflijst is open van donderdag 24 september 2020 om 15:00 tot donderdag 24 september 2020 om 15:00.

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