• Aug

    Dear GEWIS'ers,

    At this point, you might have started to worry, as the summer has started already some time ago and you haven't seen our lovely yearly activity happen yet. But please do not get anxious, as the time has finally come to drink some wine in this lovely weather, and enjoy yourselves by throwing some balls. 

    This year, "In Vino Veritas" is organising an even more exciting "Spel met Ballen", as it is combined with an activity that we are well-known for, the Month'like drink.  This means that while playing the lovely game with balls, you can enjoy a very nice glass of wine and even the usual delicacies of the Month'like drink. 

    Together with a partner, you are able to subscribe in order to participate in the official "Spel met Ballen" tournament and battle other teams for a chance to win the challenge cup. Beware though, the subscription list closes the Sunday before the activity. 

    Don't worry though, if you're not up for playing a couple rounds on the field, you can also just come and enjoy the borrel.

    We hope to see you on the field, 

    Fraternity "In Vino Veritas"

    Continue reading
    Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 4:30 PM
    Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 9:00 PM
    Simon Stevin Field
    Depends on how much you drink
  • Aug
    Social drink

    Are you excited for summer, man?

    The BAC is excited for summer, man! And how can you better enjoy summer than with a beach? Well, by not having to bike all the way to Best! For us, even walking to the IJzeren Man is too far. No, for this ultimate summer experience, you don't even have to leave the campus!

    But do you know what the problem is with most beaches? Sand! We don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and annoying, and it gets everywhere. However, the whole beach lounging thing is pretty great.

    Can you picture it: beach chairs, cocktails, beer that doesn't cost 8 euros, Desperados, music, and more. That's why the BAC presents the perfect solution for everyone who really wants to enjoy summer: the "Strand zonder Zand" Party.

    Can you already see yourself in a beach chair with an ice-cold Desperados or a cocktail, enjoying Playa del Atlas at its finest! Then be sure to come on August 15th with your sunglasses to the best beach without sand.

    Continue reading
    Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 4:30 PM
    Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 9:00 PM
    Playa del Atlas

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