Lunchlezing Sioux

Verum’s Dezyne modeling language: the practical application of Formal Methods in Industry.

In this talk, Paul Hoogendijk (Verum) will show how Verum’s Dezyne language and accompanying tool-set disclose the power and benefits of Formal Methods to a regular engineer, paving the path for adopting Formal Methods in Industry as shown by numerous projects at ASML, Philips, FEI, and Sioux, amongst others.

The Dezyne language has some algebraic properties which allow a software engineer to express models in a very compact and natural way. The same algebraic properties are used for presenting the user normalized, uniform views on the models. Also, these algebraic properties are used for generating Hoare’s CSP (Communication Sequential Processes) as input for the model checker, and for generating the target languages (C, C++, Java, C#, Python, JavaScript).

This talk is the follow-up of the talk in March where Michaël van de Ven (Sioux) talked about his personal, practical experience in applying Verum’s tools in various projects situated in the Brainport region.

dinsdag 14 juni 2016 om 12:45
dinsdag 14 juni 2016 om 13:30
MF 14
Google Calendar


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Deze inschrijflijst is open van dinsdag 14 juni 2016 om 07:00 tot dinsdag 14 juni 2016 om 07:00.

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