GELIFT Hitchhiking Weekend 2025: Hamburg

Useful for first year students
Useful for master students

However beautiful the Netherlands may be, sometimes we need to get out for a weekend. Unfortunately, we are poor students and don’t have money to book a flight. Before you start to wail in agony, we can present you a better method, a cheaper method, a more fun method: Hitchhiking!

For only 50 measly euros you can make your way all the way to Hamburg!

Though you should know this will not be a leisurely voyage. The goal is not just to get to your destination, but to do it as fast as possible. Find your favorite friend, piece together some cardboard signs and hop in a strangers car! There will be challenges to fulfill along the way which can improve your final time!

Since we don’t have infinite stamina and are hungover on Sunday morning, we will all travel back by train together on Sunday evening.

To help you all on your way and make sure that you build the extensive skill set needed for hitchhiking, we will be organizing an information session with some general information and a couple of helpful tips.

If there are more than 15 duo's within 24 hours, a draw will be held. After this, the subscription will be "first come, first served". Do make sure to subscribe, since there will be a waiting list!

In contrast to previous years, you now both need to subscribe with the same team name.



Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 9:00 AM


Sunday, March 30, 2025 at 11:59 PM


Hamburg, Germany


€50 for members and €84,50 for graduates.

Sign-up Lists

Please contact GEWIS’ers Liften Ieder Fantastisch Traject or the board ( with any questions, concerns or if you are unable to attend after the deadline for unsubscribing has passed. Have fun!

This sign-up list has a limited capacity and is open from Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 12:43 PM till Friday, November 29, 2024 at 11:43 PM.

Current subscriptions

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