Lunchlezing Shell

A Career in Shell” presented by Arthur de Niet

Arthur de Niet is a TU/e alumni and an experienced IT Portfolio manager with 17+ years’ experience in the Oil & Gas industry. In addition he is the author of the (e)Book ITPFM - IT Portfolio Management, in which he shares his ideas on the Value IT (should) bring(s) and what it therefore should cost. During the lunch lecture he will tell you more about his career in Shell, how it all started and he will explain more on his key 4 roles in Shell up till now.



dinsdag 31 mei 2016 om 12:45


dinsdag 31 mei 2016 om 13:45


MF 13




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Deze inschrijflijst is open van dinsdag 31 mei 2016 om 07:00 tot dinsdag 31 mei 2016 om 07:00.

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