A game with balls

Dear fans of balls,

Fraternity "In Vino Veritas" of GEWIS once again organises the yearly 'game with balls', a lawn bowls competition! At stake is the I.V.V challeng cup; obviously it will go to I.V.V, though you may attempt to make the competition more exciting.

This festival takes place on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 17:00 pm on the grass to the north of the main building. To join you must register on the list on the corkboard inside GEWIS, or send an email to ivv@gewis.nl.


On behalf of I.V.V,

The board

PS: The dress code is not white tie this time.

PS ii: To bribe the jury you may bring a gift to the fraternity. If you do not wish to bribe the jury, you must still bring a gift to the fraternity.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 12:00 AM
Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 12:00 AM
HG north field
Google Calendar

Please contact the organizing party or the board (cib@gewis.nl) with any questions or concerns. Have fun!

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