Fraternity "In Vino Veritas" - Decadent Weekend

Dear members of s.v. GEWIS,

Now that the days are still long and the sun still shines through your sunglasses, we do not want to take you thought away from this beautiful summer. Yet, we will already take you to the winter, as we want to take another opportunity to take you away to a castle.
Here, while enjoying the crackling of a fire place, you will arrive on the Friday, after you have travelled all the way to the Loonse and Drunense Duinen. Here you will be welcomed with a wine and delightful dinner. The next morning, we will kindly request you to join two I.V.V members on a pleasant Saturday afternoon activity. All of this is to make sure everything is ready for the evening, during which we will serve you a seven course dinner.

Do you, as many did before you, enjoy a weekend of decadency. Then we cannot recommend anything else than join Hèt Dispuut on this prodigious weekend. This all for a small price of 105 euros for a unparalleled experience of the burgundy life. 
For this magnificent weekend, there will be 32 spots available, so make sure to subscribe as soon as possible.


Praeses Mokveld

P.S. Given that driving to the venue is required, please indicate if you are in position to grant your car and bring fellow students. Be aware, this year the driving costs will be split among the persons driving with you.

P.P.S. The registration list will open Monday 2nd of september 2024, at 6.35 p.m. If the 32 spots are filled within the hour, we will draw lots, otherwise we will use a "first come, first serve" rule.

P.P.P.S. Due to manpower, budget and space, we cannot guarantee that all dietary needs will be accommodated. Vegetarian is an option, but vegan probably not. If you have an allergy, we may contact you to discuss it, as we cannot rule out cross-contamination in the kitchen.



Friday, December 6, 2024 at 5:00 PM


Sunday, December 8, 2024 at 12:00 PM


A château in the Loonse and Drunense duinen


€105,- for students , €165,- for burgers

Sign-up Lists

Please contact In Vino Veritas or the board ( with any questions, concerns or if you are unable to attend after the deadline for unsubscribing has passed. Have fun!

This sign-up list has a limited capacity and is open from Monday, September 2, 2024 at 6:35 PM till Monday, September 9, 2024 at 6:00 PM.

Current subscriptions

Name Car available Seats in car (excl. driver) Allergies
Login to view the subscribed members.

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