Always wanted to test your reACtion speed while doing ACrobatic flips? Then wait no more, beCAuse we have got the ACtivity for you! On Tuesday the 24th of March the AC will take you to Jump XL, a trampoline jumping park in Eindhoven. Here you can play ultimate dodgeball with and against eACh other, but you are also able to explore many other areas where you can prACtice your jumping skills. Afterwards there will be a borrel at Jump XL where you will get some drinks and snACks. Since Jump XL is loCAted in Eindhoven, there will be a bike group that will leave around 18:00 from GEWIS.
Attention! There will be a maximum of 41 people that can join this ACtivity and the subscription list will open at 13:00 on the 2nd of March. If it is the CAse that there are more subscriptions within the first hour than there are spots available, there will be a draw for all spots with all subscribers within the first hour having an equal chance of obtaining such a spot. We are working with a bACkup list, so it is still worth it to subscribe even if there are already 41 people subscribed!
Hugs, the AC
dinsdag 24 maart 2020 om 18:30
dinsdag 24 maart 2020 om 21:00
Jump XL Eindhoven
Neem contact op met Activiteiten Commissie of het bestuur ( als je vragen of opmerkingen hebt of als je na het verstrijken van de afmeldtermijn niet aanwezig kunt zijn. Veel plezier!
Deze inschrijflijst is open van vrijdag 20 maart 2020 om 13:00 tot vrijdag 20 maart 2020 om 13:00.