WISO Puzzle Booklet

Hey everyone,

Every year our sister association, W.S.G. Abacus, creates a puzzle booklet for their members. This year they want to expand to all of WISO and they have asked us if members are interested.

We, the board, see many of you enthousiastic members making the Sudoku or the Crossword puzzle each day. So, we know some of you are very excited for this. They do have one request, that we also send them a couple of puzzles for this booklet. 

If you are interested in receiving a WISO puzzle booklet please subcribe to the sign up list below. If you are interested in making a puzzle please send a mail to board@gewis.nl and we will send you the puzzle booklet (as pdf) from last year. The puzzles have to be send to the board on the 5th of May at the latest.


Your lovely board!

Please note: If you are interested in making a puzzle, be creative, Abacus would like to not only receive crosswords and sudokus



Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 12:00 PM


Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 12:30 PM





Please contact the organizing party or the board (cib@gewis.nl) with any questions, concerns or if you are unable to attend after the deadline for unsubscribing has passed. Have fun!

This sign-up list is open from Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 12:00 PM till Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 12:00 PM.

Current subscriptions

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