Pizzalezing TOPdesk

Introducing a hybrid architecture in a large Java monolith

About the lecture:

A case study at TOPdesk: how we went from 2 releases per year to one release per day for our Monolith and multiple releases per day for our Micro services. We will touch on the cultural and technical challenges of introducing our hybrid architecture which enables our Monolith and Micro services to live side-by-side.

How do you stay relevant as a software company? You must be able to react quickly to the market you are serving. Our big monolith caused us to lose a lot of agility, so we had to change our way of working. In this talk we want to share with you how we convinced the following stakeholders:

  • Developers must adopt a new way of working.
  • The Build team has to invest effort in a new infrastructure.
  • Quality Assurance has to be convinced that a little less QA does not hurt.
  • The Operations team will become responsible for a lot more updates, instead of just the two per year.
  • Our communications department handles translations and release notes and must also Continuously Deliver.
  • Product Management needs to be convinced to make room in their planning to spend time on a new architecture.
  • Most importantly: our customers must not be scared away by our changes.

About the speaker:

Joep is a Build Master at TOPdesk with a keen interest in delivering quality software continuously. He loves playing around with Jenkins Pipelines, Selenium, Docker and keeps in touch with his inner developer by educating his colleagues on testable Java code. He spoke several times at Devoxx, Javaland, DevOps Days and GOTO; Conference. He was in charge of the tooling side of the migration to the Hybrid architecture.

Roel tries to combine being a Continuous Deployment Advocate, Java Trainer and Security Specialist at the same time. He sometimes succeeds. Roel has presented several times at Devoxx and Javaland, presenting his Open Source project Lombok. His focus was on convincing people that a hybrid architecture is the way forward towards Continuous Deployment.

After the lecture you are all welcome to have a drink with TOPdesk at GEWIS!

Note: After subscription, showing up is mandatory. Unsubscribing is possible until Tuesday the 26th of March, 23.00h

woensdag 27 maart 2019 om 16:00
woensdag 27 maart 2019 om 17:00
MF 7
Gratis pizza! :D
Google Calendar


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Deze inschrijflijst is open van woensdag 27 maart 2019 om 13:00 tot woensdag 27 maart 2019 om 13:00.

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