Lieve GEWIS`ers,
Aanstaande donderdag 1 oktober vindt La Borrèlle Française plaats. Deze borrel zal om 16.30u beginnen in HG 10.52. Tijdens deze borrel zullen er heerlijke wijnmenu`s en stokbroden met brie of filet américaine zijn.
Dus kom allen genieten van de Franse cultuur.
De BAr Commissie
Dear GEWIS`ers,
Next thursday the 1st of october there will be a Borrèlle Française. This borrel
will start at 16.30h at HG 10.52. During this borrel there will be French wine and baguettes with brie or filet américaine.
So all of you should come to enjoy the French culture.
The BAr Commissie
Thursday, October 1, 2009 at 12:00 AM
Thursday, October 1, 2009 at 12:00 AM
HG 10.52
Please contact the organizing party or the board ( with any questions or concerns. Have fun!