I.V.V Nieuwjaarsborrel

Now that 2016 is coming to a close, and it's customary to make New Years resolutions around this time of year, it would be a catastrophe for “In Vino Veritas” not to partake. As many of you might know “In Vino Veritas” enjoys “gezelligheid” and the Burgundian lifestyle. That’s why one of our New Years resolutions is as follows: “To more often create, partake and enjoy “gezelligheid” at GEWIS”. Because “In Vino Veritas” takes their New Years resolutions very seriously, we will be organizing a “Maand’lijksche borrel” (where “gezelligheid” is always held in the highest regard) on 16-01-2017. Each and everyone of you is welcome to attend the “Maand’lijksche borrel” starting at 5pm. During this drink you will be able to enjoy several cocktails, which will all be based on Prosecco. However, this does not mean that there won’t be any traditional wines during the “Maand’lijksche borerl”. Since the core message of our New Years resolutions are focused on “gezelligheid”, not having an alternative for anyone who might’ve had a few to many Prosecco in the days prior to our “Maand’lijksche borrel” would be inappropriate. During the “Maand’lijksche borrel” “In Vino Veritas” will also be serving an array of delicious refreshments.
Do not hesitate to join us - dressed appropriately- in enjoying a refreshing cocktail or a fruity wine at GEWIS



Monday, January 16, 2017 at 5:00 PM


Monday, January 16, 2017 at 11:00 PM


GEWIS Dakterras



Please contact In Vino Veritas or the board (cib@gewis.nl) with any questions or concerns. Have fun!

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